GE Clothes Dryer AV 300i User Manual

GE Industrial Systems  
AV-300 i  
Quick Start Up Guide  
Table of Contents  
Safety Precautions - Precautions de securité ......................................................................................................... 4  
Functional connection diagram................................................................................................... 7  
Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8  
Control Terminals .......................................................................................................................................................... 9  
3.1 Maximum cable cross section for regulator terminals ........................................................ 10  
Power terminals .......................................................................................................................................................... 10  
4.1 Maximum cable cross section for power terminals ............................................................ 10  
Encoder terminals (XE connector) ............................................................................................................................ 11  
5.1 Encoder type connection .................................................................................................... 11  
5.2 JUMPERS setting ............................................................................................................... 12  
List of jumpers and dip-switch............................................................................................. 12  
List of dip-switch.................................................................................................................. 13  
5.3 Maximum cable length for encoder terminals..................................................................... 13  
Keypad operation ......................................................................................................................................................... 14  
Keypads (on right the optional LED module) ............................................................................ 14  
LEDs .......................................................................................................................................... 15  
Moving inside a menu ............................................................................................................... 16  
Pre Power Checks ....................................................................................................................................................... 17  
Quick tuning ................................................................................................................................................................. 18  
Options ........................................................................................................................................................................... 22  
Quick Tuning Guide for Factory Configured Drives ............................................................................................... 22  
Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................................... 23  
Overflow list .............................................................................................................................. 23  
List of Self-tuning Errpr Messages............................................................................................ 24  
Failure alarms in the keypad display ......................................................................................... 25  
Other faults................................................................................................................................ 27  
1. Safety Precautions - Precautions de securité  
According to the EEC standards the AV300i should be used  
only after checking that the mechanical equipment uses  
safety devices required by the 89/392/EEC set of rules.  
Improper lifting practices can cause serious or fatal injury.  
Lift only with adequate equipment and trained personnel.  
Drive systems cause mechanical motion. It is the  
responsibility of the user to insure that any such motion  
does not result in an unsafe condition. Factory provided  
interlocks and operating limits should not be bypassed or  
Une élévation inappropriée peut causer des dommages  
sérieux ou fatals. Il doit être élevé seulement avec des  
moyens appropriés et par du personnel qualifié.  
Selon les normes EEC, les drives AV300i et leurs  
accessoires doivent être employés seulement après avoir  
Drives and motors must be grounded according to NEC.  
verifié que la machine ait été produit avec les même Tous les moteurs et les drives doivent être mis à la terre  
dispositifs de sécurité demandés par la réglementation 89/ selon le Code Electrique National ou équivalent.  
392/EEC concernant le secteur de l’industrie.  
Les systèmes provoquent des mouvements mécaniques.  
Lutilisateur est responsable de la sécurité concernant les  
Replace all covers before applying power to the drive.  
Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury.  
mouvements mécaniques. Les dispositifs de sécurité  
Remettre tous les capots avant de mettre sous tension le  
prévues par l’usine et les limitations operationelles ne  
drive. Des erreurs peuvent provoquer de sérieux accidents  
doivent être dépassés ou modifiés.  
ou même la mort.  
Adjustable frequency drives are electrical apparatus for  
use in industrial installations. Parts of the drives are  
energized during operation. The electrical installation, tune-  
up and troubleshooting should therefore only be carried  
out by qualified personnel. Improper installation of motors  
or drives may cause the failure of the drive as well as  
serious injury to persons or equipment. The drive is not  
equipped with motor overspeed protection logic.  
When using instruments such as oscilloscopes to work  
on live equipment, the oscilloscope’s chassis should be  
grounded and a differential input amplifier should be used.  
Care should be used in the selection of probes and leads  
so that accurate readings may be made. See the  
instrument manufacturer’s instruction book for proper  
operation and adjustments of the oscilloscope.  
Follow the instructions given in this manual and observe  
the local and national safety regulations applicable.  
Lors de l’utilisation d’instruments (par example  
oscilloscope) sur des systémes en marche, le chassis de  
l’oscilloscope doit être relié à la terre et un amplificateur  
différentiel devrait être utilisé en entrée.  
Les drives à fréquence variable sont des dispositifs  
électriques utilisés dans des installations industriels. Une  
partie des drives sont sous tension pendant l’operation.  
Linstallation électrique et l’ouverture des drives devrait être  
executé uniquement par du personel qualifié. De mauvaises  
installations de moteurs ou de drives peuvent provoquer  
des dommages materiels ou blesser des personnes.  
Les sondes et conducteurs doivent être choissis avec soin  
pour effectuer les meilleures mesures à l’aide d’un  
oscilloscope. Voir le manuel d’instruction pour une  
utilisation correcte des instruments.  
Le convertisseur n’est pas pourvu de protection contre  
vitesse de fuite du moteur. On doit suivir les instructions  
donneés dans ce manuel et observer les régles nationales  
de sécurité.  
Fires or explosions might result from mounting drives in  
hazardous areas such as locations where flammable or  
combustible vapors are present. Drives should be installed  
away from hazardous areas, even if used with motors  
suitable for use in these locations.  
Do not connect power supply voltages that exceeds the  
standard specification. If excessive voltage is applied to  
the drive, damage to the internal components will result.  
Lutilisation des drives dans des zônes à risques (présence  
de vapeurs ou de poussières inflammables), peut provoquer  
des incendies ou des explosions. Les drives doivent être  
installés loin des zônes dangeureuses, et équipés de  
moteurs appropriés.  
Ne pas raccorder de tension d’alimentation dépassant la  
fluctuation de tension permise par les normes. Dans le cas  
d’ une alimentation en tension excessive, des composants  
internes peuvent être endommagés.  
Lors du déballage du drive, retirer le sachet déshydraté.  
(Si celui-ci n’est pas retiré, il empêche la ventilation et  
provoque une surchauffe du drive).  
Do not operate the drive without a ground wire being  
connected. The motor chassis should be grounded to  
earth through a ground lead separate from all other CAUTION / PRECAUTION:  
equipment ground leads to prevent noise coupling.  
The drive must be mounted on a wall that is constructed  
The grounding connector shall be sized in accordance with of heat resistant material. While the drive is operating, the  
the NEC or Canadian Electrical Code. The connection shall temperature of the drive's cooling fins can rise to a  
be made by a UL listed or CSA certified closed-loop temperature of 194° F (90°C).  
terminal connector sized for the wire gauge involved. The  
connector must be attched to the wire using the crimp  
tool specified by the terminal manufacturer.  
Le drive doit être monté sur un mur construit avec des  
matériaux résistants à la chaleur. Pendant le  
fonctionnement du drive, la température des ailettes du  
Ne pas faire fonctionner le drive sans prise de terre. Le dissipateur thermique peut arriver à 194°F (90°).  
chassis du moteur doit être mis à la terre à l’aide d’un  
connecteur de terre separé des autres pour éviter le  
The terms “inverter”, “controller” and “drive” are sometimes  
used interchangably throughout the industry. We will use  
the term “drive” in this document  
couplage des perturbations. Le connecteur de terre devrait  
être dimensionné selon la norme NEC ou le Canadian  
Electrical code. Le raccordement devrait être fait par un  
connecteur certifié et mentionné à boucle fermé par les  
normes CSA et UL et dimensionné pour l’épaisseur du  
cable correspondant. Le connecteur doit être fixé a l’aide  
d’un instrument de serrage specifié par le producteur du  
Les mots “inverter”, “controller” et “drive” sont  
interchangeables dans le domaine industriel. Nous  
utiliserons dans ce manuel seulement le mot “drive”.  
1. Never open the device or covers while the AC Input power supply  
is switched on. Minimum time to wait before working on the  
terminals or inside the drive is listed in section 4.11 in the Instruction  
manual .  
Do not perform a megger test between the drive terminals  
or the control circuit terminals.  
Ne jamais ouvrir l’appareil lorsqu’il est suns tension. Le temps  
minimum d’attente avant de pouvoir travailler sur les bornes ou bien  
à l’intérieur de l’appareil est indiqué dans la section 4.11 (Instruction  
Ne pas exécuter un test megger entre les bornes du drive  
ou entre les bornes du circuit de contrôle.  
2. Be careful not to the damage any components when handling the  
drive. Changing of the isolation gaps or removing the insulation or  
covers is not permissible. If the front cover has to be removed  
because of a room temperature, higher than 40°C, the user has to  
ensure that no occasional contact with live parts may occur.  
Because the ambient temperature greatly effects drive life  
and reliability, do not install the drive in any location that  
exceeds the allowable temperature. Leave the ventilation  
cover attached for temperatures of 104° F (40° C) or below.  
Manipuler l’appareil de façon à ne pas toucher ou endommager  
des parties. Il n’est pas permis de changer les distances d’isolement  
ou bien d’enlever des matériaux isolants ou des capots. Si la plaque  
frontale doit être enlevée pour un fonctionnement avec la  
température de l’environnement plus haute que 40°C, l’utilisateur  
doit s’assurer, par des moyens opportuns, qu’aucun contact  
occasionnel ne puisse arriver avec les parties sous tension.  
Étant donné que la température ambiante influe sur la vie  
et la fiabilité du drive, on ne devrait pas installer le drive  
dans des places ou la temperature permise est dépassée.  
Laisser le capot de ventilation en place pour températures  
de 104°F (40°C) ou inférieures.  
3. Protect the drive from extreme environmental conditions  
(temperature, humidity, shock etc.)  
Protéger l’appareil contre des effets extérieurs non permis  
(température, humidité, chocs etc.).  
If the drive’s Fault Alarm is activated, consult the  
TROUBLESHOOTING section of this instruction book.  
Correct the problem before resuming operation, automatic  
reset of faults is not recommended.  
4. No voltage should be connected to the output of the frequency  
inverter (terminals U2, V2 W2). The parallel connection of several  
drives via outputs nor the direct connection of inputs and outputs  
(bypass) are not permissible.  
Si la Fault Alarm du drive est activée, consulter la section  
du manuel concernant les défauts et après avoir corrigé  
l’erreur, reprendre l’opération. Ne pas réiniliatiser l’alarme  
automatiquement par une séquence externe, etc….  
Aucune tension ne doit être appliquée sur la sortie du convertisseur  
(bornes U2, V2 et W2). Il n’est pas permis de raccorder la sortie de  
plusieurs convertisseurs en parallèle, ni d’effectuer une connexion  
directe de l’entrée avec la sortie du convertisseur (Bypass).  
5. When engaging a running motor, the Auto capture function (Auto  
capture in the ADD SPEED FUNCT menu) must be activated (not  
applicable to Regulation mode=sensorless vect).  
Be sure to remove the desicant dryer packet(s) when  
unpacking the drive. (If not removed these packets may  
become lodged in the fan or air passages and cause the  
drive to overheat).  
Pour reprendre des moteurs en rotation, la fonction suivante doit  
être activée : “Auto capture” dans le menu ADD SPEED FUNCT.  
6. A capacitative load (e.g. variable power factor capacitors) should  
not be connected to the output of the drive (terminals U2, V2, W2).  
9. No dielectric tests should be carried out on parts of the drive. A  
suitable measuring instrument (internal resistance of at least 10  
k/V) should be used for measuring the signal voltages.  
Aucune charge capacitive ne doit être connectée à la sortie du  
convertisseur (bornes U2, V2 et W2) (par exemple des condensateurs  
de mise en phase).  
Il ne faut pas éxécuter de tests de rigidité diélectrique sur des  
parties du convertisseurs. Pour mesurer les tensions, des signaux,  
il faut utiliser des instruments de mesure appropriés (résistance  
interne minimale 10 k/V).  
7. Always connect the drive to the protective ground (PE) via the  
marked connection terminals (PE2) and the housing (PE1).  
Adjustable Frequency Drives and AC Input filters have ground  
discharge currents greater then 3.5 mA. EN 50178 specifies that  
with discharge currents greater than 3.5 mA the protective conductor  
ground connection (PE1) must be a fixed type and doubled for  
10. If the drives have been stored for longer than three years, the  
operation of the DC link capacitors may be impaired. Therefore,  
before commissioning, connect them to a power supply for two  
hours with no load connected in order to regenerate the capacitors  
(the input voltage has to be applied without enabling the drive).  
Effectuer toujours des connexions de terre (PE) par le biais des  
bornes (PE2) et du chassis (PE1). Le courant de dispersion vers la  
terre est supérieur à 3,5 mA. Selon EN 50178 il faut prévoir dans  
ces cas une double connexion à terre.  
En cas de stockage des convertisseurs pendant plus de trois ans, il  
faut tenir compte du fait que les condensateurs du circuit  
intermédiaire gardent leurs caractéristiques d’origine seulement s’ils  
sont alimentés avant trois ans, à partir de leur date de fabrication.  
Avant la mise en service des appareils, qui sont restés stockés aussi  
longtemps, il est conseillé d’alimenter les convertisseurs pendant  
au moins deux heures, pour récupérer les caractéristiques d’origine  
des condensateurs : appliquer une tension d’entrée sans activer le  
convertisseur (Disable).  
8. The electrical commissioning should only be carried out by quali-  
fied personnel, who are also responsible for a suitable ground  
connection. The power supply feeder must be in accordance with  
the local and national regulations. The motor must be protected  
against overloads.  
11. The drive may start accidentally because of a failure, even if  
disabled, unless it has been disconnected from the AC input feeder.  
La mise en service électrique doit être effectuée par un personnel  
qualifié. Ce dernier est responsable de l’existence d’une connexion  
de terre adéquate et d’une protection des câbles d’alimentation  
selon les prescriptions locales et nationales. Le moteur doit être  
protégé contre la surcharge  
Lappaeil peut rédémarrer de façon accidentel en cas d’anomalie,  
sauf s’il a été déconnecté du reseau.  
Functional connection diagram  
PE1 is the drive safety ground. If PE2 is used to connect the motor ground, EMC filter ground must connected to PE1.  
2. Overview  
Underline: When words are underlined, they refer to a  
key on the keypad.  
This guide assumes a standard start up using the keypad  
for a drive and motor that is to be run in either sensorless  
vector or flux vector (with digital or sinusoidal encoder)  
mode. It is also assumed that a standard scheme is to be  
used for control. In other words, that the drive will be run  
from pushbuttons (or contacts) and the speed will be set  
from a pot input (or a 0 to 10 VDC source). While the drive  
has more modes of operation, this guide will cover most  
applications. The manual can be used to help adjust more  
complicated configurations.  
Quotes: Quote marks are put around words which will be  
seen in the display window of the keypad.  
Menu Navigation: In the instructions, you will be directed  
to press keys to get to certain menu items. In many cases,  
the same key will have to be pressed more than once to  
get to a value. Note that the display has two lines, the top  
line always shows the next HIGHER level of the menu. All  
of the menu items referred to in this start up will be shown  
in the SECOND LINE of the display. The display on the top  
line is for information only and has nothing to do with  
entering data. If the instructions say to press the [Down  
arrow] to “Regulation Mode” it means keep pushing the  
[Down arrow] until the “Regulation Mode” is displayed in  
the second line. If you get confused, refer to the manual  
as it shows the complete menu structure.  
Standard Wiring: see the manual for the standard wiring  
configuration. Note that if this is a system designed and  
wired by our factory, the set up of the drive (aside from  
minor tuning) has already been done.  
Memory: There are two memories for set-up parameters.  
One is the active memory which is always the one currently  
in use by the drive. The other is the permanent memory  
which is the one the drive will use if power is lost and then  
restored. Note: power up is the ONLY time when the drive  
looks at permanent memory. All file uploads and  
downloads, all changes, etc. are made only to the active  
memory and read from the active memory. The only time  
permanent memory is used in any way is when it is booted  
into active memory on power up, and when it is changed  
to new values by the “Save Parameters” command. When  
parameters are changed during set-up, the drive will use  
those parameters but unless the “SAVE  
PARAMETERS”command is used these changes will not  
be permanent. This is an advantage if you are “trying”  
something to see how it works and don’t intend to change  
your permanent set-up.  
I/O Connections: the drive WILL NOT OPERATE unless  
the hardware enable (I/O terminal 12) and the other  
interlocks are made. It is suggested to make things simple,  
to temporarily connect the terminal board inputs as follows:  
Jumper 16 to 18, jumper 19 to 15, jumper 15 to 14, jumper  
12 to 13, and connect a simple switch between 13 and 14.  
Turning the switch on and off will now enable and disable  
the drive (and start and stop it at the same time). If you  
have control over the I/O with the connected logic and  
can make the same connections with pushbuttons/  
contacts, the drive can be enabled with those.  
3. Control Terminals  
3.1 Maximum cable cross section for regulator terminals  
Terminal board points are intended for 1 wire/point.  
Daisy chains and multiple wires/point are better done with a panel mounted terminal board.  
4. power terminals  
4.1 Maximum cable cross section for power terminals  
5. Encoder terminals (XE connector)  
5.1 Encoder type connection  
DE: 5V digital incremental encoder with A /A, B / B, C / C  
SE: 5V sinusoidal incremental encoder with A /A, B / B, C / C  
DEHS: 5V digital incremental encoder with A /A, B / B, C / C and three Hall sensor digital position signals  
(for AC Brushless motors)  
SESC: 5V sinusoidal incremental encoder with A /A, B / B, C / C and and two sin/cos traces for absolute  
position (for AC Brushless motors or positioning)  
5.2 JUMPERS setting  
DE: 5V digital incremental encoder with A /A, B / B, C / C  
SE: 5V sinusoidal incremental encoder with A /A, B / B, C / C  
DEHS: 5V digital incremental encoder with A /A, B / B, C / C and three Hall sensor digital position signals (for AC  
Brushless motors)  
SESC: 5V sinusoidal incremental encoder with A /A, B / B, C / C and and two sin/cos traces for absolute position  
(for AC Brushless motors or positioning)  
(*) If the encoder is not provided with the zero channel, S17=OFF  
List of jumpers and dip-switch  
List of dip-switch S3  
The drives are factory set, but when installing a space regulator card, remember to set dip-switch S3 according to the  
above table.  
5.3 Maximum cable length for encoder terminals  
6. Keypad operation  
The keypad is made of a LCD display with two 16-digit lines, seven LEDs and nine function keys.  
LED Module  
Keypad is used :  
To control the drive, when keypad use has been programmed (Main commands=DIGITAL.)  
To display the speed, voltage, diagnostics etc. during operation.  
To set parameters.  
The LEDs present on the keypad and LED module are used to quickly diagnose the operating state of the drive.  
Color Function  
yellow the LED is lit, when the drive operates with a negative torque  
yellow the LED is lit, when the drive operates with a positive torque  
Zero speed  
the LED is lit; it signals a trip  
green the LED is lit, when the drive is enabled  
yellow the LED is lit; it signals zero speed  
yellow the LED is lit, when the drive operates at a current limit  
yellow the LED is lit, when the second keypad functions are enabled  
Keypad buttons  
Text reference  
START button controls the Enable and Run modes of the  
drive if Main commands = DIGITAL and the Stop Mode is  
on. This is the default setting.  
When Main commands is set as TERMINALS the button is  
not active  
STOP button sets the main reference to zero when Main  
commands is set as DIGITAL  
(Pressing this button for 2 sec will cause the drive to be  
disabled, this will also cause the drive to coast stop).  
When Main commands is set as TERMINALS the button is  
not active.  
Plus button increases the speed reference for the Motor  
pot function.  
It is also the JOG command, when the shift button is  
[Increase] / [Jog]  
Minus button decreases the speed reference for the Motor  
pot function.  
Rotation control changes the direction in Jog mode and  
Motor pot mode when the shift button is selected.  
[Decrease] / [Rotation control]  
[Down arrow] / [Help]  
[Up arrow] / [Alarm]  
[Left arrow] / [Escape]  
Down arrow - Used to change menu or parameter  
selection. In parameter and reference setting modes, it  
changes the value of the parameter or reference.  
Help – Function Not available (“Help not found” displayed  
when pressed with the shift button)  
Up arrow - Used to change menu or parameter selection.  
In parameter and reference setting modes, it changes the  
value of the parameter or the reference.  
Alarm - Failure register displayed ( shift selected). Use the  
UP/DOWN Arrows to scroll through the last 10 alarms.  
Left arrow-in edit mode selects the digit of the parameter  
to modify. At other times it is used to exit from the setting  
Escape - Used to exit from setting and Alarm displaying  
mode (when shift button is pressed)  
[Enter] - Used to [Enter] a new value for a parameter in the  
parameter setting mode.  
Home - Used to go directly to BASIC MENU (when shift  
button is pressed)  
[Enter] / [Home]  
Shift button enables the second keypad functions  
(Rotation control, Jog, Help, Alarm, Escape, Home)  
Moving inside a menu  
7. Pre Power Checks  
The following should be checked before switching ON the Drive:  
Grounds / Grounding  
Verify ground connections between the drive and motor  
Verify AC Input, AC Output and control wiring aren’t grounded  
Verify AC Input (U1/L1, V1/L2, W1/L3), AC Output (U2/T1, V2/T2, W2/T3), DC link connection (C,D), Motor thermistor  
(78, 79), OK Relay (80, 82), Relay 2 (83,85) and regulation board points (1.....46, XS, XE) connections.  
Regulator Terminal Board Inputs:  
12 ENABLE DRIVE (close to activate)  
13 START (close to activate)  
14 FAST STOP (open to cause a stop)  
15 EXTERNAL FAULT (open to cause a stop)  
16 Common for terminal board inputs  
18 + 24V Common  
19 +24VDC (internal power supply)  
Set inputs on the regulator terminal board as follows:  
• Enable drive (terminal 12) and Start (terminal 13) OPEN  
• Fast stop (terminal 14) and External fault (terminal 15) CLOSED  
• Record motor name plate data, encoder information, gearbox data.  
the display is the correct motor voltage, then [Enter].  
For 460 VAC motors, select 460, and for 380/400 VAC  
motors select 400.  
8. Quick tuning  
1. After a complete check of wiring, turn the power on:  
The following voltages must be present:  
6. Set Actual Motor Data:  
Terminal 7, +10V to terminal 9 (on regulation board)  
Terminal 8, -10V to terminal 9 (on regulation board)  
Press [Left arrow] until back to “Drive parameter”,  
then [Enter] to get “Mot plate data” and [Enter] to  
“Nominal Voltage” then [Enter] again to see the value.  
Using the [Up arrow]/[Down arrow] keys to change  
the value and the [Left arrow] to move the character  
position. When correct press [Enter].  
Terminal 19, +24…30V to terminal 18 (on regulation  
Check DC link voltage by pressing [Down arrow] to  
get “Monitor”, then [Enter], then [Down arrow]  
to“measurements”, then [Enter], then [Down arrow]  
to “DC link voltage”, then [Enter].  
Press [Down arrow] to “Nominal speed”, [Enter], then  
use the [Up arrow] / [Down arrow] keys to get the  
nominal speed on the motor nameplate. Press [Enter]  
to set data. Note, some manufacturers of vector  
motors put the synchronous speed (600, 900, 1500,  
1800, 3600 RPM), rather than the slip speed at 60 Hz  
on the nameplate. If this is done, you MUST estimate  
slip speed. Figure 20 rpm less than the synchronous  
speed for these cases.  
The value should be:  
275-357 VDC for 230 VAC input  
480-650 VDC for 400 VAC input  
550-715 VDC for 460 VAC input  
If the DC Bus is not within these limits, check the AC  
line voltage.  
Press [Down arrow] to “Nom frequency” and [Enter]  
and set to the nominal frequency on the nameplate  
(50 or 60 Hz) Press [Enter] to set data.  
2. Default to Factory Values: If you are not certain of the  
drive configuration, it will be necessary to default to factory  
values or copy in a file from a PC. It is important to be  
certain you are starting from a known configuration. To  
default to factory values:  
Press [Down arrow] to “Nominal current” and [Enter]  
and set to the nominal current on the nameplate (rated  
current) by using the [Up arrow] / [Down arrow] keys.  
Press [Enter] to set data.  
Default to working memory: Push [Left arrow] to  
get back to “Monitor”, then [Down arrow] to “Spec  
Functions” and then [Enter]. Push [Down arrow] to  
“Load Default” and [Enter]. The factory values will  
now be loaded into the working memory, the original  
values are still in permanent memory.  
If the drive will “not accept” the value entered, the  
most common cause is trying to [Enter] a value for  
“Nominal Current” that is less than 30% of the drive  
rating. This is not allowed due to parameter problems  
encountered with a small motor and a large drive. Go  
back to step 6 and repeat the entries. If this doesn’t  
work, see the Overflow List in the troubleshooting  
section of this book.  
Step 2 can be skipped if you know that the drive is loaded  
with factory defaults (as it comes out of the shipping  
Press [Down arrow] to “Cos phi” and [Enter] and set  
the nominal power factor on the nameplate by using  
the [Up arrow] / [Down arrow] keys (accept the  
default if you don’t know). Press [Enter] to set data.  
3. Set Line Voltage:  
Press [Left arrow] to “Spec functions” then [Up  
arrow] to “BASIC MENU”, then [Enter], then [Down  
arrow] to “Drive type”, then [Enter] to “Mains voltage”  
and [Enter]. Now using the [Up arrow] / [Down  
arrow] keys, change the voltage to your nominal AC  
input rating. Then [Enter] to set the value.  
Press [Down arrow] to “Base Voltage” and [Enter]  
and set the base voltage by using the [Up arrow] /  
[Down arrow] keys (usually rated voltage). Press  
[Enter] to set data. Look in the manual for both Base  
Voltage and Base Frequency when operating the motor  
above normal synchronous speed.  
4. Adaption to maximum ambient temperature:  
Press [Down arrow] to “Ambient temp” then [Enter].  
Now using the [Up arrow] / [Down arrow] keys, set  
the maximum ambient temperature value: 40°C or  
50°C, then [Enter].  
Press [Down arrow] to “Base Frequency” and [Enter],  
set to the base frequency by using the [Up arrow] /  
[Down arrow] keys (usually rated frequency). Press  
[Enter] to set data.  
5. Load Default Motor Values:  
Press [Down arrow] to “Take motor par” and [Enter]  
and set all the motor parameters. If, when you do  
this, a message saying “Over-range error XXX”  
appears, there is something wrong with the data  
you have entered. The drive has NOT ACCEPTED  
the values you have entered. The most common cause  
Press [Left arrow] until you are back to “BASIC MENU”  
and then [Down arrow] to Drive Parameter, then  
[Enter], then [Down arrow] to Motor Parameter,  
[Enter], then [Down arrow] to “Load Motor Par” and  
[Enter]. Use the [Up arrow]/[Down arrow] keys until  
of this is trying to [Enter] a value for “Nominal Current 11. Save Parameters:  
that is less than 30% of the drive rating. This is not  
Press [Left arrow] to “limits”, then [Up arrow] until  
“Basic Menu” then [Enter], then [Down arrow] to  
“save parameters”, then [Enter].  
allowed due to problems encountered with a small  
motor and a large drive. Try to go back to the  
beginning of step 6 and repeat the entries. If this  
doesn’t work, see Overflow list in troubleshooting  
section or contact your service office.  
The display will read “wait” until the values are  
permanently stored.  
12. Self Tune:  
Make sure power is on and drive not enabled.  
7. Set Drive Base Values:  
Press [Left arrow] until back to “drive parameter” then  
[Down arrow] to “configuration”, then [Enter].  
Close the switch on terminal 12 (hardware enable has  
24 Vdc on it).  
Press [Down arrow] to “Speed Base Value” then  
[Enter] and set the nameplate rated full load speed  
on the motor nameplate, press [Enter]. This bases all  
speed related calibrations on top motor speed.  
When the enable switch is made, Press [Left arrow]  
until “Basic Menu” then [Down arrow] to “Drive  
Parameter”, then [Enter], then [Down arrow] to  
“motor parameters” and [Enter]. Press [Down  
arrow] to “Self Tuning” and [Enter] to “self tune 1”.  
Press [Enter] to “start part 1” and [Enter], “start part  
1 ?” and [Enter] again. The keypad should show the  
“enable” led illuminated, if not, make sure that you  
have the jumpers (or external switches) set so that 24  
VDC exists on terminal boards 12, 13, 14, 15, with  
respect to 16 or 18.  
Press [Down arrow] to “full load current” then [Enter]  
and set the DRIVE (not motor) rated full load current  
on the drive nameplate by using the [Up arrow] /  
[Down arrow] keys, then press [Enter] to set. This  
bases all current related calibraitons on motor “Full  
Load Amps” (FLA).  
8. Set Regulation Mode: (Sensorless vect, V/f or Field  
oriented mode )  
You should now see “measuring Rs” (stator  
resistance). Wait until the display says “end”, then  
disable the drive (open the switch to 12) and push  
[Left arrow] twice to see “self tune 1”, press [Enter],  
then [Down arrow] all the way to “take val part 1”  
and [Enter]. The display will read “wait” until the  
values are stored. The motor shaft must not move  
during the procedure. If necessary, the motor shaft  
must be locked.  
Press [Up arrow] to “Regulation mode”, then [Enter]  
and use [Up arrow] / [Down arrow] keys to select  
“V/f”, “sensorless vect” or “Field oriented” then  
If “Field oriented” mode is selected:  
Press [Down arrow] until to “Motor spd fbk”, then  
press [Enter], [Down arrow] to “Encoder 1 type”, then  
[Enter]. Use the [Up arrow]/[Down arrow] keys to  
select sinusoidal encoder or digital encoder, then  
“xxx range error” or “timeout” messages may also occur in  
some extreme parameter ranges. Repeat the tune in this  
case. If error messages are persistent see troubleshooting  
Press [Down arrow] to “Encoder 1 pulses”, then  
[Enter] and set the value using the [Up arrow]/[Down  
arrow] keys to the PPR (pulses per revolution) of your  
encoder, [Enter].  
13. Self Tune part 2:  
Press [Down arrow] four times to “Refresh Enc 1”  
then [Enter], “Enable” [Enter], this enables the Speed  
fdbk Loss Alarm.  
The initial part of self tuning that can be done without  
the motor rotating has been accomplished. Now, to  
get the best possible tuning, the motor needs to turn  
with no load attached to the shaft. For this we use  
Self tune mode 2a. If, for any reason, the motor cannot  
be made to rotate with no load, then a “close” level of  
tuning can still be accomplished by selecting Self tune  
mode 2b.  
9. Speed Limit:  
Press [Left arrow] until “Basic Menu”, then [Down  
arrow] to “Limits”, then [Enter] for “Speed Limits”,  
then [Enter] for “Speed Amount”, then [Enter] to  
“Speed Min Amount”. Press [Down arrow] to “Speed  
Max Amount”, and [Enter]. Change the value from  
5000 RPM to the maximum speed of the motor use  
the [Up arrow]/[Down arrow] keys as before (for now  
set it to 105% of the rated motor speed). Press  
Now press [Left arrow] to see “self tune 1” then  
[Down arrow] to “self tune 2a or 2b and press [Enter].  
Enable the drive using the switch to terminal 12. Press  
[Enter], “start part 2a ?” or “start part 2b ?” then  
[Enter] and see “measure sat 2a (or b)” will appear  
and the motor shaft will turn (if “self tune 2a” is select).  
Wait until the display says “end”, press [Left arrow]  
to see “self tune 2a (or b)” then [Enter] and press  
[Down arrow] to see “take val part 2a (or b)”. Disable  
the drive (switch off terminal 12), then [Enter].  
10. Prepare for Self Tune:  
The keypad will be used for this purpose but the  
I/O needs to be connected properly to the enable/  
disable functions.  
Set the current limit (BASIC MENU\ T Current lim +/-)  
to a value compatible with the motor size and load.  
(Example when motor is 1/3 of the Drive power, the  
limit should be reduced compared to the default value).  
“xxx range error” or “timeout” messages may also occur in  
some extreme parameter ranges. Repeat the tune in this  
case. If error messages are persistent see troubleshooting  
Select the torque current value to be used during the  
test via the Test T curr lim parameter  
If there was some reason you did not want to keep these  
values permanently, but only wanted to try to run the drive  
with them, there is no need to save them to permanent  
memory. If power is cycled however, these values will be  
lost unless the “Save Parameter” function is used.  
Now press [Left arrow] to see “self tune 2a or 2b”  
then [Down arrow] to “self tune 3” and press [Enter]  
to Fwd-Rev spd tune, then [Enter]. Set the motor shaft  
direction for this test: Forward or Reverse by using  
[Up arrow] / [Down arrow] keys. Press [Enter] to  
set the selection.  
14. Self tune part 3:  
The third part of self tuning (Speed regulator tuning)  
identifies the total inertia at the motor shaft, the friction  
value and computes the proportional and integral gains  
of the speed regulator. The motor needs to be free to  
turn with load attached to the shaft.  
Enable the drive using a switch on terminal 12 [and  
close terminal 13 to terminal 19 if Speed control  
function is enabled (default)]. Press [Down arrow]  
to “Start part 3” then press [Enter], “start part 3 ?”  
then [Enter] and see “measure speed” will appear and  
the motor will turn. Wait until the display says “end”,  
press [Left arrow] to see “self tune 3” then [Enter]  
and press [Down arrow] to see “take val part 3”.  
Disable the drive, then [Enter]. You are now finished  
with the initial set up and tuning with values stored in  
only in the “working memory”.  
When regulation mode = field-oriented, the encoder needs  
to be verified before running Self Tune 3. Refer to page 22  
“Encoder Verification”. After this verification procedure, put  
the regulation mode back to field oriented.  
This procedure requires free rotation of the motor shaft  
coupled to the load. The Start/Stop command is  
ignored, therefore it can not be used on drives with  
limited travel, or when free rotation presen ts a safety  
“xxx range error” or “timeout” messages may also occur  
in some extreme parameter ranges. Repeat the tune in  
this case. If error messages are persistent see  
troubleshooting section.  
The test is performed using the torque limit value set  
in Test T curr lim parameter. The torque is applied in a  
step fashion, with no ramp profile. Therefore, the  
mechanical transmission must not have significant  
backlash, and it must be compatible with operation at  
the torque limit set in the Test T curr lim parameter.  
The user can reduce the torque limit to a suitable value  
via the Test T curr lim parameter.  
If there was some reason you did not want to keep these  
values permanently, but only wanted to try to run the drive  
with them, there is no need to save to permanent memory.  
If power is cycled however, these values will be lost unless  
the next step is taken.  
To save all values to permanent memory, select Save  
parameters and press [Enter] .  
Note !  
15.Set up for Running:  
Application where the system inertia coupled to the  
motor shaft is much higher than the motor inertia value  
, increase the Test T curr lim parameter to avoid “Time  
out” error.  
First, before saving, let’s put the drive into the  
configuration you want to run it in.  
The drive is factory setting to run through the Increase  
[+] and Decrease [-] keys (Enable motor pot  
parameter = Enabled), see the following instruction to  
This procedure is not suitable for use with “hoist”  
or “elevator” drives.  
Encoder feedback is required when Field oriented mode  
is selected.  
Control buttons  
Press START button to command the Drive to the Enable and  
Run state  
Press STOP button commands to stop the Drive from the  
Run state  
Motor pot oper.  
+0 [rpm] POS  
Press to display the current reference value and to increase  
the reference value and accelerate the drive.  
Motor pot oper.  
-0 [rpm] NEG  
Press to decrease the reference value and decelerate the drive.  
Press SHIFT and [-] to change the motor shaft rotation  
(Main commands = DIGITAL)  
8.1 Motor Potentiometer function  
Enable drive, terminal 12 connected to to 24 VDC  
Start, terminal 13 conected to to 24 VDC  
Press [SHIFT and [+] to run, the speed will be displayed  
Press [-] to select the motor shaft rotation  
Press [jog] to run the other direction  
(Main commands = DIGITAL)  
Enable drive, terminal 12 connected to 24VDC  
Start, terminal 13 connected to 24VDC  
Resetting the speed reference value using Mot pot  
Press [Left arrow] to exit from jog operation  
Press [STOP] button to stop the motor  
Press [Left arrow] until to “Basic menu”, then [Down  
arrow] to “Functions”. [Enter] to motor pot, then  
[Enter] to “enab motor pot”, press [Down arrow] to  
motor pot reset, then [Enter].  
Changing jog reference  
Press [Down arrow] until “Functions”, [Enter], then [Down  
arrow] until “Jog reference”, [Enter], using the [Up arrow]/  
[Down arrow] keys to change the value and the [Left  
arrow] to move the character position, set the reference  
value, then [Enter].  
The diplay will read “ready” until the reference value  
is set to zero.  
Set the motor pot to “disable” (Enable motor pot  
parameter = Disable) if you will want to use an analog  
voltage on terminal 1 for speed reference.  
If there are other changes you might want to make to set  
up (see Options), do them now, and complete the following  
step to put everything into permanent memory.  
Jog function  
Saving all values to Permanent Memory:  
Press [Left arrow] back to “Configuration” then [Up  
arrow] to “basic menu” and [Enter]. Press [Down  
arrow] to “save parameters” and [Enter]. Parameters  
are now stored permanently.  
This function is enabled as a default setting (Enable jog  
parameter = Enabled). Speed reference value = 100 rpm.  
9. Options  
22 is a common for both the outputs. This common can  
be grounded, and should be grounded somewhere,  
preferably at the load device (meter).  
Encoder verification: Set the Drive in V/f mode and run  
the motor, enable and start the drive and set an analog  
reference. If the reference is positive on terminal 1 with  
respect to 2 (common) the motor should be turning  
clockwise. With the motor turning clockwise (looking at  
the drive end), monitor the encoder measurement by  
selecting “Monitor/measurements/speed/speed in rpm/  
Enc 1 speed”. The speed should be positive, not negative.  
If it is negative, then A and A- or B and B- should be  
interchanged on the encoder. Now return to the “Set Up  
for Running” section.  
How to disable analog input 1 as ramp reference:  
Analog inputs 2 and 3 are defaulted to off, #1 is defaulted  
to Ramp ref 1.  
Press [Up arrow]/[Down arrow] to “I/O Config”, then  
Press [Down arrow] to “Analog inputs”, then [Enter]  
for Analog input 1, then [Enter] to Select input 1, then  
[Enter] to display the setting, which will be “Ramp ref  
Current Limit: The current limit will have been set to  
approximately 136% by default in the previous setup (exact  
number is a function of the power factor but the difference  
is very small). The value actually set can be verified by  
(from “Basic Menu”) pressing down/right arrow to “Limits”,  
then [Enter], then down/right arrow to “current limits”, then  
[Enter], then down right arrow to “T current lim” and [Enter].  
The value of T current limit can be changed to a higher (or  
lower) number. Bear in mind that the ultimate limits are  
based on the capacity of the drive, not the motor. T current  
is the torque producing component of total current. Settings  
in excess of 200% are possible, although the motor may  
not be able to handle this current. Current Limit restricts  
the magnitude of the torque current reference. The drive  
has other alarms and faults to provide motor and drive  
current protection.  
Press [Up arrow] / [Down arrow] keys until “OFF” is  
displayed, then [Enter].  
How to enable analog input 2 as ramp reference  
Press [Up arrow]/[Down arrow] to “I/O Config” and  
press [Enter], then down right arrow to “analog inputs”  
then [Enter] for “analog input 1” then [Down arrow]  
to ”analog input 2. Then [Enter] to “select input 2”;  
then [Enter] again to see the set up. It says “OFF”.  
Use the [Up arrow] / [Down arrow] keys to display  
“Ramp ref 1” and [Enter]. This means the analog input  
2 (terminals 3 and 4) will be the ramped (accel/decel)  
speed reference for the drive.  
The manual shows the entire configuration of other  
I/O in the drive.  
I/O Configuration: This drive can be configured in several  
10. Quick Tuning Guide for Factory  
Configured (or pre-configured)  
The standard drive has three standard analog inputs and  
two analog outputs as well as six digital inputs and two  
digital outputs. These are assignable and configurable. The  
drive is defaulted already to provide the analog outputs  
as Actual speed and Torque current. To set up the drive  
for two analog outputs (one for speed and one for load)  
for metering or other purposes, do the following:  
When the drive configuration has already been set and  
you are simply fine tuning the drive you can ignore most of  
the preceding procedure. It is recommended that you go  
through the steps anyway, if the data is suspect. You can  
just use the [Left arrow] key rather than the [Enter] key in  
all the steps in which the entry is found to be correct. Start  
with step 4 of the full procedure and do not default the  
parameters to factory parameters. If there is any  
question about whether the existing setup should be saved  
or not, then use the configuration tool software that came  
with the drive and save the file to a PC first so it can be  
used later.  
Refer to the “Control terminals” section of this guide  
showing a description of the connections to the regulator.  
A more detailed description and discussion of the I/O are  
shown in the manual. The analog outputs are defaulted to  
a scale of 1, which means 10 volts out at the max parameter  
value. In other words, if analog output 1 is set to max speed  
then max speed will be scaled to 10 VDC (maximum output  
voltage available) at “Speed Base Value”. If you wanted 5  
volts out at max speed then set the scale to 0.5. If the  
output were set to Torque current then 10 VDC would be  
rated current. If you wanted the output to be 10 Vdc at  
150% of “Full Load Current” then the scale would be 0.66.  
The standard factory default is already set up for speed  
(with scale factor of 1) on analog output 1 (terminals 21  
and 22) and load (Torque current, with scale factor of 1) on  
analog output 2 (terminals 23 and 22). Note that terminal  
11. Troubleshooting  
Overflow list  
10 ; 54  
3 ; 4  
The ratio between the Encoder 1 pulses[416] and the number of motor pole pairs must be  
higher than 128  
The Stator resistance [436] value is too high. The motor is not compatible with the drive  
size used.  
5 ; 8 ; 9 ; 15  
16 ; 24  
The Leakage inductance [437] value is too high. The motor is not compatible with the drive  
size used.  
The Rotor resistance [166] value is too high. The motor is not compatible with the drive  
size used.  
The Nominal voltage [161] and Nom frequency [163] values produce motor nominal flux  
that is too high.  
- The Nominal voltage value is too high and/or the Nom Frequency value is too small.  
The Base voltage [167] and Base frequency [168] values produce motor nominal flux  
that is too high.  
- The Base voltage value is too high and/or the Base frequency value is too  
The ratio between nominal flux (Nominal voltage, Nom frequency) and working flux (Base voltage,  
base frequency) is too high.  
- Verify the above parameters value.  
The Magnetizing current [165] value is too high.  
- Verify that this value is lower than Full load curr.  
The Base voltage value is too high. The maximum value is 500 VAC.  
The Base frequency value is too high. This value must be lower than 500Hz  
The Magnetizing working curr [726] is too high.  
- Verify that the nominal flux value (Nominal voltage and Nom frequency) is lower than the  
working flux value (Base voltage and Base frequency). Check the parameters value.  
The Magnetizing current value is too high.  
- Verify that this value is lower than Full load curr.  
The Motor cont curr [656] value, of the motor thermal protection function (menu Ovld mot contr),  
produces a continuous current that is too low in comparison to the used inverter size. This error  
can also be due to a too low setting of the Nominal current [164] parameter ( 0.3 x I2N).  
The Nominal speed [162] value is wrong.  
The set value produces too small (or too high) slip value.  
List of Self-tuning Error Messages  
Generic messages  
“Drive disabled”:  
“Not ready”:  
Provide enable input by setting terminal 12 high.  
Take values part 1”, “Take values part 2a”, “Take values part 2b”or “Take values part 3”  
can not be executed because the measurement has not been completed correctly. Repeat  
self-tune procedure.  
“Time out”:  
Measurement has not been completed in the proper time.  
Press [ENTER] to confirm start of measurement.  
“Start part…?”:  
“Tuning aborted”:  
“Set Main cmd=Dig”:  
“Set Ctrl=Local”:  
“Reg mode NOK”:  
Measurement aborted by user ([SHIFT] / [Escape] button has been pressed).  
Go to CONFIGURATION menu and set Main commands = digital.  
Go to CONFIGURATION menu and set Control mode = Local.  
Self tune part 3 can only be executed with Regulation mode = Field oriented or Regulation  
mode = Sensorless vect. Go to BASIC MENU and set Regulation mode properly.  
“Inertia range”:  
Self-tuning part 3 procedure has found an inertia motor value too low, for this reason it  
cannot calculate the speed regulator gains. Try to repeat the self-tune procedure to eliminate  
accidental measurement errors.  
If this error persist , do not use the “Take val part 3”command. The speed regulator will  
probably be stable with the factory gains. It is possible to optimize the speed regulator by  
manual tuning .  
Measurement error messages  
These messages may occour when extreme parameter values have been identified. It may be useful to retry the self  
tune command when any of the following messages occur. If the messages persist, alternative manual tuning procedures  
should be used.  
“No break point”  
Self-tune Part 1 failed. Check the connections between the drive and the motor and repeat  
self-tune Part 1.  
Self-tune Part 3 detected a much higher speed than expected. Repeat Self-tune 1 or the  
manual tuning that was performed.  
“Drive stalled”:  
“Load applied”:  
Increase value of parameter Test T curr lim and repeat Self tune 3  
Nominal zero load torque at standstill was detected. Self tune 3 is impossible for this type  
of load.  
“T curr too high”:  
“Friction null”:  
Reduce value of parameter Test T curr lim for Self tune 3  
Value of friction is zero or lower than the accuracy limit of the control system.  
Failure alarms in the keypad display  
Failure alarm  
Possible causes  
BU overload  
Bus loss  
The braking duty cycle is out of the allowed range  
Failure in the Bus connection (only with interface Bus option card)  
Check the Bus connection  
EMC compatibility problem, check wiring.  
Curr fbk loss  
DSP error  
Failure in the connection between regulation card and TA transformer.  
Check the connection cable on XTA connector.  
Processor program error  
Switch off the drive and restart  
If unsuccessful there is probably an internal fault. Contact your service office.  
Enable seqerr  
External fault  
Drive is powered up or RESET* with the ENABLE input connected to 24 VAC (picked up) and  
the drive in “terminal mode”. Refer to CONFIGURATION/Main Commands.  
External failure, reported on terminal 15  
If the "External fault" message is not displayed, the connection is missing between terminals  
16 and 18 (reference point) and/or 15 and 19.  
If the "External fault" message is displayed:  
- The signal on terminal 15 is missing (15 ... 30 V to terminal 16). With an external voltage  
supply, commons must be connected together.  
Failure supply  
Fault in the voltage supply; the voltages are below the permitted value  
CAUTION: switch off voltage before removing terminal strips.  
In most cases the cause is in the external wiring. Pull out the plug-in terminal strips of the  
regulator card and enter the Reset command. If no other failures are reported, check your  
wiring for a short-circuit, check cable shielding.  
If this has not corrected the fault, try to RESET* once more.  
If still unsuccessful, the fault is probably internal. Contact your service office.  
Heatsink ot  
(For sizes from 22kW ... and higher). Temperature of the heatsink drive too high.  
Failure of device fan.  
Failure in the IGBT module on power section.  
Fast overload current duty cycle.  
Heatsink sensor  
Intake air ot  
Ambient temperature too high  
Failure of drive fans  
Dirty heatsink  
(For sizes from 30 Hp and higher). Temperature of the cooling air too high.  
Failure of drive fans  
Air intake obstructed  
Interrupt error  
An unused interrupt has occurred  
Switch off the drive and restart  
If still unsuccessful, the fault is probably internal. Contact your service office  
Module overtemp  
(For sizes from 1 Hp to 20 Hp). Temperature of the IGBT module is too high  
Failure of drive fan  
Failure in the IGBT module in the power section.  
Fast overload current duty cycle.  
Output stages  
Internal Overcurrent failure of IGBT power section  
Switch off drive and restart  
If unsuccessful, contact your service office  
Overcurrent in the motor circuit  
Short-circuit or ground fault at the output of the drive  
Current regulator tuned incorrectly  
Message appears when switching on the drive: drive is connecting to a motor  
that is running. Auto capture function must be activated  
Switch off drive and restart  
If unsuccessful, contact your service office  
Overvoltage on the DC Bus due to energy regenerated from motor  
Lengthen deceleration ramp. If not possible:  
Use a BU... braking unit to increase the energy absorption capability  
Overtemp Motor  
Overtemperature of the motor (indicated via thermistor on terminals 78/79)  
Cable between thermistor in motor and terminals 78 and 79 interrupted  
Overheating of motor:  
- Load cycle too extreme  
- Ambient temperature at motor location too high  
- Motor has an external blower and it has failed  
- Motor does not have an external blower: load too large at low speeds. The cooling effect  
of the fan on the motor shaft is inadequate for this load cycle. Change cycle or install an  
external blower  
Regulation ot  
Temperature of the drive regulator card is too high  
Ambient temperature too high  
Speed fbk loss  
Speed feedback loss  
Encoder not connected, or incorrectly connected or not supplied:  
Select the Enc 1 speed parameter in the MONITOR\ Measurement \ Speed \ Speed in rpm  
- With the drive disabled, manually turn the motor clockwise (viewed from the front of the  
shaft). The value indicated must be positive.  
- If the indicated value does not change or random values are shown, check the power  
supply and the cabling of the encoder.  
- If the indicated value is negative, reverse the encoder connections. Exchange channel  
A+ and A- or B+ and B-  
Line voltage parameter incorrectly set. Remedy: set parameter correctly and then acknowledge  
the failure via RESET*.  
The incoming voltage to the power section of the device is too low due to:  
- too low an AC input voltage or extreme line dips  
- poor cable connections (e.g. terminals on contactor, choke, filter ... not properly tightened).  
Remedy: check connections.  
To RESET the alarms press [Escape]. If Enable and Start commands are configured for terminal mode, remove  
both commands before “Reset”. To RESET remove +24V potential from these terminals.  
The RESET alarm operation can be also configured for a digital input.  
Other faults  
Possible causes  
Motor not turning  
Failure alarm is displayed: see above  
Once the error has been corrected enter the failure Reset command  
Keypad display is dark: AC voltage supply to terminals U1/V1/W1 missing or an internal fuse  
is faulty  
Enable and/or start command missing (Check configuration of the reg. terminals)  
Drive not accepting commands: incorrect or wrong operating mode  
Protective device ahead of the power supply has tripped: protective device incorrectly sized  
or input jumper faulty  
The analog input used for the reference value was not assigned or assigned incorrectly  
Motor turning in the wrong direction  
Polarity of the reference signal incorrect  
Motor incorrectly connected. CAUTION: if the motor rotation is reversed, two encoder cables  
(A+ and A- or B+ and B-) have to be reversed also.  
Motor not reaching nominal speed  
Drive is encountering a speed limit. Remedy: check Speed max amount, Speed max pos  
and Speed max neg parameters  
Drive working at current limit (LED Ilimit) Possible causes:  
- Motor overloaded  
- Inverter sized too small  
- Incorrect V/f characteristics set  
- T current lim reduction selected via Torque reduct parameter  
The entered value for the number of encoder pulses is too high. Remedy: check the parameter  
“encoder 1 pulses” and set the correct value.  
An override signal is reducing the main reference value.  
Remedy: check the configuration  
Speed base value parameter set too low  
Motor accelerates immediately to maximum speed  
Reference set via analog input: Check whether the signal varies from min. to max.  
Potentiometer used for reference: Is there a 0V (common) connection present?  
Encoder not connected, or incorrectly connected.  
Select the Enc 1 speed parameter in the MONITOR \ Measurement \ Speed \ Speed in rpm  
- With the regulator disabled, manually turn the motor clockwise (viewed from the front of  
the shaft). The value indicated must be positive.  
- If the indicated value does not change or if random values are shown, check the power  
supply and the cabling to the encoder  
- If the indicated value is negative, reverse the encoder connections. Exchange channel  
A+ and A- or B+ and B-.  
Motor accelerates too slowly  
Ramp value incorrectly set  
Motor running at max. current  
- Motor overloaded  
- Drive sized too small  
- Incorrect V/f characteristics set  
Motor decelerates too slowly  
Ramp value incorrectly set  
Motor turns slowly, although reference value = Zero  
Minimum speed parameter selected  
Interference due to unused analog input. Remedy: set unused analog inputs to OFF  
Disconnect reference on the analog input  
- If drive now stands still, the effect is due to the cable resistance of the 0V (common) leg.  
- Use the offset compensation on the analog input. Set Offset input xx parameter so that  
the drive stands still.  
Output voltage oscillates under load  
The value for Rotor resistance is not correct. See section “Checking and manual tuning of  
rotor resistance for field oriented mode” in the AV-300i instruction book.  
Motor not supplying the maximum torque or maximum output power  
The value for Magnetizing curr is less than required for the connected motor.  
- The ratio Output voltage / Output frequency in the MONITOR / Measurements menu  
should be approx equal to the ratio of Base voltage / Base frequency  
- Drive working at current limit  
- Check whether the value for Full load curr in the CONFIGURATION menu is correctly  
- Check the value for the current limit  
- The value for Magnetizing curr and/or Rotor resistance parameters is not correct.  
Optimize the tuning as described in the instruction book.  
The speed during acceleration with maximum current is not linear  
Reduce the Speed I and Speed P proportionally. If this does not lead to an improvement,  
optimize the regulator per the instruction book.  
Speed oscillating  
Check Speed P and Speed I parameter  
If the operating point is in the constant Hp range, check the Flux P and Flux I parameters  
Incorrect value for Rotor resistance  
Remedy: Optimize the tuning as described in the AV-300i instruction book.  
Drive not reacting to adaptive speed regulation  
Adaptive speed regulation not enabled. Enable spd adap = Enabled  
Adap reference not assigned to an analog input  
Motor potentiometer function not executed  
Function not enabled. Enable motor pot = Enabled  
With operation via the terminal strip: Motor pot up and/or Motor pot down and Motor pot  
sign were not assigned to digital inputs  
Jog operation not possible  
A start command is still present  
Function not enabled. Enable jog = Enabled  
With operation via terminal strip: Jog + and/or Jog - were not assigned to digital inputs.  
Internal speed reference values not actuated  
Function not enabled. Enab multi spd = Enabled  
With operation via terminal strip: Speed sel 0, Speed sel 1 and Speed sel 2 were not assigned  
to digital inputs.  
Multi-Ramp function not reacting  
Function not enabled. Enab multi rmp = Enabled  
With operation via terminal strip: Ramp sel 0 and Ramp sel 1 were not assigned to digital  
GE Industrial Systems  
GEK-105661 (5M 5/99)  

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