American DJ DJ Equipment XP3 User Manual

General Information  
General instructions:
To optimize the performance of this product,  
please read these operating instructions carefully to familiarize yourself  
with the basic operations of this unit. These instructions contain impor-  
tant safety information regarding the use and maintenance of this unit.  
Please keep this manual with the unit, for future reference.  
American DJ  
Unpacking: Thank you for purchasing the XP-3™ by American DJ®  
Every XP-3™ has been thoroughly tested and has been shipped in  
perfect operating condition. Carefully check the shipping carton for  
damage that may have occurred during shipping. If the carton appears  
to be damaged, carefully inspect your fixture for any damage and be  
sure all accessories necessary to operate the unit has arrived intact. In  
the case damage has been found or parts are missing, please contact  
our toll free customer support number for further instructions. Do not  
return this unit to your dealer without first contacting customer support.  
The XP-3™ is a unique intelligent fixture with a rotat-  
ing head unit. This unit may be operated in three modes; DMX-512,  
Stand-Alone, or Master/Slave. The XP-3™ comes with several build in  
programs and is best used in multiples of four or more. This piece is  
best used with a fog or haze machine to enhance the beam output. An  
optional MINI/C black out controller may be purchased separately.  
Customer Support: American DJ® provides a toll free customer sup-  
port line, to provide set up help and to answer any question should you  
encounter problems during your set up or initial operation. You may  
suggestions. Service Hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to  
5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.  
(800) 322-6337  
(323) 582-2610  
User Instructions  
Warning! To prevent or reduce the risk of electrical shock or fire, do  
not expose this unit to rain or moisture.  
There are no user serviceable parts inside this unit. Do not  
attempt any repairs yourself, doing so will void your manufactures war-  
ranty. In the unlikely event your unit may require service please contact  
your nearest American DJ® dealer.  
American DJ®  
4295 Charter Street  
Los Angeles Ca. 90058  
Revised 01/02  
Set Up  
Set Up  
ower Supply: Before plugging your unit in, be sure the source  
voltage in your area matches the required voltage for your American  
DJ® XP-3.™ Because line voltage may vary from venue to venue,  
you should be sure your unit voltages matches the wall outlet voltage  
before attempting to operate you fixture.  
Be sure to follow figure three when making your own cables.  
Do not use the ground lug on the XLR connector. Do not connect the  
cable’s shield conductor to the ground lug or allow the shield conductor  
to come in contact with the XLR’s outer casing. Grounding the shield  
could cause a short circuit and erratic behavior.  
XLR Female Socket  
XLR Male Socket  
XLR Pin Configuration  
DMX is short for Digital Multiplex. This is a universal  
protocol used as a form of communication between intelligent fixtures  
and controllers. A DMX controller sends DMX data instructions from  
the controller to the fixture. DMX data is sent as serial data that  
travels from fixture to fixture via the DATA “IN” and DATA “OUT” XLR  
terminals located on all DMX fixtures (most controllers only have a  
DATA “OUT” terminal).  
1 Ground  
2 Cold  
2 Cold  
1 Ground  
Pin 1 = Ground  
Pin 2 = Data Compliment (negative)  
3 Hot  
3 Hot  
Pin 3 = Data True (positive)  
Figure 2  
DMX +  
DMX512 OUT  
DMX512 IN  
DMX -  
DMX Linking: DMX is a language allowing all makes and models of  
different manufactures to be linked together and operate from a single  
controller, as long as all fixtures and the controller are DMX compliant.  
To ensure proper DMX data transmission, when using several DMX  
fixtures try to use the shortest cable path possible. The order in which  
fixtures are connected in a DMX line does not influence the DMX  
addressing. For example; a fixture assigned a DMX address of 1 may  
be placed anywhere in a DMX line, at the beginning, at the end, or  
anywhere in the middle. When a fixture is assigned a DMX address of  
1, the DMX controller knows to send DATA assigned to address 1 to  
that unit, no matter where it is located in the DMX chain.  
Figure 3  
Special Note: Line Termination. When longer runs of cable are  
used, you may need to use a terminator on the last unit to avoid erratic  
behavior. A terminator is a 90-120 ohm 1/4 watt resistor which is con-  
nected between pins 2 and 3 of a male XLR connector (DATA + and  
DATA -). This unit is inserted in the female XLR connector of the last  
unit in your daisy chain to terminate the line. Using a cable terminator  
(ADJ part number ZDMX/T) will decrease the possibilities of erratic  
Termination reduces signal errors and  
avoids signal transmission problems  
and interference. It is always advisable  
to connect a DMX terminal, (Resistance  
120 Ohm 1/4 W) between PIN 2 (DMX-)  
Data Cable (DMX Cable) Requirements (For DMX and Master/  
Slave Operation): The XP-3 can be controlled via DMX-512 proto-  
col. The American DJ® XP-3™ is a five channel DMX unit. The DMX  
address is set on the side panel using the three function buttons  
under the LCD. Your unit and your DMX control-  
ler require a standard 3-pin XLR connector for  
data input and data output (Figure 1). If you are  
making your own cables, be sure to use standard  
two conductor shielded cable (This cable may be  
Figure 4  
and PIN 3 (DMX +) of the last fixture.  
5-Pin XLR DMX Connectors.
Some manufactures use 5-pin XLR  
connectors for DATA transmission in place of 3-pin. 5-pin XLR fixtures  
may be implemented in a 3-pin XLR DMX line. When inserting standard  
5-pin XLR connectors in to a 3-pin line a cable adaptor must be used,  
these adaptors are readily available at most electric stores. The chart  
below details a proper cable conversion.  
3-Pin XLR to 5-Pin XLR Conversion  
3-Pin XLR Female (Out)  
5-Pin XLR Male (In)  
Pin 1  
purchased at almost all pro sound and lighting  
stores). Your cables should be made with a male  
and female XLR connector on either end of the  
Pin 1  
Pin 2  
Pin 3  
Data Compliment (- signal)  
Data True (+ signal)  
Not Used  
Pin 2  
Pin 3  
cable. Also remember that DMX cable must be  
Do Not Use  
Do Not Use  
Figure 1  
Not Used  
daisy chained and can not be split.  
DMX Linking:  
Master/Slave Linking:  
DMX function allows independent control of each fixture. Use any uni-  
versal DMX controller to access the different traits associated with the  
XP-3. A reference of different DMX traits is printed on page 21 of this  
manual. Link the units together using standard DMX cable as described  
on pages 5 and 6.  
For a more dramatic effect, link several XP-3™ together. Your fixture  
comes with built-in programs. These programs are designed to work  
with up to 4 units when daisy-chained together in a master-slave con-  
figuration. Any unit can function as either a “Master Unit” or a “Slave  
Unit.” Link the units together using standard DMX cable as described  
on pages 5 and 6.  
Optional MINI/C blackout controller  
To next XP-3™ if applicable  
Optional MINI/C:  
The optional MINI/C controller  
allows all units linked together  
to blackout. This unit will only  
blackout the fixtures and will not  
change or select different pro-  
To next DMX unit or terminate.  
30 Foot Extension Cable  
Blackout Indicator  
Blackout Button  
Controls and Functions  
Controls and Functions  
1. Lens
This is a fully focusing high quality lens. Focus the lens by manually  
turning the lens in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction until the  
image is in focus.  
2. XLR Output Jack -  
This jack is used to transmit the incoming DMX signal to another DMX  
fixture, or transmit a Master/Slave signal to the nest XP-3™ in the  
chain. For best results in DMX or Master/Slave mode, terminate this  
jack if it is the last unit in the chain. See “Terminator” on page 7.  
3. XLR Input Jack -  
This jack is used to accept an incoming DMX signal (from a universal  
DMX controller) or Master/Slave (from the output jack of another  
XP-3™) signal.  
Controller Jack
This jack is for use with the optional MINI/C Blackout controller only.  
See page 7 for details on the MINI/C controller. Do not attempt to con-  
nect an audio signal this jack, this will damage the PC board and void  
your manufactures warranty!  
5. Power Cord Connection -  
The power connection uses an I.E.C. type connector, use only a power  
cord that matches this type of connection. Be sure to only connect  
this unit to a power outlet that matches the printed power label on the  
unit. Never use a power when the ground prong has been removed or  
broken off. The ground prong is used to reduce the risk of electrical  
shock in case of an electrical short. .  
6. Fuse
Holder -  
This housing stores the 5 amp GMA protective fuse. Always  
replace with the exact same type fuse, unless other  
an authorized American DJ® service technician.  
7. Lamp Socket Cover Thumb Screw -  
This thumb screw holds the lamp socket assembly cover (16) into  
8. Lamp Socket Cover -  
This thumb screw holds the lamp socket cover (16) into place.  
Controls and Functions  
9. Audio Sensitivity Knob -  
Operating Modes:  
The XP-3
may be operated in three different modes:  
This knob adjust the audio sensitivity of the internal microphone (10).  
Turning the sensitivity knob in the clockwise direction will increase the  
sensitivity to sound. Turning the knob in the counter clockwise direction  
will decrease the fixture’s sensitivity to sound.  
• Stand alone mode - The unit will react to sound, chasing through  
the several built in programs. You can also use the optional MINI/C  
remote to control a blackout function.  
• Master/Slave mode -
You can daisy chain up to 16 units together  
to get a synchronized light show that will react to sound chasing  
through several built in programs. You can also use the optional  
MINI/C remote to control a blackout function.  
10. Microphone -  
This microphone receives external low frequencies to trigger the unit in  
Sound-Active and Master/Slave mode..  
• DMX control mode - This function will allow you to control each  
individual fixtures traits with a standard DMX 512 controller such as  
the American DJ® DMX Operator™ or Show Designer.
11. Cooling Vents -  
These vents are used to allow proper cooling. Keep the vents clean.  
Never block the vents, improper cooling may result in premature lamp  
Stand-Alone Operation (Sound Active): This function allows a  
single unit to run to the beat of the music. Only use this function when  
running a single unit, or when running several units as individuals.  
Please note this function does not allow individual control of the DMX  
traits and will only run to the units built-in programs.  
12. Option Switches -  
These are used to access two special functions:  
Switch 1: Inverted Pan - When activated this switch will invert the  
PAN value. Left will become right and vice versa.  
Switch 2: Inverted Tilt - When activated this switch will invert the  
TILT value. Up will become down and vice versa.  
Master/Slave Settings  
Dipswitch Functions  
Small Pattern On Sound Active  
F 0 1  
Pan Inverted  
Tilt Inverted  
1 2  
Big Pattern On Sound Active  
F 0 2  
13. Function Buttons -  
1. To activate the Sound-Active mode, use the function button to  
select either a large or small program pattern (See “Master” on  
the function button chart above). Large or Small is used to refer-  
ence the room size the unit will be used in. A large program type will  
use programs that cover a wide area and small program type will  
use programs that cover a narrow area.  
2. The unit will now react to the low frequencies of music via the inter-  
nal microphone.  
3. Adjust the audio sensitivity knob on the side of the unit to make the  
unit more or less sensitive to sound. Turning the sensitivity knob in  
the clockwise direction will increase the sensitivity, turning the knob  
These buttons serve two functions. When the unit is to be used as the  
master unit in master/slave mode these switches are used to assign the  
program pattern type, either large or small. In when the used is to be  
used as a slave or when in DMX mode these buttons are used to assign  
a DMX address to the unit.  
Function Buttons Key  
1 Function Key : F01 And F02 And DMX Address Change Key  
5 1 2  
2Up Key  
: DMX Address Up Counter  
3Down Key : DMX Address Down Counter  
in the counter-clockwise direction will decrease the fixture’s sensi-  
tivity to sound.  
The optional MINI/C Blackout Controller may be used in this  
mode to control blackout.  
blackout in this mode to conserve bulb life when there is no sound pres-  
Master/Slave Settings  
Note: Stand-Alone operation require sound to activate! The units will  
blackout in this mode to conserve bulb life when there is no sound pres-  
Small Pattern On Sound Active  
F 0 1  
Master-Slave Operation (Sound Active): This function will  
allow you to link up to 4 units together and operate to the built-in pro-  
grams without the use of an external controller. The units will all oper-  
ate to sound, via the “Master” unit’s internal microphone and sound  
sensitivity setting. In Master-Slave operation one unit will act as the  
controlling unit and the others will react to the controlling units pro-  
grams. Any unit can act as a Master or as a Slave. Please note this  
function does not allow individual control of the DMX traits and will only  
run to the units built-in programs.  
1. Using standard XLR microphone cables, as described on pages  
five and six, daisy chain your units together via the XLR connectors  
on the rear of the units. Remember the Male XLR connector is the  
input and the Female XLR connector is the output. The first unit in  
the chain (master) will use the female XLR connector only. The last  
unit in the chain will use the male XLR connector only. For longer  
cable runs we suggest a terminator at the last fixture.  
Big Pattern On Sound Active  
F 0 2  
Slave 1  
Slave 2  
Slave 3  
Address 01  
Address 06  
Address 06  
0 0 1  
0 0 6  
0 0 6  
2. Follow the chart at the end of this section for proper addressing.  
3. Use the chart on the next page to set the program type, either  
large or small. Large or Small is used to reference the room size  
the unit will be used in. A large program type will use programs  
that cover a wide area and small program type will use programs  
that cover a narrow area.  
4. Adjust the audio sensitivity knob on the side of the unit to make the  
unit more or less sensitive to sound. Turning the sensitivity knob in  
the clockwise direction will increase the sensitivity, turning the  
knob in the counter-clockwise direction will decrease the fixture’s  
sensitivity to sound.  
Universal DMX Control: This function allows you to use a universal  
DMX 512 controller such as the American DJ® DMX Operator™ or  
Show control head movement, the color/gobo wheel  
and other functions. Operating through a DMX controller allows you  
the freedom to create unique and customized programs tailored to  
your specific individual needs.  
1. The XP-3™ uses five DMX channels. Channel one controls pan,  
channel controls tilt, channel three controls the color/gobo wheel,  
channel four control a unique 2 Color Strobe function (see page  
19 for details on the 2 Color Strobe Function) and channel five  
controls the shutter and general strobe function. Page 13 details  
the different DMX traits in depth.  
5. The optional
MINI/C Blackout Controller
may be used with this  
function for blackout.  
Note: Master-Slave operation require sound to activate! The units will  
2. To control your fixture in DMX mode, follow the set-up procedures  
DMX Traits  
on pages 5 - 7 as well as the set-up specifications that are included  
with your DMX controller.  
3. Use the DMX controller’s faders to control the various DMX fixture  
4. This will allow you to create your own programs.  
5. When using a DMX controller and setting up for DMX operation  
follow the DMX addressing procedure in your controller’s manual.  
All fixtures must follow a specific DMX addressing protocol for  
proper operation in DMX mode.  
The chart below details the DMX traits in depth. The individual trait  
can only be accessed by using an universal DMX controller. Note: The  
gobo patterns can be found on the next page.  
Speed Slow 1 fps - 255  
Large White Spot  
Fast - 239  
Speed Fast 10 fps -239  
6. For help operating in DMX operation consult the manual included  
with your DMX controller.  
Any Color/Gobo Up  
7. For longer cable runs (more than a 100 feet) use a terminator on  
the last fixture.  
Slow - 152  
Gobo17 - Dk.Blue  
Gobo16 - Green  
Gobo15 - Pink  
Speed Fast 7 fps - 129  
Speed Fast 7 fps -128  
Gobo14 - Orange  
Gobo13 - Lt. Blue /Yellow  
Gobo12 - Yellow  
Gobo 11 - Lt. Blue  
Gobo10 - White  
Gobo9 - Red / Green /  
Yellow / Lt. Blue  
The XP-3 ships with a built-in rigging point and two large holes in the  
base of the unit that are to be used for safety cables. The rigging point  
is located on the bottom of the unit. This rigging point is secured to the  
fixture by two large Phillips screws. When the rigging point is not to be  
used and when the fixture is shipped from the manufacture, the point  
is shipped inverted. When the fixture is to be hung by truss or other  
means, please use the rigging point and secure the fixture with safety  
cables. Always be sure to firmly secure the rigging point to the unit. The  
XP-3™ can be mounted to a wall or may hung from truss.  
Gobo8 - Purple  
Gobo7 - Red / Green  
Gobo6 - Orange  
Gobo5 - Lt. Blue  
Gobo4 - Yellow  
Gobo3 - Green  
Gobo2 - Blue  
Any Color/Gobo Down  
Gobo1 - Red  
Speed Slow 2 fps -16  
Speed Slow 1 fps - 01  
Large White Spot  
Lamp Off  
2 Color Strobe Function:
This features allows two adjacent Color/  
Gobo combinations on the Color/Gobo wheel to strobe in and out of  
each other. For example, Looking at the chart above. Gobo 1 is red  
and gobo 2 is blue. Using the 2 Color Strobe function will allow red  
and blue strobe. Another example is to take gobos 14 and 15 together,  
gobo 14 is orange and gobo 15 is pink, therefore using the 2 Color  
Strobe function will give off an orange and pink strobe. This feature  
will work with any two color/gobo combination that next to each other  
on the gobo wheel  
Gobo Wheel Layout  
Fixture Cleaning:  
Due to fog residue, smoke, and dust cleaning the internal and external  
optical lenses and mirror should be carried out periodically to optimize  
light output. Cleaning frequency depends on the environment in which  
the fixture operates (I.e. smoke, fog residue, dust, dew). In heavy club  
use we recommend cleaning on a monthly basis. Periodic cleaning will  
ensure longevity, and crisp output.  
1. Use normal glass cleaner and a soft cloth to wipe down the outside  
2. Use a brush to wipe down the cooling vents and fan grill.  
3. Clean the external optics and mirror with glass cleaner and a soft  
cloth every 20 days.  
4. Clean the internal optics with glass cleaner and a soft cloth every  
30-60 days.  
5. Always be sure to dry all parts completely before plugging the unit  
back in.  
Trouble Shooting  
Trouble Shooting:  
Listed below are a few common problems that you may encounter,  
with solutions.  
GOBO 1  
No light output from the unit;  
This chart details the gobo patterns as well as the gobo placement on  
the internal wheel. Gobo one is the large spot. The arrow indicates  
the wheel rotation.  
1. Be sure you have connected your unit into a standard 120V wall  
2. Be sure the external fuse has not blown. The fuse is located on the  
bottom panel of the unit.  
3. Remove the lamp cover and be sure the lamp is seated in its  
socket properly. Occasionally lamps become loose during shipping  
be sure the lamp is push in to its socket all the way.  
4. Be sure the fuse holder is completely and properly seated.  
Unit does not respond to sound;  
1. Low frequencies (bass) should cause the unit to react to sound.  
Tapping on the microphone, quiet or high pitched sounds may not  
activate the unit.  
2. Be sure the SENSITIVITY KNOB (5) is not set to the minimum  
Halogen Lamp Warning  
Fuse & Lamp Replacement  
with halogen lamps. Never touch the new lamp with your bare  
2. Remove the thumb screw on the rear of the unit’s head. This screw  
hold the lamp socket cover in place.  
3. Pull back the cover once the screw has been removed to access  
the socket assembly.  
4. Carefully remove the old lamp and discard it in the trash.  
5. Replace the lamp with an exact match and reassemble.  
This fixture is fitted with halogen lamps which  
are highly susceptible to damage if improperly  
handled. Never touch the lamps with your  
bare fingers as the oil from your hands will  
shorten lamp life. Also, never move the fixture  
until the lamps have had ample time to cool.  
Remember, lamps are not covered under war-  
ranty conditions.  
Lamp Socket  
Fuse & Lamp Replacement  
Thumb Screw  
Always replace with the exact same type lamp and fuse,  
unless otherwise specified by an authorized American DJ
Replace with anything other than the specified part can damage your  
unit and will void your manufactures warranty.  
Warning: If, after replacing the lamp or fuse either one continues  
to blow, STOP using the unit. Contact customer support for further  
instructions, you may have to return the unit for servicing. Continuing  
to use the unit may cause serious damage.  
Lamp Cover  
Fuse Replacement: Disconnect the unit’s main power supply.  
Insert a standard flat head screw driver in to the fuse holder  
housing. Turn the screwdriver in counter-clockwise direction to  
remove the fuse holder. Remove the fuse holder to expose  
the fuse. Remove the old fuse and discard it. Replace the fuse  
with the same type. Insert the fuse holder back into it’s housing  
and turn it in clockwise direction to lock the holder in place.  
Lamp Replacement: Caution! Never attempt to change the lamp  
while the fixture is plugged in. Always disconnect the main power and  
allow the unit ample time to cool before attempting to replace the  
lamp. Lamp replacement has been made simple by incorporating the  
use of a flip-up front cover that is retained by thumb screws.  
1. Be sure to follow the proper handling procedures that deal  
Master/Slave Quick Reference Chart  
The charts below details the Master/Slave setting for Master/Slave  
configuration. Use this configuration when you will be using two or  
more fixtures in a Master/Slave configuration. The Master - Head 1  
settings should only be used once.  
A. American DJ® hereby warrants, to the original purchaser, American DJ® products to be  
free of manufacturing defects in material and workmanship for a period of 1 year (365 days)  
from the date of purchase. This warranty shall be valid only if the product is purchased  
within the United States of America, including possessions and territories. It is the owner’s  
responsibility to establish the date and place of purchase by acceptable evidence, at the  
time service is sought.  
Master/Slave Settings  
B. For warranty service, send the product only to the American DJ® factory. All shipping  
charges must be pre-paid. If the requested repairs or service (including parts replacement)  
are within the terms of this warranty, American DJ® will pay return shipping charges only  
to a designated point within the United States. If the entire instrument is sent, it must be  
shipped in its original package. No accessories should be shipped with the product. If any  
accessories are shipped with the product, American DJ® shall have no liability whatsoever  
for loss of or damage to any such accessories, nor for the safe return thereof.  
Small Pattern On Sound Active  
F 0 1  
Big Pattern On Sound Active  
F 0 2  
C. This warranty is void if the serial number has been altered or removed; if the product  
is modified in any manner which American DJ® concludes, after inspection, affects the reli-  
ability of the product; if the product has been repaired or serviced by anyone other than the  
American DJ® factory unless prior written authorization was issued to purchaser by Ameri-  
can DJ®; if the product is damaged because not properly maintained as set forth in the  
instruction manual.  
Slave 1  
Slave 2  
Slave 3  
Address 01  
Address 06  
Address 06  
0 0 1  
0 0 6  
0 0 6  
D. This is not a service contract, and this warranty does not include maintenance, cleaning  
or periodic check-up. During the period specified above, American DJ® will replace defec-  
tive parts at its expense, and will absorb all expenses for warranty service and repair labor  
by reason of defects in material or workmanship. The sole responsibility of American DJ®  
under this warranty shall be limited to the repair of the product, or replacement thereof,  
including parts, at the sole discretion of American DJ®. All products covered by this warranty  
were manufactured after January 1, 1990, and bear identifying marks to that effect.  
Function Buttons Key  
1 Function Key : F01 And F02 And DMX Address Change Key  
E. American DJ® reserves the right to make changes in design and/or improvements upon  
its products without any obligation to include these changes in any products theretofore  
5 1 2  
2Up Key  
: DMX Address Up Counter  
F. No warranty, whether expressed or implied, is given or made with respect to any acces-  
sory supplied with products described above. Except to the extent prohibited by applicable  
law, all implied warranties made by American DJ® in connection with this product, including  
warranties of merchantability or fitness, are limited in duration to the warranty period set  
forth above. And no warranties, whether expressed or implied, including warranties of mer-  
chantability or fitness, shall apply to this product after said period has expired. The con-  
sumer’s and or Dealer’s sole remedy shall be such repair or replacement as is expressly  
provided above; and under no circumstances shall American DJ® be liable for any loss or  
damage, direct or consequential, arising out of the use of, or inability to use, this product.  
3Down Key : DMX Address Down Counter  
Dipswitch Functions  
Pan Inverted  
Tilt Inverted  
1 2  
G. This warranty is the only written warranty applicable to American DJ® Products and  
supersedes all prior warranties and written descriptions of warranty terms and conditions  
heretofore published.  
H. Lamps are not covered under this or any other warranty either written or implied.  
Please Note:
Specifications and improvements in the design  
of this unit and this manual are subject to change without any  
prior written notice.  
©American DJ®  
American DJ Group of Companies World Headquarters:  
4295 Charter Street Los Angeles, CA 90058 USA  
Tel: 323-582-2650 Fax: 323-582-2610  

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