GE Ice Maker ZDI15 User Manual

GE Monogram  
Owner’s Manual  
ZDI15 and ZDIS15  
Automatic Icemaker  
Immediately contact the dealer (or builder)  
that sold you the icemaker.  
If you  
received a  
If you  
For customers in Canada:  
To obtain service, see the Consumer Services  
page in the back of this manual.  
FIRST, contact the people who serviced your  
appliance. Explain why you are not pleased.  
In most cases, this will solve the problem.  
We’re proud of our service and want you to be  
pleased. If for some reason you are not happy  
with the service you receive, follow these steps.  
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the  
details---including your phone number---to:  
For customers in the USA:  
FIRST, contact the people who serviced your  
appliance. Explain why you are not pleased.  
In most cases, this will solve the problem.  
Manager, Customer Relations  
Camco Inc.  
1 Factory Lane, Suite 310  
Moncton, N.B. E1C 9M3  
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the  
details---including your phone number---to:  
Manager, Customer Relations  
GE Appliances  
Appliance Park  
Louisville, KY 40225  
Before it is used, the icemaker must be  
properly installed and located as described in  
this manual.  
• Unplug the icemaker or disconnect power  
before cleaning, servicing or changing the  
light bulb. Failure to do so can result in  
death or electrical shock.  
WARNING–To reduce the risk of fire,  
electrical shock or injury when using your  
icemaker, follow basic precautions including  
the following:  
• It is your responsibility to be sure your  
has been installed where it is protected from  
the elements.  
• Never allow children to operate, play with,  
or crawl inside the icemaker.  
is located so that the front is not blocked to  
restrict incoming or discharge air flow.  
• Never clean icemaker parts with flammable  
fluids. The fumes can create a fire hazard  
or explosion.  
is connected only to the proper kind of  
outlet, with the correct electric supply and  
grounding. A 115 volt, 60 Hz., 15 amp fused  
electrical supply is required.  
• Do not store or use gasoline or other  
flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity  
of this or any other appliance. The fumes  
can create a fire hazard or explosion.  
NOTE: Time delay fuse or circuit breaker  
is recommended.  
is not used by anyone unable to operate  
• Be sure your icemaker is properly installed  
and grounded by a qualified technician in  
accordance with the Installation Instructions.  
it properly.  
is used only to do what icemakers are  
designed to do.  
• Do not attempt to repair or replace any  
part of your icemaker unless it is specifically  
recommended in this manual. All other  
servicing should be referred to a qualified  
is properly maintained.  
Avant son utilisation, la machine à glaçons doit  
être bien installée et située selon la description  
dans ce manuel.  
Débrancher la machine à glaçons ou déconnecter  
le courant électrique avant de la nettoyer, de  
l’entretenir ou de changer l’ampoule d’éclairage.  
L’omission d’observer ces précautions peut  
causer un décès ou un choc électrique.  
AVERTISSEMENT : Pour réduire les  
risques d’incendie, de choc électrique ou de  
blessure lors de l’utilisation de la machine à  
glaçons, suivre les précautions fondamentales,  
y compris les suivantes :  
Vous avez la responsabilité de vous assurer que  
la machine à glaçons :  
– a été installée où elle est protégée contre les  
intempéries .  
Ne jamais laisser les enfants utiliser, employer  
comme jouet ou pénétrer dans la machine  
à glaçons.  
– est située de sorte que le devant n’est pas  
obstruée pour restreindre l’arrivée ou la  
sortie du courant d’air.  
Ne jamais nettoyer les pièces de la machine à  
glaçons avec des fluides inflammables. Les  
émanations peuvent créer un risque d’incendie  
ou d’explosion.  
– est connectée seulement au type approprié  
de prise de courant avec une alimentation  
électrique correcte et une liaison à la terre.  
Une alimentation électrique de 115 V, 60  
Hz, et fusible de 15 A est requise.  
Ne pas entreposer ni utiliser de l’essence ou  
d’autres vapeurs et liquides inflammables dans  
le voisinage de cet appareil ménager ou de tout  
autre appareil. Les émanations peuvent créer un  
risque d’incendie ou d’explosion.  
REMARQUE : Les fusibles temporisés ou  
disjoncteurs de circuit sont recommandés.  
– n’est pas utilisée par quiconque ne peut  
faire fonctionner l’appareil d’une manière  
S’assurer que la machine à glaçons est bien  
installée et reliée à la terre par un technicien  
qualifié, et conformément aux instructions  
– est utilisée seulement pour accomplir  
ce que les machines à glaçons sont destinées  
à fournir.  
Ne pas essayer de réparer ou de remplacer une  
pièce de votre machine à glaçons à moins de  
recommandations spécifiques dans ce manuel.  
Tout autre besoin de service doit être soumis à  
un technicien qualifié.  
– est soumise à un entretien approprié.  
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or  
remove the third (ground) prong from the  
The icemaker should always be plugged into  
its own individual electrical outlet which has a  
power cord. For personal safety, this appliance voltage rating that matches the rating plate.  
must be properly grounded.  
This provides the best performance and also  
prevents overloading house wiring circuits  
which could cause a fire hazard from  
overheated wires.  
The power cord of this appliance is equipped  
with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates  
with a standard 3-prong (grounding) wall  
outlet to minimize the possibility of electric  
shock hazard from this appliance.  
Never unplug your icemaker by pulling on the  
power cord. Always grip plug firmly and pull  
straight out from the outlet.  
Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by a  
qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is  
properly grounded.  
Repair or replace immediately all power cords  
that have become frayed or otherwise  
damaged. Do not use a cord that shows cracks  
or abrasion damage along its length or at  
either end.  
Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet is  
encountered, it is your personal responsibility  
and obligation to have it replaced with a  
properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet.  
When moving the icemaker, be careful not  
to roll over or damage the power cord.  
Ne coupez ni retirez en aucun cas la troisième  
broche (mise à la terre) de la fiche du cordon  
d’alimentation. Pour votre sécurité, cet  
Cette précaution est recommandée pour  
garantir un rendement optimum et éviter  
une surcharge des circuits électriques de la  
résidence, ce qui pourrait créer un risque  
d’incendie par surschauffe des fils.  
appareil doit être correctement mis à la terre.  
Le cordon d’alimentation de cet appareil est  
muni d’une fiche à 3 broches (mise à la terre)  
qui se branche dans une prise mural ordinaire  
à 3 alvéoles (mise à la terre) pour réduire au  
minimum les risques du chocs électriques.  
Ne débranchez jamais la machine à glaçons  
en tirant le cordon d’alimentation. Saisissez  
fermement la fiche du cordon et tirez droit  
pour la retirer de la prise.  
Faites examiner la prise de courant et le circuit Réparez ou remplacez immédiatement tout  
par un électricien qualifié pour vous assurer  
que la prise est correctement mise à la terre.  
cordon effiloché ou endommagé. N’utilisez  
pas un cordon fendillé ou présentant des  
signes d’usure.  
Si la prise murale est du type standard à 2  
alvéoles, il vous incombe de la faire remplacer  
par une prise à 3 alvéoles correctement mise  
à la terre.  
Lorsque vous déplacez votre machine à  
glaçons du mur, faites attention de ne pas la  
faire rouler sur le cordon d’alimentation afin  
de ne pas l’endommager.  
La machine à glaçons doit toujours être  
branché dans sa propre prise de courant,  
dont la tension nominale est identique  
à celle indiquée sur la plaque signalétique.  
Child entrapment and suffocation are not  
problems of the past. Junked or abandoned  
refrigeration products are still dangerous…  
even if they will sit for “just a few days.” If you  
are getting rid of your old appliance, please  
follow these instructions to help prevent  
Before You Throw Away Your Old  
Refrigeration Product:  
• Take off the doors.  
• Leave the shelves in place so that children  
may not easily climb inside.  
Les enfants pris au piège ou morts d’asphyxie  
sont toujours d’actualité. Les appareils de  
réfrigération abandonés sont toujours  
aussi dangereux, même si on n’attend que  
“quelque jours” pour s’en débarasser. Si vous  
ne gardez pas votre ancien appareil, veuillez  
suivre les directives ci-dessous afin de  
prévenir les accidents.  
Avant de vous débarasser de votre vieux  
appareil de réfrigération:  
• Démontez les portes.  
• Laissez les clayettes en place afin d’empêcher  
les enfants de grimper à l’intérieur.  
Old refrigeration products have cooling  
If you are throwing away an old refrigeration  
systems that used CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). product, make sure the CFC refrigerant is  
CFCs are believed to harm stratospheric  
removed for proper disposal by a qualified  
servicer. If you intentionally release this CFC  
refrigerant you can be subject to fines and  
imprisonment under provisions of  
environmental legislation.  
Les vieux appareils de réfrigération ont un  
système de refroidissement qui a utilisé les  
CFC (chlorofluorocarbones). Les CFCs sont  
jugés nocifs pour l’ozone stratosphérique.  
Si vous débarrassez de votre viel appareil de  
réfrigération, assurez-vous que le frigorigène  
avec CFC soit enlevé correctement par un  
technicien qualifié. Si vous libérez  
intentionnellement ce frigogène avec CFC  
vouz pouvez être soumis aux contraventions  
et à l’emprisonnement après les stipulations  
des lois sur l’environment.  
Because of potential safety hazards under  
certain conditions, we strongly recommend  
against the use of an extension cord.  
3-wire grounding type appliance extension  
cord having a grounding type plug and outlet  
and that the electrical rating of the cord be  
15 amperes (minimum) and 120 volts.  
However, if you must use an extension cord, it  
is absolutely necessary that it be a UL-listed (in  
the United States) or a CSA-listed (in Canada),  
Nous vous recommandons fortement de ne  
pas utíliser de cordons prolongateurs à cause  
des risques potentiels qu’ils présentent dans  
certaines conditions.  
absolument nécessaire qu’il s’agisse d’un  
cordon à 3 fils avec mise à la terre pour  
appareils électroménagers homologué UL  
(aux États-Unis) ou homologué CSA (au  
Canada), pourvu d’une fiche et d’une prise  
mises à la terre de 15 ampères (minimum)  
et de 120 volts.  
Toutefois si vous décidez d’utiliser tout  
de même un cordon prolongateur, il est  
(Adapter plugs not permitted in Canada)  
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against  
the use of an adapter plug.  
However, if you must use an adapter, where  
local codes permit, a temporary connection  
may be made to a properly grounded 2-prong  
wall outlet by use of a UL-listed adapter  
available at most local hardware stores.  
adapter ground terminal is very likely to break  
with repeated use.  
If the adapter ground terminal breaks, DO  
NOT USE the refrigerator until a proper  
ground has been established.  
The larger slot in the adapter must be aligned  
with the larger slot in the wall outlet to provide  
proper polarity in the connection of the  
power cord.  
Attaching the adapter ground terminal to a  
wall outlet cover screw does not ground the  
appliance unless the cover screw is metal, and  
not insulated, and the wall outlet is grounded  
through the house wiring. You should have the  
circuit checked by a qualified electrician to  
make sure the outlet is properly grounded.  
When disconnecting the power cord from the  
adapter, always hold the adapter in place with  
one hand while pulling the power cord plug  
with the other hand. If this is not done, the  
(Fiches d’adaptation non permises au Canada)  
Nous vous recommandons fortement de ne pas utiliser une fiche d’adaptation à cause des risques potentiels  
qu’elle présente dans certaines circonstances.  
Toutefois, si vous décidez d’utiliser tout de  
même une fiche d’adaptation, vous pouvez  
effectuer un raccordement temporaire, si les  
codes locaux le permettent, dans une prise  
de courant à 2 alvéoles adéquatement mise  
à la terre en utilisant une fiche d’adaptation  
homologuée UL, en vente dans la plupart  
des quincailleries.  
d’alimentation de l’autre. Sinon, la borne de  
mise à la terre de la fiche d’adaptation risque  
de casser avec le temps.  
Si la borne de mise à la terre de la fiche casse,  
N’UTILISEZ PAS l’appareil tant qu’une mise  
à la terre adéquate n’aura pas été rétablie.  
Le fait de fixer la borne de mise à la terre de  
la fiche d’adaptation à la plaque de la prise de  
courant n’assure pas automatiquement la mise  
à la terre de l’appareil. Il faut que la vis soit en  
métal, non isolée, et que la prise de courant  
soit mise à la terre par l’entremise du câblage  
de résidence. Faites vérifier le circuit par un  
électricien qualifié pour vous assurer que la  
prise est adéquatement mise à la terre.  
La fente la plus longue de la fiche doit être  
alignée avec la fente la plus longue de la prise  
murale afin d’assurer la polarité appropriée  
pour le branchement du cordon  
Lorsque vous débranchez le cordon  
d’alimentation de la fiche d’adaptation,  
saisissez toujours la fiche d’une main pendant  
que vous tirez sur la fiche du cordon  
Controls and Features  
IMPORTANT: Do not remove any permanent  
instruction labels inside your icemaker or the  
Tech Sheet that is fastened behind the lower  
access panel.  
• Do not use sharp instruments, rubbing  
alcohol, flammable fluids or abrasive  
cleaners to remove tape or glue. These  
products can damage the surface of your  
icemaker. For more information, see the  
Important Safety Instructions section.  
• Remove tape and any labels from your  
icemaker before using (except the model  
and serial number label).  
To remove any remaining tape or glue, rub  
the area briskly with your thumb. Tape or glue  
residue can also be easily removed by rubbing  
a small amount of liquid dish soap over the  
adhesive with your fingers. Wipe with warm  
water and dry.  
Clean before  
After you remove all of the packaging  
materials, clean the inside of your icemaker  
before using it.  
See the cleaning instructions in the Care and  
Cleaning section.  
Set controls  
1. To start the normal ice making cycle,  
NOTE: The CLEAN setting is used whenever  
solutions are circulated through the icemaker  
for cleaning. Only the water pump operates  
at this setting. See the Care and Cleaning section.  
select ON.  
2. To stop icemaker operation, select OFF.  
Controls and Features  
Features of your  
Cleaning cycle  
Light switch  
Ice level sensor  
Control panel  
Cutter grid cover  
Water pan  
Model & serial  
door catch  
Ice retainer  
Lower access  
Ice scoop  
Operating Instructions  
How your  
When you first start your icemaker, the water  
pan will fill and the system will rinse itself  
before starting to make ice. The rinsing  
process takes about five minutes.  
3. The water containing the rejected minerals  
is drained after each freezing cycle.  
4. Fresh water enters the machine for the next  
ice making cycle.  
Under normal operating conditions, the  
icemaker will cycle at preset temperatures.  
The ice level sensor located in the ice storage  
bin will monitor the ice levels.  
5. Cubes fall into the storage bin. When  
the bin is full, the icemaker shuts off  
automatically and restarts when more ice  
is needed. The ice bin is not refrigerated  
and some melting will occur. The amount  
of melting varies with room temperature.  
• If the water supply to the icemaker is  
turned off, be sure to set the icemaker  
control to OFF.  
• The icemaker is designed to make clear ice  
from the majority of water sources on a daily  
basis. If your results are unsatisfactory, your  
water may need to be filtered or treated.  
Making Ice  
1. Water is constantly circulated over a freezing  
plate. As the water freezes into ice, the  
minerals in the water are rejected. This  
produces a clear sheet of ice with a low  
mineral content.  
NOTE: As the room and water temperatures  
vary, so will the amount of ice produced and  
stored. This means that higher operating  
temperatures result in reduced ice production.  
2. When the desired thickness is reached, the  
ice sheet is released and slides onto a cutter  
grid. The grid divides the sheet into  
individual cubes.  
Care and Cleaning  
Unplug the icemaker before cleaning.  
for your  
Periodically inspect and clean the icemaker  
to keep it operating at peak efficiency.  
Clean the ice and water system periodically  
to remove mineral scale buildup. Frequency  
of cleaning depends on water hardness.  
With hard water (15 to 20 grains/gal. [4 to 5  
grains/liter]), cleaning may be required as  
frequently as every 6 months.  
Both the ice making system and the air cooled  
condenser need to be cleaned regularly. The  
minerals rejected from the circulating water  
during the freezing cycle will eventually form  
a hard scaly deposit in the water system which  
prevents a rapid release of the ice from the  
freezing plate.  
For best performance, brush or vacuum lint  
and dirt from the condenser once a year.  
Unscrew the grille on the bottom front of  
the cabinet to access the condenser.  
Wash the exterior enamel surfaces and gaskets  
with warm water and mild soap or detergent.  
Wipe and dry. Regular use of a good  
household appliance cleaner and wax will  
help protect the finish.  
Models with a stainless steel exterior can be  
cleaned with a commercially available stainless  
steel cleaner using a clean, soft cloth. Do not  
use appliance wax or polish on the stainless  
Do not use abrasive cleaners on enamel  
surfaces as they may scratch the finish.  
1. Push the selector switch to OFF.  
GE Parts and Accessories. Order part number  
WX08X42870. In the U.S.A., call 800.626.2002  
or visit In Canada, call  
2. Wait 5 to 10 minutes for the ice to fall into  
the storage bin. Remove all ice from the  
storage bin.  
6. Push the selector switch to CLEAN.  
The light will turn on, indicating that the  
cleaning cycle is in process.  
3. Unscrew the drain cap from the bottom  
of the water pan located inside the storage  
bin as shown. Allow the water to drain  
7. When the indicator light turns off  
(approximately 45 minutes), the cleaning  
cycle is complete. During the cleaning cycle,  
the system will both clean and rinse itself.  
Drain cap  
Water pan  
8. After the cleaning cycle is complete, remove  
the drain cap from the water pan to see if  
any cleaning solution is left in the water pan.  
If cleaning solution drains from the water  
pan, you should run the clean cycle again.  
4. Replace the drain cap.  
5. Use one 16 oz. bottle of Nickel Safe Ice  
Machine Cleaner by Nu Calgon. Read and  
follow all safety precautions on the bottle.  
Pour one bottle of solution into the water  
reservoir. Fill the bottle twice with tap water  
and pour it into the water reservoir.  
NOTE: Severe scale buildup may require  
repeated cleaning with a fresh quantity of  
cleaning solution.  
9. Push the selector switch to ON to resume  
Nickel Safe Ice Machine Cleaner by Nu Calgon  
is available at appliance repair shops, or through  
ice production.  
Care and Cleaning  
A dirty or clogged condenser:  
4. Remove dirt and lint from the condenser  
fins and the unit compartment with a brush  
attachment attached to a vacuum cleaner.  
• Prevents proper airflow.  
• Reduces ice making capacity.  
• Causes higher than recommended operating  
temperatures which may lead to component  
1. Unplug the icemaker or disconnect power.  
2. Remove the 2 screws in the lower access  
panel and the 2 screws from the base grille  
area of the front panel support. Pull forward  
to remove the lower access panel.  
3. Pull the bottom forward and then pull down  
to remove the lower access panel.  
5. Replace the lower access panel using the  
4 screws.  
6. Plug in the icemaker or reconnect power.  
Care and Cleaning  
1. Unplug the icemaker or disconnect power.  
8. Remove the two screws that hold the water  
pan in place. Push down with one hand on  
2. Open the storage bin door and remove any  
ice that is in the bin.  
3. Remove the drain cap from the water pan  
and drain thoroughly. Replace the drain  
4. Remove the three screws that hold the  
cutter grid cover in place.  
5. Unplug the wiring harness from the left side  
of the cutter grid.  
the front of the pan while pulling forward  
on the bottom back side.  
9. The cutter grid, exterior of hoses, water  
pan, storage bin, door gasket and ice scoop  
should be cleaned with mild soap or  
detergent and warm water. Rinse in clean  
water. Then clean the same parts with a  
solution of 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of  
household bleach in 1 gallon (3.8 L)  
warm water. Rinse again thoroughly in  
clean water.  
6. Unplug the ice level sensor from the right  
side of the cutter grid. Pull the ice level  
sensor down and forward away from the  
cutter grid.  
NOTE: Do not remove hoses. Do not wash  
plastic parts in dishwasher. They cannot  
withstand high temperatures.  
7. Remove the right-hand screw and loosen the  
left-hand screw. Lift the cutter grid up and  
out over the left-hand screw.  
10. Wash only the outside of the plastic hoses  
with mild soap or detergent and warm  
water. Rinse with clean water.  
NOTE: Make sure the plastic spacer from the  
right-hand side of the cutter grid bracket stays  
with the cutter grid.  
11. Replace water pan by pushing back on the  
bottom with one hand while pushing up  
and back on the top. Secure the water pan  
by replacing both screws.  
12. Check the following:  
• Drain cap from the water pan is in place.  
• Hose from the water pan is inserted into  
the storage bin drain opening.  
13. Slide the cutter grid back into place and  
secure it by replacing the right-hand screw  
and tightening the left-hand screw.  
Reconnect the electrical and ice level  
sensor harnesses.  
14. Replace the cutter grid cover with three  
Ice level  
15. Plug in the icemaker or reconnect power.  
16. Reset the controls. See the Set controls  
Care and Cleaning  
Light bulb  
The icemaker has a light bulb in the top of the  
storage bin. To replace it, open the bin door  
and follow these instructions:  
1. Unplug the icemaker or disconnect power.  
2. Remove the 3 screws that hold the cutter  
grid cover in place. Reach behind the  
control panel and pull the light bulb down.  
3. Replace with a 12-volt wedge base-type bulb  
(automotive #917). Locate the light bulb  
receptacle at the top behind the control  
panel. Align the flat edge of the light bulb  
with the receptacle and snap the bulb  
into place.  
4. Replace the cutter grid cover with the  
3 screws.  
5. Plug in the icemaker or reconnect power.  
and moving  
To shut down the icemaker:  
5. Disconnect the inlet and outlet lines to  
water valve. Allow these lines to drain and  
then reconnect to the valve.  
1. Unplug the icemaker or disconnect power.  
2. Remove all ice from the storage bin.  
3. Shut off the water supply.  
6. Replace the lower access panel and screws.  
Drain water from water pan by removing  
the drain cap. Also, remove water from  
drain line.  
4. Remove the 2 screws in the lower access  
panel and the 2 screws from the base grille  
area of the front panel support. Pull forward  
to remove the lower access panel.  
7. Before using again, clean the icemaker  
and storage bin.  
8. Plug in the icemaker or reconnect power.  
NOTE: All components of the icemaker are  
permanently lubricated at the factory. They  
should not require any additional oiling  
throughout the normal life of the machine.  
leveling legs  
Your icemaker has 2 adjustable leveling legs to  
help you steady the product and make sure it  
is level.  
1. Place a carpenter’s level on top of the  
icemaker to make sure it is level from front  
to back and side to side.  
2. Lift the top front of the icemaker to locate  
the leveling screws that are on the bottom  
3. Using an adjustable wrench, change the  
height of the legs as follows:  
Turn the leveling leg to the right to lower  
that side of the icemaker.  
Turn the leveling leg to the left to raise that  
side of the icemaker.  
NOTE: The icemaker should not wobble.  
Use shims to add stability when needed.  
4. Use a carpenter’s level to make sure the  
icemaker is even from front to back and side  
to side.  
Reversing the Door Swing  
TOOLS NEEDED: 516wrench, 14wrench,  
To reverse  
the door  
To reverse the hinges:  
flat putty knife, Phillips screwdriver  
1. Using a flat putty knife, remove the plug  
buttons from the screw holes opposite of the  
door hinges, top and bottom. Set aside.  
Parts Supplied:  
2. Remove the two screws holding the top  
hinge. Turn the hinge upside down so that  
the hinge pin points up. Place the hinge on  
the opposite side at the bottom of the door.  
Four plug buttons  
3. Remove the plastic hinge sleeve from the  
“old” bottom hinge and replace it on the  
new bottom hinge pin.  
Parts Identification: (For Reference Only)  
4. Remove the bottom hinge. Turn the hinge  
upside down so that the hinge pin points  
down. Place the hinge on the opposite side  
at the top of the door.  
Hinge Pin  
Handle Screw  
Endcap Screw  
5. Push the plug buttons into the original  
5/16Hex Head  
screw holes.  
Hinge Screw  
6. Remove the top hinge pin.  
IMPORTANT: Before you begin, unplug the  
icemaker or disconnect power.  
To remove door from hinges:  
1. Remove the handle screws and lift off the  
handle (on some models). Keep the parts  
together and set them aside.  
Top Hinge  
2. Remove the hinge pin from the top hinge.  
3. Lift the door off of the bottom hinge.  
Place the hinge pin back into the top hinge.  
4. Reverse the door endcaps as follows:  
Remove the screws and endcaps from the  
door, top and bottom.  
Place the top endcap on the bottom of the  
opposite side of the door with the long flat  
side facing the door front.  
Bottom Hinge  
Place the bottom endcap on the top of the  
opposite side of the door with the long flat  
side facing the door front.  
5. Set the door aside.  
Bottom Hinge  
Top Hinge  
Hinge Pin  
Hinge Sleeve/  
Door Stop  
Hex Head  
Hinge Screw  
Hinge Sleeve/  
Door Stop  
Hinge Pin  
Hex Head Hinge Screw  
Reversing the Door Swing  
To reverse  
the door  
To replace door on hinges:  
1. Place plastic hinge sleeve on bottom hinge  
and position the door on the pin.  
2. Place plastic hinge sleeve in the top hinge  
hole on the door. Align the door on the  
bottom hinge and replace the top hinge pin.  
3. Replace the handle and handle screws.  
To reverse the door catch:  
1. Remove the plugs buttons from the opposite  
side of the door.  
2. Remove the screws from the magnetic door  
catch and replace it on the opposite side of  
the door.  
3. Push the plug buttons into place on the  
opposite side of the door.  
Door Catch  
The Problem Solver  
Power cord is not plugged into a live outlet.  
The control is set at OFF.  
The fuse is blown/circuit breaker is tripped. Replace fuse or  
reset the breaker.  
Room temperature is colder than normal. Room temperature  
must be above 55˚F (13˚C). Otherwise, bin thermostat may  
sense cold room temperature and shut off even though the bin  
is not full of ice. Also, unit may not restart once it does shut off.  
Use this  
problem solver!  
High mineral content in the water supply. Water may need to  
be filtered or treated.  
Food items stored in ice bin. Do not store any foods in the  
ice bin.  
Packaging materials were not removed. Make sure that all  
packaging materials were removed at the time of installation.  
Ice storage bin needs cleaning.  
Scale has built up in the icemaker. If there is white scale  
buildup in the icemaker’s water or freezing system, you should  
clean the icemaker. See Care and Cleaning---Icemaker System.  
The control is set at OFF.  
Water supply is not connected.  
Condenser is dirty. Dirt or lint may be blocking the airflow  
through the condenser. See Care and Cleaning---Condenser.  
Scale has built up in the icemaker. If there is white scale  
buildup in the icemaker’s water or freezing system, you should  
clean the icemaker. See Care and Cleaning---Icemaker System.  
Room temperature is too hot. Room temperatures of more  
than 90˚F (32˚C) will normally reduce ice production.  
Condenser is dirty. Dirt or lint may be blocking the airflow  
through the condenser. See Care and Cleaning---Condenser.  
Scale has built up in the icemaker. If there is white scale  
buildup in the icemaker’s water or freezing system, you should  
clean the icemaker. See Care and Cleaning---Icemaker System.  
Water is leaking from the water pan because the drain cap is  
not secure. Make sure the drain cap is securely tightened.  
Cutter grid is not securely in place. Unplug the icemaker or  
disconnect power. Remove the cutter grid cover and check the  
cutter grid harness plug to make sure the connection is  
secure. For instructions on removing and replacing the cutter  
grid and the location of the harness plug, see Care and  
The ice sheet is trapped on the cutter grid. Unplug the  
icemaker or disconnect power. Remove the cutter grid cover  
and move the ice sheet to the cutter grid. Make sure the cutter  
grid is lined up with the freezing plate. See Operating  
Instructions---How your icemaker works. If it is not lined up with  
the freezing plate, adjust the cutter grid. For instructions on  
removing and replacing the cutter grid, see Care and Cleaning---  
Interior. Reinstall the cutter grid cover and reconnect power.  
Turn on the icemaker. The icemaker will reset itself and start a  
new cycle after flushing water through the system.  
o d a y M a i l T t a n t I m p o r  
e g i s t r a t i o n O w n e r s h i p R  
o d u c t C o n s u m e r P r  
G E A p p l i a n c e s  
1st Class  
General Electric Company  
Warranty Registration Department  
P.O. Box 32150  
Louisville, KY 40232-2150  
Consumer Product Ownership Registration  
Dear Customer:  
Thank you for purchasing our product and thank you for placing your confidence in us. We are proud to  
have you as a customer!  
Follow these three steps to protect your new appliance investment:  
Complete and mail  
your Consumer  
After completing this  
registration, write your  
model and serial numbers  
in this manual. You will need  
this information should  
you require service. The  
service number in the  
USA: 800.444.1845.  
Read your “Owner’s  
Manual” carefully.  
It will help you  
operate your new  
appliance properly.  
Product Ownership  
Registration today.  
Have the peace of mind  
of knowing we can  
contact you in the  
unlikely event of a  
safety modification.  
In Canada, call:  
Important: To ensure that your product is registered, mail the separate product registration card.  
If the separate product registration card is missing, fold and mail the form below. No envelope is needed.  
Consumer Product Ownership Registration  
Miss l  
Mr. l Ms. l Mrs. l  
Apt. #  
Date Placed  
In Use  
General Electric Company  
Louisville, KY 40225  
Consumer Services  
With the purchase of your new Monogram appliance, receive the  
assurance that if you ever need information or assistance from GE,  
we’ll be there. All you have to do is call---toll-free!  
Whatever your question about any Monogram major appliance, GE Answer Center®  
information service is available to help. Your call---and your question---will be answered  
promptly and courteously. And you can call any time. GE Answer Center® service is open  
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  
GE Answer  
In the USA:  
Visit our Website at:  
In Canada, call 1.888.880.3030.  
In-Home Repair  
A GE consumer service professional will provide expert repair service, scheduled at a time  
that’s convenient for you. Many GE Consumer Service company-operated locations offer  
you service today or tomorrow, or at your convenience (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekdays,  
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturdays). Our factory-trained technicians know your appliance  
inside and out---so most repairs can be handled in just one visit.  
In the USA:  
In Canada:  
For Customers  
With Special  
GE offers Braille controls for a variety of GE appliances, and a  
brochure to assist in planning a barrier-free kitchen for persons with  
limited mobility.  
Consumers with impaired hearing or speech who have access  
to a TDD or a conventional teletypewriter may call 800.TDD.GEAC  
(800.833.4322) to request information or service.  
In the USA:  
Service Contracts  
You can have the secure feeling that GE Consumer Service will still be there after your  
warranty expires. Purchase a GE contract while your warranty is still in effect and you’ll  
receive a substantial discount. With a multiple-year contract, you’re assured of future  
service at today’s prices.  
In the USA:  
In Canada:  
Parts and  
Individuals qualified to service their own appliances can have parts or accessories sent directly  
to their home. The GE parts system provides access to over 47,000 parts…and all GE Genuine  
Renewal Parts are fully warranted. VISA, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted.  
In the USA:  
User maintenance instructions contained in this manual cover procedures intended to be  
performed by any user. Other servicing generally should be referred to qualified service  
personnel. Caution must be exercised, since improper servicing may cause unsafe operation.  
In Canada:  
Staple sales slip or cancelled check here. Proof of original purchase  
date is needed to obtain service under warranty.  
From the Date  
of the Original  
For one year from date of original purchase, we will provide, free of charge, parts and service  
labor in your home to repair or replace any part of the icemaker that fails because of a  
manufacturing defect.  
For five years from date of original purchase, we will provide, free of charge, parts and service  
labor in your home to repair or replace any part of the sealed icemaking system (the compressor,  
condenser, evaporator and all connecting tubing) that fails because of a manufacturing defect.  
This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products  
purchased for ordinary home use in the 48 mainland states, Hawaii and Washington, D.C. or  
Canada. In Alaska, the warranty is the same except that it is LIMITED because you must pay to  
ship the product to the service shop or for the service technician’s travel costs to your home.  
All warranty service will be provided by our Factory Service Centers or by our authorized  
Customer Care® servicers during normal working hours.  
Should your appliance need service, during warranty period or beyond, in the U.S.A.,  
call 800.444.1845. In Canada: 888.880.3030.  
• Service trips to your home to teach you how  
to use the product.  
• Improper installation.  
If you have an installation problem, contact  
your dealer or installer. You are responsible  
for providing adequate electrical, plumbing  
and other connecting facilities.  
• Replacement of house fuses or resetting  
of circuit breakers.  
• Damage to the product caused by accident,  
fire, floods or acts of God.  
• Incidental or consequential damage caused  
by possible defects with this appliance.  
• Failure of the product if it is used for  
other than its intended purpose or used  
Some states/provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential  
damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you  
specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state/province  
to province. To know what your legal rights are in your state/province, consult your local or  
state/provincial consumer affairs office or your state’s Attorney General.  
Warrantor: General Electric Company. If further help is needed concerning this warranty,  
write: Manager---Customer Relations, GE Appliances, Louisville, KY 40225  
Part No. 2217244  
Pub No. 49-60027-1  
12-01 JR  
General Electric Company  
Louisville, KY 40225  
Printed in the United States  

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