Ranger Marine Radio RCI 5054DX User Guide

Table of Contents  
Chapter 1 Specifications ..……….......................................  
Chapter 2 Introduction ...........................................….........  
Unpacking ...........................................................................  
Chapter 3 Installation ..........................................................  
Transceiver Mounting ...................................................…....  
Power Connection ..............................................................  
Chapter 4 Operation ............................................................  
Front Panel ..........................................................................  
Rear Panel .....................................….................................  
Microphone .........................................................................  
Frequency Selection ............................................................  
Mode Selection ..............................…..................................  
AM/FM/SSB/CW 6 Meter  
Amateur Mobile Transceiver  
RF Power Control ................................…............................. 13  
Chapter 5 Programming ........................…..........................  
Receive Scanning ...............................................................  
Split Function ......................................................................  
Memory Function ..................................................…...........  
Memory Channel Scanning ...................................................  
Metering .............................................................................  
Chapter 6 Frequency Scanning .........................................  
All-Frequency Scanning .......................................................  
Memory Scanning ...............................................................  
Chapter 7 Offset (Split) Frequency Operation ....…............  
Owner's Manual  
WARRANTY ..............………….......................... Inside Back Cover  
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Chapter 3 Installation  
Voltage above 15 VDC will damage the unit. Be sure to check the  
source voltage before connecting the power cord.  
The RCI-5054DX is easy to install. All necessary parts (less the  
antenna and coax cable) have been included to facilitate  
Transceiver Mounting  
Choose a suitable location for the transceiver that will allow easy  
access to the front panel as well as proper air circulation to the  
back of the unit. If you are installing the unit in a vehicle, attach the  
mounting bracket first, then attach the transceiver to the mounting  
bracket using the hardware provided. Before making any electrical  
connection, ensure that the transceiver is turned off and the  
vehicle's battery is disconnected.  
Power Connection  
The transceiver operates off of any 12 to 13.8 VDC source.  
Beware of voltage drops caused by operating from Cigarette Lighter  
Plugs or long DC wire runs. Sometimes it is best to connect direct  
to the battery for best RF output and Tx audio quality  
The condition of a vehicle's electrical system can affect the operation of  
your RCI-5054DX.. A low battery, worn generator/alternator, or poor  
voltage regulator will impair performance of the unit as well as the  
If an AC power supply is used with your radio, it must be regulated  
and rated for at least 7 Amps continuous. Low voltage while under  
load will cause reduced receiver gain and low transmitter output  
with possible distortion and splatter.  
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5. SQUELCH CONTROL: This control is used to control or  
eliminate receiver background noise in the absence of an  
incoming signal. For maximum receiver sensitivity, it is  
necessary that the control be adjusted only to the point where  
the receiver background noise is eliminated. Turn fully  
Chapter 4 Operation  
Front Panel  
counterclockwise and then slowly clockwise until the receiver  
noise just disappears. Any signal to be received must now be  
slightly stronger than the average received noise. Further  
clockwise rotation will increase the threshold level that a signal  
must overcome in order to be heard. Only strong signals will be  
heard at a maximum clockwise squelch setting.  
6. RF GAIN CONTROL: This control is used to reduce the  
receiver's front-end gain when receiving strong signals.  
10 11 12 13 14 21  
7. CLARIFIER CONTROL: Allows variation of the receive frequency  
above and below the selected receive frequency as shown on  
the display. This control is intended primarily to tune in SSB  
signals when communicating with several stations that may not  
be exactly on frequency. It may also be used to optimize AM/FM  
signals as described in the operating procedure paragraph. The  
clarifier can adjust the receive frequency ±2.5KHz but does not  
affect the transmit frequency or the frequency display.  
15 16 17 18 19 20 21  
1. FREQUENCY SELECTOR: Used to set the desired transmit and  
receive frequency. The frequency is digitally displayed in the  
LCD window next to the selector. The FREQUENCY SELECTOR  
knob next to the LCD display, allows changing each digit on the  
frequency display by first placing the frequency display cursor  
(using SHF button) below the desired digit and then turning the  
selector knob.  
8. MODE SWITCH: This switch allows you to select one of the  
following six operating modes: FM, AM, USB, LSB, CW and PA.  
9. NB/ANL BUTTON (NB/ANL): The noise blanker (NB) is very  
effective in eliminating repetitive impulse noise such as ignition  
interference. In the ANL position, the AUTOMATIC NOISE  
LIMITER also limits noise at the receiver audio stages.  
2. RF POWER CONTROL: This control adjust the Transmitter’s RF  
power output level.  
3. MIC GAIN CONTROL: This feature adjust the microphone gain  
for the transmit and PA modes. Experiment with this control for  
10. ROGER BEEP BUTTON (R.BEEP): This switch activates the  
ROGER BEEP circuit, when its function is selected. When  
enabled, the radio automatically transmits an audio tone each  
time you release the PTT. This indicates the end of each  
transmission so that stations who may be having trouble  
receiving will know that you have finished transmitting. This  
feature is sometimes used in weak signal conditions or other  
the setting that will provide best audio quality.  
overmodulation, which causes interference to adjacent stations  
and “splatter”.  
4. ON/OFF VOLUME CONTROL: Turn clockwise to apply power to  
the radio and to set the desired listening level.  
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special circumstances. We discourage use of this feature in  
normal operation, as it can be annoying to other operators.  
UP/DOWN buttons on the microphone. Pressing this switch  
again will re-enable the frequency selectors.  
21. UP/DOWN SELECTOR: These buttons are used to increase or  
decrease the frequency digit above the SHF cursor on the  
11. SPLIT BUTTON (SPLIT): Enables the offsetting of the  
transmitter frequency by up to +/- 2 Mhz (programmable) for  
FM repeater operation.  
12. PROGRAM BUTTON (PRG): Used to pre-program operating or  
scanning frequencies into memory. See the OPERATION section  
of this manual for details.  
13. MANUAL BUTTON (MAN): Used to return the unit to manual  
14. SHIFT BUTTON (SHF): Determines which digit will change  
when changing frequencies, by placing a “cursor” under the  
desired digit. Allows frequency to be changed in 100 Hz, 1KHz,  
10KHz, 100KHz and 1 MHz increments.  
15. DIM BUTTON (DIM): This button adjusts the display  
backlighting in four different steps to best match the ambient  
16. SWR BUTTON (SWR): Used to check relative SWR.  
17. SCAN BUTTON (SCAN): Used to enable the scanning of  
frequencies. See the PROGRAMMING and SCANNING section of  
this manual for detailed information on using the scan control.  
18. MEMORY BUTTON (MEM): Used to program often used  
frequencies in memory. Detailed information on how to use this  
control is provided in the PROGRAMMING section of the manual.  
19. ENTER BUTTON (ENT): Used to program frequencies in  
memory. See PROGRAMMING section.  
20. LOCK BUTTON (LOCK): Disables the Frequency Selector  
Control, UP/DOWN buttons on the front control panel and remote  
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Operation (Continued)  
Operation (Continued)  
Rear Panel  
1. PTT SWITCH: The Push-To-Talk (PTT) switch controls the  
transmit and receive function of the radio. Push to transmit and  
release to receive.  
2. REMOTE UP/DOWN SWITCH: The digit on the frequency  
display above the SHF “cursor” can be stepped up or down by  
pushing either of these buttons.  
For best results, the user should select a low-impedance dynamic  
type microphone or a transistorized microphone.  
The microphone should provide the functions shown in schematic  
1. ANTENNA: This jack accepts a 50 ohms coaxial cable with a  
PL-259 style plug.  
Pin Number  
Mic Cable Lead  
Audio Shield  
Audio Lead  
Transmit Control  
Receive Control  
Up Control  
2. CW KEY: The CW key is used for Morse Code operation. To  
operate connect a CW key to this jack, and place the mode  
switch in the CW position.  
3. EXTERNAL SPEAKER: This jack accepts a 4 - 8 ohm 5W  
external speaker. When an external speaker is connected to this  
jack, the built-in speaker is disabled.  
Down Control  
4. PA SP.: An 8 ohm, 4W PA speaker may be connected to this  
jack for PA operation. This feature operates by placing mode  
selector in PA position.  
5. POWER: This socket accepts a 13.8 VDC power cable with  
built-in fuse. The power cord provided with the radio consists of  
a black wire (negative) and a red wire (positive ).  
Transceiver Microphone Schematic Diagram  
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Mode Selection  
Operation (Continued)  
To Select an operating mode, rotate the MODE selector, and place  
it in the desired operating mode position.  
Frequency Selection  
Frequency selection in the RCI-5054DX can be accomplished using  
any one of the following three methods:  
RF Power Control  
This feature allows the adjustment of the RF output power  
continuously over the range of 1W through 25W.  
1. The first method of frequency selection uses the SHF (Shift) key  
and the (UP)/(DOWN) keys located on the front panel. To  
accomplish this, press the SHF key until the display cursor on  
the frequency display is positioned under the frequency digit that  
is to be changed. Use the”” key to increase the number.  
Press the “” key to decrease the number. Perform the steps  
described above for each digit until the desired frequency is  
displayed in the LCD frequency display window.  
2. The second method of frequency selection is performed using  
the SHF key and the FREQUENCY select knob located on the  
front panel. Use the SHF key in the manner described above to  
select the digit to be changed. Rotate the FREQUENCY selector  
clockwise to increase the selected digit or counterclockwise to  
decrease the selected digit.  
3. The third method of frequency selection is through the use of the  
SHF key and the remote UP and DOWN buttons located on the  
Frequency selection by this method is  
accomplished in the same manner as with the “” key and the  
” key on the front panel keypad.  
Sometimes when receiving more than one station on a fixed  
frequency such as on a “Net” or “round table” operation, it is  
convenient to be able to vary the receive frequency slightly without  
changing the transmit frequency. To do this, rotate the clarifier  
control while an off frequency station is transmitting. You can vary  
the receiver frequency by ±2.5 KHz for clearest voice reception.  
The clarifier can be optionally modified to vary both Transmit and  
Receive frequencies together.  
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4. Set the desired frequency you wish to store in memory.  
5. Press the ENT button.  
Chapter 5 Programming  
6. Repeat the procedure to program other memory channels.  
Receive Scanning  
Memory Channel Scanning  
The receive scanning feature helps locate active frequencies within  
a preprogrammed band segment anywhere on the 6 Meter band  
(refer to SCANNING, page 16). To begin scanning, slowly turn the  
Squelch control clockwise until the receiver noise disappears.  
Next, press the scan button. The unit should start scanning from  
the lower to the higher frequencies. Pressing the Scan button  
again will change the direction of scanning. Each press of the  
Scan button displays "SCAN+" or "SCAN-" on the LCD display.  
The scan will stop on any active frequency for the duration of the  
transmission. After the on-frequency activity stops, the RCI-  
5054DX will resume scanning after about a 2 second pause. To  
pause the Scan mode, turn the Squelch control counterclockwise  
until you hear receiver noise. To deactivate the scan function,  
press the MAN button.  
You can scan the 10 pre-programmed memory locations by  
following the procedure described below:  
1. Press MAN button.  
2. Press the MEM button.  
3. Slowly turn the Squelch knob clockwise until the receiver noise  
4. Press the Scan button. The unit will scan from lower to higher  
memory locations. Pressing scan again will cause the unit to  
scan from higher to lower memory locations.  
5. To stop scanning while on a memory location, press the MAN  
button. You can also turn the Squelch knob counterclockwise  
until you hear the receiver noise.  
Split Function  
This function enables you to split the transmit and the receive  
operating frequency by a pre-programmed offsett. This feature is  
necessary for operation with FM repeaters. (See OFFSET  
FREQUENCY OPERATION, pg. 18 for more information). To split  
frequencies, press the MAN button and the SPLIT button to select  
+ split frequency (transmitter higher than receiver). For - split,  
press the SPLIT button again (transmitter lower than receiver).  
The segmented bars on the left-hand side of the LCD display  
provides the following information:  
1. S/RF METER: Provides a relative indication of the transmit RF  
output power while transmitting or signal strength while receiving  
2. SWR METER: This function allows the checking of relative  
SWR. To use this function, set the unit to AM mode and push  
the SWR button on the front panel while holding down the PTT  
switch on the microphone. The bars on the meter will indicate  
approximate SWR. If there is no bar, your antenna system is  
well matched. If several bars appear, the antenna needs  
adjustment. The fewer the bars, the better the match.  
Memory Function  
The RCI-5054DX can store up to 10 frequencies in memory  
locations 0 to 9. To program a frequency into memory, follow the  
procedure described below:  
1. Press the MAN button.  
2. Press the PRG button.  
3. Press the MEM button. ("MEMORY" and "0" should appear on  
the left-hand side of the LCD display). Each press of the MEM  
button advances the memory location one step at a time from  
"0" to "9".  
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.Chapter 6 Frequency Scanning  
Frequency Scanning (Continued)  
Frequency scanning can be achieved by either of two methods: the  
first method involves scanning of all frequencies between a pre-set  
upper and lower scan frequency. The second method permits the  
scanning of frequencies previously programmed in the memory  
locations 0 thru 9.  
Memory Scanning  
The RCI-5054DX has 10 non-volatile memory locations which can  
be programmed to any frequency within the operating range of the  
radio. The scan function of the unit can scan the frequencies in the  
10 memory locations.  
All-Frequency Scanning  
To allow All-Frequency scanning, the user must first program the  
upper and lower scan limit frequencies as follows:  
The first step in utilizing the memory scan function is programming  
the desired frequencies into the memory locations 0 thru 9 by  
performing the following steps:  
1. Press the PRG (Program) key.  
2. Press the SCAN key. ("PRG SCAN+" should appear in the lower  
right-hand corner of the display window.)  
3. Using the SHF key and the UP and DOWN arrows, select the  
upper scan limit frequency.  
4. Press the SCAN key again. ("SCAN-" should appear in the  
display window.)  
1. With the radio operating in the manual mode, press the PRG  
(Program) key.  
2. Press the MEM key. "PRG" should display in the lower right-  
hand corner of the LCD display. "MEM" should display in the  
upper left portion of the display. A number between 0 and 9 will  
display directly below MEM. This number represents the  
memory location currently being shown on the frequency  
display. Pressing the MEM key will increase the memory  
counter to the next memory location and the frequency in that  
memory location will be displayed.  
3. Set the new frequency to be stored in the memory location  
displayed by using the SHF key and the UP and DOWN arrows.  
After the desired frequency is indicated, press ENT. This will  
overwrite whatever frequency had been previously stored at this  
5. Using the SHF key and UP and DOWN arrows, select the lower  
scan limit frequency, then press the ENT key.  
The upper and lower scan limits have now been programmed. To  
activate the scan feature, return the radio to manual operation and  
press the SCAN button. If the display shows "SCAN+", the radio  
will scan from the lower limit to the upper limit. If "SCAN-" is  
displayed, the unit will scan from the upper limit to the lower limit.  
To change from "SCAN+" to "SCAN-" or vice versa, press SCAN.  
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all of the memory locations to be  
5. After the desired memory locations have been programmed with  
frequencies, return the unit to the manual mode of operation by  
pressing the MAN key.  
6. To initiate memory scanning, press MEM and then SCAN. The  
display will show "SCAN+" or "SCAN-" to indicate whether the  
radio is scanning from the lowest to the highest memory location  
or vice versa. To return the radio to normal (non-scanning)  
operation, press the MAN key.  
Whichever upper and lower scan limits are programmed in, are  
also the upper and lower operating limits of the radio. The radio  
will not operate above or below the scan limits last programmed  
in. Full band coverage can be returned by reprogramming the  
original band edges.  
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Chapter 7 Offset (Split) Frequency Operation  
The split frequency function offsets the transmitter frequency either  
above or below the receiver frequency by a user-programmable  
amount. This is necessary for operating on FM repeaters. In the  
following example, the programming of a 1 MHz offset will be  
described. Before attempting to program the offset frequency,  
ensure that the radio is operating in the manual mode by pressing  
the MAN key.  
NOTE: FM repeaters may require that a sub-audible CTCSS tone be  
transmitted to gain access to the repeater. The RCI-5054DX can be  
equipped with an optional CTCSS encoder.  
1. Press the PRG (Program) key.  
2. Press the SPLIT key. The LCD display will indicate 00000 with  
PRG and SPLIT showing in the lower left-hand corner of the  
3. Using the SHF key and the UP and DOWN arrows as described  
earlier, program the display to read 10000.  
4. Press ENT. A 1 MHz offset has now been programmed into the  
5. Return the radio to manual operation by pressing the MAN key.  
6. Using the SHF key and the UP and DOWN arrows as described  
previously, set the radio to the desired receive frequency.  
7. Press SPLIT. Either "SPLIT+" or "SPLIT-" will be displayed in  
the lower right corner of the display. If "SPLIT+" is displayed,  
the transmitter will be offset 1 MHz above the receive frequency  
when keyed. If "SPLIT-" is displayed, the transmitter will be  
offset 1 MHz below the receive frequency.  
When the transmitter is keyed, the frequency display will change to  
show the frequency being transmitted.  
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Ranger Communications, Inc. (Ranger) warrants to the original purchaser ONLY this  
product against defects in material or workmanship as follows:  
1) Ranger warrants the product to be free of defects in material or workmanship (parts  
and labor on this product) for a period of two (2) year from the original date of  
purchase as shown on the original bill of sale, receipted invoice, or other proof of  
purchase. After this period, the original purchaser normally pays for any labor at the  
prevailing rates at the factory. This warranty is limited to the transceiver only.  
2) In the event of a defect during the warranty period, Ranger shall, at its option, repair or  
replace the defective product. Such action shall constitute the purchaser’s  
exclusive remedy under this warranty.  
3) A RETURN AUTHORIZATION NUMBER must be obtained from the Ranger Customer  
Service Department before any return for warranty repair will be accepted. Send the  
defective product Freight-Prepaid, along with proof of the date of purchase  
(photocopy of the original invoice or receipt) to:  
Ranger Communications, Inc.  
401 W. 35th Street, Suite B  
National City, CA 91950  
401 W. 35th Street, Suite B  
National City, CA91950  
PHONE: (800) 446-5778  
FAX: (619) 426-3788  
(800) 446-5778  
FAX (619) 426-3788  
4) This warranty does not cover cosmetic damage or damage due to acts of God,  
accident, misuse, abuse, negligence, improper installation, UNAUTHORIZED  
MODIFICATION or any action in violation of the product’s instruction manual. This  
warranty is valid ONLY in the United States of America.  
5) This warranty is valid ONLY if the serial number appears on the product. If the  
warranty sticker has been removed or cut, the warranty is normally voided.  
6) Ranger reserves the right to void a warranty or make reasonable charges for the repair  
of a product which displays evidence of misuse, abuse, neglect, accident or  
modification of the basic design.  
7) Warranties give you, the buyer, specific legal rights. You may also have other rights  
which may vary from state to state. This warranty is extended only to Ranger  
products purchased and shipped to locations in the United States of America or its  
8). Radios that have parts removed, cut or clipped, or the PCB is found to have been  
damaged will not be repaired under warranty. Radios that have been modified will be  
returned to the original factory condition when returned to us.  
9). "Limited" means that we will repair problems that are caused by factory defects, only  
for the above mentioned products and time limit, at no charge. Work performed by  
qualified technicians which did not cause any damage to the radio normally will  
normally not void the warranty. Problems or damage caused by unqualified or  
misinformed technicians, operator abuse can be repaired for a charge.  
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