Powered by Motorola
Navigation Application for Nextel Java
Phones i88s/i58sr
Standard User Guide
for Corporate Customers
. . . . . .
System Release 2.2.x
. . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................1
Overview ....................................................................................................................................................1
Device Requirements.................................................................................................................................2
Minimum Memory Requirements ...........................................................................................................2
Verifying Phone Software.......................................................................................................................2
Upgrading Software ................................................................................................................................3
PC*MILER|Mobile End-User License Agreement ................................................................................4
i88s/i58sr PC*MILER|Mobile Features..................................................................................................9
GETTING STARTED WITH PC*MILER|Mobile .................................................11
Installation ...............................................................................................................................................11
Setting the Java Option Key...................................................................................................................11
GPS Privacy Settings...............................................................................................................................12
PC*MILER Mobile Administration.....................................................................................................12
SETTING UP THE DEVICE................................................................................15
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................15
Phone Settings..........................................................................................................................................15
Speaker Volume ....................................................................................................................................15
Display Contrast....................................................................................................................................15
Phone Placement......................................................................................................................................16
Phone Power ............................................................................................................................................17
USING PC*MILER|Mobile..................................................................................19
Launching the Application .....................................................................................................................19
Setting a Destination Using Address Book............................................................................................21
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Changing an Origin.................................................................................................................................23
Setting Routing and Tracking Options..................................................................................................24
Following Voice Guidance ......................................................................................................................25
Suspending PC*MILER Mobile for Incoming Calls...........................................................................26
Suspending PC*MILER Mobile for Outgoing Calls...........................................................................27
Exiting PC*MILER Mobile....................................................................................................................27
PC*MILER|Mobile WEB SITE............................................................................29
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................29
My PC*MILER Mobile Home Page......................................................................................................30
PC*MILER|Mobile TRACKING .........................................................................32
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................32
Tracking Web Page.................................................................................................................................32
Setting Tracking Options on the Device................................................................................................33
TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................................................................34
Error Messages........................................................................................................................................34
Technical Support ...................................................................................................................................35
FAQs ..................................................................................................................36
General .....................................................................................................................................................36
Technical ..................................................................................................................................................36
PC*MILER Mobile.................................................................................................................................37
PC*MILER|Mobile Group Management and Tracking.......................................................................39
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
PC*MILER®|Mobile is a portable navigation system that provides step-by-step voice
guidance to your selected destination. This series of driving instructions are
delivered to your Global Positioning System (GPS)-enabled cell phone.
The PC*MILER|Mobile solution transforms GPS, data capable mobile phones into
in-vehicle personal navigation systems that guide drivers to their next stop over truck
drivable streets and roads.
The PC*MILER|Mobile Web-based driver tracking system enables dispatchers to
send new delivery locations via their phones and to track any number of vehicles on a
map. The operation center can efficiently assign loads or jobs, respond to emergency
pickups, and inform customers of real-time arrival information.
PC*MILER|Mobile provides drivers with turn-by-turn spoken directions, and
delivers automatic re-routing almost instantly when a driver goes off route. Route
guidance instructions are provided as audible prompts and on-screen text and
graphics. Drivers will never have to look at a map again!
Drivers using PC*MILER|Mobile can employ two convenient ways to select a
destination. You can:
Log onto the PC*MILER|Mobile Destination Center Web site at
http://www.pcmilermobile.com and enter a specific address or search for and
select a hotel, restaurant, truck stop, or other destination.
Enter a destination address into PC*MILER|Mobile using the i88s/i58sr phone
keypad or select an existing address.
The PC*MILER|Mobile equipped GPS-enabled i88s/i58sr can be used just like any
other cell phone. The iDEN handset cannot transfer phone data and packet data at
the same time. When a network-enabled application is transmitting packet data, the
phone services will be blocked. Packet data service will incur charges to the account.
This document covers the options available when you select PC*MILER|Mobile on
the Java Applications screen and press the button under RUN. It also describes the
features available on the PC*MILER|Mobile Destination Center Web site.
PC*MILER|Mobile uses ALK Technologies’ proprietary
truck-specific digital map data, which includes:
Comprehensive street-level coverage of the United
States and Canada
13’6” height, 48’ length, and 80,000 lbs. weight restrictions
Hazmat and 53’/102” trailer restrictions
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Over 100 million addresses
Over 7 million miles of North American roadway
Over 5 million points of interest (ALK and Motorola combined) including
weight stations, truck stops, and truck washes
© 2005 ALK Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Device Requirements
PC*MILER|Mobile can be installed on either an iDEN i88s or iDEN i58sr cell
phone. The phone’s software must be R88.01.05 or higher to be compatible with
The phone must have these Nextel services:
Total Connect data service, 1 MB or greater with either a private or public IP
address, or Packetstream Gold data service, allowing unlimited data use.
A voice service plan that includes a personal telephone number.
Minimum Memory Requirements
Free space required to install PC*MILER|Mobile:
„ 26 KB data space
„ 139 KB program space
Free space required to install PC*MILER|Mobile Administration:
„ 1 KB data space
„ 25 KB program space
To download audio clips after PC*MILER|Mobile applications have been installed,
approximately 80 KB of data space is needed.
Verifying Phone Software
PC*MILER|Mobile requires version R88.01.05 or newer software on your i88s or
i58sr phone.
To view the current software version on your phone:
Power on your phone.
On the Nextel screen, press the following four keys, one after the
other, allowing no more than a second between key presses:
# key
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
* key
Menu button
Right arrow on 4-way navigation key
The system displays the Trace Mode menu.
With Unit Info highlighted, press the button under VIEW.
The system displays the Unit Info menu.
Scroll down, highlight Software, and press the button under SELECT.
The system displays the Software screen. Under the Software Ver line,
the system displays your phone’s software version.
If the version is R88.01.05, or a higher sequence of numbers, your
phone is ready for PC*MILER|Mobile use.
If you see an older version number, like R88.00.01 or R88.01.00, you
will need to update your phone’s software.
Press the red End key.
The system exits the Trace Mode screens.
Upgrading Software
To update your phone’s software, you can do it yourself or take it to a Nextel
authorized service center.
Note: If you manage multiple Nextel phones for your company, contact your Nextel
representative for system software update information.
Contact your Nextel representative for the service center nearest you. You will pay a
service charge at a service center for the update (approximately $35).
To update your phone’s software yourself, you will need to:
Set up an account on the iDEN Update Web site at
http://www.idenupdate.com/ (accounts are free).
Click on the Download Quick Guide link on the Web site to ensure
you meet the minimum requirements to download software.
Click on the Phone Software link, select an i88s or i58sr phone, and
then add the R88.01.05 – or newer – software to your shopping cart.
This is a free update.
Connect your phone-to-PC serial data cable from your Windows
computer’s serial port to your phone to install the updated software.
Note: If you do not already own the serial cable, you must purchase
one before proceeding (part number NKN6544). Click on the cable
links on the software upgrade page that will take you to the Nextel or
iDEN Web sites where you can directly purchase the cable. You also
can purchase the cable from your local Nextel authorized dealer or
Internet stores. The cost is approximately $30.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Go to the checkout screen and follow the prompts. If the free iDEN
Update Application Software is not already installed on your
computer, choose to install it when the installation window displays.
Follow the iDEN Update Application Software prompts and screens to
update your phone’s software.
PC*MILER |Mobile End-User License Agreement
ALK Technologies, Inc., a New Jersey corporation ("ALK"), agrees to furnish you,
the end-user, the PC*MILER|Mobile service, subject to your acceptance of the terms
and conditions in this agreement. By registering as a user of the service, you agree
to follow and be bound by these terms and conditions.
ALK represents and warrants that it has sufficient right, title, and interest in the
service to grant you the right to use the service, and that during the term of your
subscription, the service will function substantially according to its specifications.
PC*MILER|Mobile suggested routings are based on official highway maps, the Code
of Federal Regulations, and information provided by state governments. They are
provided without a warranty of any kind. You agree to assume full responsibility for
any delay, expense, loss or damage that may occur as a result of their use.
You agree to locate and secure the mobile telephone on which you use the service so
that it does not interfere with the safe and attentive operation of a vehicle. Do not
place your mobile telephone, GPS receiver, antenna, or power supply where it may
strike the driver or passengers if the vehicle turns sharply or stops abruptly.
The accuracy of PC*MILER|Mobile is insufficient for it to be used for automated
navigation or in any situation in which errors or omissions in the service could lead
directly to death, personal injury, or physical or environmental damage. You must
remain alert at all times to actual road conditions and obey all posted signs and traffic
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
You hereby expressly agree to indemnify, defend and hold ALK harmless against
any and all liability, loss, damage, cost and expense, including reasonable attorneys'
fees, in connection with all claims in contract or in tort, including negligence arising
as a result of your use of the service in a manner not authorized by the terms of this
You acknowledge and agree that the service is provided to you solely for your
personal use. You may disclose information from PC*MILER|Mobile to trading
partners for specific origin-destination moves for which you provide or contract for
transportation services. You may not make any other disclosure of any
PC*MILER|Mobile information to anyone outside the legal entity that is paying for
this license. You may not directly or indirectly lease, sublicense, sell or otherwise
transfer the service to third parties, or use PC*MILER|Mobile to provide information
services to third parties, without ALK’s prior written consent.
This agreement shall be construed and applied in accordance with the laws of the
State of New Jersey, and the courts of the State of New Jersey shall be the exclusive
forum for all actions or interpretations pertaining to this agreement. This is the entire
Agreement between you and ALK and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous
agreements or understandings. Should any provision of this agreement be found to
be illegal or unenforceable, then only so much of this agreement as shall be illegal or
unenforceable shall be stricken and the balance of this agreement shall remain in full
force and effect.
User Consent
Laws in some areas prohibit the use of a cellular phone when driving a motor vehicle.
It is the responsibility of each cellular phone user to be aware of and abide by any
and all local laws and ordinances, which may restrict the use of cellular phones. The
user must take the utmost care in using a cellular phone safely under all
Traffic laws and current traffic conditions must always be observed and take
precedence over the instructions issued by the navigation system. The user should be
aware of situations where current traffic conditions and the instructions from the
navigation system may be in conflict.
The use of the navigation system does not relieve the user of his/her responsibilities.
The user is ultimately responsible for the vehicle under his/her control and should be
aware of the surroundings at all times. For traffic safety reasons, it is recommended
that routes should be set-up in a stationary vehicle before starting a trip.
Privacy: Operation of the PC*MILER | Mobile service requires that the user's
position be sent to a central server for use in preparing the route information. This
information will only be used to provide the navigation and tracking services and will
not be shared with any third parties. A user who wishes to keep their current location
private should not use the PC*MILER | Mobile service.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Motorola is not responsible for any financial loss, or other incidental or consequential
damage arising out of the use of, or inability to use, this product. This includes
damage to property and, to the extent permitted by law, damages for personal injury
and death.
PC*MILER | Mobile suggested routings are based on official highway maps, the
Code of Federal Regulations, and information provided by state governments. They
are provided without a warranty of any kind. The User agrees to assume full
responsibility for any delay, expense, loss or damage that may occur as a result of
their use.
The User agrees to locate and secure the mobile telephone on which the service is
used so that it does not interfere with the safe and attentive operation of a vehicle.
Do not place your mobile telephone, GPS receiver, antenna, or power supply where it
may strike the driver or passengers if the vehicle turns sharply or stops abruptly.
The accuracy of PC*MILER | Mobile is insufficient for it to be used for automated
navigation or in any situation in which errors or omissions in the service could lead
directly to death, personal injury, or physical or environmental damage. The User
must remain alert at all times to actual road conditions and obey all posted signs and
traffic regulations.
If after reading these statements the User decides not to accept these terms, the User
should not use the PC*MILER | Mobile service
Wireless Carrier Agreement
Nextel makes no warranties, express or implied, including without limitation, any
implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose to end user in
connection with its use of the PC*MILER | Mobile service. End user acknowledges
that service disruptions will occur from time to time and agrees to hold Nextel
harmless for all such disruptions. Nextel shall not be responsible for special, indirect,
incidental, consequential or punitive damages of any kind, including without
limitation, lost profits or other monetary loss, arising out of Nextel’s performance of
the services or failure to do so or due to the failure of poor performance of systems
under this agreement, whether or not any such matters or causes are within Nextel's
control due to negligence or other fault on the part of Nextel, its agents, affiliates,
employees or other representatives.
Map Data License Agreement
The data ("Data") is provided for the User's personal, internal use only and not for
resale. It is protected by copyright, and is subject to the following terms and
conditions which are agreed to by the user on the one hand, and Motorola and its
licensors (including their licensors and suppliers) on the other hand.
©2005 Navigation Technologies Corporation. All rights reserved.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
The Data for areas of Canada includes information taken with permission from
Canadian authorities, including © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, ©
Queen's Printer for Ontario
Terms and Conditions
Personal Use Only. The User agrees to use this Data together with PC*MILER |
Mobile for the solely personal, non-commercial purposes for which the User
was/were licensed, and not for service bureau, time-sharing or other similar purposes.
Accordingly, but subject to the restrictions set forth in the following paragraphs, the
User may copy this Data only as necessary for the User's personal use to (i) view it,
and (ii) save it, provided that the User does not remove any copyright notices that
appear and do not modify the Data in any way. The User agrees not to otherwise
reproduce, copy, modify, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any portion of
this Data, and may not transfer or distribute it in any form, for any purpose, except to
the extent permitted by mandatory laws.
Restrictions. Except where the User has been specifically licensed to do so by
Motorola, and without limiting the preceding paragraph, the User may not (a) use this
Data with any products, systems, or applications installed or otherwise connected to
or in communication with vehicles, capable of vehicle navigation, positioning,
dispatch, real time route guidance, fleet management or similar applications; or (b)
with or in communication with any positioning devices or any mobile or wireless-
connected electronic or computer devices, including without limitation, cellular
phones, palmtop and handheld computers, pagers, or personal digital assistants or
No Warranty. The Service is provided to the User "as is," and the User agrees to use
it at their own risk. Motorola and its licensors (and their licensors and suppliers)
make no guarantees, representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied,
arising by law or otherwise, including but not limited to, content, quality, accuracy,
completeness, effectiveness, reliability, fitness for a particular purpose, usefulness,
use or results to be obtained by this Data, or that the Data or server will be
uninterrupted or error-free.
INFRINGEMENT. Some States, Territories and Countries do not allow certain
warranty exclusions, so to that extent the above exclusion may not apply to the User.
Disclaimer of Endorsement. Reference to any products, services, processes,
hypertext links to third parties or other Data by trade name, trademark, manufacturer,
supplier or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,
sponsorship or recommendation by Motorola or its licensors. Product and service
information are the sole responsibility of each individual vendor. The Motorola,
Nextel or Navigation Technologies name or logo, the NAVTEQ and NAVTEQ ON
BOARD trademarks and logos, and other trademarks and trade names owned by
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Motorola, Inc, Nextel, Inc or Navigation Technologies Corporation may not be used
in any commercial manner without the prior written consent of respective company.
Export Control. The User agrees not to export from anywhere any part of the
Service or Data provided to the User and any direct product thereof except in
compliance with and with all licenses and approvals required under, applicable
export laws, rules and regulations.
Indemnity. The User agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Motorola and its
licensors (including their respective licensors, suppliers, assignees, subsidiaries,
affiliated companies, and the respective officers, directors, employees, shareholders,
agents and representatives of each of them) free and harmless from and against any
liability, loss, injury (including injuries resulting in death), demand, action, cost,
expense or claim of any kind or character, including but not limited to attorney’s
fees, arising out of or in connection with any use or possession by the User of this
Entire Agreement. These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement
between Motorola (and its licensors, including their licensors and suppliers) and the
User pertaining to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes in their entirety any and
all written or oral agreements previously existing between us with respect to such
subject matter.
Governing Law. The above terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of
the Illinois, without giving effect to (i) its conflict of laws provisions, or (ii) the
United Nations Convention for Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, which
is explicitly excluded. The User agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of Illinois for any
and all disputes, claims and actions arising from or in connection with the Data
provided to the User hereunder
United States Federal Government Subscriptions
Purchases of this service for the United States Federal government use will not
exceed a total transaction amount of US$2,500.00 and will comply with the micro-
purchase regulations.
I hereby have read, and understood the above agreement and accept the terms and
conditions as stated.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
i88s/i58sr PC*MILER|Mobile Features
The following diagram illustrates the i88s/i58sr features that are used in operating
Press and Hold
Press to
Street Name
to Turn onto
Press to
Direction of
(when prompts are spoken)
to Left
GPS Status
to Destination
0.1 mi.
3.3 mi.
Press to go
Press to
Select Go
Send Call/
Repeat Last
End Call
Directory Listing Details
Press to
Check Traffic
during Guidance
(Sorry, traffic checking not
available in current version of
Press to
Enter Text
(e.g., press 9
twice to type w)
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Getting Started with
Before the PC*MILER|Mobile application can be run, there are two simple steps that
are required to initialize the application.
Install Audio Clips
The PC*MILER|Mobile guidance system utilizes the Voice Notes file system
to store audio clips that are used during the guidance process to announce the
next instruction. The prerequisites are to have at least 80k of free data space
and to be in an area that has strong Nextel coverage. This will help keep the
installation time short and reduce the cost of data transfer.
If you do not install the audio clips, the PC*MILER|Mobile application will
“beep” when attempting to play the given audio selection. To install the
clips, select PCMILERi88Adm and run the AudioLoader. (See the Audio
Loader directions on page 11.)
Provision the User
The PC*MILER|Mobile guidance system requires that you register with
a valid user ID and password. If you fail to register, the
PC*MILER|Mobile application will respond with an error message
indicating you are not a valid subscriber.
Setting the Java Option Key
You can change the names and actions of the phone’s two option keys (the buttons to
the right and left of the Menu button), the power up application, and the ordering of
items in the Menu.
To make PC*MILER|Mobile applications readily available when you power up your
phone, you should change the right option key to JAVA. This will make it easier to
start PC*MILER|Mobile and easier to return to PC*MILER|Mobile if a phone call,
message, or other interruption happens when running PC*MILER|Mobile.
From the Nextel screen, press the Menu button. Highlight Settings and press the
button under SELECT. On the Settings screen, scroll to Personalize and press the
button under SELECT. Highlight Keys and press the button under SELECT.
Highlight Right and repeatedly press the right arrow of the 4-way navigation key
until the setting displays Java Apps. Press the button under BACK and to return to
the Personalize screen for the next change.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
If you will be using PC*MILER|Mobile often, you may wish to have the Java Apps
screen appear immediately when you power up so you can select PC*MILER|Mobile
with one key press.
From the Personalize screen, scroll to Power Up App and press the button under
SELECT. Repeatedly press the right arrow of the 4-way navigation key until the
setting shows Java Apps and then press the button under BACK to return to the
Personalize screen. Press the button under BACK and then the button under EXIT to
return to the Nextel screen.
GPS Privacy Settings
There are three GPS settings on the i88s/i58sr. They are Restricted, Unrestricted, or
By Permission.
To check the setting, from the Nextel screen press the Menu button. Scroll down and
select GPS. Then select Privacy. The current setting will be marked.
The recommended setting is By Permission. This setting triggers a question to the
user when an application first tries to obtain the GPS position information. You must
agree to allow the access for the application to proceed. When the phone displays a
message asking if you always want to grant permission, you can select YES or NO, in
which case the grant permission screen will always display.
The Unrestricted setting allows all applications to obtain the GPS position
The Restricted setting prevents any application from obtaining the GPS position
PC*MILER Mobile Administration
If you highlight PCMILERi88Adm on the Java Applications
screen and press the button under SELECT,
PC*MILER|Mobile displays the Applications screen, where
you can download audio clips, provision the i88s/i58sr, or
remove audio clips in preparation for de-installing
Java Apps
Java System
These utilities generally are used only for set up.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
To download audio clips, highlight AudioLoader and press
the button under RUN.
Note: To speed up the download process, the signal icon
should display at least 2-3 bars.
Audio Loader
PC*MILER|Mobile displays the Audio Loader screen.
The AudioLoader first deletes the old audio clips.
Deleting old audio.
PC*MILER|Mobile then downloads the new ones. When
complete, PC*MILER|Mobile displays a message stating
“Download Completed!”
Audio Loader
Download Completed!
Note: If you do not have adequate space to download the
new clips, PC*MILER|Mobile displays an error message
stating “Unable to complete loading operation.” Press the
button under EXIT. Remove unneeded voice recording and
try to run the Audio Loader again.
To remove audio clips in preparation for de-installing
PC*MILER|Mobile, highlight AudioRemover and press the
button under RUN.
Note: To speed up the download process, the signal icon
should display at least 2-3 bars.
PC*MILER|Mobile displays the Audio Remover screen.
When complete, PC*MILER|Mobile displays a message
stating “Delete completed!!”
Audio Remover
Deleting old audio.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Important: For a clean de-installation, you must remove
audio clips first. (See the procedure on page 11.)
Java Apps
To de-install PC*MILER|Mobile, highlight
PC*MILER|Mobile and press the Menu button.
PC*MILER|Mobile displays a Java Applications screen.
Highlight Deinstall and press the button under SELECT.
PC*MILER|Mobile displays a screen asking you to confirm
that you want to delete the application.
Press the button under OK.
Next, de-install PC*MILER|Mobile Administration.
Highlight PCMILERi88Adm and press the Menu button.
PC*MILER|Mobile displays a Java Applications screen.
Highlight Deinstall and press the button under SELECT.
PC*MILER|Mobile displays a screen asking you to confirm
that you want to delete the application.
Press the button under OK.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Setting Up the Device
To effectively use PC*MILER|Mobile in your vehicle, you should:
Change phone settings for best in-vehicle use before you first run
Place your phone as close to the windshield as possible
Power your phone from the vehicle
Phone Settings
Following are suggested changes to your phone’s settings to make
PC*MILER|Mobile easier to use when driving.
Speaker Volume
PC*MILER|Mobile provides you with both audio and visual directions when
navigating to your destination.
If you are not using a headset with your phone, your phone’s speakerphone should be
on in order to hear audio directions. If your speakerphone is turned off, you will see
an icon at the top of your screen showing a speaker with a line through it.
To check the status of your speakerphone, power up your i88s/i58sr phone, and
check to see if the speaker icon has a red line through it. If so, press the
speakerphone button on the top left side of your phone (a speaker icon is on the
button). A message briefly displays, indicating the speaker is on. The speaker icon
on the screen no longer displays.
To set your initial speakerphone volume high enough for directions to be heard under
most road conditions, from the Nextel screen, press the Menu button. Scroll to
Settings and press the button under SELECT. Scroll to Voice Volume and press the
button under SELECT. Highlight Speaker Vol and repeatedly press the right arrow of
the 4-way navigation key until the volume setting is at 4 or 5. Then press the button
under BACK to return to the Settings screen.
Display Contrast
To best see the phone’s screen in all lighting conditions, you may want to increase
the screen’s contrast setting. From the Nextel screen, press the Menu button. Scroll
to Settings and press the button under SELECT. Highlight Contrast and repeatedly
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
press the right arrow of the 4-way navigation key until the contrast setting is at 4 or
5. Then press the button under BACK to return to the Settings screen.
Optionally, you may want to select an existing car or outdoor style. Refer to your
phone’s manual for more information on using and creating phone styles.
Phone Placement
For best GPS satellite reception on your GPS-enabled phone, place your phone as
close to the windshield as possible.
While many fixed and temporary mount phone holder types are available (adhesive
mounts, vent clip mounts, etc.), for closest placement to
the windshield you may wish to purchase a windshield
suction mount holder such as the one shown here.
Note: Check legal restrictions in your community on
such devices and attach the mount to the windshield in
an area that will not block your vision.
Universal mount suction holders are available from
many manufacturers and are commonly available at
cellular phone accessory retailers and Internet stores.
Two such examples include:
Radio Shack’s Adjustable Subcompact Universal
Phone Mount, Model 17-551
Includes a universal phone grip and pedestal. This model can be suction
mounted to the windshield or adhesive mounted to the dash.
THESHACK, or check a Radio Shack store near you.
Arkon Resource’s CM 30 Universal Gripmatic Cell Phone Cradle plus CM52 8”
pedestal or CM53 14” pedestal
Note: To keep the phone and PC*MILER|Mobile operating properly, do not leave
your phone on the dash where it could be exposed to the sun’s heat. If your phone is
left in the sun for prolonged periods, hold it in front of the air conditioning vent for a
few minutes before using.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Phone Power
Powering your GPS-enabled cell phone with an optional cigarette lighter adapter
while using the phone for navigation provides three advantages:
Your phone’s battery will be charged while you are using the phone for
navigation. GPS operation consumes power when in constant use, and so it
can drain batteries. If the phone is used for navigation over long hours – such
as an 8-hour work day – fully charged batteries can be completely drained.
The phone’s back light will be constantly on while the phone is charging. A
back-lighted screen is easier to see even in daylight conditions. At night, a
back-lighted screen is absolutely essential when navigating.
Note: Since back lighting consumes battery power, it is best to use it with a
power adapter.
The GPS unit inside the device will provide the best location resolution
Power adapters for the i88s and i58sr phones can be purchased from resellers of
from Motorola (http://www.idenstore.com).
The Motorola part number for an i88s/i58sr compatible vehicle battery charger is
SYN7818A. The chargers are also available in multiple translucent colors. Each
color has its own part number.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Using PC*MILER Mobile
Launching the Application
Java Apps
This section covers the start-up screens when you select
PC*MILER|Mobile on the Java Applications screen and
press the button under RUN.
Java System
When you press the button under RUN,
PC*MILER|Mobile displays the start screen.
PC*MILER|Mobile then displays the User Consent
User Consent
Notice: Please read the
warnings and
to.com/consent before
using this product.
Review the information and press the button under
ACCEPT to accept the terms listed in the warnings
and disclaimers.
Press the ACCEPT button
to indicate your
acceptance of the terms
and your acceptance of
the full responsibility
for use of this product.
PC*MILER|Mobile then displays the
PC*MILER|Mobile splash screen.
Note: If you do not accept the terms listed in the
warnings and disclaimers and press the button under
DECLINE, PC*MILER|Mobile returns to the Java
Applications screen.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Signing In
PC*MILER|Mobile then displays the Signing In
screen, followed by the Login screen, where the
provisioned user is logged onto PC*MILER|Mobile.
Note: The first time you log in,
you must enter the unit’s phone
number in the Username and
Signing In
Password fields. Highlight Save
Login and press the green Send
button. Then press the button
Logging in as xxxx...
Save Login
under OK. PC*MILER|Mobile
will bypass the entry screen in
the future.
Note: If the unit has not been properly provisioned,
PC*MILER|Mobile displays a message that the logon
was not successful. Press the button under CANCEL
to return to the Java Applications screen.
Please wait while
your personal
preferences are
PC*MILER|Mobile then displays the Connecting
screen while your personal preferences are
The main PC*MILER|Mobile screen is then
Use Address Book
Search Directory
Change Origin
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Setting a Destination Using Address Book
This section covers the screens you see when selecting
Use Address Book and pressing the button under
Use Address Book
Search Directory
Change Origin
The Address Book allows you to select destination
addresses you already have listed in your address book,
save your current position to as an address entry to your
address book, and/or add addresses to your destination
list by typing the entry on the keypad.
Note: PC*MILER|Mobile defaults to your current
position as the point of origin for the route. If you want
to plan a route from another starting location, highlight
Change Origin, press the button under SELECT, and
select a starting point.
To enter letters, press the key multiple times
to display each letter.
Press down
arrow to move
to next line
For example, press 2 two times to type
a; three times to type b; four times to type c.
Press to
add space
to backspace
If you have multiple letters and/or numbers
that are located on the same key, wait three
seconds before typing the next letter or
Press 0 twice to
type plus sign (+)
Note: The + is the only special character allowed.
When you press the button under SELECT,
PC*MILER|Mobile displays the Address Book screen.
Address Book
New Address
Save Position
To enter a new address, highlight Enter New
Address and press the button under SELECT.
PC*MILER|Mobile displays the Enter Address screen.
Address Entry #1
Address Entry #2
Type the street, city, and two-letter state
abbreviation, using the GPS unit keypad.
Enter Address
Number and Street
(+ for cross st)
Note: For Number and Street field, you can type
cross streets for an intersection, separated by a plus
sign (+).
State (Abbr)
To save the address to your address book, you must
enter the Name field, then press the button under OK.
If name not entered,
address will not be
saved upon exit.
Note: If you saved the address (by typing the Name
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
field), PC*MILER|Mobile displays the Connecting
screen. When the entry has been saved,
PC*MILER|Mobile returns to the Address Book
screen and highlights the newly added address. To
view details of any address entry, highlight the entry
and press the green Send button.
Sending address to
address book. Please
Address Book
To add your current position to your address
book, highlight Save Current Position and press the
button under SELECT. PC*MILER|Mobile attempts
to obtain your current position.
New Address
Save Position
Address Entry #1
Address Entry #2
Once your current position is sent to the server,
PC*MILER|Mobile displays the Position screen. In
the Name field, type the name you want to use to list
the position in your address book, using the GPS unit
Press the button under OK. PC*MILER|Mobile
displays the Connecting screen.
Lat: 33.355896
Lon: -111.899445
Date: 01-14-2004
Time: 11:09:43 AM
When the entry has been saved, PC*MILER|Mobile
returns to the Address Book screen and highlights
your current position (by name) in your list of
address entries.
Address Book
New Address
Save Position
Address Entry #1
Address Entry #2
Address Entry #3
To set a destination, highlight the address entry for
which you want directions. Press the button under
PC*MILER|Mobile displays the Connecting screen
retrieves directions. PC*MILER|Mobile then
displays directions to the address you entered.
Retrieving directions.
Please wait.
You can use the down arrow to scroll through the
written directions.
When ready to begin guidance, press the button
under GO.
Total route distance:
0.2 miles
>Start out going west on
>In 180 yards turn left
>In 0.2 miles turn left
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Changing an Origin
This section covers the screens you see when you
highlight Change Origin and press the button under
Use Address Book
Change Origin
This feature allows you to plan a route from any
starting location. It can be used to plan for a future
travel route. For example, you can plan a route from
your hotel to the local art museum while waiting for a
meeting to begin at a client’s office.
When you press the button under SELECT,
PC*MILER|Mobile displays the Change Origin
Change Origin
Current Position
Address Book
Highlight Address Book and press the button under
SELECT. PC*MILER|Mobile displays the Address
Book screen, where you can select an address entry or
enter a new address as the origin.
The starting position will remain the selected origin
until you exit PC*MILER|Mobile or you change it
back to your current position. To change the origin
back to your current position, highlight Current
Position and press the button under SELECT.
PC*MILER|Mobile returns to the main
Address Book
New Address
Save Position
Address Entry #1
Address Entry #2
PC*MILER|Mobile screen.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Setting Routing and Tracking Options
Routing and tracking options can be set when you log on to the PC*MILER|Mobile
web site – see the PC*MILER|Mobile Web Site section in this User Guide.
Available Route Guidance options are:
Practical: Practical routes represent routing a driver would normally take to
minimize time and cost. Practical routing models the trade-off between
taking the most direct path and staying on major, high quality highways.
Interstate highways are given a higher priority than toll roads, which in turn
are given a higher priority than secondary highways, and so on. Practical
routings consider distance, road quality, terrain, urban/rural classifications,
truck-restricted roads, and designated principal and secondary through
Shortest: PC*MILER Shortest Routes represent distances and driving
routes that a vehicle would take to minimize total distance traveled while still
following a reasonable route. For instance, Shortest Route mileages and
routes will also avoid truck-restricted roads and, in some cases, may favor a
beltway rather than traveling directly through a city.
National Network: The National Network is a government-designated
system of highways originally established by the Surface Transportation
Assistance Act of 1982 and updated in 1992. PC*MILER National Network
routing represents distances and driving routes which are most reasonable
and legal for the larger trucks authorized by the Surface Transportation
Assistance Act of 1982. This routing stays on the National Network to the
maximum extent possible.
53 Foot Trailer: Calculations for these routes are based on National
Network routing, with the addition of roads that permit 53’ trailers.
Toll-Discouraged: These routes will avoid long stretches of toll roads but
will not take long, impractical detours to avoid toll bridges and tunnels.
Hazardous Material: Hazmat routes are constrained by US federal, state,
and local hazardous materials restrictions.
Note 1: Tracking can be turned ON or OFF, and a Tracking Interval and
Reporting Interval may be set.
Note 2: Selecting routing options does not prevent PC*MILER|Mobile from
providing routes that may not meet your requirements. No warnings are given
regarding bridges, underpasses, etc. that may be problematic, so drivers must
remain attentive.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Following Voice Guidance
Total route distance:
8.7 miles
When you are ready to begin guidance, on the
Directions screen, press the button under GO.
>Start out going west on
>In 180 yards turn left
>In 1.3 miles turn left
PC*MILER|Mobile displays the Connecting screen
while loading the route to your destination.
Loading route to
Address Entry
PC*MILER|Mobile then graphically displays the
direction to start navigation.
Note: To review the route, you can press the right
arrow of the 4-way navigation key to scroll through
the guidance screens. If driving a route when
scrolling through instructions, you should return to the
current instruction screen to keep the display in synch
with the route’s progress.
3.3 mi.
PC*MILER|Mobile indicates the next maneuver to
3.3 mi.
0.1 mi.
Note: To repeat the audio directions, you can press
the green Send button.
As you approach a turn, PC*MILER|Mobile displays
the decreasing distance to the turn.
300 yds
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Note: If you make an
improper turn,
PC*MILER|Mobile warns that
you have left the route. You
can either take actions to
return safely to the route, or
press the button under
REROUTE to obtain new
guidance instructions.
Off Route
3.3 mi.
3.3 mi.
After the last turn, PC*MILER|Mobile displays the
distance to your destination and provides information
on which side of the road the final destination is
Suspending PC*MILER Mobile for Incoming Calls
To accept an incoming call while using
PC*MILER|Mobile, you must press the button under
YES. For hands-free phone operation, then press the
button under SPEAKER.
Take Call From
Line 1
Note: Incoming calls are blocking when in guidance
When the call has ended, press the button under
RESUME to return to the PC*MILER|Mobile
Note: The same process is used for Direct Connect or
other applications. To return to the PC*MILER|Mobile
application, press the button under JAVA and then
presses the button under RESUME.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Suspending PC*MILER Mobile for Outgoing Calls
To make a call while using PC*MILER|Mobile, press
the red End button twice. The system suspends
Make your call.
When the call has ended, press the button under JAVA
and then presses the button under RESUME.
Exiting PC*MILER Mobile
To exit PC*MILER|Mobile from a guidance screen,
press the button under BACK to return to the main
PC*MILER|Mobile screen. Press the button under
EXIT to exit PC*MILER|Mobile and return to the Java
Applications screen.
3.3 mi.
Note: Properly exiting PC*MILER|Mobile ensures
that the GPS unit is shut down so that it will not drain
your battery excessively.
Use Address Book
Search Direcory
Change Origin
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
. Notes
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Web Site
Instead of using your i88s/i58sr phone to search for destinations or enter destinations
into your address book, you can use the PC*MILER|Mobile Web site to perform
these functions and set destination addresses. You can also set preferences such as
route type and tracking frequency on the site.
PC*MILER|Mobile Homepage
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
My PC*MILER Mobile Home Page
From the My PC*MILER|Mobile Home Page, you can manage your
PC*MILER|Mobile application, conducting many of the tasks you also can complete
on your phone. In addition you can plan a trip, set preferences, change your
password, set up and manage groups of users, and track trip progress.
Address Book lists entries in your PC*MILER|Mobile address list, which display on
the Address Book screen. From this page, you can add or delete addresses, as well as
update current addresses in your address book.
Tracking displays group users’ current positions and routes traveled in near-real time
and for a historical time period.
Group Management allows you to set up and maintain a group of users, including
adding and deleting group members, add a destination to the address books of all or
select group members, and set preferences for all or select group members. When
setting up groups, only users that have the same client application can be grouped.
For example, a customer with i58 phones can only create a group that only has i58
Account Management displays contact information and provides access to change
your logon password.
Directory Search allows you to search for a destination by name and/or category.
You can choose to search for addresses near your current position, near a designated
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
location, or within a defined area or on a specific street. You also can display map of
multiple entries.
Preferences allow you to add or remove categories from the list of directory search
categories that display on your phone.
Configure Options allows you to choose the routing options appropriate for your
vehicle and auto reroute preferences.
Help provides access to frequently asked questions and documentation, as well as
provides a forum by which to send comments or questions to PC*MILER|Mobile.
Log Out is used to end your session in the PC*MILER|Mobile Web site.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Web-based driver tracking is an optional feature available from PC*MILER|Mobile.
The tracking system enables dispatchers to track any number of vehicles on a map,
which can aid in efficiently assigning loads or jobs, responding to emergency
pickups, and providing customers of real-time arrival information.
The PC*MILER|Mobile application records the position of the device, which then
can be tracked visually on the PC*MILER|Mobile Web site. PC*MILER|Mobile
must be running in order for the position data to be collected.
The feature has following characteristics:
20 meter resolution
Maximum record rate is 1 minute
Minimum report interval is 5 minute
Ability to record up to 4 hours of tracking when out of network coverage
Tracking Web Page
The PC*MILER|Mobile Web site provides the ability to view historical data, as well,
by entering a select start and end dates for which to view data.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Clicking on the red locator dot on the map displays the latitude/longitude of the user's
most current position. Clicking on the user's Address link displays the address of the
user's most current position.
Note: If the user has pop-up blocker on his/her Web browser, the tracking window
will not display.
Setting Tracking Options on the Device
Some tracking settings can be configured by the user on the PC*MILER|Mobile
unit. On the main PC*MILER|Mobile screen, the user highlights Change Options
and presses the button under SELECT.
Tracking mode: ON / OFF
Tracking interval (how often the GPS position is recorded): 1 minute to 1440
minutes (1 day)
Reporting interval (how often the recorded positions are sent to the server): 5
minutes to 10080 minutes (1 week)
These settings also can be configured on the PC*MILER|Mobile Web site.
Once the application is terminated all data are erased from the phone.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Error Messages
The following error messages may be encountered when you log on:
Initial user/password must be set, Login failed: Fail to logon: Incorrect user name
or password, or Login failed: User is not valid subscriber. The application has not
been properly set up for use. You could have entered the information incorrectly,
please try again. If still unsuccessful, contact technical support to resolve any
issues with the account.
Failed to contact server. The GPS unit is unable to make a data connection to the
server. This will happen if the power indicator on the top of the GPS unit is solid
red or if the IP indicator on the GPS unit does not display. You may not be in an
area with wireless data coverage. Relocate and, when the power indicator light
turns green, try again. This may take a couple of minutes.
The following errors may be encountered on the Address Entry or Directions screen:
Destination/Address is incorrect or incomplete. Please check and re-enter. The
server failed to verify that the address exists. This can be for several different
reasons: misspelled street name or city; state is not the standard two-character
abbreviation; improper abbreviations of names used; missing data; or the address is
too new to be found on a road network.
Move your vehicle closer to a public street to find a starting street. You are not
close enough to the road network. Move the car closer to a public street and retry.
This also may happen if you are in a very new neighborhood that is not yet
supported by the map data.
ERR_0100. Indicates that the server was unable to generate a route using the
specified parameters for one of many reasons (i.e., route server is down, the route
cannot be routed to, etc.).
The following errors may be encountered on the Guidance screens:
Download Error. An error occurred during the download. Press the button under
BACK and try to obtain the route again.
Out Of Memory. The route contains more data than the GPS unit can handle at this
time. There is not enough memory to download the entire route. Exit the
application and design a route with intermediate destination points. The length of
the route and the number of maneuvers impact how large the entire route can be.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
The following error message may be encountered when you are downloading voice
Unable to complete loading operation. The application does not have the available
space to download new voice clips. Remove unneeded voice recordings and try
Technical Support
To contact PC*MILER|Mobile with technical issues, send an email to
additional contact information for technical support to use in responding to the email.
You also can contact PC*MILER|Mobile by calling technical support at 1-800-311-
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Q. What is PC*MILER|Mobile?
A. PC*MILER|Mobile is a navigation system that provides automated turn-by-turn
spoken directions along your route to guide you to your destination.
Q. How does PC*MILER|Mobile work?
A. PC*MILER|Mobile is able to determine your position using the Global Positioning
System (GPS). When you enter a destination using the phone or Web site, the route
information is downloaded to your phone, and turn-by-turn directions are provided to
guide you to your destination. If you miss or make an incorrect turn,
PC*MILER|Mobile will alert you and will offer a new route.
Q. Where can I use PC*MILER|Mobile?
A. PC*MILER|Mobile can be used in most metropolitan areas where there is Nextel
coverage. You can use the phone in or out of a vehicle to provide directions to your
destinations. For the GPS to work properly, the phone should have a clear view of the
sky and be away from tall buildings, covered parking areas, tunnels, and dense foliage.
In order to get a route you should be near a public road.
Q. What is GPS?
A. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite positioning system. A
constellation of satellites broadcasts signals around the world that can be used by GPS
receivers to determine positions using triangulation. The signals are free and can be
received anywhere on Earth where there is a clear view of the sky.
Q. How accurate is the GPS receiver?
A. GPS accuracy ranges from 20 meters to 100 meters. Most of the time the GPS is
accurate within 30 meters, which is about 32 yards.
Q. What is an ideal GPS environment?
A. The GPS receiver requires an open, clear view of the sky. Buildings, covered
parking areas, tunnels, and dense foliage can hinder the GPS signals. Weather
conditions do not impact the performance of GPS. If you are parked in a covered
parking lot or near a tall building, it is recommended that you move away to have a
clear view of the sky and then use PC*MILER|Mobile. The phone should be attached
to the windshield in the holder for best performance.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Q. Where is the GPS receiver?
A. The GPS receiver is embedded in the i88s/i58sr phone. The internal GPS antenna
is near the top of the phone by the power button. For best performance, the phone
should be attached to the windshield in glass-mount phone holder.
Q. How do I know that the GPS has a signal?
A. The PC*MILER|Mobile application on your phone will alert you if the GPS does
not have a valid signal by displaying NO GPS on the screen. If this happens, and lasts
more than a few seconds, drive to an area where there is a clear view of the sky so the
GPS can receive the satellite signals.
Q. How do I know if I am in a Nextel coverage area?
A. Check the power button. If it is flashing green, you are within the coverage area.
If the power button is red, the phone is out of network coverage.
Q. How do I know if I have data services?
A. On the top of the Nextel screen, you should see an IP symbol next to the signal
strength indicator. If the signal strength has 2 or more bars but the IP icon is missing,
the phone does not have data services and will not work properly.
Q. What maps are used in PC*MILER|Mobile?
A. Navtech provides the digital road map data that is used to compute routes and
directions for the PC*MILER|Mobile system.
Q. How well does ALK Technologies’ map data cover the U.S.?
A. ALK’s map data covers metropolitan and suburban areas in the US extremely well,
and they are continually improving their coverage of the rural areas. Additionally,
ALK has the most extensive road attributes in order to enable PC*MILER|Mobile to
provide the best possible turn-by-turn guidance experience.
Q. How do I repeat an instruction?
A. You can repeat the audio message by pressing the green Send button on the phone.
Q. Can I preview the navigation instructions?
A. Yes. You can preview the list of directions by scrolling up or down through the
list. In guidance mode, you can scan forward or backward through the maneuvers at
any time during guidance using the right/left navigation button. If driving a route when
scrolling through instructions, you should return to the current instruction screen to
keep your display in synch with your route’s progress.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
Q. Can I enter the intersection of two streets?
A. Yes. To enter an intersection of two streets, type in both street names separated by
a plus sign (+). To enter the plus sign, press the 0 key twice.
Q. Why won’t PC*MILER|Mobile accept my address?
A. It may be that the spelling is incorrect or the abbreviations are not recognized. Try
using alternate abbreviations or spelling them out; e.g. “Saint” instead of “St.”
Q. Can I receive calls when using PC*MILER|Mobile?
A. Yes. However, the iDEN handset cannot transfer phone data and packet data at the
same time. When a network-enabled application is transmitting packet data, the phone
services will be blocked. Packet data service will incur charges to the account.
Q. Can I place calls when using PC*MILER|Mobile?
A. To make a call, press the red End button twice to pause PC*MILER|Mobile.
Q. How do I make a call using hands-free operation?
A. Press the button under SPEAKER to toggle between speaker on/off. For hands-free
operation, the speaker should be set to on.
Q. How do I make the guidance instructions louder?
A. You can change the volume of the verbal guidance instructions in
PC*MILER|Mobile by changing the ringer volume, using the rocker keys on the left
side of the phone. You must do this while PC*MILER|Mobile is running and giving a
verbal instruction.
Q. Why do the verbal instructions sound muffled?
A. You may not have the speakerphone activated. Press the button on the upper left
side of the phone to activate the speakerphone.
Q. When I turn off my engine, why is the PC*MILER|Mobile backlight on?
A. Most vehicles provide power to the cigarette lighter adapter even when the engine
is off and the ignition key is removed. You should remove the power plug from the
lighter socket and turn the phone off to avoid draining the battery.
Q. Why do I hear “You have left the route” when I have not?
A. Temporarily, the inaccuracy of the map data and the GPS results may cause the
phone to think that it is not on the planned route. If you have not left the route, the
phone should resume guidance momentarily.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
PC*MILER|Mobile Group Management and Tracking
Q. Can the tracking mode be switched off?
A. Yes, the user can switch the tracking feature to ON or OFF on the phone menu, by
selecting the Change Options menu item.
Q. Can the access to the group management feature be restricted?
A. Yes, you can use an administrator password to restrict the access to the group
management functionalities.
Q. My tracking feature is activated. Why is the handset position not
displayed on the tracking web page?
A. Please check and adjust the date and time settings of the handset. This information
is used to validate that the GPS position is not outdated.
PC*MILER|Mobile User’s Guide
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