Bodyguard Home Gym E350 Elliptical User Manual

BODYGUARD® FITNESS, division of Procycle  
9095, 25th Avenue, Saint-Georges  
(Québec) Canada G6A 1A1  
Bodyguard® is a registered trademark  
of Procycle Group Inc.  
O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L  
R0 09/2004  
Important Safety Notice  
Important Safety Notice  
Impotant Safety Notice  
To ensure that you get the maximum benefit from the engineering that has gone into your  
machine, we recommend that you read this manual carefully before attempting to assemble and  
use the E350 Elliptical. Save these instructions and refer to this manual if you are unfamiliar with  
operation of the E350 elliptical.  
WARNING – Before attempting to use any of this equipment you should read this instruction  
manual carefully. Use of this equipment by persons with heart or other medical problems may  
result in serious injury. You should consult with a physician prior to using this equipment. It is  
recommended to periodically consult your physician as you continue to use this equipment.  
Immediately cease exercise if you feel dizzy, faint or short of breath. Use of this equipment in a  
manner other than as prescribed by the instructions herewith may result in serious injury.  
AVERTISSEMENT – Une lecture attentive de ce manuel d’instructions est recommandée avant de  
commencer à utiliser cet appareil. Son utilisation peut provoquer des blessures sérieuses chez les  
personnes souffrant de troubles cardiaques ou autres problèmes médicaux. Il est recommandé à  
ces personnes de consulter leur médecin avant d’utiliser cet appareil. Il est aussi recommandé de  
consulter régulièrement le médecin au cours de la période d’entraînement. Si vous êtes pris de  
vertiges ou d’étourdissements, si vous vous sentez défaillir ou avez le souffle court, cessez immé-  
diatement l’exercice. Lutilisation de cet appareil d’une manière inadéquate ou autre à celle  
décrite dans ce manuel d’instructions peut entraîner des blessures sérieuses.  
For Your Personal Safety  
Do not place towels or clothing on any part of the elliptical. Do not place liquids near the com-  
puter console, electrical power plug, ON/OFF switch or any part of the elliptical.  
Before attempting to disconnect the power, exit the program screen, then turn power OFF. To  
reduce any risks of electrical shock, do not pull the power cord from the cable. Gently remove the  
power cable by the head from the wall outlet.  
Do not operate the elliptical if the power cord is damaged or if the elliptical is not working  
correctly. If the power cord is damaged, please contact your distributor or the manufacturer to  
get it replaced.  
Keep the power cord away from all moving parts of the elliptical, such as the pedal arm assembly  
and front transport wheels.  
Place the equipment in a way that the power can be easily interrupted by pulling the power cord.  
Do not use an extension cord that is not properly grounded. Keep all extension cords clear of all  
moving parts of the elliptical.  
The E350 elliptical has the ability to link a few machines together from one outlet. Do not link  
together more than 10 ellipticals from one outlet.  
Do not allow children near the elliptical when in operation. Do not allow children unsupervised  
near the elliptical. To prevent unintended use of the elliptical, always remove the power cord  
from the unit.  
Wear proper exercise footwear when using the elliptical. Do not use the elliptical in bare feet or  
in socks.  
Electrical Information  
CAUTION – This equipment is intended to be electrically grounded. The three-wire grounding  
plug (polarized) will fit only a grounded AC outlet. Do not use an extension cord or outlet if it  
does not accept three-wire grounding plugs. Contact a licensed electrician to replace the outlet  
with a properly grounded outlet.  
WARNING – To prevent the risk of fire or electrical shock, do not expose this machine to rain or  
moisture. Do not place machine outdoors. Do not place machine near swimming pools, sauna  
rooms or high humidity environments. Refer servicing to qualified Bodyguard® Service personnel  
MISE EN GARDE – Cet appareil est conçu pour une installation électrique avec fil de terre. La fiche  
à trois fils ne s’adaptera qu’à une prise C.A. avec fil de terre. Lappareil ne doit pas être branché  
à un fil de rallonge ou une prise de courant qui n’accepte pas les fiches à trois fils. Faites appel à  
un électricien qualifié pour le remplacement de la prise de courant par une prise avec fil de terre.  
ATTENTION – Afin de prévenir les risques d’incendie ou de chocs électriques, l’appareil ne doit pas  
être exposé à la pluie ou à l’humidité. En confier l’entretien à une personne qualifiée uniquement.  
If you have any questions about the assembly, proper use or repair of your E350 elliptical, please  
call your local Bodyguard® Dealer. All necessary adjustments or repairs during the warranty peri-  
od must be made by an Authorized Bodyguard® Dealer.  
Should you need more information, you can call our Customer Service Department at:  
Know Your Heart Rate  
To determine your recommended heart rate level,  
select the type of exercise program you wish to  
is calculated as follows:  
220 – Age  
It is not recommended to exercise above  
90% of your MHR.  
Exercise in 70-80% MHR area for an  
aerobic exercise.  
Exercise in 60-70% MHR area for a  
moderate, healthy heart zone.  
Exercise in 50-60% MHR area if you wish  
to train in a fat burning zone.  
Difficult to achieve exercise benefit  
below 50% MHR.  
Your Age  
Warranty Information  
Warranty Information  
Warranty Information  
E350 Elliptical Limited Warranty  
Bodyguard® Fitness warrants that product is in good working order and free of manufacturing  
defects in workmanship and materials.  
The E350 ellipticals are warranted for a period of:  
• Ten years on parts and three years labor in a residential (home) application only.  
• Three years on parts and one year labor in a vertical application.  
This Warranty is non-transferable and applies to the original owner of the unit.  
Responsibility of the User  
The following items are not included in the Warranty since they are not considered manufactur-  
ing defects.  
1. Damage resulting from any accidental use, disaster, misuse and abuse.  
2. Service and parts required due to improper fusing or wiring.  
3. Service and parts required as a result of improper servicing or from an unauthorized dealer.  
4. Service and parts required as a result of flood, fire, vandalism or acts of God.  
5. Labor to correct installation of the unit or instructing owners on how to use and install the  
6. Wear items such as handle bar foam coverings, drive belts and paint finish corrosion or dis-  
coloration resulting from improper cleaning of the unit.  
This Warranty is in addition to any statutory warranty. This Warranty supersedes all other written  
or expressed warranties.  
In the event your E350 elliptical should require service, you must contact the Authorized  
Bodyguard® Dealer where you purchased your machine or the nearest Authorized Bodyguard®  
Dealer or an Authorized Bodyguard® Service Dealer.  
Operating your E350 Elliptical  
Operating your E350 Elliptical  
Operating your E350 Elliptical  
Each E350 elliptical contains a computer display monitor that is very user friendly. The control  
functions, unique programs and features have been designed with you in mind, to offer the best  
possible exercise by displaying important and clear information regarding your exercise progress.  
Please familiarize yourself with the functions of the computer display monitor and each program  
to allow you to have the best possible exercise.  
1.1 Getting to Know the E350  
Computer Display Monitor  
E350 Computer Display Monitor  
The computer display monitor consists of a main viewing screen, a central informational window  
and two additional informational windows.  
The two informational windows will display STRIDES, CALORIES, DISTANCE, ELAPSED TIME, LEVEL,  
and PACE.  
Main viewing display screen of an exercise with a predetermined resistance profile.  
Exercise parameter(s)  
Resistance profile.  
Flashing vertical segment  
line indicates your  
progress in a program.  
The program starts from  
the left and ends at the  
extreme right side  
STRIDES indicates the half rotational speed of the pedal axle per minute.  
CALORIES displays the accumulated calories expended from the start of the exercise.  
DISTANCE indicates the distance traveled in miles( or kilometers depending on your settings).  
ELAPSED TIME displays the total time from the start of the exercise.  
LEVEL indicates the current exercise intensity ranging from the easiest (1) to the hardest  
(15) or the level value for the RACE and the TRACK programs ranging from the slowest (1)  
to the fastest (21) in relation the the distance traveled.  
PACE displays the required time to complete a mile (or a kilometer depending on your set-  
tings) at the current speed.  
During an exercise, you can change the value shown on each informational window by pressing  
the adjacent round select key once. If you wish to have the information displayed in a scanning  
mode, simply hold down the round select key for three seconds and release it. You will hear a  
series of beeps indicating that the scanning mode is engaged. Now the information will scan every  
two seconds. You can also activate the second window to scan by repeating the above sequence.  
To remove the scan, just press the round select key once.  
Below the main viewing screen area, six keys allow you to select and control your exercises.  
Starting from the left, the INCREASE and DECREASE Level keys allow you to modify the entire sec-  
tion of the profile to come. The section of the profile already done is fixed.  
The INCREASE and DECREASE Segment keys allow you to modify only the current segment during  
an exercise. All four INCREASE and DECREASE keys also allow you to select the programs and  
parameters prior to each exercise.  
The PAUSE/STOP key allows you to cancel a program selection or temporarily pause an exercise.  
The JustGo™/ENTER key allows you to accept various program parameters and start a program.  
Scanning Feature for E350  
During an exercise, the main viewing screen displays 16 scanning exercise parameters (message  
center) along with the exercise program. The parameters that will be displayed are:  
• STRIDES indicates the half rotational speed of the pedal axle in a minute.  
• SPEED indicates the actual speed in miles (or kilometers depending on your settings) per hour.  
• RPM indicates the rotational speed of the pedal axle.  
• SEGMENT DURATION indicates the amount of time (or distance or calories) remaining in the  
actual exercise segment. Each program has a total of 15 segments.  
• DISTANCE displays the distance traveled in miles (or kilometers depending on your settings).  
• ELAPSED TIME displays the total time from the start of the exercise.  
• HEART RATE displays your actual heart rate if the optional chest strap is used. The display is  
shown in beats per minute.  
• LEVEL indicates the current exercise intensity ranging from the easiest (1) to the hardest (15)  
or the level value for the RACE and TRACK programs ranging from the slowest (1)  
to the fastest (21) in relation to the distance traveled.  
• WATTS displays the level of effort in relation to the STRIDE per minute.  
• CALORIES displays the accumulated calories expended from the start of the exercise.  
• CALORIES PER HOUR indicates the hourly caloric expenditure based on your actual exercise  
intensity level.  
• METS indicates the ratio of your working metabolic rate versus your resting metabolic rate.  
• PACE displays the required time to complete a mile (or a kilometer depending on your settings)  
at the current speed.  
• TREM (target remaining) indicates the amount of target remaining once an exercise has  
or DISTREM (distance remaining) if you selected distance in your settings  
or CALREM (calories remaining) if you selected calories in your settings  
• AVERAGE STRIDE displays the average stride per minute from the start of the exercise.  
• MAXIMUM STRIDE indicates the maximum stride per minute from the start of the exercise.  
1.2 Pausing During an Exercise  
You can pause any exercise by pressing the PAUSE/STOP key. When this key is pressed during an  
exercise, the current program will be kept in MEMORY until the program is resumed. If the pause  
time expires, the exercise will terminate. The E350 models have a 5 minute pause time.  
To pause an exercise:  
1. Press the PAUSE/STOP key whenever you feel the need to momentarily pause the exercise. A  
message will appear on the screen indicating the amount of time remaining in the pause and  
at what time of the exercise you paused at.  
2. If you wish to continue the exercise, simply press the JustGo™/ENTER key to start the exercise.  
3. If you wish to cancel the exercise during the pause, simply press the PAUSE/STOP key. The exer-  
cise will be terminated and a summary of your exercise parameters plus the option to save the  
exercise will be displayed.  
1.3 Saving an Exercise  
Once any program has finished or is prematurely terminated, the user has the option to save the  
entire exercise and recall it at a later date. This feature is very useful when a particular exercise is  
interesting and motivational. With the E350 elliptical, you have the ability to create or modify an  
existing program and save it with the ability to recall it including the HEART RATE CONTROL pro-  
gram. The E350 elliptical have the unique feature of saving a HEART RATE CONTROL program and  
being able to recall this exercise and do it without the chest strap.  
When any program has finished or is prematurely terminated, the exercise parameters will first  
appear and then a menu will be displayed in which you have the option to save the exercise. If  
you wish to save the exercise at the end of program you will need to proceed as described below.  
1. Press the JustGo™/ENTER key while your parameters are scrolling or when you get the message  
2. The E350 will indicate to you under which CUSTOM number it has been saved.  
NOTE – The E350 elliptical has four custom program slots. If the MEMORY is full press the  
INCREASE or DECREASE keys to select the CUSTOM program you would like to overwrite. Press the  
JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
If you do not wish to save the exercise, press the PAUSE/STOP key to return to the welcome screen.  
1.4 Viewing exercise parameters  
At the end of each exercise program, the computer will display seven exercise parameters. These  
• TOTAL DISTANCE displays the distance traveled for the entire exercise.  
• CALORIES BURNED displays the approximated caloric expenditure for the entire exercise.  
• TOTAL EXERCISE TIME displays the total workout time in minutes and seconds.  
• AVERAGE STRIDE displays the average stride value for the entire exercise.  
• PACE displays the estimated time to complete a mile (or a kilometer depending on your set-  
tings) based on the average speed of the exercise.  
• AVERAGE HEART RATE displays the averaged heart rate value for the entire exercise.  
• MAXIMUM HEART RATE displays the highest heart rate reached during the exercise. If no heart  
rate system is used, a value of “0” for the heart rate will be shown.  
the Computer  
Setting Up the Computer  
Setting Up the Computer  
to Your Environment  
to Your Environment  
The E350 elliptical offers unique features that allow the user to tailor the elliptical to its current  
environment. This environment may include the household users or guests. The elliptical comput-  
er can also display a series of diagnostic features (see Section 5).  
The E350 elliptical allows you to select and modify the following settings:  
• Language  
User Id’s (E350 have four)  
• Max Resistance  
Max Watts  
• Distance Unit (miles or kilometers)  
• Warm-Up/Cool Down (On/Off)  
Select Time, Distance or Calories  
Sound Feature (On/Off)  
Heart rate recovery (On/Off)  
Weight Unit  
2.1 Access to “Settings Menu”  
To view the above settings, you must enter into the “SETTINGS MENU” as followed:  
1. Turn power ON.  
2. While the introduction screens are displayed, simultaneously hold down the LEVEL INCREASE  
and the SELECT TOP keys.  
3. Release the LEVEL INCREASE and the SELECT TOP keys once entered into the Settings menu.  
2.2 Language Feature  
You can display all the instructions and information on the computer display screen in a choice of  
four languages.  
To select a language: Enter into the Settings menu, see Section 2.1.  
1. Select the LANGUAGE option, and press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
2. Select the language you wish to be displayed on the screen. Choose from English, French,  
German and Spanish. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE keys to select the language.  
3. Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
From now on, all text will be displayed in the language you selected.  
2.3 Weight Unit Feature  
The weight unit can be selected to display in pounds or kilograms.  
To select a weight unit: Enter into the Setting menu, see Section 4.1.  
1. Select the WEIGHT UNIT option, and press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
2. Select the weight unit you wish to be displayed on the screen. Choose from POUNDS or KILO-  
GRAMS. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE keys to select the weight unit.  
3. Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
From now on, all weight values entered will be in the selected units.  
2.4 User Identification Feature  
The User Identification feature allows the elliptical to recognize up to four individuals and auto-  
matically accumulate statistics related to the users exercises.  
Whenever the User Identification feature is used, the weight will be automatically entered at each  
exercise program. Also, the user’s age, weight and sex will be automatically entered during the  
Heart Rate Control program to calculate the maximum heart rate.  
The User ID feature gives access to the following options:  
• Activate User ID  
• Create User ID  
• Edit User ID  
View Statistics  
Reset Statistics  
Delete User ID  
Activate User  
To activate the User Identification feature: Enter into the Settings menu, see Section 2.1.  
1. Select the USER ID option and press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
2. Select the ACTIVATE USER ID option and press JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
3. Press INCREASE or DECREASE key to choose YES or NO to activate or deactivate it and then  
press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
Now that the User ID feature is activated; you will be prompted, at the beginning of each pro-  
gram, to select a User Identification.  
Create User  
To create a User ID: Select the CREATE USER option and press JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
1. You will immediately be sent to the lowest empty location, if the MEMORY is full you’ll have  
to go to the DELETE USER option.  
2. A total of six alpha-numeric characters can be used to name the USER ID. Use the INCREASE or  
DECREASE keys to select any letter from A to Z or number from 0 to 9 as the first character. If  
you wish to leave a space between characters, simply select SPACE (blank character) between  
the 9 and the A characters. Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept this character. Now the  
second character must be selected. Repeat this procedure until you have selected a USER ID  
If you wish to modify a character before all six spaces are accepted, press the PAUSE/STOP key  
to backspace.  
3. Now you have to enter your age. Simply use the INCREASE or DECREASE key to select your age.  
Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept your age.  
4. Enter your weight, press the INCREASE or DECREASE key to select your weight from 50 to 300  
pounds (23 to 136 kg) and then presse the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept it.  
5. Then you have to enter your sex, press the INCREASE or DECREASE key to select your sex and  
press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept it.  
6. Then press the PAUSE/STOP key to go back to the USER ID main menu.  
Edit User  
To edit the different User ID’s: Select the EDIT USER option and press JustGo™/ENTER key to  
1. Select the user you want to edit by using the INCREASE or DECREASE key and press the  
JustGo™/ENTER key to accept it.  
2. Enter your weight, press the INCREASE or DECREASE key to select your weight from 50 to 300  
pounds (23 to 136 kg) and then pressethe JustGo™/ENTER key to accept it.  
2. Enter your age. Simply use the INCREASE or DECREASE key to select your age. Press the  
JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
4. Now you have to enter your sex. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE key to select your sex and  
press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept it.  
5. Press the PAUSE/STOP key to go back to the USER ID main menu.  
View Statistics  
To view the statistics of a User Identification: Select the VIEW STATISTICS option and press  
JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
Select the User Identification for which you wish to see the statistics. These parameters represent  
the accumulated values of all the exercises of a user while the User Identification feature was acti-  
• TOTAL DISTANCE displays the distance traveled in miles (or in kilometers depending on your  
• TOTAL TIME displays the total exercise time.  
• TOTAL CALORIES displays the accumulated calories expended.  
Reset Statistics  
To reset the statistics of a User Identification: Select the RESET STATISTICS option and press  
JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
Select the User Identification for which you wish to reset the statistics. Press the JustGo™/ENTER  
key to reset the statistics of this User Identification.  
If you do not wish to reset the statistics of this User Identification, press the PAUSE/STOP key. The  
Reset Statistics feature can help to monitor your progress week after week or between seasons.  
Delete User  
To delete a User Identification: Select the DELETE USER option and press JustGo™/ENTER key to  
Select the User Identification you wish to delete. Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to delete this User  
If you do not wish to delete this User Identification, press the PAUSE/STOP key.  
NOTE – If you choose to delete a user, you will clear all saved parameters under that user’s name.  
2.5 Distance Unit Feature  
The distance unit can be selected to display in miles or kilometers.  
To select a distance unit: Enter into the Settings menu, see Section 2.1.  
1. Select the DISTANCE UNIT option, and press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
2. Select the distance unit you wish to be displayed on the screen. Choose from MILES or KILO-  
METERS. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE keys to select the distance unit.  
3. Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
From now on, distance and speed values entered will be in the selected units.  
2.6 Time, Distance or Calories  
The TIME, DISTANCE or CALORIES features allow you to choose to do all exercise programs with  
either a time, a distance or a calorie value as your target.  
To access Time, Distance or Calories: Enter into the Settings menu, see Section 2.1.  
1. Select the TIME, DISTANCE or CALORIES menu with the INCREASE or DECREASE keys and press  
the JustGo™/ENTER key to enter it.  
2. Make your choice between time, distance or calories with the INCREASE or DECREASE keys and  
press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept it.  
From now on, the new duration of your exercise will be in the selected value.  
Table of minimum and maximum values  
Here’s a table of the minimum and the maximum values that you can choose which has a dura-  
tion depending on your Settings choice.  
1 mile or 1 km  
99 miles or 99 km  
25 calories  
5 minutes  
99 minutes  
2000 calories  
2.7 Warm-Up/Cool-Down Feature  
Doing a warm-up period before an exercise and a cool down period after an exercise is strongly  
recommended for your safety. In your E350, you have a feature that allows you to warm-up and  
cool down on your elliptical.  
If the warm-up/cool down option is activated, a warm-up screen will be displayed prior to each  
exercise as well as a cool down screen after each exercise. Be aware that the warm-up and cool  
down screens are not available for the JustGo™, the TRACK and the RACE programs in which you  
need to establish your own warm-up and cool down periods.  
The warm-up has a duration of 4 minutes and the resistance profile is divided in 5 segments.  
Segment 1: Is a fifth in intensity of the first segment exercise.  
Segment 2: Is two fifths in intensity of the first segment exercise.  
Segment 3: Is three fifths in intensity of the first segment exercise.  
Segment 4: Is four fifths in intensity of the first segment exercise.  
Segment 5: Is the same as the first segment exercise.  
Segment 1: Is the same as the last segment exercise.  
Segment 2: Is four fifths in intensity of the last segment exercise.  
Segment 3: Is three fifths in intensity of the last segment exercise.  
Segment 4: Is two fifths in intensity of the last segment exercise.  
Segment 5: Is a fifth in intensity of the last segment exercise.  
All segments will decrease gradually from the last value of speed in your program.  
The calories, time and the distance are not accumulated in the “WARM UP/COOL-DOWN” modes.  
The warm-up/cool-down option can be activated or deactivated.  
To activate or deactivate the warm-up/cool-down option: Enter into the Settings menu,  
See Section 2.1.  
1. Select the WARM UP/COOL -DOWN option, and press the JustGoTM/ENTER key to accept.  
2. Choose from ON or OFF. Press the speed INCREASE or DECREASE to choose and press the  
JustGoTM/ENTER key to accept.  
From now on, the warm-up/cool-down option will be in the selected mode.  
NOTE – If you wish to cancel the warm-up or cool-down while you perform it, simply press the  
PAUSE/STOP key to interrupt the feature.  
2.8 Sound feature  
The sound can be activated or deactivated.  
To activate or deactivate the sound: Enter into the Settings menu, see Section 2.1.  
1. Select the SOUND option, and press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
2. Select the mode in which you wish the sound to be. Choose from YES or NO with the INCREASE  
and DECREASE key. Select ENTER key to accept your choice.  
From now on, the sound will be in the selected mode.  
2.9 Maximum Resistance Feature  
The brake resistance can be limited while exercising. This feature applies to all programs  
(except the HEART RATE program).  
To limit the maximum brake resistance: Enter into the Settings menu, see Section 2.1.  
1. Select the MAX RESISTANCE option, and press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
2. Select the maximum resistance percentage you wish to set for the programs. Choose from  
10 to 100%. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE keys to select the maximum resistance per-  
3. Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
From now on, the maximum resistance percentage in programs will be the selected value.  
2.10 Maximum Watts for  
Heart Rate Program Feature  
The watt value can be limited while exercising in the Heart rate program.  
To select the maximum watt value: Enter into the Settings menu, see Section 2.1.  
1. Select the MAX WATTS option, and press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
2. Select the maximum watt value you wish to set for the programs. Choose from 25 to 400  
watts. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE keys to select the maximum watt value.  
3. Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
From now on, the maximum watt value in the Heart rate program will be the selected value.  
All E350 Elliptical Exercise Programs  
All E350 Elliptical Exercise Programs  
All E350 Elliptical Exercise Programs  
Your Elliptical computer has been programmed with the following features:  
• Novice, Intermediate and Expert Modes  
• 15 Exercise Levels per programs or 21 Levels in TRACK and RACE.  
• One JustGo™ Program  
• One Manual Program  
• One Track Program  
• Four Memory Programs  
• One Heart Rate Control Program  
• One Target Watts Program  
• One Race Program  
• Nine Resistance Hill Profiles  
A profile is a pre-set hill pattern. You will get the same profile (hills and valleys) every time you  
select the same specific exercise program. Programs allow you to monitor your progress and they  
add fun and interest to your exercise.  
Note that JustGo™, MANUAL, HEART RATE, TARGET WATTS, TRACK and RACE programs do not  
have a predetermined Hill profile. If you chose time in your settings, then each segment time  
would be equal to the selected exercise time divided by 15 segments.  
Program Levels  
Each of the programs, except the RACE and the TRACK programs, have 15 individual exercise lev-  
els. LEVEL 1 is the easiest (less resistance) and LEVEL 15 is the most difficult (highest resistance).  
This feature allows you to alter the intensity of your workout without changing your program  
profile. Levels can be changed at anytime during your workout by pressing the Level INCREASE  
and DECREASE keys.  
The following table shows the level of effort (watts) at a rotational pedal axle speed of 60 RPM  
for various intensity modes and exercise levels.  
Table 1  
Level of effort at a rotational pedal axle speed of 60 RPM for various exercise levels  
and intensity modes. All levels of effort values are in watts.  
Track and Race Levels  
Level 1 is the easiest (or slowest) and Level 21 is the most difficult (or fastest). This feature allows  
you to travel a certain distance in less or more time. Levels can be changed at anytime during your  
workout by pressing the Level INCREASE and DECREASE keys.  
The following table shows the speed in miles per minute, kilometers per hour and strides per  
minute at various levels for a given rotational pedal axle speed (60 RPM).  
Table 2  
Stride speed at a rotational pedal axle speed of 60 RPM for various levels.  
(miles per hour)  
(kilometers per hour)  
Walking Speed  
In walking, “slower” means spending less watts and “faster” means spending more watts for a  
constant resistance level. Therefore when you increase your level of difficulty and you maintain  
the same rotational speed, you increase your watts expenditure.  
The versatility of levels within programs makes it easy for you to target your perfect workout  
intensity. It is also simple for you to advance to new levels of difficulty without taking giant leaps  
into new programs.  
Changing the segment resistance manually will cause only the active segment resistance to  
change. Changing the level manually will cause the entire resistance profile to change.  
JustGo™ Program  
The JustGo™ program allows you to start a manu-  
al exercise with the push of one key. Since the  
JustGo™ program is the initial program, it will  
always be displayed first for easy selection. You  
have total control of the pedal resistance at all  
times during this program. Use the JustGo™ pro-  
gram if you like to exercise at fairly constant speeds  
with little or no changes during the exercise.  
Manual Program  
The Manual program allows you to create your own exercise as you progress in the program. The  
resistance is completely controlled by the user at all times. At a glance, the JustGo™ and Manual  
programs seem very similar due to the fact that the user controls the resistance at all times. The  
difference is that in the Manual program, you select your exercise duration for a more appropri-  
ate exercise.  
Track Program  
The Track program is one that enables you to choose from 1-350 laps of a 250 meters (or about  
273 yards) Olympic track. Each Track program allows the user to completely control their speed  
from the start of the exercise until the end since there is no automatic speed control during the  
Track program.  
The Track program will display a flashing dot on an oval track screen that will display your  
progression. The informational window will show you how many laps have been done in your  
To select the Track Program:  
1. Press the DECREASE key to select TRACK. Press the JustGo™/ ENTER key to accept the Track pro-  
2. Select the number of laps. Press the speed INCREASE or DECREASE keys to select the appropri-  
ate number of laps from 1 to 350. Press the JustGo™/ ENTER key to accept.  
Memory Programs  
The Memory programs allow you to recall previously completed exercises. After each exercise has  
finished, you are prompted if you wish to save the current exercise or not. All programs, except  
the TRACK and RACE programs can be saved as Memory programs.  
To select the Memory programs:  
1. Press the DECREASE key to select MEMORY. Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept the  
Memory program.  
2. Use the INCREASE or DECREASE keys to select one of the custom program. When you have  
selected the custom program you want, press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
3. Select your weight. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE keys to select the appropriate weight.  
The weight will vary from 50 to 300 pounds (23 to 136 kg). Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to  
4. Select the exercise duration. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE keys to select the appropriate  
exercise duration. Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
5. Select your intensity mode. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE keys to select NOVICE, INTERME-  
DIATE or EXPERT modes. Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
Heart Rate Control Program (HRC)  
The Heart Rate Control program allows you to exercise at a predetermined target heart rate level.  
By selecting the desired target heart rate level, the watt value will automatically adjust to  
decrease or increase the exercise intensity.  
NOTE – This program can only be used with the optional heart rate chest strap available from your  
Authorized Bodyguard® Dealer. Use of the heart rate chest strap will allow the elliptical to change  
the level of effort in relation to the RPM (watts). To achieve optimal results, it is recommended to  
place the chest strap directly over the skin. The strap should be very snug since any significant  
amount of shock or impact may temporarily produce wrong heart rate signals. You should not be  
more than arm’s length from the computer display to achieve the best signal. If at anytime the  
heart rate receiver does not detect a signal from the chest strap for more then a few seconds, a  
message will appear asking to “NO HR SIGNAL PLEASE CHECK BELT”.  
WARNING – Before attempting to use any of this equipment, you should read the instruction  
manual carefully. Use of this equipment by persons with heart or other medical problems may  
result in serious injury. You should consult with a physician prior to using this equipment. It is  
recommended to periodically consult your physician as you continue to use this equipment.  
Immediately cease exercise if you feel dizzy, faint or short of breath. Use of this equipment in a  
manner other than as prescribed by these instructions herewith may result in serious injury.  
To select the Heart Rate Control program:  
1. Press the DECREASE key to select HEART RATE. Press the JustGo™/ ENTER key to accept the  
Heart Rate Control program.  
2. Select your weight. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE keys to select the appropriate weight.  
The weight will vary from 50 to 300 pounds (23 to 136 kg). Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to  
3. Select the exercise duration. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE keys to select the appropriate  
exercise duration. Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
4. Select your age to allow the computer to calculate your maximum allowable heart rate level.  
Press the INCREASE or DECREASE keys to select your age. The age will vary from 10 to 100 years.  
Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept.  
5. Select an exercise intensity based on your preferred level of exercise. Press the INCREASE or  
DECREASE keys to select the exercise intensity.  
• The 60% level is a good guide for persons interested in training in the fat loss range.  
• The 70% level is suitable for persons interested in training in the cardiovascular range.  
• The 80% level requires the most effort and is suitable for persons with a higher level of fit-  
6. Based on the previous selection, the computer suggests a target heart rate that you are  
allowed to modify. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE keys to select the desired target heart  
rate. Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept and start the exercise.  
Once the exercise has started, your ACTUAL heart rate should be lower than the TARGET heart  
rate. The computer then will gradually regulate the resistance based on your RPM (watt value) to  
increase your exercise intensity level, resulting in a higher ACTUAL heart rate. If the ACTUAL heart  
rate is within +/-5 beats from your TARGET heart rate, the resistance level will no longer change.  
On your E350 Elliptical, the Heart Rate Control program is driven by the level of effort for a cer-  
tain rotational speed of the pedal axle (watts). If you slow down your rotational speed (RPM), the  
computer will increase the resistance to maintain the watt value.  
WARNING – If you feel that the speed is too fast for your fitness level and you cannot keep up,  
press the PAUSE/STOP key and terminate the exercise program. You can try the program again,  
but at a lower INTENSITY level (60%). If this is still too fast for you, do not use the Heart Rate  
Control program until your fitness level allows you to safely exercise at your TARGET heart rate  
If you have set a maximum watt value for the Heart Rate Control program in the settings (see  
Section 2.10), the maximum watt value during the exercise will not exceed your selection.  
Target Watts Program  
The Target Watts program allows you to exercise at a predetermined target watts level. By select-  
ing the desired target watt level, the watts value will automatically adjust to decrease or increase  
the exercise intensity.  
During the exercise, the main computer screen will not show a resistance profile like the other  
programs, but will display a watt graph. A straight line indicates your TARGET watts and a flash-  
ing dot represents your ACTUAL watt level drawing as you progress in the exercise.  
On your E350 Elliptical, the Target Watts program is driven by the level of effort for a certain  
rotational speed of the pedal axle (watts). If you slow down your rotational speed (RPM), the com-  
puter will increase the resistance to maintain the watt value.  
During the Target Watts program, you can change the watts by pressing the INCREASE or  
DECREASE keys.  
Race Program  
The Race program offers the possibility to compete against a number of challengers from 1 to 3.  
You cannot save the Race program in Memory.  
The Race program will display a number of challengers. The top challenger is you and the others  
are your opponents.  
Programs P1 to P9 (E350)  
Programs P1 to P9 are predetermined hill profiles that have varying resistance levels. The higher  
the segment profile line is, the harder it will be.  
Heart Rate Access Feature (HRA)  
The Heart Rate Access feature allows you to selectively enter into a Heart Rate Control program  
without quitting your exercise. It will allow you to choose, when you are ready, to change your  
current workout to a Heart Rate Control. You will need to be wearing the optional wireless chest  
strap when choosing to use this feature.  
The Heart Rate Access feature allows the user to change any program at any time during the  
selected workout to Heart Rate Control. On screen, you will see the program remaining change  
to a flat-line as it would look like in a normal Heart Rate Control program. The part of the pro-  
gram that you just did though would remain unchanged.  
How to Use Heart Rate Access  
While in a program you would press the JustGo™/ENTER key. On screen you would see the mes-  
Rate has been confirmed, the remainder of the selected workout time would be in the form of a  
normal Heart Rate Control. If you pressed the button and were not wearing a chest strap, the unit  
will disregard the button push and continue in the normal selected program. This feature is not  
available in the RACE and TARGET WATTS programs.  
1. Override  
• In all programs you can make LEVEL changes manually.  
2. Saving  
You will also be able to save any program at the end (except the ones mentioned above and  
the TRACK program).  
Heart Rate Recovery  
Your E350 is pre programmed with a unique and useful program that is used to help determine  
your fitness level. After a program (workout) the E350 can be used to countdown towards your  
predetermined resting heart rate.  
In order to use this program you will need to turn ON Heart Rate Recovery in the set/up mode.  
Default this option is turned off.  
Fit Levels  
Although it is difficult to assess each individual based on a generic chart. It is agreed that a quick-  
er time from an exercise level heart rate to a resting (predetermined) heart rate is beneficial to  
cardio fitness. The best way to use this program is to use it today.  
Using Recovery  
It will only work while using the optional chest strap. After your exercise is complete the computer  
will ask you to stop. Stay on the machine with your chest strap facing the console. Try not to move.  
It is best to keep your arms to your side as to not interfere with the signal. Stay in this position  
until the computer has finished reading the heart rate signal. Depending on your fitness level this  
could be a few minutes or longer. Your personal goal would be to bring that number (time) to  
alower and managed level.  
Changing Your Target Heart Rate in a Program  
The normal Heart Rate Control program allows you to make Target Heart Rate changes at any-  
time while in a program by pressing the JustGo™/ENTER key. The difference is now that by press-  
ing the JustGo™/ENTER key, it will bring you into Heart Rate Access; by pressing the  
JustGo™/ENTER key again, you will be asked to make a new Target Heart Rate change.  
Using a Heart Rate Receiver  
Using a Heart Rate Receiver  
Using a Heart Rate Receiver  
The Bodyguard® Heart Rate receiver supplied with each elliptical is specifically designed to  
work in conjunction with the optional Heart Rate Chest Strap. The Heart Rate System allows  
the computer to monitor your heart rate, or pulses per minute. This value is shown on the  
computer screen and should only be used as a guide in helping you achieve your personal fit-  
ness goals.  
If no Heart Rate System is used, a zero (0) heart rate value will be displayed on the computer  
screen. Before using any heart rate system on any exercise equipment, it is important to con-  
sult with a physician prior to commencing any exercise program.  
WARNING – Before attempting to use any of this equipment, you should read the instruction  
manual carefully. Use of this equipment by persons with heart or other medical problems may  
result in serious injury. You should consult with a physician prior to using this equipment. It is  
recommended to periodically consult your physician as you continue to use this equipment.  
Immediately cease exercise if you feel dizzy, faint or short of breath. Use of this equipment in  
a manner other than as prescribed by these instructions herewith may result in serious injury.  
As a guide to effective exercising, to determine your recommended heart rate training zone,  
find your age on the heart rate chart (refer to page 4) and read the heart rate target zone  
based on various intensity levels. These levels include fat burning zone, cardiovascular zone and  
aerobic zone.  
TIP – Sometimes you will need to moisten the back of the heart rate chest strap to obtain a sig-  
nal. Use a few drops of water to moisten the chest strap, then place directly over the skin. The  
chest strap does not work properly when placed over clothing.  
Possible Chest Strap Heart Rate Problems  
In order to properly diagnose the chest strap compatibility, please follow the procedures to deter-  
mine possible problems. All Bodyguard® machines use the Cardiosport heart rate system. The  
chest strap is an option on all machines and can be purchased from a Bodyguard® Dealer or from  
Cardiosport. If you are having some problems with the reception, please use the following trou-  
bleshooting check list.  
Troubleshooting Check List  
Table 3  
• No signal.  
• Dead battery in strap.  
• Electrodes are not wet.  
• Change battery.  
• Put saliva on electrodes.  
• Use Cardiosport.  
• Using wrong strap  
(such as: Polar).  
• Weak signal.  
• Weak battery.  
• Change battery.  
• Electrodes are not wet  
• Put saliva on electrodes.  
• Strap is not tight enough.  
• Too much body fat.  
• Put on tighter.  
• No solution.  
• Chest size too small or too big.  
• Receiver has a problem.  
• Position strap accordingly.  
• Verify signal in Diagnostics,  
see Heart Rate Test section.  
• Erratic signal.  
• Using wrong strap  
(such as: Polar).  
• Use Cardiosport.  
• Interference with other signals.  
• Use only the exercise machine  
to verify.  
• Electrodes are not wet enough.  
• Put saliva on electrodes.  
The above table should help properly diagnose the problem. There are also misconceptions that  
the signal is immediate. The chest strap electrodes need to be moistened in order to send a strong  
signal. Radio and neon light interferences can also reduce the strength of the signal.  
Computer Diagnostics  
Each E350 elliptical offers you the ability to determine the working condition of the various  
electronic and mechanical components. If after performing the following diagnostic tests you  
determine that your elliptical needs to be serviced, please contact your Authorized Bodyguard®  
Computer Diagnostics  
Computer Diagnostics  
To determine the condition of the various electrical and mechanical components, you will need to  
enter into the DIAGNOSTICS menu as follows:  
1. Turn power OFF.  
2. Simultaneously hold down the Segment INCREASE and DECREASE keys and turn power ON.  
3. Release the Segment INCREASE and DECREASE keys once entered into the Diagnostics menu.  
When you access the Diagnostics menu, you will notice the following message:  
“E350 version 1.0”  
The message above indicates the version of the computer software installed in your computer dis-  
play monitor. This information is helpful in diagnosing certain computer related conditions. The  
version number, in the case above, is 1.0. Keep in mind that the version number may change  
depending on the model number of your elliptical.  
Select “DIAGNOSTICS”, and press the JustGo™/ENTER key to accept. The following diagnostic  
tests will be displayed:  
Wheel Sensor Test  
The wheel sensor test allows you to verify that the wheel sensor circuitry is properly working.  
1. In the Diagnostics menu, select the “WHEEL SENSOR TEST” and accept it by pressing the  
JustGo™/ENTER key.  
2. The message “FLYWHEEL SPOKES SENSOR IS FUNCTIONAL” will appear on the display screen.  
Once you pedal, the display will count up to 50 spokes and then terminate the test, indicating  
that the speed sensor is working properly. If the computer does not sense the flywheel turn-  
ing, the display will indicate that no spokes were detected by the speed sensor. You will have  
to terminate the test. Contact your Authorized BodyguardDealer.  
3. To terminate the test, press the PAUSE/STOP or JustGo™/ENTER key.  
Keypad Test or Keys Test  
The keypad test or keys test allows you to verify that each key is responding when pressed.  
1. In the Diagnostics menu, select the “KEYPAD TEST” or “KEYS TEST” and accept it by pressing  
the JustGo™/ENTER key.  
2. Press each key one at a time and verify the response on the screen. As an example, pressing the  
JustGo™/ENTER key will cause the screen to display “ENTER” indicating that the key press was  
3. To terminate the test, press the PAUSE/STOP and JustGo™/ENTER keys simultaneously.  
Display Test  
The display test allows you to verify that each display light is properly working. If you notice that  
one or more areas on the screen do not light up during an exercise, you should perform this test.  
1. In the Diagnostics menu, select the “DISPLAY TEST” and accept it by pressing the JustGo™/  
ENTER key.  
2. Now the display will illuminate a certain way. To proceed to the next display patterns, press any  
Sound Test  
The sound test will initiate a sound.  
1. In the Diagnostics menu, select the “SOUND TEST” and accept it by pressing the JustGo™/  
ENTER key.  
2. Listen for a series of “beeps”. Press any key to terminate the sound test.  
NVRAM Test  
The NVRAM (Non-Volatile Random Access Memory) test will not erase all stored information such  
as user identification, and all saved programs. The NVRAM is a computer chip that saves infor-  
mation even when the elliptical has been turned off.  
1. In the Diagnostics menu, select the “NVRAM TEST” and accept it by pressing the  
JustGo™/ENTER key.  
2. Press the JustGo™/ENTER key to start the NVRAM test. The NVRAM test will perform auto-  
Heart Rate System Test  
The heart rate system test allows you to determine if the optional heart rate system is properly  
working and that the computer is displaying your heart rate signal during a program.  
1. In the Diagnostics menu, select the “HEART RATE TEST” and accept it by pressing the JustGo™/  
ENTER key.  
2. The display will show “HEART RATE” and the number “0” beside it. Attach your heart rate  
chest strap. Simply stand near the computer. Within a few seconds, your actual heart rate sig-  
nal will be displayed on the screen.  
3. Press the PAUSE/STOP key to terminate the test.  
EPROM Test  
The EPROM test allows you to determine if the program stored in the EPROM chip is intact.  
1. In the Diagnostics menu, select the “EPROM TEST” and accept it by pressing the JustGo™/  
ENTER key.  
If the EPROM is intact, the display will show “EPROM IS OK CHECKSUM XXXX”.  
If the EPROM is damaged, the display will show “EPROM IS NOT OK”.  
2. Press the PAUSE/STOP key to terminate the test.  
The statistics allows you to view different parameters related to the use of your elliptical such as  
time and distance.  
1. In the Diagnostics menu, select the “STATISTICS” option and accept it by pressing the JustGo™/  
ENTER key.  
• The TOTAL DISTANCE displayed indicates the total distance traveled with the elliptical during  
all exercise programs.  
• The EXERCISE TIME displayed indicates the amount of time the elliptical has been used during  
all exercise programs.  
2. Press the PAUSE/STOP key to terminate the test.  
Brake Test  
The brake test allows you to determine if the brakes are working properly.  
1. In the Diagnostics menu, select BRAKE TEST with the INCREASE or DECREASE keys and accept  
it with the JustGo™/ENTER key.  
2. The central informational screen will display the percentage of maximum resistance and the  
main screen will display a representation of this percentage.  
3. Press the PAUSE/STOP key to exit this test.  
Current test  
The current test allows you to determine if the values of current are correct for different levels. You  
should get the following reading from the console.  
Brake (%)  
Current (AMPS MIN)  
These value should be withing 0.1 amps to the value above.  
The brake test allows you to determine if the brakes are working properly.  
1. In the Diagnostics menu, select BRAKE TEST with the INCREASE or DECREASE keys and accept  
it with the JustGo™/ENTER key.  
2. The central informational screen will display the percentage of maximum resistance and the  
main screen will display a representation of this percentage.  
3. Press the PAUSE/STOP key to exit this test.  
Maintenance Information  
Maintenance Information  
Maintenance Information  
General care  
Your elliptical has been designed and built to give you trouble free use. For maximum safety  
however, you should periodically check your unit for signs of wear.  
WARNING – To prevent electrical shock or risk of fire, always turn the power OFF and disconnect  
the power cord whenever you are cleaning, inspecting and or repairing your E350 elliptical.  
Here’s a quick check list followed by reference Table 5:  
• After each workout, you should wipe down your elliptical using a mild, non-abrasive liquid  
cleanser applied on a soft cloth. Do not spray cleansers directly on the unit or use an exces-  
sively damp cloth. Do not clean the unit with the power ON, be sure that it is OFF.  
• Keep liquids including excessive sweat away from the computer console.  
• Be sure that the elliptical is on a level surface and that it is not rocking.  
• The surface of the pedals and handle bars should be kept clean. Dirt and other debris can  
cause slipping when exercising.  
• It is recommended to periodically remove any dust that may have accumulated under the  
• Check that the upper frame and the rear handle bar are secure on the frame.  
• Verify that there is no play between the crank arms and the pedal axle.  
If you experience a problem during the normal operation of the E350 elliptical, use the trou-  
bleshooting Table 4. Initiate the DIAGNOSTIC tests to insure the proper functioning of your unit  
before you contact your Authorized Bodyguard® Dealer.  
If you are unfamiliar or uncertain with basic diagnostic maintenance procedures, contact your  
Authorized Bodyguard® Dealer for diagnostics or repair of your E350 elliptical.  
Quick Troubleshooting Check List  
Table 5  
• Computer will  
not light on  
• Check THE fuse – replace if necessary.  
• Check building electrical power line and fuse box – contact  
qualified electrician.  
when power  
is turned ON.  
• The computer cable may be disconnected from the computer board  
– inspect condition of this cable.  
• Check that power cord is functional – replace if necessary.  
• Remove the cover, tighten the bolts holding the crank arms (long &  
short) with a hexagonal bolt 3/8.  
• Crank arms  
are loose.  
• Upper frame  
is loose.  
• Remove the cover and tighten the five screws holding the upper  
frame to the base frame with the provided Allen key.  
• No resistance  
on pedals,  
• Speed sensor out of alignment – realign or replace if necessary.  
• Transformer or power supply board unit defective – replace  
necessary parts.  
but computer  
lights up.  
• With power OFF, verify that all wire connections are secure.  
• Computer key(s)  
not responding  
to touch.  
• Keys may have been damaged from liquids penetrating behind seal  
– replace computer display.  
• Excessive amount of cleaning solution used.  
• Use mild cleanser on damp cloth only when cleaning computer  
console and unit.  
For any further information regarding service isssues,  
please contact your Authorized Bodyguard® Dealer.  
Thank You for Purchasing  
a Bodyguard® Elliptical  
Bodyguard® Fitness is dedicated to designing and manufacturing the finest fitness equipment  
available today.  
This manual outlines information on warranty, assembly, operation of the unit, safety and basic  
maintenance checks for the Bodyguard® elliptical.  
When you require service for your elliptical, always present the unit product model, serial num-  
ber and date of purchase to the Bodyguard® Dealer. The product model and serial numbers are  
located at the rear frame of the machine. Now is a good time to write the product model and seri-  
al numbers and related information in the space provided below.  
Product Name  
Model Number  
Serial Number  
Date Purchased  
Dealer Store Name  
Dealer Phone Number  
Please fill out the warranty registration card and return it to Bodyguard® Fitness within 30 days  
of date of purchase for registration of your elliptical warranty. Your returned warranty registra-  
tion card is important in helping us keep you up-to-date with all the latest elliptical product addi-  
tions. Also, the warranty card is used to establish the actual sale date. Please be advised that no  
warranty card at Bodyguard® will mean that the warranty starts from the sale to the dealer and  
not the end user.  
Safety Requirements  
North America  
The E350 elliptical has been tested and approved to meet all ETL requirements concerning elec-  
trical and mechanical safety. In addition, the elliptical conforms to UL 1647 and CSA C22.2 No. 68  
The E350 elliptical has been tested to meet all applicable IEC directives concerning electrical and  
mechanical safety.  
North America  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two con-  
dition: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any  
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  
This product has been tested in accordance with the procedures given in the European Concil  
Directive 89/336/EEC concerning immunity from external disturbance and required levels of elec-  
tromagnetic emissions.  
US - S.N. 09/654,095 - Patent pending  
Europe S.N. EP2001110543 - Patent pending  

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