Napco Security Technologies Home Security System 825 User Manual

0 1880, NAPCO  
N A P C O  
Please read this guide thoroughly  
to familiarize yourself with your new  
security system. Keep this booklet  
handy for future reference. Note  
especially the ALARM PLAN on  
page 15. Your alarm specialist will  
help you fill it out and explain the  
various features and operating  
procedures for your new Magnum  
The Napco Magnum Alert-8254  
825HS has such a wide variety of  
features that few, if any, security  
systems will ever need them all.  
Your alarm professional has  
chosen appropriate features for  
your situation. Ask him about  
Your Magnum Alert-825/825HS  
is carefully designed and  
engineered to the highest indus-  
try standards. To provide optimum  
safety and security with this  
equipment, we recommend that  
the user become thoroughly  
familiar with the unit and periodi-  
cally check its condition and state  
of readiness.  
You’ll probably find items men-  
tioned in this booklet which do not  
apply to your system. DON’T  
The face of the keypad lifts up to  
reveal a convenient index of pro-  
tected zones.  
the security system (alarm, trouble, low  
battery, etc.). (optional)  
Dlgltal Communicator  
Abort Delay  
Reports burglary and emergencies directly  
to the central station over telephone lines.  
A delay period that allows the system to be  
reset before it reports to a central station.  
Shunt Button  
Labelled "S" on the Digit-Key keypad. Lets  
you manually remove one or more protective  
zones from the system.  
Alarm Plan  
Digit-key keypad puts Control  
ldentifies the areas of your premises pro-  
tected by each zone of protection and lists  
zone features. (See page 15)  
Center functions at your fingertips. It can  
be mounted either at the Control Center or  
anywhere in your premises.  
Independent, circuits that protect specific  
areas of your premises.  
Ambush Code  
Exlt/Entry Delay  
Auto Shunted Zone: A zone capable of  
being automatically bypassed (shunted)  
out of the protection system if it is in  
“trouble” (faulty) when you attempt  
to arm the system.  
A one or two-digit code used before an arm/  
disarm code that causes a silent report to  
be sent to a central station. (Optional)  
Lets you exit and enter your premises without  
setting off an alarm after the system is armed.  
Hold Down Functlon  
Digit keys have secondary functions which  
are activated by holding down a digit until  
a beep is heard.  
Burglary Zones: Detect intrusion.  
Day Zone: A zone programmed to cause  
visual and audible ( optional) indication at  
the Digit-Key keypad when it is in ”trouble”  
during the disarmed period.  
Exlt/Entry Follower Zone: Provides  
exit and entry delay for interior devices.  
Entry delay only occurs if re-entry takes  
place through the normal exit/entry door.  
Group Shunt Zones: A group of zones  
programmed so they can be manually by  
passed (shunted) all at once.  
Turning your system ON or OFF. This can  
be done by entering a code on the Digit-  
Key keypad, or by turning an optionalkey-  
Fallback Code  
A pre-programmed four-digit code that may  
be used to disarm your system should all  
user codes be erased (as after an extended  
power failure).  
Arm/Dlsarm (Personal) Codes  
Up to 4 four-digit codes used to arm and  
disarm the system from the keypad.  
Buzzer at each Napco Digit-Key keypad  
warns that entry delay time has started. It  
also sounds when you attempt to arm the  
system if a particular zone is in “trouble”. It  
also verifies contact with a central station  
when a closing signal is sent (optional).  
Stand by battery Is placed in the Control  
Center ox to provide backup protection in  
Priority Zones: When a zone selected  
for the feature is in “trouble” it will be  
impossible to arm the Control Center.  
Selectlve Shunted Zones: Zones that  
can be individually bypassed (shunted)  
using the Shunt Button.  
the event of a power loss.  
Central Station  
and emergency  
Monitors incoming burglary  
messages from the Digital  
Panic Buttons  
Two buttons (* and #) on the Digit-Key  
keypad which will alert the central station  
of an emergency.  
and alerts the proper authorities. (Optional  
Trouble Zones: Zones that cannot be  
armed becauseof an open window, door  
or other problem in the area.  
Control Center  
24 Hour Zone: Are always armed and  
ready at all times to respond to an emer-  
gency situation.  
A communication sent to a central station  
The heart of the Magnum Alert-825 security  
indicating a specificchange in condition of  
system: it controls all system functions.  
lndicator Lights  
Steady Tone: day zone in trouble;  
entry delay in progress; system  
armed with a priority zone in trouble.  
Steady- system is armed.  
Flashes alarm condition.  
Flashes indicate the number of  
zone(s) which were violated.  
(see page 5, Key 2)  
Beep (2 seconds): system armed  
with any zone auto shunted; or  
battery power low.  
STATUS (Green)  
zones okay.  
Flashes a non-24 hour zone is  
in trouble. Flashes indicate the  
number of the zone(s) that are in  
trouble. Note: to stop flashing  
hold down Key 3 for two seconds,  
system is disarmed, all  
Used to load (program-in) user  
arm/disarm codes. Slide switch  
to the right (LOAD) position when  
entering codes (refer to Selecting  
Your Codes on page 7).  
SHUNT (Yellow)  
Be sure to return theswitch to the  
center (RUN) position after all  
codes have been entered. Setting  
this spring-return switch to the  
left will also arm or disarm the  
system (unless this option has  
been removed). Your system  
will not operate with the switch in  
the LOAD position.  
one or more zones  
manually shunted (bypassed).  
NOTE: all three lights flashing to-  
gether indicates that AC power has  
been lost. Reset indication with  
Key 9 (see page 5).  
Your Magnum Alert-825/825HS Security System has three basic components:  
1. Zones  
2. The Dlglt-Key Keypad  
3. The Alarm Output  
Lets you program arm/disarm  
codes; arm and disarm the system;  
check the condition(status) of each  
zone; temporarily bypass (shunt)  
individual (or group of) zones; send  
an ambush alarm; cancel exit/entry  
delay; test the battery and alarm  
devices; reset the AC-failure indica-  
tion; and bypass a  
Your system is capable of  
When any zone is activated, the  
Control Center responds by sound-  
ing an audible alarm and/or alerting  
a central station (optional). Your  
alarm specialist has programmed  
monitoring up to six separate areas  
of your premises, including Am-  
bush/Panic and Auxiliary zones.  
Each zone is an independent cir-  
cuit that protects a specific area of  
your premises. For example: your  
alarm specialist may have set aside  
a zone for window protection, exit/  
entry delay, interior space protec-  
tion, safe and valuables protection  
or emergencies. Each zone can be  
“programmed’ to react in aspecific  
manner. Check and be certain that  
you know what each zone protects.  
your system to react in a specific  
manner to each type of emergency.  
Be sure you understand how your  
system responds to these emer-  
Bypass Zone.  
Three lights and a Mini-Sounder  
on the Digit-Key keypad monitor  
the system.  
need, and change them as often  
as you feel necessary (refer to  
Changing or Voiding a Code).  
Selecting Your Codes  
The Digit-Key Keypad  
To program these codes, slide  
switch (upper left corner of the  
Control Center, see page 4) to the  
right (LOAD). The three lights on  
the keypad will flash rapidly, and  
the Mini-Sounder will beep. At the  
keypad, enter any combination of  
up to four digits (there is no zero)  
as follows:  
All security system operations are  
carried out at the keypad. Each key  
hasaspecialfunction of its own (see  
“CONTROLS” page 5) plus the  
ability to arm and disarm the system  
when they are used in a preselected  
combination (codes).  
Easy Arming  
(MA-825HS only)  
If programmed, this feature  
permits quick arming by momen-  
tarily pressing Key 8. Disarming,  
however, will still require entry of  
a complete code.  
Personal ( Arm/Disarm)  
l S + 1 + Four digit First User’s  
Personal Code  
You can choose up to4 four-digit  
codes which will allow you to arm  
and disarm your system. Any of these  
codes can easily be changed, thus  
allowing temporary guests, baby-  
sitters, employees, etc., access to  
the premises. When no longer need-  
ed, the codes can be changed or  
removed from service.  
S + 2 + Four digit Second  
User’s Personal Code  
Changing or Voldlng  
a Code  
Four digit Third User’s  
Personal Code  
Changing any user’s code is  
accomplished by using the fore-  
going procedure and simply chang-  
ing the 4-digit combination. Thus.  
User 3’s code:  
l S + 4 + Four digit Fourth  
User’s Personal Code  
After all user codes have been  
entered, return the ARM-DISARM/  
RUN/LOAD switch at the Control  
Center to the center( RUN) position.  
Remember: your system will not  
operate with the switch in the LOAD  
Your security system cannot be  
disarmed by unauthorized persons.  
It will respond only when a code of  
your choosing is entered through  
the keypad.  
1. Set the ARM-DISARM/RUN/  
LOAD switch to LOAD.  
2. Press S + 3 + Four new digits,  
user 3’s new code.  
3. Return the ARM-DISARM/  
RUN/LOAD switch to RUN.  
NOTE: You need not assign all four  
codes. Use only as many as you  
Sounder will warn you that exit-  
delay time has expired and entry-  
delay time has started. To avoid  
causing an alarm, quickly return  
to the keypad and enter your code  
to disarm the Control Center. You  
may then rearm and try to exit again.  
will flash once for Zone 1; pause;  
then flash three times for Zone 3.  
Try to clear the troubled zone(s)  
yourself. In this example you can  
clear the zones by merely closing  
the back door and the window.  
If the zone cannot be fixed (green  
light still flashing), it may still be  
possible to arm the system without  
the protection of that zone. Check  
your Alarm Plan (see page 15). If  
the zone in trouble is not designated  
as a Priority Zone, you will be able  
to arm your system anyway. A 2-  
second beep at the keypad Mini-  
Sounder will alert you that the sys-  
tem was armed with a zone auto-  
matically bypassed (auto-shunted)  
and no alarm will occur. Be sure to  
have all zones in trouble repaired  
as soon as possible! If you cannot  
clear the zone yourself, call your  
alarm specialist.  
Checking AC Power  
If the three lights of your keypad  
are blinking slowly, you have lost  
AC power. Check to see if there  
has been a general power outage,  
or if the Control Center’s trans-  
former is disconnected. If you must  
operate without AC power, press  
Key9 to stop the lights from blink-  
ing. Next, test your standby  
System Does Not Respond  
to Personal Code  
battery by pressing Key 1. If the  
alarm doesn’t sound, or is weak,  
replace the battery. Check your  
battery weekly.  
If after an extended power failure  
your personal codes do not work,  
you can temporarily use the " Fall-  
back” code to operate the system.  
To restore personal codes, see page  
7 “Selecting Your Codes”.  
Armlng The System Before  
You Leave  
Before you attempt to arm the  
system, check the STATUS light  
on the keypad. If the light is on,  
you may enter your code, but be  
prepared to leave immediately.  
Upon arming, the red ARMED/  
MEMORY light will come on and  
the green STATUS light will go out.  
Leave immediatelythrough the exit/  
entry door before the exit-delay  
time runs out. If you take too long  
to leave the premises, the Mini-  
Arming With A Zone  
In Trouble  
If the green STATUS light is flash-  
ing, at least one’non-24 Hour Zone  
is in trouble (in an open or shorted  
condition) and incapable of being  
armed. Count the number of flashes  
to determine the zone(s) in trouble.  
For example, if your back door is  
open on Zone 1 and a window is  
open on Zone 3, the STATUS lamp  
You cannot arm your system if a  
zone programmed as a Priority Zone  
is in trouble. The Mini-Sounder will  
come on, but the ARMED/MEMORY  
light will not. To silence the sounder,  
re-enter your code to disarm.  
NOTE: If you enter the wrong code,  
you must wait at least 2 seconds  
before re-entering. If there was an  
extended power failure and your  
system does not respond to your  
correct code, enter your pre-  
programmed “Fallback” code to  
disarm. See page 8.  
To identify which zone(s) were  
violated, hold down Alarm History  
Key 2 until it beeps. The red ARMED/  
MEMORY light will flash to indicate  
the last alarm condition. Count the  
number of flashes to determine  
which zone(s) require attention.  
NOTE: If an alarm occurredand the  
red light did not flash, a 24 Hour  
Zone (see your Alarm Plan) was  
violated. The cause of the alarm  
must be determined and cleared  
before you can rearm your Control  
If trouble is encountered on a  
zone programmed as a Priority-  
with-Bypass Zone however, enter  
your code to silence the Mini-  
Sounder and disarm; hold down  
Reset Key 9 until it beeps (this will  
bypass the alarm condition); then  
enter your code to rearm.  
Ambush Code (optlonal)  
If an intruder forces you to disarm  
your system, enter your prepro-  
grammed 1- or P-digit Ambush  
Code before your disarm code. This  
activates your Ambush Zone, which  
is usually programmed to send a  
silent alarm to a central station  
(optional feature). If your system is  
monitored by a central station, be  
sure to memorize your ambush code.  
Disarming When  
You Return  
When you enter through the exit/  
entry door, the Mini-Sounder will  
come on during the entry period to  
remind you to disarm. Check the  
red ARMED/MEMORY light; if it is  
flashing, an alarm occurred while  
you were out. Using your code,  
disarm the system immediately  
during the entry period to prevent  
an alarm and to silence the Mini-  
disarm code to arm your remaining  
zones. The green light will go OFF,  
and the red ARMED/MEMORY light  
will come ON. The yellow light will  
go OFF when you disarm again indi-  
cating that the shunted zones are  
no longer shunted.( Note: The shunt  
light does NOT come on when zones  
are auto-shunted.)  
Panic Zone  
Arming Wlth Selective  
To activate the panic zone,  
simultaneously press the two keys  
Zone Shunting  
Your alarm specialist may have  
opted for one or more zones that  
can be selectively shunted  
(removed) from the system. Since a  
shunted zone cannot cause an  
alarm, you may wish to use this  
feature to turn OFF the interior  
areas while arming, and keeping  
your perimeter zones (windows,  
doors, etc.) active.  
To arm, check the green light to  
make sure no zone is in trouble.  
Press the shunt button ( labeled "S”),  
and then the number of the zone (1  
through 6) you wish to shunt  
Your alarm specialist may also  
have opted for interior zones to all  
be “group shunt” zone-s Shunt  
marked * and  
on the Digit-Key  
keypad. The panic zone can be pro-  
grammed to send a silent alarm to a  
central station. activate an audible  
alarm, or both.  
Arming With  
Instant Protectlon  
Pressing key 4 (until you hear  
a beep) will cancel the exit/entry  
delay on the exit/entry zone when  
arming. The red ARMED/MEMORY  
light will flash rapidly to indicate  
this condition. If someone enters  
through the exit/entry zone, an  
alarm will sound immediately.  
these zones simply by pressing the  
"S" key twice. The yellow shunt light  
will come ON whenever you shunt  
one or more zones. Enter your arm/  
Your Alarm Specialist may have  
programmed your security system  
(Police, Medical Etc)  
to be monitored by  
central station.  
The built-in digital communicator  
can transmit emergency signals to  
the central station 24 hours a day.  
Abort Delay  
Opening and Closing  
Central Station Rlngback  
The central station will acknowl-  
edge the fact that you have armed  
your system by “ringing back” with  
a short beep from the Mini-Sounder.  
(This is an optional feature that  
sponds to closing reports only.)  
Note which zones on your alarm  
plan have abort delay. This is a  
delay that enables you to reset the  
system before a zone condition  
report is sent to the central station.  
Non-24 hour zone reports are  
aborted by arming and then disarm-  
ing. 24 hour zones, however, must  
first be repaired.  
An optional feature that permits  
the central station to receive a  
signal each time the system is  
armed, disarmed or both (up to 4  
individual users can be identified).  
The following information is  
applicable only where local  
general power outage. If there is,  
you will be operating from your  
standby battery. When AC power is  
restored. the Mini-Sounder will  
come back on. Press the spring-  
loaded switch again to silence the  
Fire-Detector Reset  
After a fire alarm, the red FIRE  
ALARM light will be on. Press the  
ordinance permits use of your alarm  
Control Center for fire detection  
FIRE RESET switch to  
clear the smoke detectors.  
Controlling Your  
Alarm/Battery Test  
Fire Circuit  
If your alarm specialist installed  
smoke detectors or heat sensing  
thermostats, you have 24 hour fire  
protection. This optional Fire Pro-  
tection Zone is always active, even  
though your system may be dis-  
armed. An optional Fire Supervision  
and Indicator Station on the Control  
Center provides the following fire  
circuit controls.  
The fire alarm bell/siren and  
standby battery should be tested  
weekly. Disarm the Control Center.  
Fire-Zone Check  
The Mini-Sounder on the Fire  
Supervision and Indicator Station  
signals a problem on the Fire Zone.  
Press the spring-loaded SILENCE  
8 FIRE RESET switch to shut off the  
Mini-Sounder. The red TROUBLE  
light will come on until the Fire  
Zone is cleared. When the zone is  
restored, the Mini-Sounder will  
signal again to indicate that the  
Fire Zone is functional. Press the  
Push the BATTERY  
switch down and listen to the bell/  
siren. If the alarm sounds weak,  
the battery is faulty. Call for service.  
Would You Like More  
Safety Informatlon?  
For information on home fire de-  
tection, burn safety, and home fire  
safety, contact the National Fire  
Protection Association, Public  
Affairs Dept.05A, Battetymarch  
Plaza, Quincy, MA 02269.  
AC Power Check  
If the yellow AC light on the Fire  
Supervision and Indicator Station is  
off, the Control Center is not receiv-  
ing AC power. Press the spring-  
FIRE RESET switch  
once again to turn off the Mini-  
loaded SILENCE  
switch to shut off the Mini-Sounder.  
Check lights to see if there is a  
If there is no Fire Supervision and Indicator Station on your Control  
Center and your Fire Zone uses smoke detectors, have your alarm specialist  
show you and explain the switch he has installed for resetting the smoke  
detectors after an alarm.  
Even with the most advanced fire  
alarm system, adequate protection  
requires an escape plan. To pre-  
pare your plan:  
Draw floorplans of your building.  
Show two exits a front or back door  
and a window from each room. (Make  
sure the window works. You may  
need a special fire escape ladder if  
the window is high up.) Write down  
your outside meeting place.  
Family Rehearsal  
Rehearse each of the following  
1) Everyone in their room with the  
doors closed.  
2) One person sound the alarm.  
Read Carefully  
Discuss these escape procedures  
cautiously. Be ready to slam the door  
if smoke or heat rush in. Crawl  
with those who use the building.  
through smoke, holding your breath.  
Close the doors again on leaving to  
4) Go to your specific outdoor  
meeting place so you can see that  
everyone is safe.  
5) Assign someone to make sure  
nobody returns to the burning build-  
In a residence, sleep with the  
bedroom doorclosed. A closed door  
will hold back deadly smoke while  
you escape.  
Each person tests his door.  
Pretend the door is hot and use  
the alternate escape exit.  
Everyone meet outdoors at the  
assigned spot.  
2) When thefirealarm signals, es-  
cape quickly. Do not stop to pack  
Test the door. If it is hot, use  
your alternate route through the  
window. If the door is cool, brace  
your shoulder against it and open it  
6) Call the fire department from a  
neighbor’s telephone.  
Zone Features  
Area Protected  
(doom, wlndows, etc.)  
Central Station  
Service Person  

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