Uniden Two Way Radio PRO520XL User Manual

PRO 520XL  
Mobile CB Radio  
If any of these item are missing or damaged, immediately contact your place of  
purchase or Uniden Customer Service at: (800) 554-3988, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,  
Central Time, Monday through Friday.  
CB Radio  
Mounting Hardware  
Other Printed Material  
Mounting Bracket  
Antenna must be purchased separately.  
1. PA Switch - Select the Public Address  
mode when an external PA speaker is  
connected. When the PA mode is  
selected, the CB radio will be disabled.  
Adjust the PA output level by rotating  
the volume control.  
9. Squelch - The squelch control is  
used to eliminate background noise  
during the absence of a transmission.  
Turn the control fully counterclockwise,  
then slowly rotate it back clockwise until  
the noise disappears. At this setting any  
transmission must be slightly stronger  
than the background noise to “Break  
Squelch” or to be heard. Further  
clockwise rotation will increase the  
threshold at which a signal will be  
heard. You can select any level to  
“Break Squelch.”  
2. ANL Switch - You can select the  
Automatic Noise Limiter to help reduce  
harsh background noise caused by a  
variety of interference sources.  
3. Instant CH 9 Switch - Use this switch  
to override the main channel selector  
and instantly tune to the emergency  
channel 9. Switch back to return to  
normal 40 channel operation.  
10. Volume Control - Rotate clockwise to  
turn the radio on and to increase  
the volume.  
4. TX LED - An LED lights to indicate  
11. Microphone Jack- The operational  
mode of the CB is controlled by the  
push-to-talk switch on the microphone.  
Press the switch to activate the  
when the radio is transmitting.  
5. S/RF Meter - This LED meter shows the  
relative strength of the received signal  
or the RF output.  
transmitter and disable the receiver.  
Release the switch to enable the  
receiver and disable the transmitter.  
When transmitting, hold the microphone  
about 2 inches from your mouth and  
speak clearly in a normal voice. The  
microphone included with the  
6. Channel Indicator - Displays the  
channel currently in use.  
7. Channel Selector - This switch selects  
the desired channel for transmission and  
reception. All channels, except channel  
9, may be used for communications  
between stations operating under  
different license. Channel 9 has been  
reserved by the FCC for emergency  
communications involving the  
PRO 520XL is detachable electret type.  
Antenna Connector - This female  
connector permits connection of the trans-  
mission line cable male connector (PL-259)  
to the transceiver.  
immediate safety of individuals or the  
immediate protection of property.  
Channel 9 also may be used to  
render assistance to a motorist. This  
is a FCC rule and applies to all  
operators of CB radios.  
Public Address - An external 8 ohm 7-watt  
speaker must be connected to the “PA SP”  
jack located on the back of the unit. The  
speaker must be directed away from the  
mic to prevent feedback.  
External Speaker - The external speaker  
jack is used for remote receiver monitoring.  
The external speaker should have an 8  
ohm impedance and be rated at least 7  
watts. When an external speaker is  
8. RF Gain - This control is used to adjust  
the signal reception in areas where  
strong signals are present. Turn the  
control clockwise for maximum  
connected, the internal speaker is disabled.  
Plan the location of the radio and microphone  
Connecting the Power Cord  
bracket before starting installation. Select a  
location that is convenient for operation and does  
not interfere with the driver or passenger in the  
vehicle. The radio should be securely fastened to  
a solid surface using the mounting bracket and  
self-tapping screws which are provided.  
With regard to the connection of the power cords,  
it may be possible or desirable to connect the red  
lead (for negative ground systems) or the black  
lead (for positive ground systems) to the ignition  
switch accessory terminal so that the radio is  
automatically turned off when the ignition switch  
(key) is turned off.  
Mobile Antenna  
Since the maximum allowable power output of  
the transceiver is limited by the FCC, the antenna  
is a very important factor affecting the  
transmission distance. It is for this reason that we  
strongly recommend that you install only a quality  
antenna in your new CB radio system. You have  
purchased a superior quality transceiver. Don’t  
diminish its performance by installing an  
inferior antenna.  
Alternately, the power lead may be connected to  
an available terminal on the fuse block or even to  
a point in the wiring harness. Care must be  
taken, however, to guard against a short circuit  
condition. When in doubt, please contact your  
vehicle dealer for specific information about  
your vehicle.  
Ground Information  
Only a properly matched antenna system will  
allow maximum power transfer from the 50-ohm  
transmission line to the radiating element. We  
recommend that you use an SWR meter when  
installing your antenna. Set your PRO 520XL to  
channel 20 and make your adjustments to the  
antenna until the meter reads as close to 1 as  
possible. Your Uniden dealer is qualified to assist  
you in the selection of the proper antenna to  
meet your application requirements.  
Most newer U.S. and foreign made cars and  
small trucks use a negative ground system, while  
some older cars and some newer larger trucks  
may use a positive ground system. A negative  
ground system is generally identified by the “-”  
battery terminal being connected to the vehicle  
motor block, but if you cannot determine the  
polarity of your vehicle, consult your vehicle  
dealer for information.  
NOTE: This radio may be installed and used in  
any 12-volt DC negative or positive ground  
For automobile installation, the whip antenna  
may be used with good effect. The most efficient  
and practical installation is a full quarter wave  
whip antenna mounted on the rear deck or  
fender top, midway between the rear window  
and bumper.  
Negative Ground System  
If you are operating on a negative ground  
system, connect the red DC power cord from the  
radio to the positive “+” battery terminal or other  
convenient point and connect the black power  
lead to the chassis or vehicle frame, or the “ -”  
terminal of the battery.  
A short “loaded” whip antenna maybe more  
convenient to install on your automobile, although  
the efficiency is less than a full quarter wave  
whip antenna.  
For marine installation, consult your dealer for  
information regarding an adequate grounding  
system and prevention of electrolysis between  
fittings on the hull and water.  
Positive Ground System  
If you are operating on a positive ground system,  
connect the black DC power cord from the radio  
to the “-” battery terminal or other convenient  
point and connect the red power lead to the  
chassis or vehicle frame, or the positive “+”  
terminal of the battery.  
Operating Procedure to Receive  
2. Select the desired channel for  
1. Be sure that the power source,  
antenna and microphone are  
properly connected.  
3. If the channel is clear, depress the  
push-to-talk switch on the side of  
the microphone and speak in a  
normal voice.  
2. Turn the unit on by rotating the  
volume control clockwise.  
CAUTION: The transceiver Voltage  
Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)  
measurement must be performed prior  
to the use of the transmitter. A VSWR  
in excess of 2:1 may damage the  
transmitter. Please check your SWR  
reading frequently by using an  
SWR meter.  
3. Set the channel selector switch to  
the desired channel.  
4. Set the volume control to a  
comfortable listening level.  
5. Listen to the background noise from  
the speaker. Turn the squelch  
control clockwise until the noise  
disappears (no signal should be  
present). Leave the control at this  
setting. The squelch is now properly  
set. The receiver will remain quiet  
until a signal is actually received. Do  
not advance the control too far, or  
some weaker signals will not  
be heard.  
Preventative Maintenance  
At six to twelve month intervals,  
the following system checks should  
be made:  
1. Check the Voltage Standing Wave  
Ratio (VSWR).  
2. Inspect all electrical connections.  
3. Inspect antenna coaxial cable  
for wear.  
Operating Procedure to Transmit  
4. Inspect all screws and other  
mounting hardware.  
1. Be sure the operator has read and  
understands part 95, FCC rules and  
regulations prior to operating  
the transmitter.  
If your PRO 520XL is not performing to  
If you determine that service is  
your expectations, please try these  
simple steps. If you still cannot get  
satisfactory results after reading this  
manual and following the  
troubleshooting steps, please call the  
Uniden Customer Service Center at:  
1-800-297-1023 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.  
Central Time, Monday through Friday.  
necessary, contact your local dealer or  
pack the unit in its original carton and  
send it along with a brief concise  
description of the problem, your name,  
address, phone number, and a copy of  
the original purchase receipt to the  
address listed in the warranty.  
Unit will not turn on.  
No power.  
1. Check power cord and all connections.  
2. Check power cord fuse.  
3. Check vehicle electrical system.  
Poor reception  
1. Check and adjust squelch.  
2. Check antenna system, cable and connectors.  
3. Check operation mode of the radio.  
Weak transmission  
1. Check antenna system, cable and connectors.  
2. Check antenna grounding.  
3. Check for corrosion on connectors.  
radiotelephone technician for service  
and alignment of this radio. When  
ordering parts, it is important to specify  
the correct model number of this radio.  
Servicing Your CB  
Technical information, diagrams and  
charts will be provided upon request. It  
is the user’s responsibility to see that  
this radio is operating at all times in  
accordance with the FCC Citizens  
Radio Service regulations. We highly  
recommend that you consult a qualified  
Please refer to the warning information  
on the first page of this manual.  
40 AM  
Frequency Range:  
Frequency Control:  
Frequency Tolerance:  
Operating Temperature:  
26.965 to 27.405 MHz  
Phase Locked Loop (PLL) synthesizer  
-30ºC to +50ºC  
Plug in type: dynamic  
13.8 V DC nom. (+ or - ground)  
TX: full mod., 1.7A  
Input Voltage:  
Current Drain:  
RX: with max. audio output, 1.7A  
4-1/2” W x 6-3/4” D x 1-3/8” H  
1 lb. 10 oz.  
Antenna Connector:  
LED Meter:  
UHF, SO-239  
Indicates relative RF output and received  
signal strength  
Power Output:  
Freq. Response:  
Output Impedance:  
4 Watts  
Class B amplitude modulation  
300-2500 Hz  
50 ohms, unbalanced  
Image Rejection:  
I.F. Frequency:  
0.5µV for 10 dB; (S + N) /N typical (limit: 1.0µV)  
6 dB @ 7kHz, 70 dB @ 10kHz typical  
80 dB typical  
Double Conversion Superheterodyne  
1st 10.692 MHz  
2nd 450 kHz  
RF Gain Control:  
Automatic Gain Control:  
Adjustable for optimum reception  
(AGC): less than 10dB change in audio output for  
inputs from 10 to 50,000 microvolts  
Adjustable; threshold less than1µV  
7 watts max. into 8 ohms  
300 to 2000 Hz  
less than 10% at 4 watts, 1000Hz  
16 ohms, 3 watts round  
Audio Output Power:  
Freq. Response:  
Internal Speaker:  
External Speaker:  
PA System:  
(not supplied) 8 ohms  
7 watts in external 8 ohm speaker  
Specifications and features are subject to change without notice.  
CORPORATION (“Uniden”)  
DAMAGES. Some states do not allow this  
exclusion or limitation of incidental or  
consequential damages so the above  
limitation or exclusion may not apply  
to you.  
warrants, for two years, to the original  
retail owner, this Uniden Product to be  
free from defects in materials and  
craftsmanship with only the limitations or  
exclusions set out below.  
WARRANTY DURATION: This warranty  
to the original user shall terminate and be  
of no further effect 24 months after the  
date of original retail sale. The warranty  
is invalid if the Product is (A) damaged  
or not maintained as reasonable or  
necessary, (B) modified, altered, or used  
as part of any conversion kits,  
subassemblies, or any configurations not  
sold by Uniden, (C) improperly installed,  
(D) serviced or repaired by someone  
other than an authorized Uniden service  
center for a defect or malfunction covered  
by this warranty, (E) used in any  
LEGAL REMEDIES: This warranty gives  
you specific legal rights, and you may  
also have other rights which vary from  
state to state. This warranty is void  
outside the United States of America.  
conjunction with equipment or parts or as PERFORMANCE OF WARRANTY:  
part of any system not manufactured by  
Uniden, or (F) installed or programmed  
by anyone other than as detailed by the  
owner’s manual for this product.  
If, after following the instructions in the  
owner’s manual you are certain that the  
Product is defective, pack the Product  
carefully (preferably in its original  
packaging). The Product should include  
all parts and accessories originally  
packaged with the Product. Include  
evidence of original purchase and a note  
describing the defect that has caused you  
to return it. The product should be  
shipped freight prepaid, by traceable  
means, to warrantor at:  
that the product does not conform to this  
warranty at any time while this warranty  
is in effect, warrantor will either, at its  
option, repair or replace the defective unit  
and return it to you without charge for  
parts, service, or any other cost (except  
shipping and handling) incurred by  
warrantor or its representatives in  
connection with the performance of this  
warranty. Warrantor, at its option, may  
replace the unit with a new or refurbished  
Uniden America Corporation  
Parts and Service Division  
4700 Amon Carter Blvd  
Fort Worth, TX 76155  
(800) 554-3988,  
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Central Time,  
Monday through Friday  
Thank you for choosing a Uniden Personal Communications product. You have chosen one of the most  
sophisticated, technologically advanced electronic products available. Please fill out the requested  
information on this card so that we can better understand our customers and their needs. With this  
information we plan new products, advertising, and guide our customer service programs. Thanks for  
your help.  
1. J Mr.  
2. J Mrs.  
3. J Ms.  
4. J Miss  
7. Last Name  
5. First Name  
6. Initial  
8. Street  
10. City  
9. Apt. No.  
11. State  
12. Zip  
13. Date of purchase: _______________________  
14. Serial No. _______________________  
20. Please check your age category  
J Under 20  
J 20-25  
15. Is this the first CB Radio you have purchased  
or received as a gift?  
J 26-30  
16. If NO, please specify brand and model  
number purchased.  
J 31-35  
J 36-40  
A. ___________________________  
B. ___________________________  
C. ___________________________  
J 41-45  
J 46-50  
J 51-55  
J 56-60  
17. Where did you purchase the product?  
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J Catalog Showroom  
J Electronics Specialty Store  
J Internet  
J 61-65  
J 66 & over  
21. Occupation  
J Homemaker  
J Teacher/Educator  
J Professional Driver  
J Executive/Administrator  
J Civil Servant  
J Mail Order  
J Gift  
J Truck Stop  
J Sales/Marketing  
J Clerical  
J Farmer/Agriculture  
J Military  
J Technical/Professional  
J Business/Professional  
J Craftsman  
J Machine Operator/Laborer  
J Retired  
18. How did you become aware of this product?  
J TV Advertisement  
J Magazine Advertisement  
J Newspaper Advertisement  
J Store Display  
J Friend’s Recommendation  
J Salesperson’s Recommendation  
J Previous Use  
J Student  
19. Please check two of the factors that most  
influenced your purchase of this product.  
J Style or Appearance  
J Price  
22. Please check your approximate family income.  
J Under $10,000  
J $10,000 - 19,999  
J Uniden Reputation  
J Warranty  
J $20,000 - 29,999  
J $30,000 - 39,999  
J Previous Use  
J $40,000 - 49,999  
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J $50,000 - 59,999  
J Quality  
J $60,000 & Over  
PO BOX 8283  
Denver, CO 80201-8283  
Please do not send any products or service related correspondence to this address.  
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23. What type of credit cards do you use?  
21. What magazine(s) do you read?  
J American Express, Diners Club, Carte Blanche  
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24. What type of car(s) do you drive?  
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J Popular Mechanics  
J Consumer Reports  
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. If you have any other comments or suggestions please write to:  
Uniden America Corporation  
Product Development Dept.  
4700 Amon Carter Boulevard  
Fort Worth, TX 76155  
©1999 Uniden America Corporation  
Printed in the Philippines  
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