Lowel Light Universal Remote IR DMX Controller User Manual

IR DMX Controller Instructions  
IR Sensor  
2-3 Using The IR DMX Controller  
Setting & Recalling Scenes  
Replacing Batteries  
Preparing for Use  
4-5 Warranty, Problems, Repairs & Info  
Back Cover  
For use  
with Lowel/  
Fluo-Tec Studio  
IR Sensor™  
Preparing for Use  
After the installation,  
4 After selecting the desired  
DMX-512 address, hold down the  
fixture’s MODE button for 4 seconds,  
and the address will be saved in the  
fixture, even when it is turned off and  
unplugged, until it is reset again as  
described above.  
Preparing for DMX-512  
control using the  
IR DMX Controller  
and IR Sensor.  
make sure that the LED flashes steadily  
from every intended point of operation  
when operating the remote control,  
and by watching the IR LED indicator  
(located on the IR Sensor’s body).  
By fine tuning its location using this  
method, you will achieve the maximum  
coverage of the room.  
Whether you intend to control single  
or multiple Lowel Fluo-Tec dimmable  
fixtures (or other DMX-512 dimmable  
fixtures () with the IR DMX Controller,  
you must first assign DMX addresses  
to them using the following procedure:  
Note: While being controlled by DMX-  
512 console or IR DMX-512 Controller,  
the only button in the rear control panel  
of the Lowel Fluo-Tec fixture that is  
operational is the MODE button. Manual  
dimming, change of DMX-512 address,  
resetting hours of lamp operation,  
and memory save/recall functions are  
disabled during these two modes of  
operation. As soon as an IR signal  
is detected by the attached IR Sensor,  
the rear LED display of the fixture  
Signs of improper IR Sensor’s  
positioning are a “jumping” displayed  
level, or level differences between the  
level indicated on the Remote IR Control  
and the level displayed on the rear LED  
of the fixture. Also, a non steadily  
flashing LED in the pick-up IR Sensor  
is an indication that the IR signal is not  
being received properly.  
1 Power up the Lowel Fluo-Tec  
fixture and make sure it is not con-  
nected to a DMX-512 console.  
2 Press the fixture MODE button  
repeatedly to scroll the LED  
to DMX Address.  
will show its DMX-512 address  
Testing the  
3 Hold down the fixture MODE  
button for 4 seconds.The DMX  
address will flash, and you can then  
set or change that address by using  
the Up/Down arrows to select  
an address for 1- 64 fixtures.  
Addresses must be from 1-64.  
Care must be taken in properly  
addressing the fixtures in multiple  
unit configurations.  
For adding other DMX-512  
dimmable fixtures to the chain,  
see mfr.s instructions for DMX  
Power up the Studio fixture and make  
sure that it operates properly by watch-  
ing the scrolling model name of the fix-  
ture in the rear LED display.  
If it does not operate properly,  
turn the unit off immediately and  
disconnect the IR Sensor.  
It is also recommended to set  
the sensing (or master) fixture  
to address #1 and the rest in  
ascending order (#2, #3, etc.)  
as they are physically positioned  
in the DMX-512 daisy chain.  
Check that the fixture operates  
properly in a stand alone Manual mode.  
If the problem appears to be  
the IR Sensor, call Lowel Technical  
Support (800-334-3426), and do not  
attempt to reconnect the Sensor.  
DMX-512 connections to multiple  
fixtures must be daisy chained from  
the 1st fixture’s DMX Out connector  
to the 2nd fixture’s DMX In  
connector, then from the 2nd fixture’s  
DMX Out connector to the 3rd  
Note: In cases where no DMX console  
is connected, attaching the Sensor  
automatically gives control of the DMX  
chain to the IR DMX Controller, provid-  
ed the Controller has been ‘enabled’  
(see pg. 4). If a DMX console is con-  
nected to the start of the DMX chain,  
and a Sensor has also been connected  
to the first fixture, the chain can be con-  
trolled by either source but the console  
has default control, when fixture is  
powered up.  
fixture’s DMX In connector, etc.  
For proper DMX-512 operation,  
the final fixture must have a DMX  
terminator plugged into its DMX Out  
Quickly press to turn the  
a multifunction button.  
a toggle function.  
Controller ON.  
Instant 100% ON / Instant OFF  
ALL vs Single Fixture Command  
To start or return to active operation  
press the ON button.  
By clicking on it once, an asterisk  
will be displayed in the center of the  
unit’s LCD display.  
Pressing this button, allows  
the IR DMX Controller to send  
DMX-512 dimming commands  
to ALL fixtures connected in the  
circuit simultaneously.  
To turn the IR DMX Controller OFF,  
hold the SET button for 2 seconds.  
After this, if the +LEVEL button  
is pressed, the level will be increased  
quickly to 100% (instant ON).  
The Address field of the LCD display  
will read “ALL”, meaning that ALL  
512 channels will receive the same  
level dimming level (%) indicated in  
the Level field.  
Auto Shutdown  
To extend the life of the batteries,  
the unit will shut down automatically  
after 5 minutes of no operation  
(if no button is pressed).  
If the LEVEL is pressed, the level  
will be quickly decreased to 0%  
(instant OFF).  
Clicking the ALL button again  
toggles it back to communicating  
with a single chosen addressed  
Clicking singly on any other button  
will cancel the instant ON mode.  
Note: When in ALL mode, the  
Entering Sub-Menu Mode  
ADDRESS and + ADDRESS buttons are  
not active. It is important to understand  
that once the ALL mode is turned off,  
all channels but the one indicated in the  
address field will revert back to their  
previously set dimming levels.  
Pressing the MODE button for several seconds yields 5 sub-menu  
choices, see below chart.  
MODE Sub-Menu List (scroll through sub-menus using  
–Level / +Level buttons)  
Example: if channel 15 is set to a level  
of 38%, selecting the ALL mode will  
take all fixtures in the DMX-512 line go  
to 38% intensity.  
1 Scene Mode? This selection gives the option of entering the Scene Mode.  
To enter Scene Mode, press the MODE button again for several seconds.  
See pg. 7 for instructions Setting & Recalling Scenes.  
2 Enable IR/DMX? Press SET button in this mode to bypass a connected  
DMX console and enable Controller.  
Once this mode is reverted back to  
single channel operation, ONLY address  
15 will be set to 38%. The rest of  
the remaining channels will revert to  
the intensity levels previously stored  
in memory.  
3 Disable IR/DMX? Press SET button in this mode to bypass the Controller  
and enable a connected DMX console. Note: Powering down the fixture that the  
IR Sensor is connected to will also restore control of the DMX chain to the con-  
nected console.  
4 Set DMX Channels? This selection gives the option to enter a mode where  
you can determine the number of DMX channels (fixtures) the IR DMX Controller  
will communicate with. To enter, press the MODE button again for several sec-  
onds and the LCD screen will display the maximum channels the controller is set  
to control (min. 10, max. 512). Use –Address or + Address buttons to select total  
number. Press MODE again to store that number & exit mode.  
5 Software Version Number. This selection gives the revision number  
of the software stored in the IR DMX Controller. It is important information in  
case technical support is needed.  
will change  
the address of  
the fixture that is  
being accessed,  
a multifunction button.  
Transmitting Pre-stored  
will increase the dim-  
ming level (%) of the  
fixture from 0–100%.  
When pressed, the IR DMX  
The level can be increased one  
percent at a time by clicking the but-  
ton singly.  
Controller updates (retransmits) all  
512 channel levels to their previously  
set levels, as saved in the remote’s  
internal, non-volatile memory.  
from 512–1.  
The + Address button advances  
one at a time by clicking the  
button singly.  
Holding the button down,  
will gradually increase the fixture  
to 100%.  
If the IR Sensor did not receive  
any part of the infrared beam while  
transmitting dimming commands  
(ex. – something blocking the line of  
sight between the Controller and the  
IR Sensor unit), the dimmable fixture  
will be set to a different level than is  
displayed in the IR DMX Controller  
LCD. By pressing the SET button,  
all values will be retransmitted,  
“re-synchronizing” the dimming  
levels of the fixtures to the displayed  
level in the IR DMX Controller.  
Holding the button down,  
will gradually scroll through  
the addresses.  
The longer the +Level button is held,  
the faster dimming will occur.  
Note: Due to the nature of dimmable  
ballast’s, the Lowel Fluo-Tec dimmable  
studio fixtures begin their dimming lev-  
els at 1%, to prevent flicker at lower  
levels. You can set the fixture  
to dim all the way to 0%, but that will  
then require lamps to ‘start up’ before  
full dimming up can occur.  
The longer the button is held,  
the faster it will scroll.  
After unit 512 is reached,  
the remote control will return  
to unit 1.  
will change the  
address of the  
fixture that is  
being accessed  
from 1–512.  
Note: Pressing SET while sending val-  
ues will interrupt transmission.  
will decrease  
the dimming level (%)  
of the fixture from  
If one or more dimmable fixtures were  
turned off (i.e. at night, or for lamp  
change), their dimming levels will be  
different than what has been saved in  
the IR DMX Controller’s memory.  
Pressing the SET button, updates all  
the fixtures to their desired levels  
The Address button advances one  
at a time by clicking the button  
The level can be decreased  
one percent at a time by clicking  
the button singly.  
Holding the button down,  
will gradually scroll downward  
through the addresses.  
Holding the button down,  
will gradually decrease the fixture  
to 0%.  
Saving Scenes  
The longer the button is held,  
the faster it will scroll.  
A secondary function of the SET  
button is to save Scenes. See pg. 7  
for more information.  
The longer the–Level button is held,  
the faster dimming will occur.  
After unit 1 is reached,  
the remote control will return  
to unit 512.  
Shutting Down  
To turn the IR DMX Controller  
OFF, hold the SET button  
for 2 seconds.  
Note: See MODE sub-menu #5 (pg.4)  
for more information on setting the  
number of channels to be controlled.  
Using The IR DMX Controller  
Once turned ON, the Left side  
displays the DMX-512 Address channel asterisk = low battery.  
Note: a flashing “dot” in place of the  
Important -  
To use the IR DMX Controller,  
fluorescent fixtures must first  
be ‘enabled’.  
being accessed (1–512) or ALL  
(in which case up to 512 fixtures will be  
accessed simultaneously). The Right  
side displays the dimming level  
(0–100%) of the unit corresponding  
to that address.  
See Sub-Menu Mode, pg 4.  
In addition, an asterisk will also be  
displayed in the center of the lower line  
when the MODE button has been  
pressed, to indicate an instant ON  
(level of 100%) or an instant OFF  
(level of 0%) capability, upon pressing  
the +LEVEL or –LEVEL. Otherwise,  
the unit will dim up or down when the  
LEVEL buttons are pushed.  
2 line, 8 character Liquid  
Crystal Display.  
Familiarize yourself with the location of the control buttons. Some buttons control more than one function.  
Read pages 4-5 for more information.  
(Liquid Crystal Display)  
Will increase the dimming level (%) of  
the fixture from 0-100%.  
Will change the address  
of the fixture that is being accessed,  
Will change the address of the fixture  
descending from 512–1.  
that is being accessed from 1–512.  
Will decrease the dimming level (%)  
of the fixture from 100%–0.  
This is a multifunction button.  
ALL This is a toggle function.  
Quickly press to turn the unit ON.  
This is a multifunction button.  
Setting & Recalling Scenes  
The IR DMX Controller can store  
up to 10 different scenes, with  
each scene containing dimming  
levels for up to 512 Lowel/Fluo-  
Tec dimmable fixtures.  
All scenes are saved in non-  
volatile memory.  
To recall a stored scene:  
You may now adjust the dimming  
levels of any fixture you want to vary  
in that scene.  
Press the MODE button for  
2 seconds, the LCD screen will  
display “Scene Mode?”.  
Press the MODE button once  
more, quickly.  
Find the desired scene using  
the UP/DOWN arrow buttons and  
press the MODE button once to  
transmit those dimming values and  
return to normal operation.  
When you have set all selected  
fixtures to their desired levels, hold  
down the MODE button again for two  
seconds and then use the UP/DOWN  
arrow buttons to select the number  
for the new scene to be stored in.  
Pressing the SET button stores  
the levels for that scene in the IR  
DMX Controllers memory.  
Note: see Replacing Batteries (pg. 7)  
for important information.  
To set and store scenes:  
Select any addressed channels from  
1–512 and set levels for them.  
When you have set all selected  
fixtures to desired levels, hold down  
the MODE button for two seconds.  
The LCD display will show a Scene  
number, from 1–10.  
Use the UP/DOWN arrow buttons  
to move between scenes.  
Once the desired scene is selected,  
pressing the SET button to store the  
levels for that scene in the IR DMX  
Controllers memory.  
To save a variation of a stored  
scene as a different scene:  
Hold down the MODE button  
for two seconds. The LCD display  
will show Scene Mode?. Press the  
MODE button again to nter.  
The display will show the Scene  
number, from 1–10.  
Use the UP/DOWN arrow buttons  
to move between scenes.  
the SET button will “refresh”  
(re-send) the values of all 512 channels  
corresponding to the values stored in  
the current chosen scene. The display  
again will show Sending Values,  
as it updates itself.  
Once the scene you want to create  
a variation of is selected, press the  
MODE button again to exit.  
Press the MODE button again  
to exit.  
The display will show Sending  
Values as the fixtures are set to the  
values of the scene.  
Replacing Batteries  
A flashing “dot” in place of  
the asterisk = low battery.  
In order to replace batteries  
and keep stored address dimming  
level & scene information:  
3 Close the battery compartment.  
If the IR DMX Controller is left  
without batteries for a period  
longer than 15 seconds,  
all the previously stored dimming,  
addressing & scene information  
will be lost, reverting to a default  
value of 0%.  
4 After turning the IR DMX Controller  
back ON, point it at the IR Sensor and  
press the SET button a few times.  
This will guarantee that the dimmable  
fixtures are set to the same levels that  
were previously saved  
Note: Be careful to properly install the  
batteries. Battery reversal may cause a  
permanent damage to the remote con-  
in the IR DMX Controller.  
Note: Remove the batteries from the  
compartment if you plan on not using  
the IR DMX Controller for an extended  
period of time  
When powering the IR DMX Controller  
up for the first time after a battery  
change, the Controller’s LCD will show  
its installed software version. Make  
note of this number in case it is needed  
for technical assistance.  
1 Press the SET button for 2 seconds  
to turn the unit off, or wait until the IR  
DMX Controller shuts down on its  
own (after 5 minutes of no activity).  
Read battery manufacturers warnings  
for safe use.  
2 Remove the 2 AA alkaline batteries  
and quickly insert a new set within 15  
seconds of the removal, making sure  
Dispose of batteries safely per state  
and federal guidelines.  
Note: Be careful to properly install  
the batteries. Battery reversal may  
to properly orient the battery contacts cause a permanent damage to the  
as shown on the bottom of the battery  
remote control.  
Warranty, Problems, Repairs & Info  
Lowel IR DMX Controller, Lowel IR Sensor, IR DMX Translator,  
and Lowel Fluo-Tec Studio Fluorescents are trademarks of  
Lowel-Light Manufacturing, Inc.  
Lowel equipment and kits  
are sold through authorized Lowel Dealers and,  
in some countries, Authorized Lowel Distributors.  
Patent Pending  
Repairs, problems, suggestions,  
and requests for brochures, instructions, parts lists  
may be handled by your authorized Lowel Dealer (Distributor)  
or directly through Lowel. Electrical repairs should be made  
only by Lowel or a qualified electrician.  
version: 3.1 © Lowel-Light Mfg., Inc. 2006  
Manufacturing, Inc.  
140 58th Street  
Brooklyn, NY 11220  
Call: 800 334-3426 or 718 921-0600  
Fax: 718 921-0303  

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