Allied Telesis Network Router Routers and Switches User Manual

Configure Load Balancer Redundancy on Allied Telesis  
Routers and Switches  
How To|  
In many Server Hosting environments, two requirements are important: maximising  
throughput availability to each service, and minimising service downtime. This How To Note  
contributes towards both these aims.  
The Note is split into two parts. The first part illustrates both redundancy of servers and  
redundancy of the load balancers themselves. The second part provides an optional  
extension that enables you to control server selection without losing redundancy. This is  
helpful when you prefer to have customers access a certain server, instead of balancing that  
traffic. However, if that server fails, the customers need to use the alternate server instead.  
The examples  
The network configuration for these examples is shown in the following figure.  
public side  
private side  
Load Balancer 1  
public address  
private address  
VLAN 4  
Web/SFTP server 1  
VLAN 3  
with VRRP  
load balancer  
VLAN 2 virtual address  
VLAN 4  
public address  
private address  
Web/SFTP server 2  
Load Balancer 2  
The Notes first example illustrates how to load balance web services, and includes:  
Load balancing of incoming web traffic to maximise throughput to web servers. It also  
provides redundancy if a web server goes down.  
Redundancy between two load balancing routers. In the unlikely event of a router going  
down, a backup router takes over as master and continues the load balancing work for  
incoming web connections. Load balancer redundancy and VRRP ensure that clients and  
servers access the same public and private addresses no matter which router is the master.  
A firewall to secure the LAN against attack. The firewall configuration changes  
automatically if the backup router takes over the load balancing role.  
C613-16088-00 REV A  
Example of Basic Redundancy  
Configure Load Balancer 1  
1. Name the router  
Name this router LB-1.  
set system name=LB-1  
2. Create the VLANs  
Create the three VLANs that this example uses:  
VLAN 2 for the public Internet side  
create vlan=vlan2 vid=2  
VLAN 3 for the private LAN side  
create vlan=vlan3 vid=3  
VLAN 4 for managing the load balancer redundancy  
create vlan=vlan4 vid=4  
3. Add ports to the VLANs  
Add ports to the three VLANs.  
add vlan=2 port=1  
add vlan=3 port=2-4  
add vlan=4 port=5  
4. Configure IP on the VLANs  
Enable IP.  
enable ip  
Give the public VLAN a unique public address. Note that public clients will not browse to  
this address; they will browse to the virtual balancers IP address instead (see step 8).  
add ip int=vlan2 ip= mask=  
Give the private VLAN a private address. Note that the servers will not use this address as a  
gateway; they will use the VRRP virtual address instead (see step 7).  
add ip int=vlan3 ip=  
Give the redundancy management VLAN a private address.  
add ip int=vlan4 ip=  
Configure Load Balancer Redundancy on Allied Telesis Routers and Switches  
5. Configure the firewall  
Enable the firewall.  
enable firewall  
Create a firewall policy.  
create firewall policy=lb  
Set the firewall session timeouts for TCP, UDP and other packet types, in minutes.  
set firewall policy=lb tcptimeout=5 udptimeout=5 othertimeout=5  
Add the public and private interfaces to the firewall policy.  
add firewall policy=lb int=vlan2 type=public  
add firewall policy=lb int=vlan3 type=private  
Add the redundancy management VLAN to the firewall policy as a private interface.  
add firewall policy=lb int=vlan4 type=private  
You do not need to add firewall access rules at this step. This example uses triggered scripts  
to dynamically add access rules, depending on which load balancer is the master (see step 9).  
6. Disable the GUI and the HTTP server on port 80  
You cannot use the router’s GUI or its HTTP server on port 80 when load balancing web  
traffic. Therefore, you need to either disable the GUI and server, by using the following  
disable gui  
disable http server  
or change the port that the server uses. For example, to change the port to 8080, use the  
following command:  
set http server port=8080  
You can then use the GUI by pointing your browser to the router's private address and the  
new port (in this example,  
Note that this configuration uses some advanced settings that are not available through the  
GUI, so you cannot use the GUI to create this configuration. You also cannot use the firewall  
pages in the GUI to modify this configuration’s firewall settings, because the GUI does not  
recognise this firewall policy. However, you can use the GUI to monitor the router.  
Configure Load Balancer Redundancy on Allied Telesis Routers and Switches  
7. Configure VRRP  
Configure VRRP for the private side interface. This step creates a virtual address for the  
private interface of both load balancing routers. Private servers use this address as their  
gateway to the Internet, instead of using the address of the private interface of either router.  
This means the servers’ gateway is independent of which router is the master load balancer.  
enable vrrp  
create vrrp=2 over=vlan3 ipaddress=  
When you configure your servers, enter the VRRP address as their gateway address.  
8. Configure load balancing  
Enable load balancing.  
enable lb  
Add a resource pool for web traffic.  
add lb respool=web selectmethod=roundrobin faillast=no  
Add resources to the web resource pool. In this example, two resource servers share the  
web traffic.  
add lb resource=web1 ip= port=80 respool=web  
add lb resource=web2 ip= port=80 respool=web  
Add and enable the Virtual Balancer for the web traffic that is to be balanced. This step also  
defines the load balancers virtual public address. Public clients browse to this address,  
instead of browsing to either routers’ public address. This means that the clients’ destination  
address is independent of which router is the master load balancer.  
add lb virtualbalancer=web publicip= publicport=80  
enable lb virtualbalancer=web  
Define the load balancing redundancy peer (Load Balancer 2 in the figure in "The  
set lb redundancy peerip= listenport=5000  
redunip= publicint=vlan2 redunmask=  
enable lb redundancy  
Configure Load Balancer Redundancy on Allied Telesis Routers and Switches  
9. Configure triggers  
If one of the load balancers goes down, the firewall configuration needs to change. This  
example uses triggers to make this change automatically, by running a script when the state  
changes. See "Create the Scripts" on page 9 for instructions for making the scripts.  
Enable triggers.  
enable trigger  
Set the router to run the script master.scpif it becomes the master load balancer. This  
script adds firewall allow rules to support the resource pools.  
create trigger=2 module=loadbalancer event=master  
Set the router to run the script slave.scpif it becomes the slave load balancer. This script  
removes redundant firewall allow rules.  
create trigger=3 module=loadbalancer event=slave script=slave.scp  
10. Save the configuration  
Save the configuration and set the router to use it when it restarts.  
create config=lb_redun.cfg  
set config=lb_redun.cfg  
Configure Load Balancer Redundancy on Allied Telesis Routers and Switches  
Configure Load Balancer 2  
Load balancer 2 is identical to load balancer 1, except for its:  
name (which is just a convenience and does not affect how it functions)  
public interface’s IP address  
private interface’s IP address  
load balancer redundancy peer, which is load balancer 1  
Because the two load balancers are so similar, the following instructions do not explain the  
steps—see the instructions for load balancer 1 for explanations.  
1. Name the router  
set system name=LB-2  
2. Create the VLANs  
create vlan=vlan2 vid=2  
create vlan=vlan3 vid=3  
create vlan=vlan4 vid=4  
3. Add ports to the VLANs  
add vlan=2 port=1  
add vlan=3 port=2-4  
add vlan=4 port=5  
4. Configure IP on the VLANs  
enable ip  
add ip int=vlan2 ip= mask=  
add ip int=vlan3 ip=  
add ip int=vlan4 ip=  
5. Configure the firewall  
enable firewall  
create firewall policy=lb  
set firewall policy=lb tcptimeout=5 udptimeout=5 othertimeout=5  
add firewall policy=lb int=vlan2 type=public  
add firewall policy=lb int=vlan3 type=private  
add firewall policy=lb int=vlan4 type=private  
Configure Load Balancer Redundancy on Allied Telesis Routers and Switches  
6. Disable the GUI and the HTTP server on port 80  
disable gui  
disable http server  
set http server port=8080  
7. Configure VRRP  
enable vrrp  
create vrrp=2 over=vlan3 ipaddress=  
8. Configure load balancing  
enable lb  
add lb respool=web selectmethod=roundrobin faillast=no  
add lb resource=web1 ip= port=80 respool=web  
add lb resource=web2 ip= port=80 respool=web  
add lb virtualbalancer=web publicip= publicport=80  
enable lb virtualbalancer=web  
set lb redundancy peerip= listenport=5000  
redunip= publicint=vlan2 redunmask=  
enable lb redundancy  
9. Configure triggers  
enable trigger  
create trigger=2 module=loadbalancer event=master  
create trigger=3 module=loadbalancer event=slave script=slave.scp  
10. Save the configuration  
create config=lb_redun.cfg  
set config=lb_redun.cfg  
Configure Load Balancer Redundancy on Allied Telesis Routers and Switches  
Create the Scripts  
This section describes the scripts that the trigger facility runs when the master or slave load  
balancer changes. Create the same scripts on both load balancer 1 and load balancer 2.  
Create the scripts in a text editor on your PC. You can then open the routers editor by using  
the command edit master.scp (or edit slave.scp) and copy and paste the text of the script  
into the editor. Use Ctrl+K+X to save the script and exit.  
Alternatively, you can copy your PC-created script to a TFTP server and use the router’s  
load command to download the files from the server.  
! Script for when a load balancer becomes the master: master.scp  
# Add the load balancer virtual interface (vlan2-1) to the firewall policy  
# as a public interface.  
add firewall policy=lb int=vlan2-1 type=public  
# Add an allow rule for web traffic access. Note that this rule does not map  
# to a private address, as expected on a NAT firewall. It just opens the port.  
# The load balancer handles security and NAT redirection to the server.  
add firewall policy=lb rule=1 int=vlan2-1 action=allow protocol=tcp port=80  
# Set the VRRP priority level to a value higher than the slave's priority.  
set vrrp=2 priority=200  
! Script for when a load balancer becomes the slave: slave.scp  
# Remove the load balancer virtual interface (vlan2-1).  
delete firewall policy=lb int=vlan2-1  
# Remove the associated access rule.  
delete firewall policy=lb rule=1  
# Set the VRRP priority level to a value lower than the master's priority.  
set vrrp=2 priority=100  
Configure Load Balancer Redundancy on Allied Telesis Routers and Switches  
Extension: Controlling Server Selection  
Sometimes you may prefer your customers to access a certain server for certain traffic types.  
However, if that server fails, they still require redundancy to an alternate server.  
This section shows how to configure this. The example gives you control over server  
selection for SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) traffic, while providing server redundancy if  
the preferred server fails. In this example, SFTP favours the first resource only (  
It only uses the second resource if the first resource fails.  
The load balancers use pings to monitor the health of each resource. When the primary  
resource fails, this triggers a script to enable the secondary resource.  
To provide this solution, you need to add the following steps:  
Configure Load Balancing: Extra Commands  
This section describes the commands you need to add to step 8 on page 5 for load  
balancer 1 and page 8 for load balancer 2. These extra commands make load balancing act on  
SFTP traffic as well as web traffic.  
Add a resource pool for SFTP.  
add lb respool=sftp selectmethod=roundrobin faillast=no  
Add both SFTP resources to the SFTP resource pool. Note that SFTP is FTP encapsulated by  
SSHv2 on port 22.  
add lb resource=sftp1 ip= port=22 respool=sftp  
add lb resource=sftp2 ip= port=22 respool=sftp  
Disable SFTP2. This forces the load balancer to use SFTP1, which is the desired behaviour  
because SFTP1 is the preferred server. Later in this configuration, we will create a trigger so  
that the load balancer changes to SFTP2 if SFTP1 goes down.  
disable lb resource=sftp2 immediately  
Add and enable the Virtual Balancer for SFTP traffic.  
add lb virtualbalancer=sftp publicip= publicport=22  
respool=sftp affinity=no  
enable lb virtualbalancer=sftp  
Note that affinity is turned off. If resource 1 fails, this stops new connections from  
automatically trying to use the failed resource.  
Configure Load Balancer Redundancy on Allied Telesis Routers and Switches  
Configure the Triggers: Extra Commands  
When the preferred server goes down or comes back up again, the load balancer needs to  
change to the appropriate resource. This example uses triggers to make this change  
automatically, by running a script when the server’s state changes.  
This section describes the extra trigger commands you need to add on both load balancer 1  
and load balancer 2. See "Create New Scripts" on page 12 for instructions for making the  
As part of its healthcheck feature, the load balancer regularly sends pings to check the health  
of each server. If the server does not respond, the load balancer changes the resource state  
to Closing. If the server starts to respond to the pings again, the load balancer changes the  
resource state to Up. The following triggers activate a script when one of these state changes  
Set the router to run the script sftp1down.scpif the first resource fails. This script enables  
the second resource.  
create trigger=4 module=loadbalancer event=resstate  
resource=sftp1 lbstate=closing script=sftp1down.scp  
Set the router to run the script sftp1up.scpif the first resource becomes available again.  
This script disables the second resource.  
create trigger=5 module=loadbalancer event=resstate  
resource=sftp1 lbstate=up script=sftp1up.scp  
Modify the Scripts  
When the router is the master load balancer, it needs a rule to pass SFTP traffic through the  
firewall. Similarly, this rule needs to be deleted when the router becomes the slave.  
Add the following lines to the scripts on both load balancer 1 and load balancer 2. See  
"Create the Scripts" on page 9 for the original scripts.  
! master.scp  
# Add an allow rule for SFTP traffic access over the SSHv2 port 22.  
add firewall policy=lb rule=2 int=vlan2-1 action=allow protocol=tcp port=22  
! slave.scp  
# Remove the SFTP access rule.  
delete firewall policy=lb rule=2  
Configure Load Balancer Redundancy on Allied Telesis Routers and Switches  
Create New Scripts  
This section describes the scripts that the trigger facility runs when the preferred SFTP  
server goes down or comes back up again. The scripts enable and disable the second  
resource. Load the same scripts onto both load balancer 1 and load balancer 2.  
The load balancers send pings every 60 seconds to check the health of each resource.  
Therefore, the load balancer can take up to 60 seconds to detect that the server has gone  
down or come up again.  
! Script for when the preferred server goes down: sftp1down.scp  
# Enable resource 2 because resource 1 is Closing.  
enable lb resource=sftp2  
! Script for when the preferred server comes back up: sftp1up.scp  
# Disable resource 2 because resource 1 is Up.  
disable lb resource=sftp2 immediately  
Configure Load Balancer Redundancy on Allied Telesis Routers and Switches  
Configuration Summary  
This section shows the full extended configurations and scripts, without comments.  
Commands: Load Balancer 1  
set sys name=LB-1  
create vlan=vlan2 vid=2  
create vlan=vlan3 vid=3  
create vlan=vlan4 vid=4  
add vlan=2 port=1  
add vlan=3 port=2-4  
add vlan=4 port=5  
enable ip  
add ip int=vlan2 ip= mask=  
add ip int=vlan4 ip=  
add ip int=vlan3 ip=  
enable firewall  
create firewall policy=lb  
set firewall policy=lb tcpt=5  
set firewall policy=lb udpt=5  
set firewall policy=lb othert=5  
add firewall policy=lb int=vlan3 type=private  
add firewall policy=lb int=vlan2 type=public  
add firewall policy=lb int=vlan4 type=private  
dis gui  
dis http serv  
enable vrrp  
create vrrp=2 over=vlan3 ipaddress=  
ena lb  
add lb resp=web sel=roundrobin fail=no  
add lb resp=sftp sel=roundrobin fail=no  
add lb res=web1 ip= port=80 resp=web  
add lb res=web2 ip= port=80 resp=web  
add lb res=sftp1 ip= port=22 resp=sftp  
add lb res=sftp2 ip= port=22 resp=sftp  
dis lb res=sftp2 immediately  
add lb virt=web publici= publicp=80 resp=web  
add lb virt=sftp publici= publicp=22 resp=sftp aff=no  
ena lb virt=web  
ena lb virt=sftp  
ena lb redund  
enable trigger  
cre trigger=2 module=loadbalancer event=master script=master.scp  
cre trigger=3 module=loadbalancer event=slave script=slave.scp  
cre trigger=4 module=lb event=resstate resource=sftp1 lbstate=closing script=sftp1down.scp  
cre trigger=5 module=lb event=resstate resource=sftp1 lbstate=up script=sftp1up.scp  
Configure Load Balancer Redundancy on Allied Telesis Routers and Switches  
Commands: Load Balancer 2  
set sys name=LB-2  
create vlan=vlan2 vid=2  
create vlan=vlan3 vid=3  
create vlan=vlan4 vid=4  
add vlan=2 port=1  
add vlan=3 port=2-4  
add vlan=4 port=5  
enable ip  
add ip int=vlan2 ip= mask=  
add ip int=vlan4 ip=  
add ip int=vlan3 ip=  
enable firewall  
create firewall policy=lb  
set firewall policy=lb tcpt=5  
set firewall policy=lb udpt=5  
set firewall policy=lb othert=5  
add firewall policy=lb int=vlan3 type=private  
add firewall policy=lb int=vlan2 type=public  
add firewall policy=lb int=vlan4 type=private  
dis gui  
dis http serv  
enable vrrp  
create vrrp=2 over=vlan3 ipaddress=  
ena lb  
add lb resp=web sel=roundrobin fail=no  
add lb resp=sftp sel=roundrobin fail=no  
add lb res=web1 ip= port=80 resp=web  
add lb res=web2 ip= port=80 resp=web  
add lb res=sftp1 ip= port=22 resp=sftp  
add lb res=sftp2 ip= port=22 resp=sftp  
dis lb res=sftp2 immediately  
add lb virt=web publici= publicp=80 resp=web  
add lb virt=sftp publici= publicp=22 resp=sftp aff=no  
ena lb virt=web  
ena lb virt=sftp  
ena lb redund  
enable trigger  
cre trigger=2 module=loadbalancer event=master script=master.scp  
cre trigger=3 module=loadbalancer event=slave script=slave.scp  
cre trigger=4 module=lb event=resstate resource=sftp1 lbstate=closing script=sftp1down.scp  
cre trigger=5 module=lb event=resstate resource=sftp1 lbstate=up script=sftp1up.scp  
Configure Load Balancer Redundancy on Allied Telesis Routers and Switches  
File: master.scp  
add firewall poli=lb int=vlan2-1 type=public  
add fire poli=lb ru=1 int=vlan2-1 action=allow prot=tcp po=80  
add fire poli=lb ru=2 int=vlan2-1 action=allow prot=tcp po=22  
set vrrp=2 prio=200  
File: slave.scp  
delete firewall poli=lb int=vlan2-1  
delete firewall poli=lb ru=1  
delete firewall poli=lb ru=2  
set vrrp=2 prio=100  
File: sftp1down.scp  
ena lb res=sftp2  
File: sftp1up.scp  
dis lb res=sftp2 immediately  
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© 2006 AlliedTelesyn Inc.All rights reserved. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. All company names, logos, and product designs that are trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.  
C613-16088-00 REV A  

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