Casio Watch MA0908 EB User Manual

Operation Guide 5060  
Congratulations upon your selection of this CASIO watch.  
Power Levels  
You can get an idea of the watch’s power level by  
observing the movement of the xSecond Hand in the  
Timekeeping Mode.  
If the xSecond Hand is moving normally in one-second  
steps, power is at Level 1.  
This watch does not have a city code that corresponds to the UTC offset of –3.5  
hours. Because of this, the radio-controlled atomic timekeeping function will not  
display the correct time for Newfoundland, Canada.  
If the xSecond Hand is jumping at two-second steps,  
power is at Level 2, which is quite low. Expose the watch  
to light as soon as possible so it can charge.  
Note that CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for any damage  
or loss suffered by you or any third party arising through the use of this product or  
its malfunction.  
About This Manual  
Jumps every two seconds.  
Button operations are indicated using the letters A  
through D shown in the illustration.  
@ +  
Level Hand Movement  
Function Status  
Hand Functions  
z Hour Hand  
x Second Hand  
c Minute Hand  
v Left Dial Hand: Indicates the current mode.  
b Lower Dial Hand  
n Right Dial Hands: Indicate a time, in 24-hour format,  
depending on the current mode.  
m Day  
All functions enabled.  
Beeper, time calibration signal  
reception, and countdown timer  
operation disabled.  
xSecond hand jumps in 2-second steps.  
mDay changes to home position.  
xSecond hand stopped.  
z Hour and cMinute hands stopped at  
12 o’clock.  
All functions disabled.  
When power drops to Level 3, all functions will be disabled but the watch will  
continue to keep time internally for about one week. If you recharge the battery  
sufficiently during this period, the analog hands will move automatically to the  
correct setting and normal timekeeping will resume. After one week, all settings  
(including timekeeping) will be cleared. Recharging the battery will reset all settings  
to their initial factory defaults.  
This User’s Guide uses numbers shown above to identify  
watch hands and indicators.  
Things to check before using the watch  
Power Recovery Mode  
1. Hold down C for about two seconds to enter the Timekeeping Mode, and  
then observe the movement of the xSecond Hand.  
The watch is designed to go into a power recovery mode that stops hand operation  
temporarily whenever power suddenly drops below a certain level due to overuse  
of the alarm tone over a short period. Note that all operations are disabled while the  
watch is in the power recovery mode.  
Is the xSecond Hand moving smoothly in one-second steps?  
The hands will move to the correct positions and the watch will resume normal  
operation after power recovers (in about 15 minutes). Putting the watch in a location  
where it is exposed to light will help power to recover sooner.  
The watch is charged sufficiently.  
For details about charging, see  
“Charging the Watch”.  
Is the xSecond Hand jumping every two  
seconds or is it stopped completely?  
Charging Times  
Level Change *2  
Power is low. Charge the watch by placing  
it in a location where it is exposed to light.  
For details, see “Charging the Watch”.  
Go to step 2.  
Level 3  
Level 2  
Level 1  
Exposure Level (Brightness)  
Outdoor sunlight (50,000 lux)  
8 min.  
2 hours  
23 hours  
85 hours  
2. Check the Home City and the daylight saving time (DST) setting.  
Sunlight through a window (10,000 lux)  
30 min.  
6 hours  
8 hours  
92 hours  
Use the procedure under “To configure Home City settings” to configure your Home  
City and daylight saving time settings.  
Daylight through a window on a cloudy  
day (5,000 lux)  
48 min.  
8 hours  
138 hours  
– – –  
Indoor fluorescent lighting (500 lux)  
Proper time calibration signal reception and World Time settings depend on correct  
Home City, time, and date settings in the Timekeeping Mode. Make sure you  
configure these settings correctly.  
* 1 Approximate amount exposure time required each day to generate enough power  
for normal daily operation.  
* 2 Approximate amount exposure time required to take power from one level to the  
3. Set the current time.  
The above exposure times all are for reference only. Actual exposure times depend  
on lighting conditions.  
For details about the operating time and daily operating conditions, see the “Power  
Supply” section of the Specifications.  
To set the time using a time calibration signal  
See “To get ready for a receive operation”.  
To set the time manually  
See “Configuring Current Time and Date Settings Manually”.  
Power Saving  
The watch is now ready for use.  
Power Saving enters a sleep state automatically whenever the watch is left for a  
certain period in an area where it is dark. The table below shows how watch functions  
are affected by Power Saving.  
For details about the watch’s radio controlled timekeeping feature, see “Radio  
Controlled Atomic Timekeeping”.  
There actually are two sleep state levels: “second hand sleep” and “function sleep”.  
Elapsed Time in Dark  
60 to 70 minutes (second hand  
xSecond hand only is stopped at 12 o’clock, all other  
Charging the Watch  
The face of the watch is a solar cell that generates power from light. The generated  
power charges a built-in rechargeable battery, which powers watch operations. The  
watch charges whenever it is exposed to light.  
functions are enabled.  
All functions, including analog timekeeping, disabled  
Internal timekeeping maintained.  
6 or 7 days (function sleep)  
The watch will not enter a sleep state between 6:00 AM and 9:59 PM. If the watch  
is already in a sleep state when 6:00 AM arrives, however, it will remain in the sleep  
The watch will not enter a sleep state while it is in the Stopwatch Mode or  
Countdown Timer Mode.  
Charging Guide  
Whenever you are not  
wearing the watch, be sure  
to leave it in a location  
where it is exposed to light.  
Best charging  
performance is achieved  
by exposing the watch to  
light that is as strong as  
When wearing the watch,  
makes sure that its face is  
not blocked from light by the  
sleeve of your clothing.  
The watch may enter a  
sleep state if its face is  
blocked by your sleeve  
even only partially.  
To recover from the sleep state  
Move the watch to a well-lit area or press any button.  
Leaving the watch in bright light for charging can cause it to become quite hot.  
Take care when handling the watch to avoid burn injury. The watch can become  
particularly hot when exposed to the following conditions for long periods.  
On the dashboard of a car parked in direct sunlight  
Too close to an incandescent lamp  
Under direct sunlight  
Keep the watch in an area normally exposed to bright light when storing it for long  
periods. This helps to ensure that power does not run down.  
Storing the watch for long periods in an area where there is no light or wearing it in  
such a way that it is blocked from exposure to light can cause power to run down.  
Make sure that the watch is exposed to bright light whenever possible.  
Operation Guide 5060  
4. After all the settings are the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping  
Mode Reference Guide  
Your watch has five “modes”. The mode you should select depends on what you want  
to do.  
To toggle the Home City time between standard time and daylight saving time  
1. Perform the step 1 under “To configure Home City settings”.  
To do this:  
Enter this mode:  
Each time you select a city code, the zHour Hand, cMinute Hand, and  
bLower Dial Hand move to the current time for that city code. Do not perform  
the next operation until these hands stop moving.  
View the current date in the Home City  
Configure Home City and daylight saving time  
(DST) settings  
Timekeeping Mode  
Perform a time calibration receive operation  
Configure time and date settings manually  
2. Press B to toggle the time for the city code of the currently selected Home City  
between STD (standard time)/DST (daylight saving time).  
Use the stopwatch to measure elapsed time  
Use the countdown timer  
Stopwatch Mode  
In the city code setting mode, the vLeft Dial Hand indicates the current daylight  
saving time setting as STD (standard time) or DST (daylight saving time).  
Note that you cannot switch between STD (standard time)/DST (daylight saving  
time) while UTC is selected as your Home City.  
Countdown Timer Mode  
View the current time in one of 29 cities (29 time  
zones) around the globe  
World Time Mode  
Alarm Mode  
3. After all the settings are the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping  
Set an alarm time  
Selecting a Mode  
With this watch, everything starts from the Timekeeping Mode.  
After you specify a city code, the watch will use UTC* offsets in the World Time  
Mode to calculate the current time for other time zones based on the current time  
in your Home City.  
To determine the watch’s current mode  
Check the position of the vLeft Dial Hand as shown  
under “To select a mode”.  
* Coordinated Universal Time, the world-wide scientific standard of timekeeping.  
The reference point for UTC is Greenwich, England.  
Selecting some city codes automatically makes it possible for the watch to  
receive the time calibration signal for the corresponding area. See “Radio  
Controlled Atomic Timekeeping” for details.  
To return to the Timekeeping Mode from any other  
Hold down C for about two seconds until the watch beeps  
Configuring Current Time and Date Settings Manually  
You can configure current time and date settings manually when the watch is unable  
to receive a time calibration signal.  
To select a mode  
Press C to cycle between the modes as shown below. The vLeft Dial Hand  
indicates the currently selected mode.  
To change the current time setting manually  
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, keep A depressed (for about  
five seconds) as the xSecond Hand goes through the  
following sequence.  
Moves to the last signal reception result (Y or N), then  
to READY (or R for some models), and then to the city  
code of the currently selected Home City.  
Timekeeping Mode  
Stopwatch Mode  
The hand indicates  
the day of the week  
(SU, MO, TU, WE, TH,  
FR, SA).  
The hand points to ST (at  
12 o’clock).  
Countdown Timer Mode  
At this time, the vLeft Dial Hand will indicate the  
Home City’s current daylight saving time setting (STD  
or DST).  
The hand points to TMR.  
2. Change the Home City and daylight saving time (DST)  
settings, if you want.  
World Time Mode  
Alarm Mode  
For details about these settings, see steps 2 and 3  
under “To configure Home City settings”.  
In the following steps, each press of C cycles  
between settings as shown below.  
The hand points to STD  
or DST.  
The hand points to AL.  
Home city/DST  
Use the Timekeeping Mode to view the current time and date. To enter the  
Timekeeping Mode from any other mode, hold down C for about two seconds.  
3. Press C.  
Hand Functions  
z Hour Hand  
x Second Hand  
@ +  
The watch will beep, and the xSecond Hand and  
vLeft Dial Hand will move to their 12 o’clock  
positions. This is the time setting mode.  
c Minute Hand  
v Left Dial Hand: Indicates the day of the week.  
b Lower Dial Hand: Indicates the current hour in the  
4. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the time (hour and minute) setting.  
Each press of either button will move the hands (zHour Hand and cMinute  
Hand) to one minute.  
Holding down D or B will start high-speed zHour Hand and cMinute Hand  
movement in the applicable direction. To stop high-speed hand movement,  
press any button.  
The bLower Dial Hand and zHour Hand move in sync with each other.  
When setting the time, make sure that the bLower Dial Hand indicates the  
proper a.m./p.m. hour.  
Home Time city in 24-hour format.  
n Right Dial Hands:  
Indicate the current time in the World Time City in  
24-hour format.  
m Day  
If you want to change the date setting at this time, press C and perform the  
procedure starting from step 3 under “To change the current date setting  
Configuring Home City Settings  
There are two Home City settings: actually selecting the Home City and selecting  
either standard time or daylight saving time (DST).  
5. After the time setting is the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping  
This will cause the xSecond Hand to move automatically to 12 o’clock and  
resume movement from there.  
To configure Home City settings  
To change the current date setting manually  
This watch does not have a city code that  
corresponds to Newfoundland.  
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, keep A depressed (for about  
five seconds) as the xSecond Hand goes through the  
following sequence.  
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, keep A depressed (for  
about five seconds) as the xSecond Hand goes  
through the following sequence.  
Moves to the last signal reception result (Y or N),  
then to READY (or R for some models), and then to  
the city code of the currently selected Home City.  
Moves to the last signal reception result (Y or N), then  
to READY (or R for some models), and then to the city  
code of the currently selected Home City.  
2. Press C twice.  
This indicates the city code setting mode.  
The watch will beep and change to the year setting  
The watch will exit the setting mode automatically if  
you do not perform any operation for about two or  
The year can be set in the range of 2000 to 2099.  
three minutes.  
Setting the year (tens digit)  
For details about city codes, see the “City Code  
3. Use D and B to change the year setting.  
Each press of B will move the vLeft Dial Hand and  
change the tens digit of the year setting.  
2. To change the Home City setting, press D to move the  
xSecond Hand clockwise.  
Each press of D will move the xSecond Hand and  
change the ones digit of the year setting.  
Keep pressing D until the xSecond Hand is pointing  
at the city code you want to select as your Home City.  
Each time you select a city code, the zHour Hand,  
cMinute Hand, bLower Dial Hand and mDay  
move to the current time and date for that city code.  
Do not perform the next operation until these hands  
stop moving.  
4. After the year setting is the way you want, press C.  
The watch will beep and change to the month setting  
>* @ 5  
Setting the year (ones digit)  
3. Press B to toggle the time for the currently selected city code between STD  
(standard time)/DST (daylight saving time).  
In the city code setting mode, the vLeft Dial Hand indicates the current daylight  
saving time setting as STD (standard time) or DST (daylight saving time).  
Note that you cannot switch between STD (standard time)/DST (daylight saving  
time) while UTC is selected as your Home City.  
Operation Guide 5060  
To specify the countdown start time  
1. Use C to move the vLeft Dial Hand to TMR.  
5. Use D to move the xSecond Hand to the month  
Nov Jan  
setting you want.  
6. After the month setting is the way you want, press  
The watch will beep and change to the day setting  
2. After confirming that the xSecond Hand is stopped (which indicates there is no  
ongoing countdown timer operation), press D.  
If the xSecond Hand is moving, press B to stop it and then press D.  
3. Use D (+) and A (–) to specify the countdown start time.  
Each press of either button will move the nRight Dial Hands one minute.  
Holding down D or A will start high-speed hand movement in the applicable  
direction. To stop high-speed hand movement, press any button.  
The maximum countdown start time setting is 24 hours. To set a countdown start  
time of 24 hours, move the nRight Dial Hands to 24.  
Setting the month  
7. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the mDay setting.  
If you want to change the time setting at this time,  
press C and then perform the procedure starting  
from step 3 under “To change the current time  
setting manually”.  
To perform a countdown timer operation  
8. After the settings are the way you want, press A to  
return to the Timekeeping Mode.  
This will cause the xSecond Hand to move  
automatically to 12 o’clock and resume movement  
from there.  
The day of the week indicated by the vLeft Dial  
Hand changes automatically in accordance with  
the date (year, month, and day).  
Before starting a countdown timer operation, check to make sure that the  
countdown timer is not already operating (indicated by a moving xSecond Hand).  
If it is, press B to stop it and then D to reset to the countdown start time.  
An alarm sounds for 10 seconds when the end of the countdown is reached. This  
alarm will sound in all modes.  
While a countdown operation is in progress, the xSecond Hand and nRight Dial  
Hands move counterclockwise. When the end of a countdown is reached, the x  
Second Hand and nRight Dial Hands change direction and start moving clockwise  
to measure elapsed time after the end of the countdown. The elapsed time  
operation continues until you press B to stop it.  
The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month  
lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to  
change it except after you have the watch’s rechargeable battery replaced or after  
power drops to Level 3.  
The maximum time measured by the elapsed time operation that starts after a  
countdown is complete is 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.  
To stop the alarm  
Press any button.  
Using the Stopwatch  
The stopwatch measures elapsed time and split times.  
Pressing any button while the alarm is sounding simply stops the alarm sound.  
It does not stop the elapsed time operation that started when the end of the  
countdown was reached. To stop the elapsed time operation, press B.  
Hand Functions  
x Second Hand: Indicates the stopwatch seconds count.  
v Left Dial Hand: Indicates the stopwatch 1/20-second  
n Right Dial Hands: Indicate the stopwatch hours and  
Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone  
You can use the World Time Mode to view the current time in one of 29 time zones  
around the globe. The city that is currently selected in the World Time Mode is called  
the “World Time City”.  
Hand Functions  
x Second Hand:  
Indicates the currently selected World Time City.  
To perform elapsed time measurement  
1. Use C to move the vLeft Dial Hand to ST.  
2. Now you can perform either of following stopwatch operations.  
v Left Dial Hand:  
Indicates the current STD (standard time) or DST  
(daylight saving time) setting of the currently selected  
time zone.  
n Right Dial Hands:  
Indicate the current time in the selected World Time  
City in 24-hour format.  
To perform an elapsed time operation  
To pause at a split time  
To view the time in another time zone  
Normal stopwatch hand movement will  
resume automatically after five seconds.  
1. Use C to move the vLeft Dial Hand to STD or DST.  
The xSecond Hand will move to the city code of the currently selected World  
Time City.  
2. Use D to move the xSecond Hand to the city code you want to select as the  
World Time City.  
The nRight Dial Hands will move to the current time in the time zone of the  
current city code. At this time, the zHour Hand and cMinute Hand will  
continue to indicate the current time in the Home City.  
For full information on city codes, see the “City Code Table”.  
If you think that the time indicated for the selected time zone is not correct, it  
probably means that there is something wrong with your Home City settings.  
Use the procedure under “To configure Home City settings” to correct the Home  
City settings.  
The Stopwatch Mode can indicate elapsed time up to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59.95  
D button operation (split, reset) is disabled while hands are moving at high speed  
following a reset operation and when transitioning from a split time back to normal  
elapsed timekeeping.  
Once started, stopwatch timing continues until you press B to stop it, even if you  
exit the Stopwatch Mode to another mode and even if timing reaches the stopwatch  
limit defined above.  
You can press B to start an elapsed time operation immediately after entering the  
Stopwatch Mode, even if the watch’s hands are still moving to their initial Stopwatch  
Mode positions. Note, however, that if the stopwatch was not reset after the last  
elapsed time operation, timing will restart from where it was last stopped, and not  
from 0.  
To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city  
1. In the World Time Mode, use D to select the city code  
whose setting you want to change.  
Wait until the nRight Dial Hands complete their  
move to the time in the currently selected World  
Time City. You will not be able to perform step 2 of  
this procedure until the hands stop moving.  
The vLeft Dial Hand indicates the 1/20-second count for the first 30 seconds of  
a stopwatch elapsed time operation. After that, the hand stops at 0. 1/20-second  
timing continues internally after the first 30 seconds, and the vLeft Dial Hand will  
jump to the current value whenever B (Stop) or D (Split) is pressed.  
2. Hold down A for about two seconds until the watch  
beeps. This will cause the vLeft Dial Hand to  
toggle between DST (daylight saving time) and STD  
(standard time).  
Note that you cannot switch between STD (standard  
time)/DST (daylight saving time) while UTC is  
selected as the World Time City.  
Hold down  
A for two  
Using the Countdown Timer  
The countdown timer can be configured to start automatically at a preset time, and  
sound an alarm when the end of the countdown is reached.  
Hand Functions  
x Second Hand:  
Moves counter-clockwise to countdown the seconds.  
Automatically switches to clockwise movement after  
the end of the countdown is reached to count up the  
seconds of the elapsed time operation.  
v Left Dial Hand: Points to TMR.  
n Right Dial Hands:  
Move counter-clockwise to countdown the hours and  
minutes. Automatically switch to clockwise movement  
after the end of the countdown is reached to count up  
the hours and minutes of the elapsed time operation.  
Note that the STD (standard time)/DST (daylight  
saving time) setting affects only the currently  
selected time zone. Other time zones are not  
Swapping your Home City and World Time City  
You can use the procedure below to swap your Home City and World Time City. This  
capability can come in handy when you frequently travel between two locations in  
different time zones.  
The following example shows what happens when the  
Home City and World Time City are swapped while the  
Home City originally is TYO (Tokyo) and the World Time  
City is NYC (New York).  
Home City  
World Time City  
Before swapping  
After swapping  
Operation Guide 5060  
To swap your Home City and World Time City  
1. In the World Time Mode, use D to select the World  
Time City you want.  
In this example, you would move the xSecond Hand  
to NYC in order to select New York as the World  
Time City.  
Wait until the nRight Dial Hands complete their  
move to the time in the currently selected World Time  
City. You will not be able to perform step 2 of this  
procedure until the hands stop moving.  
Each press of C in the home position adjustment mode will cycle through the  
adjustment settings as shown below.  
3. After confirming that the xSecond Hand is at the proper home position, press C.  
This will switch to zHour Hand and cMinute Hand home position adjustment.  
The zHour Hand and cMinute Hand are at their proper home positions if  
they both move to 12 o’clock. The bLower Dial Hand also will move along with  
zHour Hand movement, and cannot be adjusted individually. If the hands are  
not positioned correctly, use D (+) and B (–) to move  
them to their proper home positions.  
4. After confirming that the zHour Hand and cMinute  
Hand are in their correct home positions, press C.  
This will switch to nRight Dial Hand home position  
The nRight Dial Hands are at their proper home  
positions if they both move to 12 o’clock. If the hands  
are not positioned correctly, use D (+) and B (–) to  
move them to 12 o’clock.  
2. Hold down B for about three seconds until the watch  
This will make the World Time City (NYC in this  
example) your new Home City. At the same time, it will  
change the Home City you had selected prior to step  
2 (TYO in this example), your World Time City.  
After swapping the Home City and World Time City,  
the watch will stay in the World Time Mode. The  
xSecond Hand will point to your new World Time City  
(TYO in this example).  
5. After confirming that the nRight Dial Hands are in the  
correct home position, press C. This will advance to  
vLeft Dial Hand home position adjustment.  
The vLeft Dial Hand is in the correct home position if  
it is pointing at 12 o’clock. If it isn’t, use D (+) and B  
(–) to move it to 12 o’clock.  
The nRight Dial Hands will indicate the current time in your new World Time  
If your current World Time City supports time calibration signal reception, making  
it your Home City enables calibration signal reception for that city.  
6. After confirming that the vLeft Dial Hand is in the  
correct home position, press C. This will advance to  
day home position adjustment.  
Using the Alarm  
When the alarm is turned on, an alarm will sound for about 10 seconds each day  
when the time in the Timekeeping Mode reaches the preset alarm time. This is true  
even if the watch is not in the Timekeeping Mode.  
The mDay is in the correct home position if it  
shows 1. If it doesn’t, use D (+) and B (–) to change the day to 1.  
7. Press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.  
The mDay moves to the current day, and then the zHour Hand and the  
cMinute Hand move to the current time. Wait until everything stops moving.  
Hand Functions  
x Second Hand:  
Indicates the current alarm ON/OFF setting.  
v Left Dial Hand: Points to AL.  
n Right Dial Hands:  
Indicate the current alarm time setting in 24-hour  
Hand Movement and Position  
I lost track of what mode the watch is in.  
Refer to “To select a mode”. To return directly to the Timekeeping Mode from any  
other mode, hold down C for about two seconds.  
The xSecond Hand is jumping in two-second steps.  
All the watch’s hands are stopped at 12 o’clock and none of the buttons work.  
Power may be low. Expose the watch to light until the xSecond Hand starts moving  
normally, at one-second steps.  
To change the alarm time setting  
1. Use C to move the vLeft Dial Hand to AL.  
The hands of the watch suddenly start moving at high speed, even when I do  
not perform any operation.  
This could be due to any one of the following causes. In all cases, the hand movement  
does not indicate malfunction, and should stop shortly.  
The watch is recovering from a sleep state.  
The time setting is being adjusted following a successful auto time calibration  
signal receive operation.  
The watch is returning to the Timekeeping Mode automatically from the Alarm  
2. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the alarm time setting.  
Each press of either button will move the nRight Dial Hands move one minute.  
Holding down D or B will start high-speed hand movement in the applicable  
direction. To stop high-speed hand movement, press any button.  
The alarm always works based on the time kept in the Timekeeping Mode.  
The watch will return to the Timekeeping Mode automatically if you do not  
perform any operation in the Alarm Mode for about two or three minutes.  
To turn the alarm on or off  
In the Alarm Mode, press A to toggle the alarm on and off. The xSecond Hand will  
Hands suddenly stop moving. Button operation also is disabled.  
The watch may be in the power recovery mode. Do not perform any operation until the  
hands return to their normal positions (in about 15 minutes). The hands should return  
to their correct positions when normal operation returns. To help power recover, leave  
the watch in a location where it is exposed to light.  
indicate the current ON/OFF setting.  
To stop the alarm  
Press any button.  
The current time setting is off by hours.  
Your Home City setting may be wrong. Check your Home City setting and correct it,  
if necessary.  
Adjusting the Home Positions  
Strong magnetism or impact can cause the hands and/or date of the watch to be  
off, even if the watch is able to perform the signal receive operation. If this happens,  
perform the applicable home position adjustment procedures in this section.  
The current time setting is off by one hour.  
If you are using the watch in an area where time calibration signal reception is  
possible, see “To configure Home City settings”.  
If you are using in the watch in an area where time calibration signal reception is  
not possible, you may need to change your Home City’s STD (standard time)/DST  
(daylight saving time) setting manually. Use the procedure under “To toggle the  
Home City time between standard time and daylight saving time” to change the STD  
(standard time)/DST (daylight saving time) setting.  
Any time after you enter the home position adjustment mode in step 1 of the following  
procedure, you can return to the Timekeeping Mode by pressing A. The watch also  
will return to the Timekeeping Mode automatically if you do not perform any operation  
for about two or three minutes in home position adjustment mode. In either case, any  
adjustments you made before the watch returned to the Timekeeping Mode will be  
The hands and/or day indications are off.  
This could indicate that the watch has been exposed to magnetism or strong impact,  
which has caused problems with proper hand and day alignment. Adjust the watch’s  
hand and day home position alignment.  
To adjust the home positions  
1. Hold down C for about two seconds until the watch beeps twice and enters the  
Timekeeping Mode.  
World Time Mode  
2. Hold down D for about three seconds until the watch beeps.  
The World Time indicated by the nRight Dial Hands in the World Time Mode is  
one hour off from the actual time in the selected time zone.  
The STD (standard time)/DST (daylight saving time) setting of the selected World  
Time City may be wrong. Select the correct STD (standard time)/DST (daylight saving  
time) setting.  
The watch is now in the home position adjustment  
The watch will exit the adjustment mode automatically  
if you do not perform any operation for about two or  
three minutes.  
First is xSecond Hand home position adjustment.  
If the xSecond Hand moves to 12 o’clock, it is in the  
correct home position. If it doesn’t, use D to move it  
to 12 o’clock.  
The World Time indicated by the nRight Dial Hands in the World Time Mode  
is off.  
Your Home City setting may be wrong. Check your Home City setting and correct it,  
if necessary.  
The watch does not resume operation after I expose it to light.  
This can happen after the power level drops to Level 3. Continue exposing the watch  
zHour/ cMinute/ b24-hour  
nRight Dial Hands  
vLeft Dial Hand  
to light until the xSecond Hand starts moving normally (at one-second steps).  
The xSecond Hand starts to move at one-second steps, but then suddenly  
returns to moving at two-second steps.  
The watch probably is not sufficiently charged yet. Continue keeping it exposed to  
Time Calibration Signal  
The information in this section applies only when LON, PAR, ATH, HNL, ANC, LAX,  
DEN, CHI, NYC, HKG, or TYO is selected at the Home City. You need to adjust the  
current time manually when any other city is selected as the Home City.  
Operation Guide 5060  
The xSecond Hand indicates NO (N) when I check the result of the latest  
City Code Table  
receive operation.  
UTC Offset/  
GMT Differential  
UTC Offset/  
GMT Differential  
Possible Cause  
You are wearing or moving the  
watch, or performing a button  
operation during the signal receive  
The watch is in an area with poor  
reception conditions.  
Pago Pago  
Los Angeles  
New York  
Keep the watch in an area where reception  
conditions are good while the signal receive  
operation is performed.  
You are in an area where signal  
reception is not possible for some  
See “Approximate Reception Ranges”.  
Hong Kong  
Rio De Janeiro  
Check the website of the organization that  
maintains the time calibration signal in your area  
for information about its down times.  
FEN Fernando de Noronha  
The calibration signal is not being  
transmitted for some reason.  
Try again later.  
The current time setting changes after I set it manually.  
You may have the watch configured for Auto Receive of the time calibration signal,  
which will cause the time to be adjusted automatically according to your currently  
selected Home City. If this results in the wrong time setting, check your Home City  
setting and correct it, if necessary.  
Based on data as of June 2008.  
The rules governing global times (GMT differential and UTC offset) and summer  
time are determined by each individual country.  
The current time setting is off by one hour.  
Possible Cause  
Perform the operation under “To get ready for a  
receive operation”. The time setting will be adjusted  
automatically as soon as signal reception is  
Signal reception on a day for  
switching between STD (standard  
time)/DST (daylight saving time) may  
have failed for some reason.  
If you are unable to receive the time calibration  
signal, change the STD (standard time)/DST  
(daylight saving time) setting manually.  
Auto Receive is not performed or I cannot perform Manual Receive.  
Possible Cause  
Auto Receive is not performed while the watch is  
The watch is in the Stopwatch Mode in the Stopwatch Mode or Countdown Timer Mode.  
or Countdown Timer Mode.  
Hold down C for about two seconds to enter the  
Timekeeping Mode.  
Check your Home City setting and correct it, if  
Your Home City setting is wrong.  
Both Auto Receive and Manual Receive are  
impossible while a countdown is in progress. In the  
Countdown Timer Mode, stop the timer operation  
and then return to the Timekeeping Mode.  
A countdown timer operation is in  
There is not enough power for signal  
Expose the watch to light to charge it.  
Signal reception is being performed successfully, but the time and/or day is  
Possible Cause  
Check your Home City setting and correct it, if  
Your Home City setting is wrong.  
The watch may have been exposed  
to magnetism or strong impact, which Adjust the watch’s hand and day home position  
has caused problems with proper  
hand and day alignment.  
Accuracy at normal temperature: 15 seconds a month (with no signal calibration)  
Timekeeping: Hour, minutes (hand moves every 10 seconds), seconds, 24-hour,  
day, day of the week  
Calendar system: Full Auto-calendar pre-programmed from the year 2000 to 2099  
Other: Home City code (can be assigned one of 29 city codes and Coordinated  
Universal Time); Daylight Saving Time (summer time) / Standard Time  
Time Calibration Signal Reception: Auto receive up to six times a day (5 times a  
day for the Chinese calibration signal; Remaining auto receives  
cancelled as soon as one is successful); Manual receive  
Receivable Time Calibration Signals:  
Mainflingen, Germany (Call Sign: DCF77, Frequency: 77.5 kHz);  
Anthorn, England (Call Sign: MSF, Frequency: 60.0 kHz); Fukushima,  
Japan (Call Sign: JJY, Frequency: 40.0 kHz); Fukuoka/Saga, Japan  
(Call Sign: JJY, Frequency: 60.0 kHz); Fort Collins, Colorado, the  
United States (Call Sign: WWVB, Frequency: 60.0 kHz); Shangqiu City,  
Henan Province, China (Call Sign: BPC, Frequency: 68.5 kHz)  
Stopwatch: Measuring capacity: 23:59'59.95"  
Measuring unit: 1/20 second  
Measuring mode: Elapsed time, split time  
Countdown Timer:  
Measuring unit: 1 second  
Input range: 1 minute to 24 hours (1-minute increments)  
Other: Auto switching to elapsed time measurement (1-second units) when the end  
of a countdown timer operation is reached  
World Time: 29 cities (29 time zones) and Coordinated Universal Time  
Other: Standard Time/Daylight Saving Time (summer time); Home City/World Time  
City swapping  
Alarm: Daily alarm  
Other: Power Saving  
Power Supply: Solar cell and one rechargeable battery  
Approximate battery operating time: 5 months (no exposure to light after a  
full charge; 10 seconds alarm beeper operation and one signal reception of  
approximately 4 minutes per day)  

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