Uniden Automobile Alarm 100xr User Manual

with Rolling Code and  
Code Learning Technology  
Operating Guide  
Uniden New Zealand Limited  
Uniden Australia Pty Limited  
150 Harris Road  
East Tamaki  
345 Princes Highway  
Auckland New Zealand  
Phone: 0800 864336 (sales)  
Phone: 0800 486433 (service)  
NSW 2216 Australia  
Phone: 02 9599 3577 (sales)  
Phone: 1800 632 789 (service)  
09 274 0009  
02 9599 3278  
VS1100XR Operating Guide  
Introduction .............................................  
Total Protection .........................................  
Remote Control Functions .........................  
Arming ....................................................  
Armed .....................................................  
Zone Bypass.............................................  
Sensor Bypass ..........................................  
Disarming ................................................  
Emergency Call for Help (Panic) ................  
Valet ........................................................  
Emergency Disarm ...................................  
Silent arm/disarm .....................................  
Power Door Locks .....................................  
Dual-stage Shock Sensor ..........................  
Other Features .........................................  
Appendix 1 — Understanding the  
Siren Chirps & Light Flashes ..................  
Appendix 2 — Understanding the  
LED flashes...........................................  
Accessories ..............................................  
If a thief opens a door, the alarm immedi-  
ately sounds the siren and flashes the  
While your alarm is armed, your vehicle is  
protected in the following ways;  
parking lights for 30 seconds. If the opened  
door is not closed and current sensing has  
not been selected, the siren and lights will  
trigger up to three 30-second cycles, after  
which the alarm will re-arm.  
Potential thieves or vandals will be deterred  
by the flashing LED and window decals.  
If the shock sensor detects light taps on the  
vehicle, it will trigger the pre-intrusion alert  
(the siren chirps 3 times and the parking  
lights flash 3 times) to warn potential thieves  
and vandals. However, if it detects a strong  
shock to the vehicle, it will trigger the alarm  
for 30 seconds. (See DUAL-STAGE SHOCK  
SENSOR on page 7 for more details)  
The engine immobiliser prevents the engine  
from being started with a key.  
The Automatic Engine Immobiliser will  
disable the engine automatically after 10  
minutes, even if you forget to set the alarm.  
Optional UNIDEN glass-break & microwave  
sensors and additional engine immobiliser  
relays will offer additional protection. For  
more info, please ask your UNIDEN dealer.  
Turning the ignition key ON will trigger the  
alarm for 30 seconds.  
1. Use button # 1 to:  
Button # 3  
Arm and disarm the alarm.  
Turn the siren ON in an emergency.  
Turn the siren OFF after activation.  
Lock/unlock power door locks.  
Bypass an open zone.  
Button # 1  
Button # 2  
2. Use button # 2 to:  
Silently arm or disarm the alarm.  
3. Use button # 3 to:  
Operate a 2nd vehicle fitted with a  
UNIDEN compatible alarm.  
Bypass the alarm's pre-intrusion  
Control optional accessories such as a  
garage door opener / house alarm  
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® VS1100XR Operating Guide  
chirps and parking lights flash once more  
to confirm the alarm is completely armed.  
There are two different ways to arm your alarm.  
Tell your dealer which is best for you:  
If you wish, you can open a door during the  
30-second arming countdown, and keep it  
open for as long as needed. The LED turns  
OFF while the door is opened. When  
finished, once again close the last door, and  
the siren will chirp and parking lights flash  
once to show the 30-second arming  
q Active Arming - (Default setting)  
Means : Using the remote to arm the alarm.  
1. Turn your ignition OFF and close all  
2. Press remote control button # 1.  
l If the siren chirps and parking lights flash  
countdown has started again. The LED will  
also begin to flash quickly.  
once, the alarm is fully armed.  
l If the siren chirps and parking lights flash  
3 times, the alarm has armed, but is  
waiting for the vehicle's delayed interior  
lights to turn OFF (if your vehicle is so  
equipped), or it is telling you that one of  
the alarm's zones (door or bonnet or boot)  
is either open or is not functioning  
If you close the last open door, and the siren  
does not chirp and parking lights do not  
flash, you know that one or more doors are  
not closed properly. This is a patented Quick  
and Quiet Testing (Q.Q.T.) feature.  
It prevents you from thinking your alarm is armed  
when it may not be. In this case, double-check  
that all the doors, as well as the bonnet and  
boot, are closed properly, and that your  
vehicle's interior lights are OFF. If you cannot  
locate the problem, but need to arm the  
alarm, then press button # 1 to immediately  
arm the alarm and bypass whatever zone is  
open (see ZONE BYPASS, below).  
properly (see ZONE BYPASS, below).  
Also, check to make sure the interior light  
switch was not accidentally left on.  
q Passive Arming  
Means : Relying on the last door closed to  
arm the alarm.  
Turn the ignition OFF, and open a door to exit  
the vehicle.  
NOTE — Under passive arming, you can force  
your alarm to arm immediately any time during  
the 30-second arming countdown by pressing  
remote control button # 1.  
When the last door is closed and the delayed  
interior light turns OFF, (if your vehicle is so  
equipped), the siren chirps and the parking  
lights flash once. The LED now flashes  
Note There are references to opening or  
closing a door throughout this manual.  
"Door" also includes bonnet and boot, if they  
are protected. Ask your dealer.  
The alarm has now entered a 30 second  
arming countdown, after which the siren  
flash once, and the LED starts flashing  
to show the alarm is armed.  
When the 30-sec. arming countdown ends, or  
when remote control button # 1 is pressed to arm  
the alarm, the siren chirps and parking lights  
When you press button # 1 to arm the alarm,  
and the alarm responds with three chirps and  
three light flashes, there are two possibilities:  
because its door switch is broken). If the  
bypassed door is later closed, it will be  
restored (no siren chirp or light flash).  
A. Delayed interior lights — If your interior lights  
do not immediately turn OFF when you close  
your car door (in other words, your vehicle  
has delayed interior lights), this is normal.  
The alarm should protect all the openings  
once the interior lights go OFF.  
If your alarm indicates a bypassed zone, find the  
cause as soon as possible to ensure your vehicle  
is completely protected. For instance, if your  
driver's door is not properly closed when you arm  
your alarm, a thief may be able to open any  
door without setting off the alarm.  
B. A zone was bypassed — In other words, the  
alarm has armed, but a hardwired door is  
not protected (either because it is open, or  
NOTE — The three zone bypass confirm chirps  
will not sound if chirp OFF is engaged. However,  
the parking lights will still flash three times. (See  
SILENT ARM / DISARM on page 6).  
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VS1100XR Operating Guide  
This is useful if you know, based on experience,  
that your shock, glass-break, or other add-on  
sensor will false trigger, such as when you park  
near a construction site or other harsh environ-  
FIRST - Press  
Button # 1  
NEXT - Press  
Button # 2  
(within 3  
To bypass your alarm's sensors,  
1. Press button # 1 to arm the alarm. The siren  
chirps and the parking lights flash once (three  
times if a zone is bypassed) to confirm  
2. Within 3 seconds, press button # 2.  
The siren chirps 3 times and the parking  
lights flash 3 times to confirm sensors are  
The sensors are automatically restored next  
time the alarm is armed.  
To disarm the alarm, press button # 1.  
The siren chirps twice, the parking lights flash  
twice, and the LED turns OFF.  
q Auto Re-Arm - After disarming, if your  
alarm has been set to auto re-arm, a 30  
second automatic re-arming period begins.  
After 30 secs. the alarm will automatically  
Button # 1  
Once re-armed, the siren chirps and the  
parking lights flash one time, and the LED  
starts flashing.  
Note - Opening a door within 30 seconds  
will cancel auto re-arm and the alarm will  
be completely dis-armed.  
q Auto Re-Lock - After disarming, if the  
alarm has been connected with optional  
central locking, the doors will re-lock  
automatically after 30 seconds (unless a  
door is opened).  
To trigger the alarm in an emergency (armed or  
disarmed), press and hold remote control button  
# 1 for 3 seconds. The siren sounds and the  
Button # 1  
parking lights flash for about 30 seconds. Stop  
the siren and the parking lights any time by  
pressing button # 1 again.  
Regardless of whether the alarm was armed or  
disarmed when panic was acticvated, the doors  
will unlock (if the remote controlled door locks  
are connected).  
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® VS1100XR Operating Guide  
Sometimes you may not wish your alarm to  
arm when you leave your vehicle. (For  
instance, if you leave your vehicle with a valet  
attendant, you may not want to teach him how  
the alarm operates.). If your alarm is set for  
active (remote control) arming, this is easy —  
don’t press button # 1, and the alarm will not  
arm. However, if your alarm is set to arm  
passively, use the valet mode to prevent it from  
To exit Valet Mode - Turn the  
ignition ON, and press and  
release the VALET button 3  
times. The siren chirps twice to confirm valet is  
exited and that the alarm is now disarmed.  
While your alarm is in valet, the LED flashes  
slowly when the ignition switch is OFF so  
thieves think the alarm is armed. If you press  
remote control button # 1 while the alarm is in  
valet, the doors will lock or unlock, and the  
parking lights will flash four times. The alarm's  
emergency call for help (panic) operates  
To enter Valet Mode - First disarm the alarm,  
turn the ignition ON, and press and release  
the VALET button 3 times. The alarm is now in  
the valet mode. The siren chirps once to  
confirm. (Ask your dealer where the Valet  
Button is hidden)  
NOTE — If you trigger the alarm by doing  
emergency call for help (panic) while the alarm  
is in valet, the alarm will exit Valet Mode.  
If you lose your remote control, you can disarm  
your alarm with the ignition key and “VALET”  
button. While your alarm is either armed or  
triggered, turn the ignition switch ON, then  
press and release the VALET button 3 times.  
The siren and the flashing lights stop, and the  
alarm is disarmed. The alarm is now in Valet  
Mode. To exit Valet Mode, follow the procedure  
FIRST - Press  
Button # 2  
There are times, especially at night, when you  
may not want to hear the siren chirps.  
q One-time silent arm / disarm — Just  
press button # 2 any time before you need  
the chirps to be silent. For instance, press  
button # 2 before you press button # 1 to  
arm or disarm the alarm, and the chirps  
will not sound, but the parking lights will  
still flash. The chirps are restored the next  
time you press a remote control button.  
q Chirp Control ON/OFF — Chirp OFF  
provides permanent silent arm / disarm.  
(This is a programmable feature. Please ask  
your dealer if you wish to use this feature)  
THEN - Press  
Button # 1  
NOTE — With Permanent silent arm / disarm,  
all chirps are deleted except pre-intrusion.  
This includes arm, disarm, zone bypass,  
and valet chirps.  
Chirp delete does not affect the flashing park lights.  
(Be careful not to leave the keys and remote controls  
in the vehicle, though!).  
Your alarm can automatically lock the doors when  
armed, and unlock the doors when disarmed.  
(Optional accessories may be required)  
q Alarm Set For Active Arming - The doors  
lock and unlock any time remote control  
button # 1 is pressed. For extra security, they  
lock automatically if the alarm is triggered.  
(Exception — See EMERGENCY CALL FOR  
HELP, page 6.)  
l Ignition Controlled Door Lock Your alarm  
can also automatically lock the doors when you  
turn the ignition ON and unlock when you turn  
the ignition OFF. This is considered a very  
important feature in areas where 'car jacking' is a  
common occurrence.  
This is a Programmable Feature. The Factory  
default setting is OFF — please ask your dealer if  
you wish to use this feature.  
q Alarm Set For Passive Arming - The doors  
lock 30 seconds after the last door is closed.  
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VS1100XR Operating Guide  
Your alarm includes a dual-stage shock sensor. sufficient force, the alarm will trigger. (Your  
dealer can make the shock sensor more or less  
sensitive to attack, depending on your vehicle.)  
Note — that the shock sensor will not be ready  
to trigger the alarm until four seconds after the  
alarm is armed.  
The first stage (pre-intrusion alert) warns thieves  
the alarm is armed. For instance, the alarm will  
chirp and parking lights flash 3 times if the  
sensor detects a light bump to the vehicle.  
However, if the thief attacks the vehicle with  
Multi-Point Engine Immobiliser This  
alarm can support up to 3 engine immobiliser  
relays. One is supplied as standard so that  
when your alarm is armed, your vehicle will not  
Tamper Indicator — If your alarm was  
triggered when you were away, the siren will  
chirp four times and the parking lights flash four  
times when you disarm your alarm. This  
memory is automatically cancelled when you  
turn the ignition switch ON.  
Automatic Engine Immobiliser — With the  
engine immobiliser relay(s) fitted the engine will Triggered Zone Indication — With this feature,  
be automatically disabled 10 minutes after the  
ignition is switched off, (even if the alarm has  
not been turned on via the remote control),  
or, 10 minutes after the alarm has been dis-  
armed with the remote control. With AEI  
engaged, the LED will stay on constantly and  
the engine will not start. To dis-engage AEI ;  
your LED will flash for 30 seconds after you  
disarm the alarm following an activation. The  
number of flashes can be used to determine the  
activated zone. Please refer to page 8 for more  
details on this feature.  
2nd car operation — With this feature, your  
remote controls can operate a UNIDEN  
compatible alarm in another car. Operation for  
both cars is the same, except that the functions  
of button # 1 and button # 2 are reversed in the  
second car. (Optional — ask your dealer.)  
1. Press button # 1.  
2. Start the engine within 10 minutes otherwise  
AEI will re-engage and step 1 will need to be  
A. 1 chirp/flash:  
arm the alarm, indicates the alarm arms  
even though it is not set properly (door not  
closed, or broken switch, or interior light is  
still ON, see ZONE BYPASS on page 4).  
• When pressing remote control button # 1  
then button # 2, indicates sensor's pre-  
intrusion function is bypassed.  
• Pre-intrusion warns potential thieves or  
vandals who trigger the first stage of a dual-  
stage sensor that your vehicle is protected by  
an alarm.  
• When remote control button # 1 is pressed,  
the alarm is armed.  
• When a door is closed, the alarm will arm in  
30 sec. (passive arming).  
• When valet mode is successfully entered.  
• When learning mode is successfully entered.  
• When remote control is successfully learned.  
• 30 sec. after ignition switch is turned OFF  
and all doors are closed (or 30 seconds  
after delayed interior lights turn OFF), the  
alarm is armed (passive arming with switch  
D. 4 flashes — When remote control button # 1  
is pressed, indicates alarm in valet.  
E. 4 chirps/4 flashes —  
B. 2 chirps/flashes  
• When the alarm is disarmed, indicates the  
alarm was triggered while you were away.  
• When remote control button # 1 is pressed,  
the alarm is disarmed.  
• When valet mode is successfully exited.  
• When learning mode is successfully exited.  
C. 3 chirps/flashes  
• In Automatic Engine Immobilizer mode,  
when you turn on IGN switch every time.  
NOTE — Chirps can be deleted. (see SILENT ARM  
/ DISARM on page 6 for more information).  
• When pressing remote control button # 1 to  
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® VS1100XR Operating Guide  
A. Arming indicator — Flashes quickly  
during the 30-second re-arm or passive  
arming countdown.  
F. Valet mode indicator — Flashes slowly if  
the ignition switch is turned OFF.  
G. AEI mode indicatorIf the Automatic Engine  
B. Door open indicator OFF when a  
hardwired door is opened during the 30-  
second re-arm or passive arming  
Immobiliser is engaged the LED will be ON.  
H. Triggered zone indicator — If the alarm  
has been activated, the LED will flash for 30  
secs. after the alarm has been disarmed.  
C. Armed indicator — Flashes when the  
alarm is armed.  
1 flash current sensor activation  
2 flashes ignition/panic activation  
3 flashes shock activation  
D. Disarmed indicator OFF when the  
alarm is disarmed.  
E. RF reception indicator ON while the  
4 flashes door /boot activation  
remote control button is pressed.  
Don't forget the ACCESSORIES!  
Central Lock Interface  
(SEA169) and  
3 Button Remote  
Door Lock Motor  
- Maybe required on  
some vehicles. Check  
with your dealer for  
more information.  
Get one for everyone  
who drives your car.  
(2 included with the  
Engine Immobiliser  
Relay & Socket set  
Provides additional  
protection by disabling  
the vehicles starter  
Garage Door and  
House Alarm  
interface (SEA910)  
- Allows your remote to  
control your garage  
door opener or house  
Dual-stage glass-  
break sensor  
- Detects the high-  
frequency sound of  
glass breaking.  
Back up Battery Siren  
- Protects your car  
even if the main  
vehicle battery is cut.  
microwave sensor  
- Detects movement  
inside vehicle.  
Great for extra  
protection and for  
open-top vehicles.  
Make your alarm  
YOUR alarm!  
Your dealer has a wide variety of accessories  
which can increase your alarm's security and  
convenience. Ask for more information. And  
insist on GENUINE UNIDEN accessories!  
NOTE — The accessories on this page are optional.  
Page 8  

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