Instruc tion Ma nua l for C MOS2
5-in-1 Rea r-view C a mera
Dea r C ustomer,
C ONG RATULATIONS! This 5-in-1 high resolution
rea r-view c a mera kit when used a s desc ribed c a n
be insta lled in 5 different wa ys a nd will improve your
a bility to see wha t behind you c a r, C RV or mini-va n.
We ha ve ta ken numerous mea sures in qua lity
c ontrol to ensure tha t your produc ts a rrive in top
c ondition a nd will perform to your sa tisfa c tion.
Insta lla tion Instruc tions:
A. Bumper Mounted
Before you drill a hole on the rea r bumper, you must
c hec k wha t is behind where you a re drilling. If there
a re a ny vehic le c omponents, suc h a s elec tric a l
pa rts or fuel system c omponents behind where you
a re drilling, you must ta ke wha tever prec a ution
nec essa ry not to da ma ge them. Insure you ha ve
enough depth for the c a mera housing.
Before You Insta ll
Automotive video equipment insta lla tions c a n be
diffic ult a t times, even to the most experienc ed
insta lla tion tec hnic ia ns. If you a re not c onfident
working with 12 volt DC vehic le wiring, removing a nd
reinsta lling interior pa nels, c a rpeting or other
c omponents of your vehic le, c onta c t the vehic le’s
ma nufa c turer or c onsider ha ving the system
insta lled professiona lly.
1. You will only need #2 a tta c hed to
The c a mera .
2. Use a 15/16” dia meter hole sa w to
drill a hole on the rea r bumper.
3. Insert the c a mera c a ble into the hole a nd
c a refully feed through the hole. Route the c a ble
into the trunk or Ta il Light Housing a rea .
4. C onnec t the c a mera power c a ble: Red to
reverse la mp power +12V a nd bla c k to ground
5. C onnec t the monitor a nd c a mera using a video
c oa x c a ble. Note: DO NOT USE AN AUDIO RC A
Pa rts
1. C a mera ma in body with 70” power a nd signa l
c a ble.
B. Traditional Drilled/Angled Mount
1. Pa rts # 3, 4, 5, &6 ma y be used
depending on the mounting loc a tion
selec ted. Use a ny c ombina tion to a djust to your
required mounting a ngle.
2. Pa rts pa c ka ge listed below:
2. Use a 15/16” dia meter hole sa w to
drill a hole where you a re mounting the c a mera .
3. Insert the c a mera c a ble into the hole a nd
c a refully feed through the hole. Route the c a ble
into the trunk or Ta il Light Housing a rea .
4. C onnec t the c a mera power c a ble: Red to
reverse la mp power +12V a nd bla c k to ground
5. C onnec t the monitor a nd c a mera using a video
c oa x c a ble. Note: DO NOT USE AN AUDIO RC A
Pa rts na me list:
1. C a mera ma in unit.
2. Trim Ring.
3. Ma in ring.
4. Slim a ngle ring.
5. Angle ring.
6. Loc king ring.
7. Long butterfly
bra c ket.
8. Short butterfly
bra c ket.
9. Surfa c e Mount
bra c ket.
c. Long butterfly style bracket
This c a mera kit c a n be in the following insta lla tions:
a . Bumper Mounted
b. Tra ditiona l Drilled/Angled Mount
c . With Long butterfly Style bra c ket
d. With Short butterfly Style bra c ket
e. Surfa c e Mounted style
1. Pa rts #2, #1 #3, #7, #4, #5 a nd #6 Ma y be used,
The Butterfly mount c a n be a t a ny position on the
c a mera .
Note: The Trim Ring (Pa rt no #2) c a n be pa inted in
a ny c olor a nd then repla c ed to ma tc h the Vehic le
2. Mount the c a mera using two sc rews; a lwa ys look
before you sc rew into the vehic le to insure there is
nothing loc a ted behind your mounting loc a tion.
3. Route the c a ble into the trunk or Ta il Light Housing
a rea .
4. C onnec t the c a mera power c a ble: Red to
reverse la mp power +12V a nd bla c k to ground
5. C onnec t the monitor a nd c a mera using a video