Omega Engineering Satellite Radio M 4066 User Manual

Version 2.2  
Copyright ©2004, Omega Engineering, Inc.  
Quick Start................................................................................................................................. 1  
Description................................................................................................................................ 3  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server and Wireless................................................................................. 3  
Receivers................................................................................................................................... 5  
Device List ................................................................................................................................ 5  
Polling ....................................................................................................................................... 6  
Identification ............................................................................................................................. 6  
Filtering..................................................................................................................................... 6  
What is OPC?............................................................................................................................ 7  
Data Logging............................................................................................................................. 7  
Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 7  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Main Window  
Main Window............................................................................................................................ 8  
Setup.......................................................................................................................................... 8  
Change Port................................................................................................................. 8  
Add/Delete IP Connection .......................................................................................... 9  
View IP Connection Status ....................................................................................... 10  
Outputs...................................................................................................................... 11  
Search and Add Devices ........................................................................................... 13  
ReConfigure Net ....................................................................................................... 13  
Devices.................................................................................................................................... 14  
Errors....................................................................................................................................... 14  
Quit.......................................................................................................................................... 14  
Help......................................................................................................................................... 14  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .INI File Format  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini............................................................................................................ 15  
SERVER ................................................................................................................... 16  
Logging..................................................................................................................... 17  
IP Addresses.............................................................................................................. 17  
DIGITAL I/O............................................................................................................ 17  
TEMPERATURE Setup ........................................................................................... 18  
HUMIDITY .............................................................................................................. 19  
DIGCOUNTER and Directional Counter ................................................................. 20  
CNTTEMP................................................................................................................ 21  
FASTCNTTEMP...................................................................................................... 22  
ALARMTEMP.......................................................................................................... 23  
Analog Input ............................................................................................................. 24  
Access/Control Reader.............................................................................................. 25  
Repeater .................................................................................................................... 26  
Dual Discrete Output................................................................................................. 26  
Wireless Analog Output............................................................................................ 27  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC INI Backup ............................................................................................ 28  
ii x Contents  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags  
Using OPC Tags.......................................................................................................................29  
Device Names ..........................................................................................................................29  
Device Tag Names ...................................................................................................................31  
Digital I/O: DIGITALn..............................................................................................32  
Temperature/Humidity: HUMIDITYn.......................................................................33  
DIGCOUNTER and Directional Counter: DIGCOUNTERn and DIRECTCNTn ....34  
CNTTEMP: CNTTEMPn..........................................................................................35  
FASTCNTTEMP: FASTCNTTEMPn.......................................................................36  
ALARMTEMP: ALARMTEMPn .............................................................................37  
AnalogInput: AIn.......................................................................................................38  
Access/Control Reader: IDRn....................................................................................39  
Repeater: REPEATERn.............................................................................................41  
Dual Discrete Output: OUTPUTDISCn.....................................................................42  
Wireless Analog Output: OutputAnalogn ..................................................................43  
Server Item Names...................................................................................................................44  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Data Logging  
File Management......................................................................................................................48  
File Format - Data Log.............................................................................................................49  
File Format - Error Log............................................................................................................50  
OMWT-RECIP Receivers  
Overview of OMWT-RECIP Receivers...................................................................................51  
Setting up to use OMWT-RECIP Receivers ............................................................................51  
OMWT-RECIP Receiver Notes...............................................................................................52  
Error Messages  
Communication Errors.............................................................................................................53  
Error In Finding/Initializing Port...............................................................................53  
Cannot Open Communication Port; Already In Use..................................................53  
Cannot Find Receiver! ...............................................................................................53  
Cannot find and load lowlevel driver!........................................................................53  
Runtime Errors.........................................................................................................................54  
Communication Error: CRC16 or Time Out..............................................................54  
Cannot Find Receiver.................................................................................................54  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Internal Error.................................................................54  
Why Use Corrections ...............................................................................................................55  
Correction IDs............................................................................................................55  
Pre-defined Thermistor..............................................................................................55  
How to use Corrections............................................................................................................56  
Correction.INI file .....................................................................................................56  
Predefined Corrections...............................................................................................57  
Contents x iii  
Quick Start  
When OMWT-SOFT-OPC is run for the first time it displays this help screen. You  
may view this help screen again by selecting "Help" from OMWT-SOFT-OPC's main  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC is designed to gather data from sensors. OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
makes available the data it receives from each sensor through OPC tags.  
The main OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server window will show the total number of devices  
in the startup list and how many of those that are online. The offline devices will be  
shown in the list box at the bottom of the window.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC can be a stand-alone data logger. When data logging is enabled,  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC will store collected data in an ASCII file at a programmable  
interval. See section "OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Data Logging".  
This Help and all other Help topics may be accessed from the main window by  
selecting Help or pressing F1.  
To Get Started:  
Plug the reciever into your serial port  
If necessary, tell OMWT-SOFT-OPC what kind of Receiver you are  
When the "Add Wireless Device" screen appears, press the service  
mode button on your transmitter to transmit a packet that OMWT-  
SOFT-OPC can see.  
When a device appears in the window, you may click to select it and  
then press the 'Edit' button to change its label name and transmit time.  
Press OK to add these sensors to the OMWT-SOFT-OPC list  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC will create OPC tag objects for each device and  
start polling and gathering data from each device.  
Overview x 1  
If there is not an OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini file or if [Server]NumberDevices=0 and  
when OMWT-SOFT-OPC starts, it will automatically search for all devices on the  
network and add them to its list of devices to process.  
2 x Overview  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC is a data acquisition OLE for Process Control (OPC) server that  
acquires data from devices and passes this data using OPC to a client application.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC waits for the device to transmit and then processes the  
Any Windows® application that can use OPC can obtain this data from the OMWT-  
SOFT-OPCServer. Examples of such applications include Wonderware® Intouch,  
National Instruments® LookOut, Capital Equipment Corp.® TestPoint, and general  
development applications like Microsoft® Visual Basic and Borland® Delphi.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC can be a stand-alone data logger. When data logging is enabled,  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC will also store collected data in an ASCII file at a programmable  
interval. Another program such as a spreadsheet or a database manager can import  
the data. See section "OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Data Logging".  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server and Wireless  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server can receive transmissions from wireless devices such as  
the wireless temperature transmitter. Other devices include the wireless humidity  
sensor and wireless analog input. OMWT-SOFT-OPC uses a wireless receiver such  
as the OMWT-REC232-600, OMWT-XREC-SER and OMWT-RECIP to receive  
transmissions from wireless sensors. OMWT-SOFT-OPC can also use multiple  
OMWT-RECIP Receivers to receive data through a TCP/IP connection.  
When setting up a wireless network, OMWT-SOFT-OPC passively waits for  
transmissions instead of actively polling for devices. This can make the acquisition  
of sensors take a longer time than for a wired network as OMWT-SOFT-OPC must  
wait for the device to transmit. You can speed up this process by pressing the service  
button on the device so that it transmits while you are in the OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
Wireless Setup screen.  
Each device has an entry in the device's INI file section. The INI entry and OPC tag  
"polltime" for each device has a different meaning when working with wireless  
transmitters. OMWT-SOFT-OPC cannot poll the wireless sensors. It must wait for a  
transmission. Therefore, OMWT-SOFT-OPC uses polltime to estimate how  
frequently a transmission should come from a device. It also uses a multiple of this  
time to determine if a device is offline. This multiple is configurable by the user.  
Wireless Setup  
If you have OMWT-SOFT-OPC running with a wireless receiver such as an OMWT-  
REC232-600 or OMWT-XREC-SER, OMWT-SOFT-OPC will display the Setup  
screen when it starts for the first time. The setup screen is the method by which  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC acquires wireless devices. The default on the setup screen is to  
accept only packets that are sent in service mode from the device (the packet is sent  
by pressing the service button on the device.) To change this default, uncheck the  
"Service Mode Only" checkbox. OMWT-SOFT-OPC will then display all the  
packets it receives. When OMWT-SOFT-OPC receives a packet from a device new  
to it, it names the device following the naming conventions detailed below, and it  
displays the device's name and serial number in the window.  
You have several options after the device has been displayed. The "Clear New"  
button will clear all the devices that have just been received. The "Delete" button  
will delete a single device. Click on a device to select it and click on "Delete" to  
Overview x 3  
delete it. To edit a device click on the device to select it and click on "Edit" to edit  
the device. There is also a "Stop" button. If you click that button, OMWT-SOFT-  
OPC will stop listing devices in the window. When you click on the "Stop" button it  
becomes a "Receive" button. If you click on that, OMWT-SOFT-OPC will start  
receiving packets and listing devices again.  
When you are ready, hit "OK", or "Cancel" to exit.  
Edit Device  
The Edit screen for a new wireless device shows the device's serial number, which  
the user cannot change, the device's current Label, which can be changed by the  
user, and the Transmit Rate for the device. The Label cannot be the same as the label  
used by any current device. The Transmit Rate is in seconds. The default value is  
60. OMWT-SOFT-OPC uses the Transmit Rate to determine if a device has gone  
4 x Overview  
The following is a list of supported receivers:  
OMWT-XREC-SER (at 19200 baud)  
Device List  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC Server interfaces to a large number of devices. New devices are  
continually being created for wireless network. Check with your distributor for the  
The following is a list of devices supported by OWMT-SOFT-OPC Server:  
Analog Input 5V  
Analog Input 10V  
Analog Input 20 milliamp  
IR Counter  
Door Counter with Temperature  
Pulsse Counter with Temperature  
Temperature with Alarm  
Access/Control Reader  
Directional Counter  
Dual Discrete Output  
Analog Output  
Overview x 5  
For a wireless device the polltime has a slightly different meaning. OWMT-SOFT-  
OPC does not actively poll wireless devices. Rather, it waits to receive a packet from  
the devices. Therefore, the polltime is how often OWMT-SOFT-OPC expects to  
receive a packet from the wireless devices.  
The polltime for a wireless device is configurable during device setup. OWMT-  
SOFT-OPC will use this time to determine when to mark a device offline. OWMT-  
SOFT-OPC has a INI file parameter called "Tries" that sets how long a device has to  
transmit before it is considered offline. For example, if the device has a polltime of 1  
minute, and OWMT-SOFT-OPC has "tries" set to 3, then OWMT-SOFT-OPC will  
consider the device offline if it does not receive a packet from that device in 3  
minutes ("tries" times "polltime").  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC identifies each device with a unique label name. A client  
application uses this label (a OPC topic) to obtain data from the server.  
For both analog and temperature devices, OMWT-SOFT-OPC allows the user to  
define a deadband to control the amount of change that must occur before the server  
updates a Client with new data. Deadband is useful to control the amount of  
information that is passed through OPC to the client application. For analog devices,  
the deadband is entered as the percentage of full scale of Engineering units. For  
temperature devices, the deadband is entered in degrees C.  
Also for both analog and temperature devices, OMWT-SOFT-OPC provides the  
means to filter the data with either an Average, Median or combination Median  
Average filter before either logging data or delivering data through OPC. In the  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC INI file, you specify the filter type and the number of samples to  
6 x Overview  
What is OPC?  
OLE for Process Control (OPC) is a specific specification of Microsoft’s Object  
Linking and EmbeOPCding (OLE) and Component Object Model (COM) that is  
administered by the OPC Foundation (150 member companies including Microsoft  
Corporation). OPC provides a common interface for devices and applications to  
communicate. Devices that gather or originate data become OPC servers, providing  
data to OPC client applications in a consistent fashion. At the heart of OPC is the  
client/server model in which the OPC server provides and interfaces to the OPC  
object, allowing client applications to control devices and manage device data in a  
generic fashion. OPC servers can be accessed through most HMI software and  
through a variety of languages, including C++, Visual Basic, and Delphi. The OPC  
server collects data from physical devices for distribution to OPC client applications  
and also has the responsibility for updating device data when an OPC client issues a  
An OPC client connects to and communicates with an OPC server through one of two  
interfaces defined in the OPC specification. The OLE automation interface allows  
users to access data through the use of a common, easily understood scripting  
language. The COM interface is more complex, but provides finer levels of control  
and flexibility for developers and users proficient in languages such as C or C++.  
OPC client applications can access OPC servers locally within a computer or from a  
networked server.  
Data Logging  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server can log data to an ASCII file at a programmable interval.  
The default name of the file is OMWT-SOFT-OPC.LOG.  
A client application can control logging through OPC variables. The client can  
start/stop logging or just log a single record.  
For diagnostic purposes, OMWT-SOFT-OPC can log errors that have occurred  
while waiting or process device data.  
For more information see the section “OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Data Logging”.  
With OMWT-SOFT-OPC, you can monitor the health of your wireless network and  
the devices attached. OMWT-SOFT-OPC reports, through OPC, errors that it  
encounters while polling devices. These errors can be noted in an event error log.  
See the section called "Server Item Names" for more information.  
Overview x 7  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Main Window  
Main Window  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC displays the number of devices online and offline. It also lists  
the devices that are currently offline displaying the name and serial number of the  
device. If OMWT-SOFT-OPC is running with TCP/IP receivers, then for each  
offline device it will display the node address, name and serial number of the device.  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC simplifies setup by automatically finding, identifying and  
beginning to poll devices in a network. OWMT-SOFT-OPC assumes default initial  
values. You can easily change these values by editing the OWMT-SOFT-OPC.INI  
file with an ASCII text editor. (The installation program for OWMT-SOFT-OPC  
Server created a short cut to the OWMT-SOFT-OPC.INI file. Double clicking will  
automatically start WordPad or Notepad.) See the section "OWMT-SOFT-OPC  
Server .INI File Format".  
Change Port  
The Change Port submenu allows you to switch to another wireless receiver. When  
the Change Port submenu is selected, OWMT-SOFT-OPC displays the Select  
Communication Port window. Choose one of the following:  
AUTO - instructs OWMT-SOFT-OPC to search Port Numbers 1 to 4 for  
the receiver.  
OMWT-REC232-600 – receives RF (wireless) packets  
OMWT-XREC-SER – receives RF (wireless) packets (set at 19200 baud)  
OMWT-RECIP – uses a receiver that uses the TCP/IP protocol to receive  
sensor packet data.  
When OK is clicked, OWMT-SOFT-OPC tries to initialize the port. For the  
OMWT-RECIP, OWMT-SOFT-OPC confirms that the receiver is present. For the  
OMWT-REC232-600 and OMWT-XREC-SER, OWMT-SOFT-OPC assumes the  
receiver is present. OMWT-XREC-SER must be set to 19200 baud. If OWMT-  
SOFT-OPC fails, OWMT-SOFT-OPC displays the OWMT-SOFT-OPC Initializing  
Error Window allowing you to retry, select another port or exit OWMT-SOFT-OPC.  
If OWMT-SOFT-OPC succeeds, OWMT-SOFT-OPC starts listening for sensor  
packets and processes the packet according to the device list in the INI file.  
8 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Main Window  
Add/Delete IP Connection  
(OMWT-RECIP Receiver only)  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC will display the “Add/Delete IP Connection” screen. IP  
addresses already setup will be displayed. The following is a list of the columns:  
Node – Node number for the IP address. OWMT-SOFT-OPC uses this  
number to identify this IP connection. OWMT-SOFT-OPC uses this  
number to update the OPC item “nodaladdress”.  
IP Address – the IP address that is used to address the receiver.  
Port – the port number that is used along with the IP address to address the  
Conn – identifies who initiated the connection. Outgoing: OWMT-SOFT-  
OPC initiated the connection with the receiver. Incoming: the receiver  
initiated the connection with OWMT-SOFT-OPC.  
Password – initial password used to gain access to the receiver.  
Description – a general description field associated with the IP connection.  
The following is list of buttons in the “Add/Delete IP Connection” screen:  
Test – OWMT-SOFT-OPC will try to make a connection to this IP address  
and report back success or failure.  
Add New – OWMT-SOFT-OPC displays the “New IP Address” screen.  
The following is list of the fields to enter to add a new IP connection:  
IP Address – the IP address that is used to address the receiver  
Port – the port number that is used along with the IP address to address  
the receiver.  
Description– a general description field associated with the IP  
Password – initial password used to gain access to the receiver. If the  
receiver does not have a password set or does not require a  
password then leave this field blank.  
Connection – identifies whether OWMT-SOFT-OPC will initiate the  
connection or whether the receiver will initiate the connection.  
Outgoing: OWMT-SOFT-OPC initiates the connection. Incoming:  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC waits for the receiver to initiate the  
Edit – OWMT-SOFT-OPC displays the “Edit” screen showing the selected  
IP connection. The “Edit” screen has the same fields as the “New IP  
Address” screen.  
Delete – delete the selected IP connection.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Main Window x 9  
View IP Connection Status  
(OMWT-RECIP Receiver only)  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC will display the “IP Status” screen. OWMT-SOFT-OPC shows  
the current state of the all the connections. The following describes the columns:  
Node – Node number for the IP address. OWMT-SOFT-OPC uses this  
number to identify this IP connection. OWMT-SOFT-OPC uses this  
number to update the OPC item “nodaladdress”.  
IP Address – the IP address that is used to address the receiver.  
Port – the port number that is used along with the IP address to address the  
Conn – identifies who initiated the connection. Outgoing: OWMT-SOFT-  
OPC initiated the connection with the receiver. Incoming: the receiver  
initiated the connection with OWMT-SOFT-OPC.  
Description – a general description field associated with the IP connection.  
Status – the current status of the connection. The following is a list of the  
possible status messages:  
Never Connected – OWMT-SOFT-OPC never attempted or received a  
connection to the receiver  
IP Connected – OWMT-SOFT-OPC is currently connected to the  
receiver but has not logged in.  
Connected – OWMT-SOFT-OPC is currently connected to the receiver  
is waiting to receive sensor packets.  
Disconnected – OWMT-SOFT-OPC was connected but is now  
disconnected from the receiver. If the connection was initiated by  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC, OWMT-SOFT-OPC will continually try to  
reestablish the connection.  
TCP/IP Error – a TCP/IP error was encounter and OWMT-SOFT-OPC  
is not connected to the receiver.  
No IP Connection – OWMT-SOFT-OPC tried to establish a connection  
but failed.  
Wrong Password – The receiver requires a login password and the  
incorrect password was used by OWMT-SOFT-OPC.  
10 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Main Window  
Outputs are only send packets. The Output devices do not send packets. Therefore  
the setup for an Output sensor must be done manually. Some Outputs need to be  
“trained” to the packets that it will receive for from the Server.  
New and Edit  
Create or edit an Output object to manage an Output sensor. The following  
describe the parameters necessary to set up an Output sensor.  
Type – “Dual Discrete Outputs” or “12 bit Analog Output”. Select the type  
of Output sensor. Note changeable only for the Edit Output window.  
Serial Number – Some Outputs sensors can “learn” a serial number. Others  
have the serial number preassigned and must be entered in the field.  
These sensors have the serial number labeled. For those sensors that  
must learn their serial number, OWMT-SOFT-OPC creates a default  
serial number. Press the “Generate New Serial Number” button to  
generate a new serial number.  
Label – name assigned for this Output sensor. The label name is used for  
the OPC topic name. This name must be unique. For the Edit Window,  
the Label field contains a list box. Select the Output to modify from the  
list. You can also change the label for the current Output.  
Node – This field applies only when using the OMWT-RECIP Receiver.  
The Node List box contains a list of the OMWT-RECIP Receivers to  
send the output packet to. For the“Send All” selection, OWMT-SOFT-  
OPC sends the packet to all the OMWT-RECIP Receivers.  
Dual Discrete Outputs  
Send when output B is written – If checked, OWMT-SOFT-OPC will only  
send the output packet only when the “outputB” item is written to (OPC  
poke). Output A is first written to and the output B. If unchecked,  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC will send the output packet when either the  
“outputA” or “outputB” items are written to (OPC poke). The state of  
both outputs is sent in the same packet.  
12 bit Analog Output  
Scale – the scale to apply to the raw reading (12 bits: 0 to 4095).  
Offset – the offset to apply to the reading after the scale is applied.  
Engeering Value = Scale * raw + Offset.  
Units – units label for the analog output.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Main Window x 11  
The Train dialog is used in the processing of training the Output device to output  
packets (as produced by OWMT-SOFT-OPC). Follow these steps to train an Output  
1. Select the desired Output from the list of Outputs.  
2. Press and hold the button on the Output device (label as “train”).  
3. Click the button on the Train window. Repeat until the LED on the  
Output device is on.  
The Output device is now ready to receive Output packets from OWMT-SOFT-OPC.  
12 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Main Window  
Search and Add Devices  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC will display the "Add Wireless Device" screen. Devices already  
in the OWMT-SOFT-OPC.ini file are displayed in the top portion of the screen.  
Follow the setup procedure to add more devices.  
The setup screen is the method by which OWMT-SOFT-OPC acquires wireless  
devices. The default on the setup screen is to accept only packets that are sent in  
service mode from the device (the packet is sent by pressing the service button on the  
device.) To change this default, uncheck the "Service Mode Only" checkbox.  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC will then display all the packets it receives. When OWMT-  
SOFT-OPC receives a packet from a new device, it names the device following the  
naming conventions detailed below, and it displays the device's name and serial  
number in the window.  
You have several options after the device has been displayed. The "Clear New"  
button will clear all the devices that have just been received. The "Delete" button  
will delete a single device. Click on a device to select it and click on "Delete" to  
delete it. To edit a device, click on the device to select it and click on "Edit" to edit  
the device. There is also a "Stop" button. If you click that button, OWMT-SOFT-  
OPC will stop listing devices in the window. When you click on the "Stop" button, it  
becomes a "Receive" button. If you click on that, OWMT-SOFT-OPC will start  
receiving packets and listing devices again.  
When you are ready, hit "OK", or "Cancel" to exit.  
Edit Device  
The Edit screen for a new RF device shows the device's serial number, which the  
user cannot change, the device's current Label, which can be changed by the user,  
and the Transmit Rate for the device. The Label cannot be the same as the label used  
by any current device. The Transmit Rate is in seconds. The default value is 60.  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC uses the Transmit Rate to determine if a device has gone offline.  
ReConfigure Net  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC clears device information from the OWMT-SOFT-OPC.ini  
startup file and completes a SearchAdd to build a new device list as if starting for the  
first time. Use caution here; all changes that you have made manually to the device  
information contained in the OWMT-SOFT-OPC.ini file will be deleted and  
overwritten. OWMT-SOFT-OPC does not modify the global configuration  
parameters contained in the sections Server and Logging of the OWMT-SOFT-  
OPC.ini file.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Main Window x 13  
Clicking this menu option shows the View Device List window. OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
shows a list of devices and their serial numbers.  
To see the help for a device, click on the device and then click the help button.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC will display the help for the selected device.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC displays the Communication Errors window. This window  
shows the last error that occurred.  
Tries Count: Number of tries that have occurred before a device is considered offline.  
Major Error Count: Number of errors that (after tries) took the device offline.  
Last Error Code: Number error code of the last error  
Last Error Device: The name of the device that had the last error.  
Last Error Time: The time when the last error occurred.  
Last Error Message: A description of the last error.  
Click the Reset button clear the errors and reset the counts.  
When you select this menu option, OMWT-SOFT-OPC terminates.  
You select the the Help file's contents or index window or you can display the  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC About window.  
14 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Main Window  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .INI File  
The OMWT-SOFT-OPC.INI file contains the configuration parameters for the server  
and the devices being polled. When OMWT-SOFT-OPC searches and finds a new  
device it adds the device to the INI file and assigns default initial parameters. These  
parameters can be changed by using a text editor and editing the INI file, or by using  
the included OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini Editing Utility, which will be discussed later in  
this Help. (The installation program for OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server created a short  
cut to the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.INI file.) Double clicking will automatically start  
WordPad or Notepad. The following rules must be kept when editing the INI file.  
1) All device label names must be unique.  
2) The NumberDevices in the [Server] section must equal the largest device  
section [Devicen].  
3) The must be no missing device sections [Devicen] in the list.  
Note: OMWT-SOFT-OPC looks at the ini file only at startup or after adding a new  
device. Changes made to the ini file will not be reflected in OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
until OMWT-SOFT-OPC is closed and restarted.  
The following is a list of the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.INI parameters.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format x 15  
[Server]- Section name.  
PortType - Communication medium (AUTO, OMWT-232-600, etc.).  
PortNo - Port number.  
NumberDevices - Number of devices to be polled by the server.  
OfflinePollTime - How often to poll for offline devices. Milliseconds  
Tries - No. of tries during polling before a device is marked offline.  
HostAdapterCheck - Enables/disables the detection of receiver. (0 or 1)  
BaudRate –options are: 115,200; 38,400; 19,200; or 1200. The default is  
19200. Use this parameter for receivers that use a different baud rate  
than the default. Make sure the value in the ini file matches the value  
set in the hardware.  
DefaultTempUnits - specifies the starting units of Temperature devices  
DefaultPressUnits - specifies the starting units of Pressure devices  
ConfigureEnable – 0 – disables the Setup Menu option on the main menu.  
The user then cannot make any changes to the configuration. 1 –  
(default) – enable the Setup Menu option on the main menu.  
SmallINI – suppresses the listing of minor variables in order to make the ini  
file smaller (useful for large networks since under Windows, an ini file  
may be a maximum of 64K).  
DefaultThermistorCorrID – overrides the default thermistor Correction ID  
(normally 128). All thermistors will be assigned this Correction ID  
unless the ID is overriOPCn in the individual device section.  
ForwardAll – species if all packets are forwarded or only packets  
associated with OMWT-SOFT-OPC’s device list get forwarded across  
a TCP/IP connection. A TCP/IP client must initiate the connection to  
the port specified with the ForwardPort in the [IP Addresses] section.  
Each packet has the following format: sensor packet,node number,  
node description, sensor label.  
16 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format  
[Logging] - section name  
LogRate - 0: no logging; 1-100000 logging interval in seconds. 5 sec or  
greater OMWT-SOFT-OPC opens and closes the log file at every  
logging interval. Less than 5 OMWT-SOFT-OPC leaves the file open  
until OMWT-SOFT-OPC is terminated or “Server.Logging.LogRate” is  
set to 0 or 5 and greater.  
LogFile - full pathname for the log file - default "OMWT-SOFT-  
OfflineIndicator - character or string to indicate offline - NULL: last value  
LogErrors - 1 - log runtime network errors to OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ERR. 0  
- do not log errors  
IP Addresses  
[IP Addresses] – section name (for OMWT-RECIP receivers)  
IPWaitPort – port number that OWMT-SOFT-OPC will wait for  
connections initiated by an IP receiver. (default is 1060)  
ForwardPort – port number that OWMT-SOFT-OPC will wait for  
connections to forward received packets. (default is 0 which means  
disabled) OWMT-SOFT-OPC will forward received packets through  
this connection. Each packet has the following format: sensor  
packet,node number, node description, sensor label. The INI  
parameter FowardAll in the [Server] section controls what packets get  
[Devicen] - Section name.  
Address – serial number of the sensor.  
DeviceType - Device type. (DeviceType=DIGITAL)  
PollTime - How often to poll the device. (ms)  
Label - Name used for the device (and Topic).  
Log - Enable/disable logging of device.  
OutputOnDemand - Output is initiated on demand or during poll.  
DescriptionA - General purpose description.  
DescriptionB - General purpose description.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format x 17  
[Devicen] - Section name.  
Address - – serial number of the sensor.  
DeviceType - Device type. (DeviceType=TEMP)  
PollTime - How often to poll the device. (ms)  
Label - Name used for the device (and Topic).  
Log- Enable/disable logging of device.  
LogDecimalPlaces - Number of decimals to create when logging.  
Units - See OPC tags list under input.units for description.  
Cal1Raw - Two point calibration point 1.  
Cal2Raw - Two point calibration point 2.  
Cal1Engr - Two point calibration engineering units for point 1.  
Cal2Engr - Two point calibration engineering units for point 2.  
DeadBand - Dead band filtering value in ºC. (Default 0.01)  
FilterElements - running macro filter of the sampled data. Syntax: [no. of  
elements, type] where no. of elements is number of samples to filter;  
Default is “=3,MEDIAN”. Example: FilterElements1=6,AVERAGE  
Description - General purpose description.  
CorrID – What CorrectionID to use with this device. Must be found in the  
"Correction.INI" file that you write and keep in the same directory as  
the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini file. 0 is the default and means no  
correction; 127 is the maximum. If the device type is a thermistor, the  
default CorrID is found in the [Server] section  
"DefaultThermistorCorrID", which defaults to 128.  
18 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format  
[Devicen] - Section name.  
Address - – serial number of the sensor.  
DeviceType - Device type. (DeviceType=HUMIDITY)  
PollTime - How often to poll the device. (ms)  
Label - Name used for the device (and Topic).  
Log - Enable/disable logging of device.  
LogDecimalPlaces - Number of decimals to create when logging.  
PollSamples - No. of samples per poll (must be odd no.) If >0 Median Filter  
if <0 then Average Filter is used.  
Temperature - Indicates if sensor needs temperature compensation. (0 or  
DwellTime - Time allowed to charge the probe. (ms)  
PostDwell - Time after reading to allow bus to recover. (ms)  
OverSampleDwell - Time before each over sample to charge probe. (ms)  
DeadBand - Dead band filtering value in % of full scale.  
Description - General purpose description.  
Cal1Raw - Two point calibration point 1.  
Cal2Raw - Two point calibration point 2.  
Cal1Engr - Two point calibration engineering units for point 1.  
Cal2Engr - Two point calibration engineering units for point 2.  
Units - % Relative Humidity  
TempCoeff - PPM temperature coefficient of the sensor.  
TempCalib - Temperature at which the calibration was done.  
TempAddress – serial number of the temperature sensor in the probe.  
MacroFilterElements - running macro filter of the sampled data. Syntax:  
[no. of elements, type] where no. of elements is number of samples to  
filter; type – “AVERAGE”, “MEDIAN” and “AVERAGEMEDIAN”.  
Default is “=3,MEDIAN”. Example: FilterElements1=6,AVERAGE  
CorrID – What CorrectionID to use with this device. Must be found in the  
"Correction.INI" file that you write and keep in the same directory as  
the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini file. 0 is the default and means no  
correction; 127 is the maximum.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format x 19  
DIGCOUNTER and Directional Counter  
[Devicen] - Section name.  
Address - – serial number of the sensor.  
DeviceType - Device type. (DeviceType=DIGCOUNTER or  
PollTime - How often to poll the device. (ms)  
Label - Name used for the device (and Topic) (typically DIGCOUNTER1  
Log- Enable/disable logging of device.  
LogDecimalPlaces - Number of decimals to create when logging.  
ScaleA - Multiplier for Counter A  
ScaleB - Multiplier for Counter B  
UnitsA - Generic label for units - no function  
UnitsB - Generic label for units - no function  
DescriptionA - Generic description field  
DescriptionB - Generic description field  
EnableCounterB - Enable the gather of Counter B  
Description – General purpose description field  
20 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format  
[Devicen] - Section name.  
Address – serial number of the sensor.  
DeviceType - Device type. (DeviceType=CNTTEMP)  
PollTime - How often to poll the device. (ms)  
Label - Name used for the device (and Topic) (typically CNTTEMP1).  
Log- Enable/disable logging of device.  
LogDecimalPlaces - Number of decimals to create when logging.  
Scale - Multiplier for Counter A  
Units - Generic label for units - no function  
Description - Generic description field  
temp.Units - See OPC tag item temp.input.units for description.  
temp.Cal1Raw - Two point calibration point 1.  
temp.Cal2Raw - Two point calibration point 2.  
temp.Cal1Engr - Two point calibration engineering units for point 1.  
temp.Cal2Engr - Two point calibration engineering units for point 2.  
temp.DeadBand - Dead band filtering value in ºC. (Default 0.00)  
temp.FilterElements - running macro filter of the sampled data. Syntax:  
[no. of elements, type] where no. of elements is number of samples to  
filter; type – “AVERAGE”, “MEDIAN” and “AVERAGEMEDIAN”.  
Default is “=0”. Example: FilterElements1=6,AVERAGE  
temp.Description - General purpose description.  
temp.CorrID – What CorrectionID to use with this device. Must be found  
in the "Correction.INI" file that you write and keep in the same  
directory as the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini file. 0 is the default and means  
no correction; 127 is the maximum  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format x 21  
[Devicen] - Section name.  
Address – serial number of the sensor.  
DeviceType - Device type. (DeviceType=FASTCNTTEMP)  
PollTime - How often to poll the device. (ms)  
Label - Name used for the device (and Topic) (typically  
Log- Enable/disable logging of device.  
LogDecimalPlaces - Number of decimals to create when logging.  
Scale - Multiplier for Counter A  
Units - Generic label for units - no function  
Description - Generic description field  
temp.Units - See OPC item temp.input.units for description.  
temp.Cal1Raw - Two point calibration point 1.  
temp.Cal2Raw - Two point calibration point 2.  
temp.Cal1Engr - Two point calibration engineering units for point 1.  
temp.Cal2Engr - Two point calibration engineering units for point 2.  
temp.DeadBand - Dead band filtering value in ºC. (Default 0.00)  
temp.FilterElements - running macro filter of the sampled data. Syntax:  
[no. of elements, type] where no. of elements is number of samples to  
filter; type – “AVERAGE”, “MEDIAN” and “AVERAGEMEDIAN”.  
Default is “=0”. Example: FilterElements1=6,AVERAGE  
temp.Description - General purpose description.  
temp.CorrID – What CorrectionID to use with this device. Must be found  
in the "Correction.INI" file that you write and keep in the same  
directory as the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini file. 0 is the default and means  
no correction; 127 is the maximum  
22 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format  
[Devicen] - Section name.  
Address - serial number of the sensor.  
DeviceType - Device type. (DeviceType=TEMP)  
PollTime - How often to poll the device. (ms)  
Label - Name used for the device (and Topic).  
Log- Enable/disable logging of device.  
LogDecimalPlaces - Number of decimals to create when logging.  
Units - See OPC item temp.input.units for description.  
Cal1Raw - Two point calibration point 1.  
Cal2Raw - Two point calibration point 2.  
Cal1Engr - Two point calibration engineering units for point 1.  
Cal2Engr - Two point calibration engineering units for point 2.  
DeadBand - Dead band filtering value in ºC. (Default 0.01)  
FilterElements - running macro filter of the sampled data. Syntax: [no. of  
elements, type] where no. of elements is number of samples to filter;  
Default is “=3,MEDIAN”. Example: FilterElements1=6,AVERAGE  
Description - General purpose description.  
CorrID – What CorrectionID to use with this device. Must be found in the  
"Correction.INI" file that you write and keep in the same directory as  
the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini file. 0 is the default and means no  
correction; 127 is the maximum  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format x 23  
Analog Input  
- Section name  
Address – serial number of the sensor.  
DeviceType - DeviceType=AI  
PollTime - How often to poll the device (ms).  
Label - Name used for the device (and Topic) (typically AI1)  
Log - Enable/disable logging of device.  
LogDecimalPlaces - Number of decimals to create when logging.  
Cal1Raw - Two point calibration point 1 (default 0).  
Cal2Raw - Two point calibration point 2 (default 4095).  
Cal1Engr - Two point calibration engineering units for point 1 (default 0).  
Cal2Engr - Two point calibration engineering units for point 2 (default 10).  
DeadBand - Dead band filtering value in % of full scale (Cal2Engr).  
FilterElements – running macro filter of the sampled data. Syntax: [no. of  
elements, type] where no. of elements is number of samples to filter;  
Default is “=1,MEDIAN” – no filtering. Example:  
Units - units label (default "%").  
Description - Generic description field  
CorrID – What CorrectionID to use with this device. Must be found in the  
"Correction.INI" file that you write and keep in the same directory as  
the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini file. 0 is the default and means no  
correction; 127 is the maximum.  
24 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format  
Access/Control Reader  
[Devicen] - Section name.  
Address - serial number of the sensor.  
DeviceType - Device type. (DeviceType=IDR)  
PollTime - How often to poll the device or wait for packet. (ms)  
Label - Name used for the device (and Topic).  
Log- Enable/disable logging of device.  
LogDecimalPlaces - Number of decimals to create when logging.  
Description - General purpose description.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format x 25  
[Devicen] - Section name.  
Address - serial number of the sensor.  
DeviceType - Device type. (DeviceType=REPEATER)  
PollTime - How often to poll the device or wait for packet. (ms)  
Label - Name used for the device (and Topic) (typically REPEATER1).  
Log- Enable/disable logging of device.  
LogDecimalPlaces - Number of decimals to create when logging.  
Description - General purpose description.  
Dual Discrete Output  
[Devicen] - Section name.  
Address - serial number of the sensor.  
NodalAddress – node where the output will be sent. Defaults to 0 for the  
OMWT-REC323-600 Receiver. For OMWT-RECIP, the node number  
represents each receiver starting at 1. If set to 0, OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
will send the output packet to all nodes.  
DeviceType - Device type. (DeviceType= OUTPUTDISC)  
PollTime - How often to poll the device or wait for packet. (ms) Defaults to  
0 for outputs.  
Label - Name used for the device (and Topic) (typically OUTPUTDISC1).  
Log- Enable/disable logging of device.  
Description - General purpose description.  
TriggerOnB – 0 – OMWT-SOFT-OPC will send the output packet when  
either items “outputa” or “outputb” is written to; 1 – OMWT-SOFT-  
OPC will send the outputpacket when only item “outputb” is written to.  
Set “outputa” before writing the value to “outputb”. Both outputs A  
and B are set through one packet.  
OutTries – number of times to send the output packet. (default 10)  
OutInterval – (in milliseconds) – the interval of time between sending  
output packets. (default 1000).  
26 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format  
Wireless Analog Output  
[Devicen] - Section name.  
Address - serial number of the sensor.  
NodalAddress – node where the output will be sent. Defaults to 0 for the  
OMWT-REC323-600 Receiver. For OMWT-RECIP, the node number  
represents each receiver starting at 1. If set to 0, OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
will send the output packet to all nodes.  
DeviceType - Device type. (DeviceType= OUTPUTANALOG)  
PollTime - How often to poll the device or wait for packet. (ms) Defaults to  
0 for outputs.  
Label - Name used for the device (and Topic) (typically  
Log- Enable/disable logging of device.  
LogDecimalPlaces - Number of decimals to create when logging.  
Description - General purpose description.  
Cal1Raw - Two point calibration point 1 (default 0).  
Cal2Raw - Two point calibration point 2 (default 4095).  
Cal1Engr - Two point calibration engineering units for point 1 (default 0).  
Cal2Engr - Two point calibration engineering units for point 2 (default  
Units - units label (default "%").  
Description - Generic description field  
OutTries – number of times to send the output packet. (default 10)  
OutInterval – (in milliseconds) – the interval of time between sending  
output packets. (default 1000).  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format x 27  
Any time OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server modifies the INI file, OMWT-SOFT-OPC will  
create a copy of the previous INI file. OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server names this backup  
file the same file name as the INI file but names the file extension as “.Bnn” where n  
is from 01 to 20. OMWT-SOFT-OPC will create up to 20 backups. If OMWT-  
SOFT-OPC needs to create more, it will overwrite the oldest backup which will be  
typically starting at “.B01”.  
If you need to revert to a backup just rename the original OMWT-SOFT-OPC.INI  
file and then rename the backup to OMWT-SOFT-OPC.INI.  
28 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags  
Using OPC Tags  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC uses the Device Name for the first part of the OPC tag name.  
The individual tag names from Device follow. OMWT-SOFT-OPC uses a  
hieratchial tree from name with various degrees of levels. The following is two  
examples of access two tags from a temperature device:  
Device Names  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC uses the device name as the first part of the OPC tag name. A  
device contains a nodal address. When "Search and Add Devices" is selected from  
setup, OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server will automatically assign label names that will be  
used as part of the OPC tag name for each new device found. The user can then  
change the name if they choose.  
Default names are:  
(Digital I/O)  
(Temperature device built-in to a OMWT-  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags x 29  
Where n is a number starting at 1. OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server guarantees that each  
label assigned will be unique (No Duplicates Allowed).  
30 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags  
Device Tag Names  
The Server uses device tag names to allow access to the I/O data and specific  
operational information. Tag names are dependent on the type of devices used.  
(OMWT-TEMP15, OMWT-THERM): TEMPn or 'T' Prefixed Topic Names  
online (R) - indicates if the device is communicating (0 or 1)  
nodaladdress (R) – (TCP/IP Receiver). The node address starts at 1. For  
TCP/IP Receivers, the node address corresponds to the node number  
for the TCP/IP connection.  
repeateraddress (R) – (Wireless mode) contains the location identifier of  
the OMWT-REPEAT repeater. If the sensor did not pass through a  
repeater then the value is 0.  
polltime (R/W) - how often to poll the device (in milliseconds)  
serialno (R) - registration number of the temperature sensor  
input (R) - current temperature in engineering units  
input.raw (R) - current temperature in ºC  
input.units (R/W) -engineering units of the input tag (ºC, ºF, or ºK). When  
this tag is written, it changes the temperature scale in the input.value  
tag. input.units must be one of the following: "Celsius",”C”,  
"Fahrenheit",”F”, or "Kelvin",”K”.  
input.deadband (R/W) - filtering deadband in ºC  
input.conv (R/W) - calibration and unit conversion parameters string.  
input.desc (R) - General identification description field.  
(R) – indicates that the tag is readable.  
(R/W) – indicates that the tag is both readable and writeable. OPC Write operations  
will either change an I/O point at the device, or an operation will be performed.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags x 31  
Digital I/O: DIGITALn  
online (R) - indicates if the device is communicating (0 or 1)  
nodaladdress (R) – (TCP/IP Receiver). The node address starts at 1. For  
TCP/IP Receivers, the node address corresponds to the node number  
for the TCP/IP connection.  
repeateraddress (R) – (Wireless mode) contains the location identifier of  
the OMWT-REPEAT repeater. If the sensor did not pass through a  
repeater then the value is 0.  
polltime (R/W) - how often to poll the device (in milliseconds)  
serialno (R) - registration number of the temperature sensor  
inputA (R) - level of PIOA (0 or 1)  
inputB (R) - level of PIOB (0 or 1)  
counterA(R) - counter of the activity latch of PIOA  
counterB (R) - counter of the activity latch of PIOB  
counterAB (R) - counter A minus counter B  
outputA.value (R/W) - current value of the output of PIOA (0 or 1)  
outputB.value (R/W) - current value of the output of PIOB (0 or 1)  
outputA.ondemand (R/W) - 1 - output on demand; 0 - on next poll (0 or 1)  
outputB.ondemand (R/W) - 1 - output on demand; 0 - on next poll (0 or 1)  
input.descA (R) - General identification description field for channel A.  
input.descB (R) - General identification description field for channel B.  
(R) – indicates that the tag is readable.  
(R/W) – indicates that the tag is both readable and writeable. OPC Write operations  
will either change an I/O point at the device, or an operation will be performed.  
32 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags  
Temperature/Humidity: HUMIDITYn  
online (R) - indicates if the device is communicating (0 or 1)  
polltime (R/W) - how often to poll the device (in milliseconds)  
nodaladdress (R) – (TCP/IP Receiver). The node address starts at 1. For  
TCP/IP Receivers, the node address corresponds to the node number  
for the TCP/IP connection.  
repeateraddress (R) – (Wireless mode) contains the location identifier of  
the OMWT-REPEAT repeater. If the sensor did not pass through a  
repeater then the value is 0.  
serialno (R) - registration number of the temperature sensor  
input.value (R) - current value of the pressure sensor in engineering units  
input.raw (R) - current value in inches of Hg.  
input.binary (R) - current value in binary units from the pressure probe.  
input.conv (R/W) - calibration and unit conversion parameters string.  
input.units (R/W) - units of the "%RH".  
input.deadband (R/W) - deadband filtering in % of engineering Units  
desc (R) - General identification description field.  
tempflag (R) - Indicates if a temperature sensor is present in probe.  
(R) – indicates that the tag is readable.  
(R/W) – indicates that the tag is both readable and writeable. OPC Write operations  
will either change an I/O point at the device, or an operation will be performed.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags x 33  
DIGCOUNTER and Directional Counter:  
online(R) - indicates if the device is communicating (0 or 1)  
polltime(R/W) - how often to poll the device (in milliseconds)  
nodaladdress (R) – (TCP/IP Receiver). The node address starts at 1. For  
TCP/IP Receivers, the node address corresponds to the node number  
for the TCP/IP connection.  
repeateraddress (R) – (Wireless mode) contains the location identifier of  
the OMWT-REPEAT repeater. If the sensor did not pass through a  
repeater then the value is 0.  
serialno(R) - registration number of the temperature sensor  
dio.inputa(R) – state of the inputa, 1 or 0  
dio.inputb(R) – state of the inputb, 1 or 0  
cnt.inputa(R) - current count of dio.inputa  
cnt.inputa.diff (R/W)- current count from the time the OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
was started or when the variable was reset to 0.  
cnt.inputa.time(R) - time in milliseconds of last update (uses Win API  
cnt.inputa.scale(R/W) - value multiplied against the counts  
cnt.inputa.units (R/W)- units description field  
cnt.inputa.desc(R/W) - general purpose description field  
cnt.inputb(R) - current count of dio.inputb  
cnt.inputb.diff(R) - current count from the time the OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
was started or when the variable was reset to 0.  
cnt.inputb.time(R) - time in milliseconds of last update (uses Win API  
cnt.inputb.scale(R/W) - value multiplied against the counts  
cnt.inputb.units(R/W) - units description field  
cnt.inputb.desc(R/W) - general purpose description field  
(R) – indicates that the tag is readable.  
(R/W) – indicates that the tag is both readable and writeable. OPC Write operations  
will either change an I/O point at the device, or an operation will be performed.  
34 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags  
online(R) - indicates if the device is communicating (0 or 1)  
polltime(R/W) - how often to poll the device (in milliseconds)  
nodaladdress (R) – (TCP/IP Receiver). The node address starts at 1. For  
TCP/IP Receivers, the node address corresponds to the node number  
for the TCP/IP connection.  
repeateraddress (R) – (Wireless mode) contains the location identifier of  
the OMWT-REPEAT repeater. If the sensor did not pass through a  
repeater then the value is 0.  
serialno(R) - registration number of the temperature sensor  
dio.inputa(R) – state of the input, 1 or 0  
dio.inputb(R) – state of the input, 1 or 0  
cnt.input(R) - current count from the senosr  
cnt.input.diff (R/W)- current count from the time the OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
was started or when the variable was reset to 0.  
cnt.input.time(R) - time in milliseconds of last update (uses Win API  
cnt.input.scale(R/W) - value multiplied against the counts  
cnt.input.units (R/W)- units description field  
cnt.input.desc(R/W) - general purpose description field  
temp.input (R) - current temperature in engineering units  
temp.input.raw (R) - current temperature in ºC  
temp.input.units (R/W) - engineering units of the input tag (ºC, ºF, or ºK).  
When this tag is written, it changes the temperature scale in the  
input.value tag. input.units must be one of the following:  
"Celsius",”C”, "Fahrenheit",”F”, or "Kelvin",”K”.  
temp.input.deadband (R/W) - filtering deadband in ºC  
temp.input.conv (R/W) - calibration and unit conversion parameters string.  
temp.input.desc(R/W) - General identification description field.  
(R) – indicates that the tag is readable.  
(R/W) – indicates that the tag is both readable and writeable. OPC Write operations  
will either change an I/O point at the device, or an operation will be performed.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags x 35  
online(R) - indicates if the device is communicating (0 or 1)  
polltime(R/W) - how often to poll the device (in milliseconds)  
nodaladdress (R) – (TCP/IP Receiver). The node address starts at 1. For  
TCP/IP Receivers, the node address corresponds to the node number  
for the TCP/IP connection.  
repeateraddress (R) – (Wireless mode) contains the location identifier of  
the OMWT-REPEAT repeater. If the sensor did not pass through a  
repeater then the value is 0.  
serialno(R) - registration number of the temperature sensor  
cnt.inputa(R) - current count from the sensor  
cnt.inputa.diff (R/W)- current count from the time the OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
was started or when the variable was reset to 0.  
cnt.inputa.time(R) - time in milliseconds of last update (uses Win API  
cnt.inputa.scale(R/W) - value multiplied against the counts  
cnt.inputa.units (R/W)- units description field  
cnt.inputa.desc(R/W) - general purpose description field  
cnt.inputb(R) – 8 bit time in seconds of when the sensor captured the last  
cnt.inputb.units(R/W) - units description field  
cnt.inputb.desc(R/W) - general purpose description field  
temp.input (R) - current temperature in engineering units  
temp.input.raw (R) - current temperature in ºC  
temp.input.units (R/W) - engineering units of the input tag (ºC, ºF, or ºK).  
When this tag is written, it changes the temperature scale in the  
input.value tag. input.units must be one of the following:  
"Celsius",”C”, "Fahrenheit",”F”, or "Kelvin",”K”.  
temp.input.deadband (R/W) - filtering deadband in ºC  
temp.input.conv (R/W) - calibration and unit conversion parameters string.  
temp.input.desc(R/W) - General identification description field.  
(R) – indicates that the tag is readable.  
(R/W) – indicates that the tag is both readable and writeable. OPC Write operations  
will either change an I/O point at the device, or an operation will be performed.  
36 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags  
online (R) - indicates if the device is communicating (0 or 1)  
nodaladdress (R) – (TCP/IP Receiver). The node address starts at 1. For  
TCP/IP Receivers, the node address corresponds to the node number  
for the TCP/IP connection.  
repeateraddress (R) – (Wireless mode) contains the location identifier of  
the OMWT-REPEAT repeater. If the sensor did not pass through a  
repeater then the value is 0.  
polltime (R/W) - how often to poll the device (in milliseconds)  
serialno (R) - registration number of the temperature sensor  
input (R) - current temperature in engineering units  
input.raw (R) - current temperature in ºC  
input.units (R/W) -engineering units of the input tag (ºC, ºF, or ºK). When  
this tag is written, it changes the temperature scale in the input.value  
tag. input.units must be one of the following: "Celsius",”C”,  
"Fahrenheit",”F”, or "Kelvin",”K”.  
input.deadband (R/W) - filtering deadband in ºC  
input.conv (R/W) - calibration and unit conversion parameters string.  
input.desc (R) - General identification description field.  
input.isalarm (R) – is the temperature above the set point (0 or 1).  
input.isalarmtime (R) – has the temperature been above the set point for  
more than the alarm time (0 or 1).  
input.marker (R) – general purpose 8 bit identifier from the sensor  
input.alarmtemp (R) – set point for the high temperature alarm in  
engineering units  
input.alarmtime (R) – set point for the amount of time that must pass for  
the input to be above the input.alarmtemp to trigger the input.alarmtime  
(R) – indicates that the tag is readable.  
(R/W) – indicates that the tag is both readable and writeable. OPC Write operations  
will either change an I/O point at the device, or an operation will be performed.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags x 37  
AnalogInput: AIn  
online(R) - indicates if the device is communicating (0 or 1)  
polltime(R/W) - how often to poll the device (in milliseconds)  
nodaladdress (R) – (TCP/IP Receiver). The node address starts at 1. For  
TCP/IP Receivers, the node address corresponds to the node number  
for the TCP/IP connection.  
repeateraddress (R) – (Wireless mode) contains the location identifier of  
the OMWT-REPEAT repeater. If the sensor did not pass through a  
repeater then the value is 0.  
serialno(R) - registration number of the sensor  
input(R) - current value of the sensor as percent of full scale  
input.conv(R/W) - unit conversion parameters string.  
input.units(R/W) – default is '%'.  
input.desc(R/W) - General identification description field.  
(R) – indicates that the tag is readable.  
(R/W) – indicates that the tag is both readable and writeable. OPC Write operations  
will either change an I/O point at the device, or an operation will be performed.  
38 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags  
Access/Control Reader: IDRn  
online (R) - indicates if the device is communicating (0 or 1)  
polltime (R/W) - how often to poll the device (in milliseconds)  
nodaladdress (R) – (TCP/IP Receiver). The node address starts at 1. For  
TCP/IP Receivers, the node address corresponds to the node number  
for the TCP/IP connection.  
repeateraddress (R) – (Wireless mode) contains the location identifier of  
the OMWT-REPEAT repeater. If the sensor did not pass through a  
repeater then the value is 0.  
serialno (R) - registration number of the access/control reader  
updatecount (R/W) – value is incremented whenever the sensor is updated.  
access (W) – 1- access granted; 0 – access denied. When the client writes a  
value, the Server takes the contents of the id, serialno, unlocked,  
striketime and shunttime items and creates a packet that is sent to the  
batterylevel (R) – last voltage measurement of the battery.  
batterylow (R) – indicates that the battery is low (0 – okay; 1 – low battery)  
striketime (W) – the amount of time in seconds to engage the door lock. (0  
to 255)  
shunttime (W) – the amount of time in seconds that the door can remain  
open before a “Door Held Open” alarm event will be generated. (0 to  
doorheldopen (R) – indicates that the door is being held open (0 – normal  
door operation; 1 – held open)  
dooropen (R) – indicates the current state of the door (0 – door is closed; 1  
– door is open)  
id (R/W) – 8 digit identifier of the last read card. A client can poke an id  
value to send with the output packet when the access item is poked.  
The id is represented as SSSIIIII where SSS is the 3 digit site code and  
IIIII is the 5 digit card number.  
info (R) – an tag of information from the reader (0 to 255).  
idtype – type of ID media. 0 – proximity card, 1 – IR fob.  
unlocked (W) – – property to lock or unlock the door (0 – locked; 1 –  
tamper (R) – indicates if the read has detected tampering (0 – reader okay;  
1 – tampered)  
Note: the Server will send an output packet when the access item is written to  
respond to a reader request to open the door. The Server uses the contents of the  
serialno, id, access, unlocked, striketime and shunttime items to generate the  
output packet. These fields (mainly id, unlocked, striketime and shunttime) must  
be set before the access item is written by the client.  
(R) – indicates that the tag is readable.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags x 39  
(W) – indicates that the tag is writeable only.  
(R/W) – indicates that the tag is both readable and writeable. OPC Write operations  
will either change an I/O point at the device, or an operation will be performed.  
40 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags  
Repeater: REPEATERn  
online (R) - indicates if the device is communicating (0 or 1)  
polltime (R/W) - how often to poll the device (in milliseconds)  
nodaladdress (R) – (TCP/IP Receiver). The node address starts at 1. For  
TCP/IP Receivers, the node address corresponds to the node number  
for the TCP/IP connection.  
repeateraddress (R) – (Wireless mode) contains the location identifier of  
the OMWT-REPEAT Repeater. If the sensor did not pass through a  
repeater then the value is 0.  
serialno (R) - registration number of the access/control reader  
updatecount (R/W) – value is incremented whenever the sensor is updated.  
battery (R) - current battery voltage (in volts)  
locatorid (R) – location id of the repeater. This is the id that is attached to  
sensor packets and is represented by the OPC item “repeateraddress”.  
(starts with “a”)  
cnt418 (R) – count of packets received through the 418 Mhz receiver.  
cnt900 (R) – count of packets received through the 900 Mhz transiever.  
radionetwork (R) – describes the set 900 Mhz network class of the repeater  
(R) – indicates that the tag is readable.  
(W) – indicates that the tag is writeable only.  
(R/W) – indicates that the tag is both readable and writeable. OPC Write operations  
will either change an I/O point at the device, or an operation will be performed.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags x 41  
Dual Discrete Output: OUTPUTDISCn  
online (R) - indicates if the device is communicating (0 or 1)  
polltime (R/W) - how often to poll the device (in milliseconds)  
nodaladdress (R/W) – (TCP/IP Receiver). The node address starts at 1.  
For TCP/IP Receivers, the node address corresponds to the node  
number for the TCP/IP connection. You can write to this parameter to  
determine which node to send the output packet. (write 0 and OMWT-  
SOFT-OPC will send to all nodes)  
repeateraddress (R) – (Wireless mode) contains the location identifier of  
the OMWT-REPEAT Repeater. If the sensor did not pass through a  
repeater then the value is 0.  
serialno (R) - registration number of the access/control reader  
updatecount (R/W) – value is incremented whenever the sensor is updated.  
outputa (R/W) – set to 0 or 1. Packet will be sent if TriggerOnB=0 option  
is set in the INI file.  
outputb (R/W) – set to 0 or 1. Packet will be sent when written.  
out.status (R) – 1 – OMWT-SOFT-OPC is in the process of sending output  
packets based on tries and interval; 0 – OMWT-SOFT-OPC has  
finished sending the output packet.  
out.interval (R/W) – time in milliseconds between OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
sending the output packet.  
out.tries (R/W) – the number of times OMWT-SOFT-OPC will send the  
output packet. “-1” – never stops sending packets.  
out.service (W) – When written to, OMWT-SOFT-OPC sends output  
packets to the output device for training.  
Note: when either outputa or outputb is written to, OMWT-SOFT-OPC will send  
out output packets based on outtries and outinterval. It first sets outservice to 1,  
and then to 0 when finished.  
(R) – indicates that the tag is readable.  
(W) – indicates that the tag is writeable only.  
(R/W) – indicates that the tag is both readable and writeable. OPC Write operations  
will either change an I/O point at the device, or an operation will be performed.  
42 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags  
Wireless Analog Output: OutputAnalogn  
online (R) - indicates if the device is communicating (0 or 1)  
polltime (R/W) - how often to poll the device (in milliseconds)  
nodaladdress (R/W) – (TCP/IP Receiver). The node address starts at 1.  
For TCP/IP Receivers, the node address corresponds to the node  
number for the TCP/IP connection. You can write to this parameter to  
determine which node to send the output packet. (write 0 and OMWT-  
SOFT-OPC will send to all nodes)  
repeateraddress (R) – (Wireless mode) contains the location identifier of  
the OMWT-REPEAT Repeater. If the sensor did not pass through a  
repeater then the value is 0.  
serialno (R) - registration number of the access/control reader  
updatecount (R/W) – value is incremented whenever the sensor is updated.  
output.value (R/W) – set variable to the desired Engineering value  
output.raw (R/W) – set the variable to the binary value (0 to 4095).  
output.nits (R/W) - units label assigned to the analog output.  
output.conv (R/W) - unit conversion parameters string.  
out.status (R) – 1 – OMWT-SOFT-OPC is in the process of sending output  
packets based on tries and interval; 0 – OMWT-SOFT-OPC has  
finished sending the output packet.  
out.interval (R/W) – time in milliseconds between OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
sending the output packet.  
out.tries (R/W) – the number of times OMWT-SOFT-OPC will send the  
output packet. “-1” – never stops sending packets.  
out.service (W) – When written to, OMWT-SOFT-OPC sends output  
packets to the output device for training.  
Note: when either output.value or output.raw is written to, OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
will send out output packets based on outtries and outinterval. It first sets  
outservice to 1, and then to 0 when finished.  
(R) – indicates that the tag is readable.  
(W) – indicates that the tag is writeable only.  
(R/W) – indicates that the tag is both readable and writeable. OPC Write operations  
will either change an I/O point at the device, or an operation will be performed.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags x 43  
Server Item Names  
Server Items are made available when the "Server" Topic is defined. These items  
give information about the Server and the current operational status of the Server.  
PortType (R) - communication medium: "COM", "LPT", etc.  
PortNo (R) - port number.  
PollTries (R) - No. of missed polls before a device is considered offline.  
NumberDevices (R/W) - number of devices in the system  
OfflinePolltime (R/W) - how often to poll for off-line devices Milliseconds  
NoDevicesOffline (R) - how many devices currently offline  
Online (R) - indicates if communicating with any devices (0 or 1)  
Ready (R) - 0 indicates that OMWT-SOFT-OPC is not receiving  
(initializing or do a restart function); 1-OMWT-SOFT-OPC is ready to  
CntNode – the number of nodes OMWT-SOFT-OPC is maintaining. For  
TCP/IP Receiver, this is the number of connections to receivers. Use  
this number to access the Noden items. (R) – indicates if the node is online or offline (0 – offline; 1 –  
online). n is the node number starting at 1.  
Noden.address (R) – address of the nodeFor TCP/IP Receiver, the address  
is the IP address. n is the node number starting at 1.  
Noden.description (R) – the description string for the node. n is the node  
number starting at 1.  
NetErrors.Last - the last error that occurred (string); see below.  
NetErrors.LastNo - the last error that occurred (enumerated); see below.  
NetErrors.LastDevice - the topic name of the device that had the error  
NetErrors.Count - number of errors that have occurred since Server started  
NetErrors.Com - number of CRC errors  
NetErrors.NoHostAdapter - number of errors from not detecting the  
DeviceCount.DIGITAL (R) - number of digital devices  
DeviceCount.TEMP(R) - number of temperature devices  
DeviceCount.HUMIDITY (R) - number of humidity devices  
DeviceCount.DIGCOUNTER (R) – number of digital counter devices  
DeviceCount.AI (R)- number of Analog Input devices  
DeviceCount.CNTTEMP – number of Counter Temperature  
DeviceCount.FASTCNTTEMP – number of Fast Counter Temperature  
DeviceCount.ALARMTEMP – number of Alarm Temperature  
DeviceCount.IDR – number of Access/Control Readers  
DeviceCount.DIRECTCNT – number of Directional Counters  
44 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags  
DeviceCount.REPEATER – number of Repeaters  
DeviceCount.OUTPUTDESC – number of Dual Discrete Outputs  
DeviceCount.OUTPUTANALOG – number of Wireless Analog Outputs  
Logging.Rate (R/W) - indicates the rate of logging in seconds. 0 - no  
logging. Less than 1 is accepted. Less than 5, OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
leaves the file open until terminated or set to 0. When 5 or greater,  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC opens, then logs, and then closes the file at every  
logging interval. When -1, OMWT-SOFT-OPC logs once immediately;  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC sets to 0 when completed.  
Logging.LogFile (R) - full pathname of the log file.  
Desc (R) - extra server tag clients can read/write for any purpose.  
Ready (R) - 0 OMWT-SOFT-OPC is initializing; 1 OMWT-SOFT-OPC is  
ready and polling.  
Version (R) - version number of OMWT-SOFT-OPC.  
SearchAdd (R/W) - Client must write any number to start SearchAdd  
function. When completed OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server will set back to  
Quit (R/W) - When Client sets value greater than 0, OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
Server terminates and unloads.  
Restart (R/W) - Client must set as follows.  
1 to 999 OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server deletes the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini  
file device information, removes all device objects from memory,  
performs a SearchAdd function, creates a new device list, and rewrites  
this information to the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini file.  
1000+ OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server deletes the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini file  
device information and then restarts the program.  
<0 OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server restarts the program.  
After successfully completing these operations, the restart tag is set back to  
* All error counters have the following format 0.000 where 0.001 is aOPCd to  
the count for any device error that causes a retry and a 1.000 is aOPCd to the  
counter if the error causes the device to go offline.  
(R) – indicates that the tag is readable.  
(R/W) – indicates that the tag is both readable and writeable. OPC Write operations  
will either change an I/O point at the device, or an operation will be performed.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags x 45  
Description of NetErrors.LastNo and NetErrors.Last  
Communication Error: CRC16 or Time Out  
Cannot Find Receiver.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Internal Error.  
Invalid calibration entered.  
Communication error with Receiver.  
46 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Data  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server can log data to an ASCII file at a programmable interval.  
The default name of the file is OMWT-SOFT-OPC.LOG. The name can be changed  
by changing the INI file. The log rate (programmable interval) can be changed in the  
INI file ([Logging] LogRate=) or by a client application through OPC  
(SERVER!LogRate). By default, all devices listed in the INI file are logged. You  
can disable logging for each device ([Devicen] Log=). The number of decimal  
places logged for each device can be changed as well ([Devicen]  
LogDecimalPlaces=). When a device is offline, OMWT-SOFT-OPC uses the last  
value gathered when online for logging. If the device has never been online, then -  
999999.0 is logged. You can have OMWT-SOFT-OPC place a character such as '*'  
or a string such as 'offline' in the logging string instead of the last value([Logging]  
OfflineIndicator=). All these parameters can be changed in the INI file.  
A client application can control logging through OPC variables. The client can  
start/stop logging or just log a single record. You can have your client application  
synchronize logging by keying off of one of the device's OPC variable changing  
values and then have OMWT-SOFT-OPC log one record. The client can also control  
the log rate. The full path name of the log file is also available to a client application  
through OPC. See the section "OPC Server Items" for more information.  
For diagnostic purposes, OMWT-SOFT-OPC can log errors that have occurred while  
waiting and processing data from the sensors. This feature is enabled in the INI file  
([Logging] LogErrors=). OMWT-SOFT-OPC places the errors in a file called  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ERR. See the section "OMWT-SOFT-OPC.INI: Logging” for  
more information.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Data Logging x 47  
File Management  
If the log rate is greater than or equal to 5 seconds, OMWT-SOFT-OPC opens and  
then closes the log file each time data is logged. If the log rate is less than 5 seconds,  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC leaves the file open and closes the file when OMWT-SOFT-  
OPC is terminated, the log rate is set to zero, or the log rate is set to 5 or greater.  
The log file can be viewed while OMWT-SOFT-OPC is logging. The other program  
must not write to the file, lock the file, set the file as read only, or set the file's sharing  
parameters so that OMWT-SOFT-OPC cannot log.  
When processing data with another program, the best approach is to either rename  
the file if the log rate is 5 or greater (OMWT-SOFT-OPC will automatically create a  
new file on the next log) or make a copy of the log file. When renaming, you may  
get an access error. Just try again.  
The Error log file is opened and then closed whenever OMWT-SOFT-OPC writes an  
error record.  
48 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Data Logging  
File Format - Data Log  
The log record format is as follows:  
hh:mm:ss,mm/dd/yyyy,data1,data2,data3, ... , datan  
hh:mm:ss is the time (ex. 23:40:50)  
mm/dd/yyyy is the date (ex. 02/03/99)  
datan - is the data for each device that has logging enabled.  
Most devices have one value for the data. However 4 devices have different formats.  
channels enabled.  
value1,value2,...,valuen, where n is the number of analog  
inputa, inputb, outputa, outpub, countera, counterb,  
countera, counterb - if both channels are enabled  
value, temp (only for Probe3 that has temperature  
DIGCOUNTER: dio.inputa, dio.inputb,cnt.inputa,cnt.inputb  
dio.inputa, dio.inputb,cnt.input, temp.input  
ALARMTEMP: value,isalarm,isalarmtime,alarmtemp,alarmtime  
IDR: cardid,access,islocked,isbattery,doorheldopen,tamper,  
irtype, batterylevel,into,strike,shunt,dooropen  
DIRECTCNT: dio.inputa, dio.inputb,cnt.inputa,cnt.inputb  
REPEATER: batteryvoltage, locatorid, 418cnt, 900cnt, netclass  
OUTPUTDISC: outputa,outputb  
Example log of a Pressure probe with temperature compensation and a  
Temperature probe.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Data Logging x 49  
File Format - Error Log  
The log record format is as follows:  
hh:mm:ss,mm/dd/yyyy,Error number,Error Msg,Online Flag,DeviceLabel  
hh:mm:ss is the time (ex. 23:40:50)  
mm/dd/yyyy is the date (ex. 02/03/99)  
Error number-- Error number as docummented for OPC variable SERVER!ErrorNo  
Error Msg - Error message string  
Online Flag - Is device considered Online?  
DeviceLabel - Name of the device  
Example error log:  
10:26:30,04/16/1998,-48,CRC16 or Time Out,1,TEMP8  
10:26:30,04/16/1998,-48,CRC16 or Time Out1,TEMP9  
50 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Data Logging  
OMWT-RECIP Receivers  
Overview of OMWT-RECIP Receivers  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC can connect to OMWT-RECIP receivers and receive and  
process sensors packets. As of this writing, the OWMT-RECIP (operating in “Pass-  
Thru” mode) is the only supported TCP/IP receiver. OWMT-SOFT-OPC makes a  
TCP/IP connection to a receive and then waits for sensor packets. OWMT-SOFT-  
OPC then processes the sensor packet as if it came from a receiver (like OWMT-  
REC232). OWMT-SOFT-OPC can initiate the connection or it can receive  
connections from a receiver. OWMT-SOFT-OPC can maintain multiple connections  
simultaneously (only limited by the resources of the host computer).  
Setting up to use OMWT-RECIP Receivers  
The OMWT-RECIP Receiver must be assigned a valid IP address and IP port  
number. If the OMWT-RECIP Receiver is going to initiate the connection to  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC then the OMWT-RECIP Receiver will need to be set up with  
the IP address and port number of the computer that is running OWMT-SOFT-OPC.  
See the manual for the specific receiver you want to use for information about setting  
the IP addresses.  
To prepare OWMT-SOFT-OPC to use a OMWT-RECIP Receiver, make sure the  
Port type is “OMWT-RECIP Receiver”. If you are using OWMT-SOFT-OPC for the  
first time, select “OMWT-RECIP Receiver” from the “Select Communication Port”  
option when it shows a window displaying “Cannot find Receiver”. OWMT-SOFT-  
OPC will then display the “All Current IP Addresses” window. You can select this  
window from the Setup menu. Click the “Add New” button to add a new IP  
connection. Click the “Test” button to test the selected IP Address. Click the “Edit”  
button to change the properties of a connection. When you click the OK button,  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC will attempt to the list of specified IP addresses. You can view  
the status of the connections by selection the Setup Menu and then select “View IP  
Connection Status” to display the “IP Status” window.  
OMWT-RECIP Receivers x 51  
OMWT-RECIP Receiver Notes  
If OWMT-SOFT-OPC initiates the connection then OWMT-SOFT-OPC will  
continually try to establish the connection when the connection is disrupted or never  
accepted. If the receiver initiates the connection, OWMT-SOFT-OPC relies on the  
receiver to re-establish the connection if the connection is disrupted.  
Each TCP/IP connection is assigned a “node number”. This “node number” gets  
associated with a sensor’s data. The “nodaladdress” OPC item is updated with the  
“node number”.  
Information about the individual TCP/IP connection is made available through the  
Server OPC parameters (the “Nodex” OPC item). See the Server OPC topic for more  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC can wait for connections initiated by the receiver. OWMT-  
SOFT-OPC will automatically add the TCP/IP connection to its list. OWMT-SOFT-  
OPC waits on port 1060 by default. You can change this port number through the  
OWMT-SOFT-OPC INI file. In the “IP Addresses” section change the  
“IPWaitPort=” line.  
52 x OMWT-RECIP Receivers  
Error Messages  
Communication Errors  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server communication initialization errors will cause the  
'OMWT-SOFT-OPC Initializing Error!" window to be displayed to help you  
determine what the cause of failure may be and to allow you to retry or abort the  
Error In Finding/Initializing Port.  
You have specified a port that does not exist on your computer. Use Setup to change  
to a port you have, or select Auto and let OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server search for you.  
Cannot Open Communication Port; Already In Use.  
Close application that is using the communication port or provide OMWT-SOFT-  
OPC Server with another RS-232 communications port.  
Cannot Find Receiver!  
This indicates OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server cannot find the receiver. If the receiver is  
connected with a serial cable, try another serial cable. The receiver uses the REC232  
handshake lines for power. Is the power LED on?  
Try another port.  
Cannot find and load lowlevel driver!  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server cannot find one of its DLL drivers. Either the driver is  
missing from the Windows\System folder or the registry entry got erased. Try  
reinstalling the program. If problem continues, please consult your dealer.  
Error Messages x 53  
Runtime Errors  
Communication Error: CRC16 or Time Out  
Sensor transmission was not received within the polltime or the transmission got  
Cannot Find Receiver.  
Receiver has become disconnected from the computer.  
OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Internal Error.  
Contact your dealer.  
54 x Error Messages  
Why Use Corrections  
Some devices, like a thermistor, need their data corrected in order to be meaningful.  
A thermistor uses resistance to measure temperature. The relation between the  
resistance and the temperature is non linear. A thermistor uses a set of correction  
parameters to convert resistance to temperature. Other devices may need to correct  
data values in a non linear way. OMWT-SOFT-OPC provides a way for the user to  
correct the data from a sensor using a set of correction parameters or a lookup table.  
Correction IDs  
Tell OMWT-SOFT-OPC that you want a device to use a correction by specifying the  
Correction ID in the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.INI file. Within the device section add a  
line saying "CorrID=" and the number of the correction that you want OMWT-  
SOFT-OPC to use. The Corrections are found in the Correction.INI file that you  
Pre-defined Thermistor  
The thermistor made by the vendor Thermometrics has the part number RL0503-  
5820-97-MS . This thermistor's parameters are predefined in OMWT-SOFT-OPC  
and given the Correction ID 128. (In the device section of the OMWT-SOFT-  
OPC.INI file, write "CorrID=128" to use this type.)  
The parameters for the predefined thermistor are as follows:  
Fitting constants:  
A = 3.3539264E-3  
B = 2.5609446E-4  
C = 1.9621987E-6  
D = 4.6045930E-8  
Corrections x 55  
How to use Corrections  
Correction.INI file  
After adding the Correction ID to the device section of the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.INI  
file, you must set up the Correction used by that Correction ID. If you're using a  
correction that is not predefined, you must write a Correction.INI file. This file  
should be stored in the same directory as the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.INI file. Name  
your file "Correction.INI" and include all the correction sections you like, from 1 to  
127. Include a CorrType, either 1 (for correction parameters) or 2 (for a lookup  
Lookup Table  
A lookup table is a CorrType of 2. If you do a lookup table, you must observe a  
couple of rules. You must specify Elements, which is the number of values in the  
list. The RawValues list and the CorrectedValues list must be of the same length.  
The RawValues list must go from smallest to largest (numbers must be in increasing  
order). When writing your lookup values, do not put a space after the comma. There  
is a functional limit to the number of elements in the lists; roughly, 500 integer values  
or 300 real values, for the RawValues and CorrectedValues taken individually.  
Here is an example of a lookup correction section:  
Thermistor NTC Parameters  
You may choose to correct your sensor's data with a group of parameters. Use  
CorrType 1. If you decide to use parameters, specify the parameters as in the  
following example:  
56 x Corrections  
Predefined Corrections  
The device type "Thermistor" will default to a correction ID of 128. To override this  
default you can add a CorrID parameter to the device section of the OMWT-SOFT-  
OPC.INI file, or you can set a new default for all thermistors in the Server section of  
the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.INI file. To change the default CorrectionID for all  
thermistors add the parameter "DefaultThermistorCorrID=" to the Server section, and  
set it to whatever CorrectionID you wish.  
Predefined Corrections use the following equations. The first equation normalizes  
the passed value, and the second produces the conversion to degrees Celsius.  
Fitting constants:  
A = 3.3539264E-3  
B = 2.5609446E-4  
C = 1.9621987E-6  
D = 4.6045930E-8  
Rnormal = NTC_DIVIDERES / (32767 / value ) - 1 / NTC_NORMALRES  
Value in degrees Celsuis = 1  
( A  
Corrections x 57  
OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13  
months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s Warranty adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1)  
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If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will  
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unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects  
resulting from any action o f the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside  
of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of  
having been tampered with or shows evide nce of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current,  
heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of  
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OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes  
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forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract,  
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component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or  
special damages.  
CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component”  
under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear ins tallation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on  
humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on  
humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY / DISCLAIMER  
language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage  
whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.  
Direct all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING  
number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.  
The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.  
FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following  
information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:  
for current repair charges. Have the following  
information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:  
1. Purchase Order number under which the product was  
2. Model and serial number of the product under warranty,  
1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the  
2. Model and serial number of the product, and  
3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative  
to the product.  
3. Repair instructions and/or specific problem s relative to  
the product.  
OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords  
our customers the latest in technology and engineering.  
OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.  
© Copyright 2004 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied,  
reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine -readable form, in whole or in part, without the  
prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.  
58 x Corrections  
Where Do I Find Everything I Need for  
Process Measurement and Control?  
OMEGA…Of Course!  
Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & Assemblies  
Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor  
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Recorders, Controllers & Process Monitors  
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Instrumentation & Accessories  
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Flexible Heaters  
Laboratory Heaters  
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Corrections x 59  

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