Furman Sound Power Supply ElitE 20 PF User Manual

ElitE 20 PF ownEr’s manual  
Another critical feature is our exclusive  
Series Multi-stage Protection. This virtually  
maintenance-free surge suppression assures  
the highest level of AC protection possible,  
without sacrificing itself when the offending  
surge is severe – no damaged equipment,  
no service calls, no down time. Further, our  
famous retractable front panel LED lamps allow  
easy viewing of either a rack or cabinet full of  
equipment, even when your theater lights are  
For over 30 years, Furman has pioneered the  
development of AC power products for the  
most demanding audio, video, and broadcast  
professionals. Though the need for pristine AC  
technology and its unique implementation are  
revolutionary and without peer.  
The extreme AC demands encountered in the  
professional audio/video arena have required  
technological developments far in excess of  
typical home theater/audiophile power products.  
In studios, live sound, and broadcast facilities,  
breakdown is unacceptable. Equipment failure  
or poor performance is costly. The same is true  
of today’s home theater. Our solution based  
technology, extensive engineering expertise,  
and robust build quality have answered the  
challenge of today’s corrupted power lines, and  
led to the creation of the Elite-20 PF.  
At the center of the Elite-15 PF is our unique  
PowerFactorCorrectionCircuit. Forthersttime,  
low-level analog, digital, and video components  
are not modulated or distorted via the power  
amplifier’s extreme AC current demands.  
Further, the power amplifier sees a highly  
filtered, extremely low-impedance supply of AC  
power. The Elite-20 PF, in fact, has in excess  
of 4.5 Amps of continuous current reserve (over  
55 amps peak charge) for the most extreme  
peak power demands. This technology enables  
power amplifiers and powered subwoofers to  
operate at peak efficiency, reaching levels of  
performance previously unattainable.  
Today’s power lines are plagued with RF  
and EMI noise. When connecting sensitive  
equipment to your home’s power outlet, AC  
noise couples into your system’s critical  
components. This AC noise masks low level  
signals and cripples performance. This low level  
content is critical because it relays the crucial  
harmonics and ambience in audio, as well as  
the depth and clarity in video. With Furman’s  
exclusive Ultra-Linear Filtering Technology,  
televisions, projectors, DVD players, amplifiers,  
and processors are fed ultra-wide bandwidth  
linearly-filtered AC power. This dramatically  
reduces noise, ensuring consistent peak  
operation regardless of load conditions or the  
time of day. For the first time, you will see and  
hear your theater or audio system as it should  
be – uncompromised.  
No longer will your amplifier’s performance be  
at the mercy of your home’s incoming AC power  
or inferior AC protection/filtering devices. The  
net effect is as if your power amplifier virtually  
doubled in power and improved immeasurably  
in quality.  
When employing the Elite-20 PF, you will  
immediately notice far clearer, stunningly  
focused sound and visual images from your  
system. Video presentation will be crisp and  
colors true with greater gray and black scale  
definition, as well as noticeably improved  
depth and clarity. Sonic transients will be  
startlingly fast with bass fundamentals that  
ElitE 20 PF ownEr’s manual  
shake foundations with their weight and visceral  
impact. Mid and high frequencies will bloom with  
sweet, non-glaring ease while imaging improves  
dramatically, all the while remaining true to your  
system’s inherent virtues.  
Do not allow liquids or foreign objects to  
enter the unit  
The Elite-20 PF should be serviced by qualified  
service personnel when:  
The power supply cord or plug has been  
frayed or cut.  
Before unpacking your unit, inspect the carton  
for any obvious severe damage to the box and  
internal protective materials. If internal damage  
is likely, contact the carrier who delivered the  
unit before proceeding with unpacking. If, after  
unpacking, shipping damage is evident, contact  
the carrier. Save all shipping and packing  
materials. You may need them if you should  
ever have to return the unit to the factory for  
Objects have fallen or liquid has spilled into  
The Elite-20 PF has been exposed to rain or  
the unit.  
other moisture.  
The Elite-20 PF does not appear to operate  
normally, or exhibits a marked change in  
The Elite-20 PF has been dropped, or the  
enclosure damaged.  
The Elite-20 PF requires that a safety ground  
be present for proper operation. Any attempt to  
operate the Elite-20 PF without a safety ground  
is considered improper operation and could  
invalidate the warranty.  
The box should contain the Elite-20 PF unit,  
detachable AC cord, rack mount kit, owner’s  
manual,andwarrantyregistrationcard. Ifanything  
is missing, please contact Furman Customer  
Service. Fill out and return your warranty  
registration card. Registration is recommended  
because it can be used to establish whether the  
unit is within the warranty period should your  
original ownership documents be lost, and it  
assists us in informing you about upgrades or  
other vital information.  
Power source  
The power source to which the Elite-20 PF is  
connected should be adequate for use at 20  
Amps. The Elite-20 PF will operate with a 15  
Amp service outlet; however, nuisance tripping  
at the circuit breaker panel may result if the  
systems continuous current draw exceeds 15  
safety information - warnings  
Please read and observe all of the safety and  
operating instructions before the Elite-15 PF is  
operated. Retain these instructions for future  
The Elite-20 PF is manufactured with four  
rubber feet for placement on any table, cabinet,  
shelf, or floor. These rubber feet may be  
easily removed with a standard Philips screw  
driver when rack mounting adjacent to other  
Do not disassemble or modify in any way. No  
user-serviceable parts inside  
Keep away from moisture and avoid excessive  
ElitE 20 PF ownEr’s manual  
components. Placement or proximity to other  
components is not critical, and the Elite-20 PF  
does not produce any appreciable heat under  
standard use. The Elite-20 PF may also be rack  
mounted in a standard 19” rack by attaching  
the Elite-20 PF rack ears. These rack ears  
(contained within the plastic rack kit package)  
mount flush with the back portion of the Elite-  
20 PF’s front panel. They are attached to the  
chassis by installing each rack ear with (3) pan-  
head Philips screws contained within the Elite-  
20 PF rack mounting kit. The third screw used  
for each rack ear is for the center hole, located  
towards the rear and aids in stabilizing the unit  
when rack mounted.  
connected to the “Ultra-Linear VideoAC Outlets,”  
with the exception of receivers, power amplifiers  
and powered sub-woofers.  
These outlets  
possess the same exceptional AC noise filtering,  
and provide additional inter-component noise  
isolation to maximize system performance.  
Connecting Components to the High Current  
Power Amplifier Banks  
All power amplifiers, receivers and powered  
sub-woofers should be connected to these four  
Many Audiophile and premium Home Theater  
systems will have combined continuous current  
demands below 20 Amps. It is rare, in fact, for  
large power amplifiers to draw more than 4  
Amps continuously. For superior performance,  
it is vital that an AC filter possess extraordinarily  
low impedance, and have the capability to pass  
peak current demands far in excess of the RMS  
(continuous) current rating.  
The Elite-20 PF was designed to more than meet  
this demand. Additionally, our Power Factor  
Correction Circuitry effectively creates a current  
reserve in excess of 55 amps peak charge that  
is cleaner and faster than a dedicated line from  
your local power station. This feature eliminates  
any concern towards the current compression  
that can result from typical power conditioners,  
and the peak power reservoir benefits any power  
amplifiers performance dramatically.  
aC Cable routing  
Once the Elite-20 PF is placed, its AC cord’s  
female end must be plugged into the male IEC  
connector located on the lower left hand side  
of the rear panel (when facing the rear panel).  
Next the male Edison plug must be connected  
to an appropriate socket (see current rating  
recommendation above).  
Connecting Components to the ultra-linear  
Filtering Video aC outlet Banks  
The Elite-20 PF’s four “Ultra-Linear Video AC  
Outlets” should be employed for critical video  
components such as DVD players, projectors,  
plasma, or LCD video screens. When employing  
the Elite-20 PF for a 2-channel audio system,  
a SACD player for example would be ideally  
suited for one of these outlets.  
Note about Power Factor Correction and Current  
When power correction technology is employed  
with even the most sophisticated circuit breakers,  
it effectively adds to the perceived current load.  
Though the Elite-20 PF was designed for steady  
20 Amp operation, and peak current demands  
many times that, the maximum total continuous  
current draw may be limited to a range between  
Connecting Components to the ultra-linear  
Filtering audio aC outlet Banks  
The Elite-20 PF’s four rear panel and one front  
panel “Ultra-Linear Filtering Audio AC Outlets”  
should be employed for any component not  
ElitE 20 PF ownEr’s manual  
1900 - 2300 Watts per Elite-20 PF employed.  
soft start - Continuous use and Break-in time  
When power is first applied to the Elite-20  
The RMS current available before the circuit PF, (the front panel breaker- power toggle  
breaker trips varies due to what is referred to must be switched to the “on” position) the Soft  
as a vector load. Simply put, the type of power Start feature is activated. There is an audible  
supplies or electronic circuits connected to “clack” when the Elite-20 PF is first turned on  
the Elite-20 PF will have an effect on its circuit or off. This sound is produced by the Soft Start  
breakers perceived current load, and therefore, circuit’s 30 Amp relay engaging or disengaging.  
when it will trip. Though the benefits of There is virtually nothing in the Elite-20 PF’s  
power factor correction far outweigh the small construction, design, or componentry to wear  
reduction in continuous current draw, this must over the life time of the product, and there is  
be accounted for when constructing a large no power draw from your electric service meter  
system with high RMS current demands.  
aside from the LED power indicator, lamps, and  
relay circuits. For this reason the Elite-20 PF  
The total continuous current draw of most may be left with its power engaged permanently  
electronic components is typically listed in at a cost of pennies per month. This is an  
Watts by their AC input cord or AC connector. added benefit, as many audio/videophiles  
Watt ratings are simply added to determine the find performance improves significantly when  
total system RMS current draw. It should also leaving low-powered components permanently  
be noted that the Elite-20 PF’s power correction charged (turned on). In fact, this is true of the  
circuitry has no actual effect on the power drawn Elite-20 PF. Though it will function flawlessly  
from your utilities’ power meter. The Elite-20 right from its shipping carton, the performance of  
PF draws a mere 12 Watts independent of other its circuit parts will improve after approximately  
components, so it may be left on at all times.  
two weeks of continuous use or “break-in.”  
retractable Front Panel lights and aC transient Voltage surge  
Dimmer Control  
suppression and Extreme Voltage  
The Elite-20 PF includes a front panel mounted  
dimmer control for the two retractable front Extreme Voltage Shutdown Indicator:  
panel light tubes. The dimmer knob controls the This LED is normally off. It monitors AC wiring  
brightness of both light fixtures. Turn it clockwise faults – for example, accidental connection to an  
to increase brightness; turn it counter-clockwise open neutral from a 208 or 240VAC feed (this  
to decrease brightness. When the lights tubes is a common occurrence if the 20 Amp outlet  
are fully inserted flush to the front panel, the source is not a dedicated line, but instead has  
light circuit is turned off via an internal micro- been wired with a daisy-chained neutral from  
switch. Whether the light tubes are retracted or a homes breaker box). The Series Multi-stage  
nearly flush with the front panel, there will be no Protection (SMP) circuit senses voltages that are  
appreciable heat regardless of dimmer setting so high that operation would be impossible and  
due to the efficiency of our full light spectrum shuts the power down before damage can occur.  
Upon initially applying power to these units, the  
Extreme Voltage indicator LED will light if the  
ElitE 20 PF ownEr’s manual  
input voltage is above the extreme voltage cutoff,  
and power will not be applied to the unit’s outlets.  
If the unit has been operating with an acceptable  
input voltage and subsequently that voltage  
exceeds 137V, it will shut off power to the outlet  
and the Extreme Voltage LED will light.  
All in-line surge suppressors feature our exclusive  
ground contamination free technology. This aids in  
eliminating audio buzzing, and the video hum-bars  
that can result from typical in-line suppressors.  
Further, our cable and satellite suppressors are  
TIVO friendly as well as HD-Digital Television ready.  
Both DC carrier signals as well as high bandwidth  
signals can pass through our circuit. In fact the  
bandwidth is less than 0.1dB loss at 1GHz!  
Protection OK Indicator:  
Although the Furman SMP circuit assures  
virtually maintenance free protection from  
transient voltage spikes and surges, nature has  
a way of occasionally creating electrical forces  
that are beyond the capabilities of any Transient  
Voltage Surge Suppression device to absorb  
without some degree of damage. In the rare  
instance that this occurs, the blue LED located  
in the center of the front panel will dim, even  
though AC power is present at the unit’s outputs.  
If this happens, some level of protection from  
voltage surges will remain, but the Furman’s  
clamping voltage rating will be compromised.  
The unit must be returned to Furman Sound, or  
an authorized Furman Service center for repair.  
To connect your cabling to these in-line protectors,  
simply follow the in and out indications marked  
next to the Telco, Cable and Satellite connectors.  
Note: It is not possible to make an a telco  
(telephone –line), satellite or cable protector  
“maintenance-free” as we have accomplished with  
the 120 VAC line. This would necessitate limited  
signal bandwidth that would not allow the signal  
to pass. Under extreme conditions, it is possible  
that the surge suppression in one of these  
devices could sacrifice itself after a catastrophic  
event. If the telephone, cable or satellite signal  
will no longer pass through our protector, please  
contact your local service representative, installer  
or Furman for servicing. Since the telco circuit  
is modular, replacement may be accomplished  
in seconds with a new telco TVSS module. To  
test this, simply disconnect the incoming and out  
going phone line from the Elite-20 PF. Connect  
the incoming connector to the component that  
formerly received the out going connector, thus  
by-passing the in-line protection. If the signal is  
present (but not when used with the Elite-20 PF)  
then the protection circuit is damaged (assuming  
it worked properly before a storm or catastrophic  
event). With Cable or Satellite protection, it is  
HIGHLY unlikely that the protection device will  
ever fail unless a severe lightening strike literally  
deforms the connector. If this occurs, return to  
Furman Sound for Servicing.  
NOTE: If the mains power is above the high  
cutoff voltage and has caused the unit to remove  
power from its outlets, it cannot restore power  
without the operator manually turning the unit  
off, then on again. Avoid turning the unit back on,  
without first checking the source of the problem,  
and perhaps changing the AC source.  
telco – satellite – Cable transient Voltage  
surge suppressors  
The Elite-20 PF features transient voltage  
surge suppression for both standard telephone  
lines, as well as cable or satellite lines utilizing  
standard coaxial connectors. As these surge  
suppressors are in-line, they will require an  
additional cable to connect from their output to  
the control device requiring protection.  
ElitE 20 PF ownEr’s manual  
Warranty, the Purchaser must forward a copy of  
his/her personal property insurance claim for the  
damaged equipment to Furman and complete the  
Furman Connected Equipment Warranty claim  
form (call Furman at (707) 763-1010 to obtain the  
form). Furman reserves the right to review the  
damaged Furman product, the damaged connected  
equipment, and the site where the damage  
occurred. All cost of shipping damaged equipment  
to Furman for inspection shall be borne solely by  
the Purchaser. Damaged equipment must remain  
available for inspection until the claim is finalized.  
The Connected Equipment Warranty is also in effect  
for a period of three years unless the Purchaser  
does not complete the warranty registration within  
fifteen days from date of purchase, at which time,  
the Connected Equipment Warranty period is also  
reduced to one year from the date of purchase.  
Furman Sound, Inc. warrants to the original  
purchaser of this product, the Furman Elite 20 PF,  
that the product will be free from defects in material  
and workmanship for a period of three years from  
the date of purchase. The purchaser of the product  
is allowed fifteen days from the date of purchase  
to complete warranty registration by mail or on-  
line at the Furman website. If the purchaser fails  
to complete the aforementioned registration, the  
warranty period will be reduced to one year from the  
date of purchase.  
If the product does not conform to this Limited  
Warranty during the warranty period (as herein  
above specified), purchaser shall notify Furman  
in writing of the claimed defects. If the defects are  
of such type and nature as to be covered by this  
warranty, Furman shall authorize the purchaser to  
return the product to the Furman factory or to an  
authorized Furman repair location. Warranty claims  
should be accompanied by a copy of the original  
purchase invoice showing the purchase date;  
this is not necessary if the Warranty Registration  
was completed either by mailing in the completed  
warranty card or by registering on-line at the Furman  
website. Shipping charges to the Furman factory  
or to an authorized repair location must be prepaid  
by the purchaser of the product. Furman shall, at  
its own expense, furnish a replacement product or,  
at Furman’s option, repair the defective product.  
Return shipping charges back to purchaser will be  
paid by Furman.  
All warranties contained herein are null and void  
if: the Furman Surge Protector in use during the  
occurrence is not provided to Furman for inspection  
upon Furman’s request at the sole expense of the  
Purchaser, Furman determines that the Furman  
Surge Protector has been opened, improperly  
installed, altered in any way or tampered with,  
Furman determines that the damage did not result  
from the Occurrence or that no Occurrence in fact  
took place or Furman determines that the connected  
equipment was not used under normal operating  
conditions or in accordance with Manufacturer’s  
instructions for the connected equipment. All  
Furman Surge Protectors must be plugged directly  
into a properly wired AC power line with a protective  
ground and must not be “daisy-chained” together  
in serial fashion with other power strips, UPS’s,  
other surge protectors, three-to-two-prong adapters,  
or extension cords. Any such installation voids  
this warranty. The Furman warranty only protects  
against damage to properly connected equipment  
where Furman has determined, at its sole discretion,  
that the damage resulted from an Occurrence and  
does not protect against acts of God (other than  
lightning) such as flood, earthquake, war, terrorism,  
vandalism, theft, normal-use wear and tear, erosion,  
Sound’s Connected Equipment Warranty covers  
equipment that is damaged by transient voltage (an  
“Occurrence”) while properly connected through the  
Furman Elite 20 PF to a properly wired AC power  
line with a protective ground in an indoor location.  
Furman’s Connected Equipment Warranty is limited  
to the amount of the deductible on the Purchaser’s  
personal property insurance policy up to $500.00. In  
order to make a claim for this Connected Equipment  
ElitE 20 PF ownEr’s manual  
depletion, obsolescence, abuse, damage due to  
low-voltage disturbances (i.e. brownouts or sags),  
non-authorized program, or system equipment  
modification or alteration. Do not use this product  
in anyway with a generator, heater, sump pump,  
water-related device, life support device, medical  
device, automobile, motorcycle, or golf-cart battery  
charger. To be used indoors only and in dry areas. All  
warranties contained herein are null and void if used  
in anyway with any of the aforementioned devices.  
WARRANTIES, shall not be relied upon by  
purchaser, and are not a part of the contract for  
sale or this limited warranty. This Limited Warranty  
states the entire obligation of Furman with respect  
to the product. If any part of this Limited Warranty is  
determined to be void or illegal, the remainder shall  
remain in full force and effect.  
Warranty claims should be accompanied by a copy  
of the original purchase invoice showing the date  
of purchase (if a Warranty Registration Card was  
mailed in at the time of purchase or if the product  
was registered on-line, this is not necessary). Before  
returning any equipment for repair, please be sure  
it is adequately packed and cushioned against  
damage in shipment, and that it is insured.  
does not warrant against damages or defects arising  
out of improper or abnormal use or handling of the  
product; against defects or damages arising from  
improper installation, against defects in products  
or components not manufactured by Furman, or  
against damages resulting from such non-Furman  
made products or components. This warranty shall  
be cancelable by Furman at its sole discretion if  
the product is modified in any way without written  
authorization from Furman. This warranty also does  
not apply to products upon which repairs have been  
affected or attempted by persons other than pursuant  
to written authorization by Furman.  
exclusive obligation of Furman shall be to repair or  
replace the defective product in the manner and for  
the period provided above. Furman shall not have  
any other obligation with respect to this product or  
any part thereof, whether based on contract, tort,  
strict liability, or otherwise. Under no circumstances,  
whether based on this Limited Warranty or  
otherwise, shall Furman be liable for incidental,  
special, or consequential damages. Furman’s  
employees or representatives’ ORAL OR OTHER  
ElitE-20 PF sPECiFiCations  
AC Current Capacity:  
Input - 20 Amp capacity required  
Output - 16-20 Amps RMS * (maximum, all outlets combined - continuous)  
Linear Noise Attenuation:  
Transverse (Differential) Mode:  
>40 dB from 5 kHz. - 100 kHz. >80 dB from 100 Khz. – 1GHz.  
(Linear attenuation curve from 0.05 – 100 ohms line impedance)  
Transient Voltage Surge Suppression:  
120 VAC - Series Multi-Stage Protection - Non-Sacrificial with Zero Ground Contamination.  
(188 V peak clamping @ 6000V - 3000A input)  
Extreme Voltage Shutdown (>137 VAC)  
Telco Cable / Satellite (less than .1dB insertion loss)  
Power Consumption:  
12 Watts for display and control circuits independent of actual load.  
1 (Ultra-Linearly filtered outlet - front panel)  
8 (Ultra-Linearly filtered outlets with additional ultrasonic filtering for either video or audio  
4 (power factor corrected amplifiler outlets – 4.5 amps RMS reserve - resistive load - over 55  
amps peak charge)  
Dimensions: 4” H x 17” W x 14.75” D (Standard 1 RU height without feet)  
Weight: 18 lbs.  
Safety Agency Listing: NRTL-C (pending)  
* (Due to the power factor correction circuit, available RMS power varies with the reactance of the load (vector). However, this only affects the circuit breaker for continuous  
RMS current draw. Since power amplifiers will require high transient current demands, the Elite-20 PF will never succumb to current compression. Quite the opposite, in fact,  
it will buffer the power amplifier’s power supply, while lowering the AC input impedance, allowing power amplifiers to work more efficiently).  
Furman Sound, Inc.  
1997 South McDowell Blvd.  
Petaluma, California 94954-6919 USA  
Phone: 707-763-1010 Fax: 707-763-1310  

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