3Com Network Card 100 PCI User Manual

3C905C-TX and 3C905C-TX-M  
EtherLink 10/100 PCI NICs for  
Complete PC Management  
Part No. 09-1487-000 OEM  
Published March 1999  
This quick guide explains how to install a 3Com®  
EtherLink® 10/100 PCI for Complete PC Management  
(3C905C) network interface card (NIC) in a PC running  
Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98.  
For all other operating systems, or for more detailed  
information on the 3C905C NIC, see the EtherLink 10/100 PCI  
for Complete PC Management Network Interface Card  
User Guide.  
Installation Overview  
Before you physically install the NIC in a PC, you  
must run the NIC preinstallation program, located on  
EtherDisk® diskette 1, to prevent conflicts with the NIC.  
CAUTION: If you do not run the preinstallation program,  
the NIC driver and software will not be installed correctly.  
See “Running the Preinstallation Program” later in this  
quick guide for instructions.  
Make sure that you have the following items:  
3C905C NIC  
3Com EtherDisk diskettes 1, 2, and 3  
Remote Wake-Up cable (This cable is optional. Install  
it only if you want to use Remote Wake-Up and your  
PC is not compliant with PCI 2.2. Contact your PC  
manufacturer for the Remote Wake-Up cable.)  
SOS or SMBus cable (This cable is optional. Install it only if  
you want to use remote system alerts and your PC has a  
matching connector on its motherboard. Contact your PC  
manufacturer for cabling and installation instructions.)  
Installing Multiple NICs  
If you are installing multiple 3C905C NICs in a PC or server,  
follow the instructions in “Installing Multiple NICs” in  
Chapter 3 of the user guide. Do not follow the instructions  
in this quick guide.  
Upgrading Windows 95 to Windows 98  
If you are upgrading a PC from Windows 95 to  
Windows 98 that already has a 3C90x NIC installed,  
follow the instructions in the WIN98.TXT file located  
in the HELP directory on EtherDisk diskette 3.  
Updating EtherDisk Software  
If you want to update your current version of EtherDisk  
software to EtherDisk 5.x software, follow the instructions  
in the text file appropriate for your operating system in the  
HELP directory on EtherDisk diskette 3.  
Running the Preinstallation Program  
Before you physically install the NIC in a PC, you must run  
the following preinstallation program to properly set up  
your system environment.  
CAUTION: If you do not perform this procedure, the NIC  
driver and software will not be installed correctly.  
To run the NIC preinstallation program:  
1 Do not install the NIC in the PC.  
2 Turn on the power to the PC and start Windows.  
3 Insert EtherDisk diskette 1 in drive A.  
4 From the Windows Start menu, select Run.  
5 Run the preinstallation program. Enter:  
6 After the preinstallation program finishes, turn off  
the power to the PC.  
The next step is to install the NIC in the PC.  
Installing the NIC  
Installing the NIC  
To install the NIC in the PC:  
1 Make sure that you have run the preinstallation  
program, as described in the previous section.  
CAUTION: Before handling the NIC, touch the bare metal  
case of your PC to discharge static electricity from your  
body. While you are handling the NIC, wear a wrist strap  
grounded to the PC chassis.  
2 Remove all jewelry from your hands and wrists. Use  
only insulated or nonconducting tools.  
3 Make sure that the power to the PC is turned off and  
that the power cord is unplugged.  
4 Remove the cover from the PC.  
5 Locate an empty, nonshared bus mastering PCI slot  
and remove the corresponding slot cover. Save  
the screw.  
Do not install the NIC in a shared PCI slot. Avoid any  
PCI slot next to an ISA slot. This is often a shared slot  
and does not support bus mastering.  
PC documentation or ask your system administrator.  
If you are planning to install the Remote Wake-Up cable or  
a cable for the SOS or SMBus connector, choose an empty  
PCI slot that is close to the matching connector on the  
PC motherboard.  
6 Carefully insert the NIC into the empty PCI slot (see  
Figure 1). Press firmly to ensure that the NIC is fully  
seated in the slot.  
Figure 1 Installing the NIC  
1 Remove slot cover  
2 Insert NIC  
SOS pin connector  
System Management  
Bus (SMB) connector  
Remote Wake-Up  
(RWU) connector  
PCI slots  
7 Secure the NIC with the screw you removed in step 5.  
“Connecting the Remote Wake-Up Cable” in Chapter 2  
of the user guide to continue the installation.  
If you want to connect a cable from the SOS or  
SMBus connector, see your PC documentation  
or contact your PC manufacturer for instructions.  
If you do not want to connect a cable, continue  
with step 8.  
8 Replace the PC cover and plug in the power cord.  
Do not turn on the power to the PC.  
Installing the Driver and Software  
9 Connect the appropriate network cable to the RJ-45  
port on the NIC, following the specifications in the  
table below.  
Cable Length  
Cable Required  
10 Mbps  
Category 3, 4, or 5  
unshielded twisted-pair  
100 m (328 ft)  
100 m (328 ft)  
100 Mbps  
Category 5 unshielded  
The next step is to install the NIC driver and software.  
Installing the Driver and Software  
This section describes how to install the NIC driver and  
software on a PC running Windows 95 or Windows 98.  
For other operating systems, see the user guide.  
Windows 95  
To install the NIC driver and software under Windows 95,  
you need the Windows 95 installation files. These files  
may be on a CD or diskettes, or they may have been copied  
to your hard drive when Windows 95 was installed on  
your PC.  
If you encounter problems during the installation, see  
the W95NDIS.TXT file located in the HELP directory on  
EtherDisk diskette 3 for troubleshooting tips.  
Before installing the NIC driver and software:  
Make sure that you have run the preinstallation  
program, as described earlier in this guide.  
Make sure that the NIC is installed in the PC and  
that it is connected to the network.  
To install the NIC driver and software on a PC running  
Windows 95:  
1 Turn on the power to the PC.  
Windows 95 detects the NIC. Depending on the version of  
Windows 95 that you have installed, the New Hardware  
Found dialog box appears or the Update Device Driver  
Wizard starts.  
If the New Hardware Found dialog box appears:  
a Select Driver from disk provided by hardware  
manufacturer, and then click OK.  
b Insert EtherDisk diskette 1 in drive A, make sure that  
A:\ appears in the entry box, and then click OK.  
c Go to step 2 when prompted for EtherDisk diskette 2.  
If the Update Device Driver Wizard starts:  
click Next.  
Windows finds the driver and asks if you want to  
use this driver.  
b Click Finish, and then click OK when prompted for  
EtherDisk diskette 1.  
c Go to step 2 when prompted for EtherDisk diskette 2.  
2 Remove EtherDisk diskette 1 from drive A, insert  
EtherDisk diskette 2, and then click OK.  
Files are copied.  
If this is the first time that networking is being installed  
on your PC, the Identification tab of the Network screen  
appears. Go to step 3.  
If networking has already been installed, you are  
prompted for the Windows 95 CD. Go to step 4.  
3 In the specified fields of the Identification tab screen,  
enter the following information, and then click OK:  
Computer Name — Identifies the PC on the network  
for other users. This entry must be a unique name of  
15 characters or fewer, containing no spaces.  
Workgroup — Identifies the group (for example, your  
department name) to which your PC belongs. If you  
belong to a peer-to-peer network, this entry must be  
exactly the same for all the PCs in your network.  
Computer Description — Displays additional details to  
other users on the network about this PC. For example,  
you could specify that the PC has a printer attached.  
Filling in this field is optional.  
Installing the Driver and Software  
4 Insert the Windows 95 CD or diskette, and then click OK.  
If you do not have the Windows 95 CD or diskette, but the  
Windows 95 installation files are on your hard drive, click  
OK. Enter the directory in the Copy Files From entry box  
(usually C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS), and then click OK.  
Files are copied. You are prompted for EtherDisk diskette 2.  
5 Make sure that EtherDisk diskette 2 is in drive A, and  
then click OK.  
Files are copied. You are prompted to restart the PC.  
6 Remove EtherDisk diskette 2 from drive A, and then  
click Yes to restart the PC.  
You must restart the PC to complete the installation.  
The installation is complete. Go to “Verifying Successful  
Installation” later in this guide to confirm that the NIC is  
properly installed.  
After Windows restarts, double-click the Network icon  
in the Windows Control Panel and make sure that the  
configuration settings are properly configured for your  
network environment. Contact your system administrator  
for assistance.  
Windows 98  
To install the NIC driver and software under Windows 98,  
you need the Windows 98 installation files. These files  
may be on a CD or diskettes, or they may have been copied  
to your hard drive when Windows 98 was installed on  
your PC.  
If you encounter problems during the installation, see  
the WIN98.TXT file located in the HELP directory on  
EtherDisk diskette 3 for troubleshooting tips.  
Before installing the NIC driver and software:  
Make sure that you have run the preinstallation  
program, as described earlier in this guide.  
Make sure that the NIC is installed in the PC and  
that it is connected to the network.  
To install the NIC driver and software on a PC running  
Windows 98:  
1 Turn on the power to the PC.  
Windows 98 detects the NIC. The Add New Hardware  
Wizard starts.  
2 Insert EtherDisk diskette 1 in drive A, and then  
click Next.  
3 Select Search for the best driver for your device  
(Recommended), and then click Next.  
4 Select Floppy disk drives, and then click Next.  
Windows finds the driver file for the device.  
5 Click Next.  
If the Insert Disk dialog box appears, prompting you to  
insert EtherDisk diskette 1, click OK.  
Files are copied. You are prompted for EtherDisk diskette 2.  
6 Remove EtherDisk diskette 1 from drive A, insert  
EtherDisk diskette 2, and then click OK.  
Files are copied. You are prompted for the Windows 98 CD.  
7 Insert the Windows 98 CD or diskette, and then  
click OK.  
If you do not have the Windows 98 CD or diskette, but the  
Windows 98 installation files are on your hard drive, click  
OK. Enter the directory in the Copy Files From entry box  
(usually C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS), and then click OK.  
Files are copied. You are prompted for EtherDisk diskette 2.  
8 Make sure that EtherDisk diskette 2 is in drive A, and  
then click OK.  
Files are copied.  
9 Click Finish.  
You are prompted to restart the PC.  
Verifying Successful Installation  
10 Remove EtherDisk diskette 2 from drive A, and then  
click Yes to restart the PC.  
You must restart the PC to complete the installation.  
The installation is complete. Go to the next section,  
“Verifying Successful Installation,” to confirm that the  
NIC is properly installed.  
After Windows restarts, double-click the Network icon  
in the Windows Control Panel and make sure that the  
configuration settings are properly configured for your  
network environment. Contact your system administrator  
for assistance.  
Verifying Successful Installation  
To verify that the NIC and its software are properly installed  
on a PC running Windows 95 or Windows 98:  
1 Open the Windows Start menu, select Settings, and  
then select Control Panel.  
2 Double-click the System icon.  
3 Select the Device Manager tab.  
4 Double-click Network adapters and make sure that  
the name of the NIC appears.  
If a red X or a yellow exclamation point (!) appears next to  
the name of the NIC, the installation was not successful.  
See “Troubleshooting the Installation” and “Frequently  
Asked Questions” in Chapter 5 of the user guide for  
troubleshooting help.  

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